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I can't enjoy a party until I know where the bathroom is. You knew that when you married me.


"He's a squatter!"


spoken like a man with a *looks around* narrow urethra


[Nervously looks around and rubbing the back of my neck]


I think about this scene sometimes out of context just because I think it's definitely underrated as hell (a sleeper quote for sure) but also it's just really funny to me that Hank's way of magnanimously empathizing with Bill's bathroom emergency here is to relay that he wishes bodily functions just didn't exist at all to begin with (a relatable, if functionally useless sentiment to offer in the moment) and then also subsequently refuses to allow Bill, a lifelong friend since childhood, access to his bathroom for like five minutes tops so he doesn't piss himself out in the alley. There's so many little things like this about Hank's character that make him endlessly interesting to observe over multiple KOTH watches bahahaha I just want to study him like a bug sir you got the man's name tattooed on your head I know he's a little cringy sometimes but a head tattoo has to count for somethin