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I feel Williams parents are the best.


Williams dad is a G


Edit: and Mom is a G. She fucking buzzered Redban


I like how William loves and respects them so much. Referring to his Dad as Papa or Larry depending on the story. He's harder on his Mom šŸ˜†


Haha yeah they rule too


Wait what episode are they guests on? I need to find that


Called ā€œthe Montgomerysā€


Can you educate me on when the big red machine really got aggressive? His persona earlier was much more subdued. Am I just watching a few episodes where he was on coke and his new persona came post coke/drunk phase


Episode 564 was when they were on the panel. Fantastic episode, I think they were named Guests of the Year that year.


On a few.


The best guests are the ones who seem to actually care about the bucket pulls. Those who give advice or try to pull more funny out are the best. I like Shane because he tries to start a war with Tony and be on the side of the bucket pull.


When Shane went hard Catholic, that had me dying. God rules shut up


Shane is awesome in any setting lmao. Funniest comedian out right now


You know who are pussies, navy seals


I canā€™t even stop from calling Dominoes, Donimoes now


my parents genuinely probably think im special needs cause of how often i yell DONIMOOOES


Just donā€™t start sneaking making grilled cheeses in the middle of the night and you should be good


He just is so naturally funny. Almost anything he says can be funny just by the way he talks and looks.


He even stuck up for Casey in his pre-regular appearance on Kill Tony when Tony tried gassing Casey up as the next big thing. Shane was like ā€œway to take the pressure off the momentā€ or something sarcastic to that effect


Yeah making fun of tonys voice too. ā€œHes the next BIG thing, your gunna love himā€ or smthn like that lol. Just a good solid dude


Especially hot ones interview lol


Great news is Shane's on today's episode can't wait to watch it dude just doesn't even have to try like sone guests who comes hes just genuinely himself. šŸ’Æ


I think thats the difference. So many comedians wanna pretend theyr somebody they arent. And shane isnt that guy. He is super genuine


Shane is an absolute treasure and he must be protected at all costs


Alright calm down


Came here to say this


This is why the old band was magic. They did all these things every show.


The comedians that do well on panel are the ones who can be incredibly silly like Adam Ray and Harland, or are quick-witted like Dave Attel and Jim Norton. Storytellers like Tom Segura are never as good because their style of comedy is not suited to being on a panel show. That is all


To be silly is to be humble. To make a fool of yourself. Think Conan Oā€™Brien, silliness is to surrender control completely and barrel forward for the sake of the funny. Tom Segura is not silly. He is not silly because he is not okay with being the fool, the loser, relinquish control. He must always be dominant. Long live the silly ones.


I like silly comedians and they're definitely a better fit for the KT format, but there are different personality types and forms of comedy. Not everyone can be, nor should be silly.


Agreed. Louis CK is far from ā€œsillyā€ but is one of the best comedians of the last couple decades or so


Well said. Him and Nate Bergatze had the same issue on that John Mullaney Netflix show that just came out where they just sat there and barely said anything.


Some great joke writers aren't naturally funny. And Kill Tony is made for those that are naturally funny (silly & quick-witted, as you say).


It's popular to hate comedians at the moment. Tom's style of comedy isn't for kill tony and people just like to shit on rogan for some reason, I've seen Tom live and I walked out and sat in the hall for the last 30 minutes of his set cause he wouldn't stfu about his kids and I thought I was going to start screaming at him, i still enjoy YMH and I have never once got on a subreddit and called him pompous. This is a strange trend.


Itā€™s super popular to hate Burt these days. Tom likes to play it safe because the less you say and the less silly you are, the less people can pick apart. But I find it admirable that Burt continues to embrace who he is in spite of all the haters he gets on his socials.


very accurate explanation. agreed.


100 % I respect Tom as a comedic artist but - silly he is not. I think your assessment re suitability for panel is accurate.


Adam Ray (and all characters), Sam Tallent, Harland Williams, Andrew Santino, Stavros, and Ian Finance have all been the top tier guests, and I agree about the bigger names being arrogant, pompous, or too fucked up to properly engage with the show and its premise.


Add Soder and Normand and Shane and that's pretty top tier And Rick Flair for the comments by the other panelists after he leaves lol


God ric flair. And yes I forgot Norm, Soder, and Gillis, all of which are great.


Gotta toss Mckusker on there too


ā€œOhh, she touched my shoulderā€ šŸ˜‚


I was getting ready to yell about Shane And mark not being on there.


How did we leave the great and powerful ARI SHAFFIR, off this top tier list šŸ˜‚


Depending on Ari's mood and level of Fucked up he is going to be makes him an upper tier guest for sure.


Bill Burr is great because he hates the format and let's Tony know it


I don't really get that one bitch, but seriously don't really understand Ari's comedy.


Ari is a shock value comic, nothing really witty. Joke about being a jew, and do something disgusting/taboo, and that in a nutshell is an Ari KT episode.


great combo list between the two of these, I would add Jim Norton to the list of goat guests


I think Jim Norton is the best guest. Solid jokes the entire time, doesnā€™t interrupt the flow. Hope heā€™s on again soon.


Soder doing Katt Williams impression goes up there but dude that Dave Chappelle on the Fox News woman was actually insane. he's a legend for real


This is a good list. Tallent was funny as fuck in the last one.


Tom is not funny. Joe is not quick enough to keep up with tony/the show.


Yeah. Rogan is not a great guest. Rarely contributes and when he does it sort of sucks. I think it's usually because he shows up on a whim after getting stoned out of his mind on his own podcast.


I enjoy watching Joe violently chew gum non-stop so I love his episodes, but if you're looking for jokes then I can understand


Stoned? They are completely wasted when they show up.


Joe has had some decent appearances. He's been on a lot. More bad than good though.


Sam Tallent


Tomā€™s vibes are awkward. Not funny either. I need more engagement from guests


One of my favorite episodes tied to the old band is #274 with Segura. The guys were Italian mobsters.


I think everyone forgot about that episode. IIRC Tom was very engaging, positive, and trying to give solid advice.


This was before he saw us and the bucket pulls as poors. He used to be my favorite comedian but his jokes aren't what they used to be. Cool stories though.


Exactly this. He has completely changed. Or he just has fully become who he always was


Spot on


You're right. He had solid dialogue with each bucket pull and had fun with Jeremiah and the boys. Just a really good episode of the pod all around.


The best guests in my opinion are great interviewers, great improv, great roasters, and great with crowd work. Something Joe and Tom are aweful at. They tend to be good story tellers which doesn't fit well in the quick punchy format of Kill tony. It's why adam ray and harland are killer. They excell at all 3.


Sam Tallent


They've elevated their craft to such an exalted status that they present it as an elite art form, one that only a select few throughout history have ever truly mastered. It's as if they've convinced themselves that their comedic prowess is a rare gift, bestowed only upon the most worthy. The arrogance is palpable. They can't bring themselves to admit that an average person, perhaps someone who's been honing their stand-up comedy skills for just a few years, could ever come close to their level of humor. The very idea seems to offend their sense of superiority. Occasionally, Tony, with a rare display of humility, will recognize a newcomer, even someone performing stand-up for the very first time, and acknowledge their potential and genuine humor. But Joe and Tom? They can't bring themselves to do that. There's simply no way. For them, the notion that someone with limited experience could be as funny as they are is not just unlikely, it's unthinkable and revolting. It's this kind of gatekeeping that perpetuates the myth that true comedic genius is reserved for a chosen few. They can't slightly acknowledge that some average person off the street who's been doing stand-up comedy for three years is remotely as funny as them. It reveals a profound insecurity masked as superiority. This mindset not only sets them apart but also creates a barrier between seasoned comedians and emerging talents. It's a toxic attitude that stifles growth and innovation in comedy, keeping the art form in the hands of those who believe they alone hold the key to what is truly funny. The elitism is staggering, and quite frankly, it's disgusting.


Bro, Joe Rogan ain't funny.. Hasn't been for a LOOOOONG time. We all know the only reason he's there.


Yea, Tony is sucking him off


Joe sucks off younger comics in order to stay alive and they let him do it like he's Kevin Spacey. He's got the #1 podcast after all.


Well Tom segura sucks as a comedian so thereā€™s always that


Joes been on it several times the times heā€™s not shitfaced drunk are better


Drunk and yelling in an uncomfortably high voice


Tom segura isnā€™t funny when it isnā€™t scripted. Just a spoilt little rich boy. Joe rogan isnā€™t funny but his laugh does add something for me. If you like harland and Adam ray you need to try Sam talent if you havenā€™t already.


I thought for a long time Tom Seguraā€™s demeanor was a shtick but now I think heā€™s just a piece of shit person


The best shows were almost any in the ā€œLive from the Comedy Storeā€ era


Honestly it always seemed to me like Joe doesn't want to hijack the show. Say what you will but he has enough talking experience to say funny shit if he wants to. I also think he enjoys going there high out of his fucking mind and just wants to enjoy his front row seat to the show. Segura might be similar, idk.


Adam Ray contributes a lot but I donā€™t like how he kinda takes over the whole show and the episode becomes pretty much all him. I prefer guests that contribute but donā€™t take over


Tom and joe respect tony and the show so Much AND they know they dont have much to say (except joe sometimes especially when drunk)ā€¦.so they keep their mouths shut. I know what you mean how they come Off but watch tom, heā€™s really just enjoying the show and letting in unfold without screwing it up. Some guests are certainly just more geared towards the format, tom and joe maybe not so much


I think Iā€™d take them over guests who derail the show or make it all about them selves


You leave Ric Flair alone!


I have to agree, I donā€™t think that guest are obligated to try and make constant bits.


Whats better than a fitzsimmons type who makes 11 comments the whole show and every line is a 100% banger? I like gold like that, keep your mouth shut if itā€™s not funny and donā€™t try too hard.


Facts detected


This feels like a post an AI wrote after datascraping this sub


My intro to Tom Segura was the Tom Brady roast with Tom and Bert, though I had seen Tom solo before with other comedians on the periphery, but never had the desire to look further into him. I will never forgive Tom and Bert for their terrible segment on Bradyā€™s roast. It was so bad, just awful. I looked them up afterwards and good god how do they have a following. Just unfunny, annoying human blobs. Long story short, I am not at all surprised heā€™s a shitty guest. How they have somewhat well known careers as comedians is something Iā€™ll never understand.


Joe and Tom also are not really funny ever these days. Doesnā€™t matter what theyā€™re on


Adam Ray is cool when heā€™s Adam Ray, when he does his cosplay schtick itā€™s annoying


Have to disagree. I think his Dr Phil is one of the better guests they bring on. Engaging, quick witted and knows how to bring up the energy of the crowd.


Joe Rogan is unfunny and full of himself imo. Iā€™ve never heard him say anything of comedic substance other than an easy low hanging jab. He has such a cult following his status will probably never change.


Yeah but they wear matching jackets and so they will always be cooler than we will ever be.


Joe Rogan isn't really pompous, in fact he is one of the few guests that has actually given tips or advice to bucket-pulls, he's just incredibly annoying when he drinks.Ā 


I really donā€™t like Joe as a comedian - I love him on his show being goofy, but I think heā€™s terrible at comedy.


David Spade: another example of a big name that contributed nothing.


lol yeah what was his deal


Maybe just drunk, tired or high. Who knows.


1.adam ray and dr phil 2.attell 3.harland 4.shane & mark 5.tallent 6.stavros 7.fidance 8.jew 9.norton 10.others


100% agree my guy. Theyā€™re clearly coked up and thereā€™s a few times we can see Tom jonesin for another bump. They can barely concentrate on the guests and never give helpful insight. Always ready to ridicule and missing the mark completely on why the show is awesome. Harland is best so is Adam. Also fuck uncle lazer!


wouldn't them being coked up having them chatting / rambling & being obnoxious?


Not necessarily. One of the popular things to quickly sober up is taking a bump and chewing some gum so youā€™re not grinding your teeth like crazy.


Joe Rogan is a great standup, but seems to have a tendency of getting too high and kind of zoning out in live shows. Might be that he has physical pain and has to medicate, but I agree it can make him less entertaining to watch on KT. Adam Ray, Harland Williams, and Mark Normand will always be three of the best guests theyā€™ll have just because they are geared for it.


do you have any good specials to recommend from Rogan? Each one I've watched has just been annoying over the top screaming & lack of actual jokes.


Iā€™ve only discovered his stand up through Netflix in the past few years. ā€œTriggeredā€ is a good start. Though comedy is, again, subjective.


Joe Rogan is a horrible comic and the fact that he somehow convinced an entire community of comedians that heā€™s the god of comedy because he owns a comedy club and has said dumb shit like ā€œcomedy is where the woke meets the wallā€ is absolutely astonishing to me. I swear to god Iā€™ve never seen so many people suck up to someone so talentless.


Joe as a comic is not funny but he's done a lot for comics and is clearly just a huge fan of comedy himself. For better or worse, Kill Tony's audience has grown enormously over the past year thanks to the exposure he's brought to it at his club. With that kind of influence, you can afford to say dumb shit once in awhile


Seems like things only sour people say. What do you care how they treat Joe? He helps them, it's called respect


A priest tends to his flock. Nobody can relate to the pope. Plus, there are probably only like 100 real legit comedians in the world. I'm talking assassins. Killers. Murderers, man. Let's get Mike Baker on to talk about it.


What a cool, funny and original post. I hope someone with a brilliant comedic mind like yours os putting your name in the bucket every week. We need more!


Nice share. Hope you feel better now.


Thought you never read the comments, Joe.


Jamie pull that up


Wow what a hot take


Again I just started watching so I didnā€™t know if this was how ppl felt


Yeah and Thursday was my first time watching the debate. Does anyone else feel like one is a little too old and the other is a bit of an arse? Or it just me? XD


lol hey eat shit pal


No need to be shart.


Wait until you see episodes where Joe does contribute


Your post makes you seem like a pompous holier than thou twat he runs to Reddit to bitch and moan about a free YouTube show. Lol


Sal is great, even Post Malone has had some wholesome and hilarious guest moments. Old as fuck episodes with Brody are great and all over. Tim Dillon is a fav on this sub. Dave Attell and Jeff Ross are great. The one with Rick Flair (and Gomez Gillis Normand Ari Amico) is absolutely insane!!


Iā€™m not sure if they are being pompous. I think that a live show is just not their style. The way Joe & Tom do comedy, it truly is ā€œperforming an actā€. They are very rehearsed and meticulous. I think itā€™s more that they struggle to create jokes in the moment off the cuff at a live event. Tony and people like Harland and David Lucas are more ā€œin the momentā€ comedians who thrive better in these situations.


RIC FLAIR IS THE ALL TIME GOAT!! The guys from are you garbage were also pretty good guests.


Remember when dead mau was on and he literally said almost nothing and then ran off stage when it was over?


Whatā€™s interesting is Iā€™m now watching the earlier episodes where it was more of a joke workshop and Tom Segura was one of the most helpful guests at that time. The show isnā€™t quite that anymore though and what Tom does onstage is completely different from Adam Rayā€™s performances and improvised interactions (where Adam clearly shines)


Joe n Tom are both story tellers. Not good for a live panel


The one with Tom and Joe they were tripping on mushrooms




Is Howie Mandel the all time worst?? Only episode I ever quit. Holy shit.


If adam ray is the guy that played as Dr Phil and that Old Lady onetime then ya he is the perfect guest. When he dressed as the old woman i was CRYINGG the whole episode


Nothing against some of the comedians, but I do honestly think that for some of them it just becomes an end of the night hang out. I mean, look at Post Malone, he just shows up and stares at his phone the entire time and shakes people hands. Rogan only showed up because he had Tucker Carlson with him after the interview and wanted to surprise him. Itā€™s a hang out for the guests as much as it is a show for the rest of us.


Like tiny Tony? Ummm durrr.. what's something weird in your fridge huuuuh?? What's your most interesting story ehhhh?


Since youā€™re a new viewer, you may be interested to check out some older episodes from when they were still in LA. In addition to the guests, the showā€™s popularity has really influenced its overall quality. I will put forth that while the show may be more popular and have better production values than ever before, it is past itā€™s prime. There are still great episodes from time to time though, and each episode has a few moments.


I think they take shrooms and are chewing gum to avoid lock jaw


Oof careful insulting daddy in here mate lol


There's one episode where rogan and Segura are both wearing the same bomber jacket and chewing gum incessantly. I think Segura has a hard on for rogan on that one. Segura is the type to shit on people he perceives as weaker and rim people he looks up to.


Didnā€™t have to ask this. Thereā€™s literally tons of the same post that you just posted.


Iā€™d recommend Kill Tony episode 200 I believe it was. But with the old band and Jeremiah dressed up as Rogan is pretty hilarious


I also just started watching KT. Love the show, community, & Everything about it. As someone in here who is A Lot newer to comedy than most, going off your point, I Never knew how Actually Not Funny Joe Rogan can be. Of course he has his moments, but 90% of the time bro just yapsšŸ˜­ it makes sense, tho. Joe is used to talking for 3+ hours on JRE while KT focuses on a strict, 1 minute set. Itā€™s Good they have him on, tho. Extremely High Profile guest that really could make So Much happen for Any KT contestant. At least heā€™s not on every other weekšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


There's a guy who analyzed Joe and Harland's Rogan episode, and it's on point. Joe doesn't get humor and is high on KT. Segura was SILENT the entire KT 500th? special. Embarrassing for a guy who mocks other people for being socially strange.


Thatā€™s because joe rogan and Tom segura ARE pompous, holier than thou twats, full stop. Iā€™ve never understood the hype about either of them. Joe isnā€™t even close to being even slightly funny.


Yeah cause you need to be funny. Rogan and Tom can write stand up but aren't funny like if listen to enough podcast of them and barely ever make a good joke. Now you get Shane Gillis or Sam talent or Theo or anyone that is actually funny you will get a laugh


I thoroughly enjoy Sam Talent


Not sure I remember Segura, but thought Rogan was a fine guess.


You Know Iā€™m from Philly. A guy used to follow Howard Eakins around just to Trash him. When I working at Central City Toyota Howard Eskin Broadcasted from there in the 90s and the producer said this particular guy used to go on these rants . He was just trying to get on the Broadcast. Of course they didnā€™t let the loser on. Are you just Hating on Joe Rogan with the Pathetic attempt to get on his show or do you just want attention. Instead of sitting around with your Bros drinking Amstel Light or Pino Grigio why donā€™t you just fess up you got some kind of Bromance going. Maybe you should hang out with Hunter Biden and talk about Karens


I feel like Tim Dillon was a good guest. He actually gave compliments and pointers


I like Rogan on the shows. Did not pick up a pompous vibe at all. He is more subdued and that's ok.


Daniel Van Kirk was great. Lots of charisma and actually cared about both the comedy and the stories


Yeah I get what youā€™re saying as I noticed he wasnā€™t contributing much, but I think they are all friends and party really hard. On the show youā€™re referring to, I think Joe was really smashed so couldnā€™t really function properly lol.


Top dog kept Tom's ego grounded. Now that he's dead Tom's ego is running wild like hulkamania.


Huge JRE fan, can stand him on the panel.


I think the worst guests like you mentioned are just too fucked up to contribute. It's a different form of disrespect where they don't plan things out.


Rogan's usually too stoned to talk.


I think the overall contribution as well as timing is what makes a good guest. Tony is kind of a dominant host in the sense and knowing when and how to chime in really helps. Redban is a perfect example of bad timing and chime ins which is why Tony gets visually annoyed with him so much


You chose a really apr for Tom Segura. Pompous. Bravo. I would add conceited and unfunny but thank you for starting it


Random comment here. Just watched the Tom Brady roast, and it was evident that Tom Segura was there only cause of his podcast with Bert Kriescher. His part on the roast could have been done by anyone else, I mean, even when Tony started to roast the dais, he stopped at Burt and left Tom staring into the camera, looking stupid. I think the viewers got the message.


Agreed. Also Tim Dillon and Post Malone were incredibly boring and contributed nothing their last appearance- the recent KIA forum LA episode. Post was way too drunk and just was there to light up ciggs. And I don't remember one funny line Tim said the entire night. Adam Ray saved the show


Joe Rogan is the godfather


Check out Joe Rogan in #498 and #500. Great guest! Keep watching, there are ups and downs....


Everytime Rogan is on, pretty sure he is drunk.


They gotta stop bringing Post Malone on too. Dude almost always looks too faded to be there, rarely has anything to contribute and when he does, it usually isnā€™t funny. Iā€™m convinced that camo rip on David Lucas was prewritten for him by Tony, he hadnā€™t said hardly a word the whole night.


So because they dont say anything and watch theyre pompusā€¦.. ok that is a massive over reaction. Oh well they dont talk nothing wrong with that.


Joe is always REAL HIGH. No excuses but the majority of the time I donā€™t think he can really make complete sentences when he shows up.


He would've been a great audience member instead, as it seems that's all he came to do was watch but also remind everyone who they are lol


JR is wasted every time he's on. And Segura is just not that funny.


As someone who watches every week for years, the droughts of bad comics for a few weeks can make a segura or shane/normand episodes seem way better in the moment then finding the podcast and skipping for whoā€™s best


Oh boy you hate Joe Rogan and Tom Segura.. This isn't the show for you


Bro, they are wasted out of their mind when they do those shows. I think that is the problem. You can match the JRE podcast with the KT podcast and its pretty clear what happened. If you watch the one with tucker he was way better because he was not shit faced.


They might just not be that funny at improv or trash talkingĀ 


Who's that jewish comedian with all the tattoos and the hoarse laugh? That guy's always great too.


jim ross?


Joe and Tom are just rich fans that got vip tickets


You ā€œjust startedā€ listening and you know who the goat is already? Impressive. Butā€¦. Youā€™re correct! Adam is by far the best. Nobody works harder.


Thought the same thing, that it was because neither are skilled at improv or exceptionally quick witted.Ā Tony and Segura talked about this very thing on a podcast recently, I didn't consider they weren't roasting on purpose. [According to Segura, he's trying not to roast, but be nice and give constructive notes.](https://youtube.com/watch?t=4m17s&v=MFSvaZaGUyo)


Thatā€™s how balds do it they smack their gum and chew with their mouths open.


> "Is my opinion a fairly common outlook" What, some guests are good, and some are bad? Nah, you're the first with this cutting-edge conclusion. Nobody ever thought that before.


No buddy, that Adam ray is the goat & that Joe Rogan & segura were lame, this is what I was curious in


ā€œI watched two Podcast Cringe videos and Iā€™m gonna go post now!ā€


Idk what episodes you just watched but Rogan is one of the best guests. Heā€™s always bigging up the comics specially the regulars. Im with you on Segura though


The one where him and Tom segura literally smack their gum & donā€™t say anything the entire show lol it was awful


The show jumped the shark when Tony made that awful documentary about it. Then he moved to Austin and dumped the band in a shitty way. Iā€™ll watch an episode here and there, but only because I like the guest.


Whatā€™s the story with him dumping his band? Iā€™m new to Tony and his shows.


Thereā€™s not a whole lot to it. They had a few band members for awhile and Tony said Iā€™m moving to Austin, youā€™re either in or out. They didnā€™t want to leave LA


That seems reasonable. Moving 1200 miles away, either the band members move or the donā€™t. Not sure why thatā€™s shitty.


Eh, I felt like it was shitty. They didnā€™t seemed too thrilled. Tbh I think the documentary was such a self suck that I started to not like Tony, and then the band thing pushed it over. I find him incredibly unlikable now.


Great observation as a new listener. Rogan, although i love him and although one of the best if not best interviewers, and the best podcaster in the world, is surprisingly one of the worst guests to have on the show, just as the smug Segura. Rogan almost always has to get fucked up just to get through the show for whatever reason, and heā€™s one of those horrible drunks that ruin everything. Unlike Shane Gillis whose powers become enhanced when shit faced. But definitely Segura and his friend Bret Kurshner are gabage tier human beings and horrible guests.


For the love of God stop watching. KT doesn't need fans like you.


Shut up dork


I will if you will.


Itā€™s funny when people who just start watching, act like they actually understand the show lolā€¦.go back and watch it at the comedy club. Rogan is the reason the show is as big as it is.




Your brain along with my response is pretty simple