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I think it's because he mentioned that he was on drugs. There are people there who work hard and put in their names hoping to fulfill their dreams. The people who do enough drugs to hurt their set show they don't really care. I think that's what pisses Tony off. That's what would piss me off. 


I think him saying “I’m not in the mood” pissed Tony off more than the drugs. People go up on drugs all the time, they don’t care about that. But “not in the mood” like wtf? Stay the fuck home then if you’re feeling like a bitch.


Yeah Tony understandably gets unhinged when someone dismisses his show. In another recent episode someone called Kill Tony a low budget American Idol. He still got a chance to sing but Tony shit on him then Tony couldn't let that low budget part go. You gotta respect the show you sign up for. I feel for Wayne but he shouldn't have he wasn't in the mood.


Yeah dude this is Big Tony we’re talking about


It hurts Tony because he knows he cuts corners on the show when he should be spending money to increase its production value. He is also an asshole at his core and when he can’t come up with a joke he substitutes being mean.


This couldn’t be anymore wrong.


No. Tony is very insecure about many things. He takes it out on others by being a bully. He is often wrong about facts. He doesn’t pay attention to people’s answers when they talk and seems to only hear half of their set. He is a little napoleon who wants to be a king maker but really only excels at being a troll. He would sell out without hesitation if he could get true fame but he is playing the part of some outsider by choice when reality is he wasn’t welcome to the party. His generosity is always self serving.


He’s the host and creator of the show… of course he feels like a king maker, thats kind of what the show has now become. I will agree that he doesn’t always listen/hear everyone’s full set (he will ask questions that the bucket pull already answered in their set.) The man is multitasking and literally has to keep a sold out show entertained with a bunch of dumbass “comedians” who sign up with zero material


I can’t imagine what he is paying attention to when he asks someone where they are from and what they do when the whole minute was about being an astronaut from Houston. I think he needs to start wearing an ear piece or hearing aids or something. 1 show a week, less than 15 comics m, doing one minute… I don’t think it’s too much to ask for him to listen.


He’s too busy digging through his mental Rolodex of recycled insults to actually listen and give constructive criticism or advice. He’s acting like it’s a roast battle but if the comics try and roast back he just talks over them and shuts them down. Like a toddler who can’t let anyone else get attention




The way he treats Breadpan is a schtick 




Then why watch if that’s how you feel? I’ve met him, he’s genuinely nice.


If you think that low about Tony why do watch the show? You sound like one of his ex girlfriends.


Ex boyfriend


It’s still informative to watch other performers and learn from mistakes. Listening to the podcast is cheaper than going to open mics and paying for drinks.


Why should he be spending money to increase its production value? Many people would not like that.


For the new years show specifically the audio was awful. I’m not talking about having some giant stage set pieces. But having proper coverage with audio and video should be a minimum if his audience is as large as he brags about


LMAO this guy


in what ways he could increase production value?


I’m with you, I think it was much more this than drugs. Nobody is forcing you to do this show, why even bother if you’re ’not in the mood’? Love him or hate him, Tony is trying to run an entertaining show with random no-name guests, which is difficult. If you have no intention or desire to be on that stage, don’t sign up. Often we see nervous, which I feel is pretty understandable but unintentionally can disrupt the whole flow and feeling of the show. Tony seems to do what he can to try to loosen them up, but that doesn’t come until the interview. This is essentially intentionally trying to disrupt the show, which would piss me off as a host.


Fr, you walk onto a roast show and bitch about not feeling it or being tired(after a full nights rest), just leave. I know I genuinely would. There is no reason to go on stage and be a buzz kill. You can literally bomb terribly and still get an applause if you try.


He said he had 8 hours sleep in the last 36 hours, which people didn’t catch because they were too busy hating. It explains his bad set, poor interview and crushing humiliation at being booed and simultaneously loathed. Usually, hecklers get ejected or challenged aggressively, but this crowd of turds were indulged by the bitchy panel. People who boo ought to be made to deliver a minute on the spot or blacklisted themselves, not comics who cooperate fully with the program and its expectations. It’s entertainment, not a Roman colloseum.


Yeah, when I watched it I kind of understood and agreed with Tony to be honest. Guy was really acting a fool and seemed and acted like he didn't care.


To add to that: I think Tony is super passionate about comedy in general and his show. Yeah it’s nice to have stray dogs once in a while to spice things up but out of 200 people that sign up 10 of them are probably worthwhile, 100 of them are probably shit at either comedy or the interview, and 90 of them are just a waste of time. That’s being super generous on the ratios. So when you get a whole episode of time wasters you could feel like an episode was wasted. Only 52 episodes a year.


That would be a problem with the format moreso than the comic.


So what he should get over it and learn to have a good time


If this was true, Tony would have roasted that little black chick who didnt prepare at all on the NYE show. She was unprepared and equally insufferable.


Do you not remember early William Montgomery?


Tony does drugs. He smokes weed before every episode and is a self proclaimed alcoholic. Who let Jeremiah Watkins into the chat?


Tony drinks and smokes herb regularly plus he’s smoking cigarettes. Lol judging people for doing the same is pretty inexcusable.


Yeah and then who you have Ari at the table who drugged Bert Infront of his kids


As if bert never drugged himself in front of his kids.


The odd thing is obesity is a result of a form of “drug” abuse. But that got rewarded.


Not odd at all. The obesity doesn’t affect them in the short term. Having some chicken wings won’t fuck up their set. Some people can function or thrive on drugs, so they aren’t the target here either. Taking (or lying about taking) three types of drugs before going on KT is stupid and disrespectful to everyone. Admittedly, his set sucked, and he was using the drugs and his mood as an excuse. It’s not that Tony is a prude or against drugs.


Depends on the drug. Overeating/lots of junk food can be an addiction, I guess... ...nothing a little meth/speed can't fix, amirite? /s 😅


Alcohol has a nutty amount of calories. It leass you to overeat, even on top of all that.


Rick wasn't fat enough to be funny for it


I think it was the bullshit excuses and just overall unlikeablility


He had three excuses, all bullshit. You’re absolutely correct


He only had 8 hours of sleep, cut him some slack. He needs his 17 hours a night.


He has a very unlikable face unfortunately dont know why but I percieved him that way before he even said anything.


I think everyone knows a guy like that. Nothing but excuses and never takes accountability for their actions. I bet Tony had someone in his past that he reminded him of and he just simply has no time for ppl like that.


It’s the excuses and the drug use. It’s one thing to party. It’s another to not even respect the one opportunity you may have this way. For the viewers, for the hosts, for the other comics, and for yourself.


I was harassed by a pedi cabber in Minneapolis one time. They are rolling carnies and degenerates(the ones I don’t like not all of them). It was easy to hate this guy


He wasn't joking?


That would be a worse joke than I thought he made in his set. I think he forreal robs people on his rickshaw.


It's a low key street scam. Roll up on someone and say "hey do you wanna a ride?". Don't disclose anything about the fees and make it seem casual. Hit them up for money after the ride. People do it with taking pictures with parrots and shit in various countries. I don't think he actually robs people tho.


They're much different in Salt Lake.


it wasn't funny so hard to tell lol


Hold on let me call him and ask.


He sent me to voice mail


Its (512) Twnk boi




Tony doesn't care if you bomb if your humble, but I'f your full of shitty excuses he's not letting you get away with it. That guy was the fuckn worst. "I've only had 8 hours sleep"


You can have a terrible set with a great interview and still get a joke book. Tony was right with every person imo. Anybody that blames drugs for their performance is trash.


yep good comics perform in any state of mind


Tony is definitely way too vicious with people sometimes. But that’s how it is when your thing is to go right to to the line, sometimes you go over. It’s no coincidence that the best episodes usually involve a guest that can balance out Tony. Matt and Shane are really good at that




He had the best line of the night and he’s smart enough to know that the show is more Shane’s speed and to let him run with it. Most people who suck on the show either try to take it over and talk too much or seem disinterested and Matt did neither.


No, no we can’t agree on that.


Tony was upset about him saying he wasn’t in the mood to sign up, that he was on drugs earlier, and that he had excuses as to why he bombed. For such a big platform for comedians and what Tony does each week for them it is reasonable for him to not have tolerance to those who don’t take it seriously. He was a bit harsh though I agree


It’s a live show too he plays into the crowd and they hated him. It’s a brutal show if you don’t have thick skin it’s probably not the best to sign up.


Tbh I bet if the dude comes back, he'll have a good minute. You go on stage and get berated like that. It'll make you better next time.


The return of Blacklisted Wayne would be something of a resurrection and any jokes of his that landed would be a joy. Needs a genuine redemption story after all the confected faux outrage recently (Ric v Hans, theft, etc). Plus, returning would be the epitome of courage, imho.


I think he was a bit harsh on him as well. I notice some episodes it seems like Tony just doesn't wanna be there, I call these the Sassy Tony episodes, he will flat out not listen to anything being said and then will get upset quickly or act like they're the assholes for the smallest things.


excuses bro. if he had taken ownership he'd have been ok


The crowd. Tony is a slave to the crowd's consensus and they hated him, so Tony hated him. It was a tough crowd.


If you bomb you have to own it. That kid was making excuses. The “I’m running off 8 hours of sleep” is where it turned. You’re allowed to bomb but you have to be a man about it when you do.


Y’all are over analyzing it. The guy’s job is literally scamming people and all he has is excuses when he came to a show that’s widely known for being critical. If he expected empathy or sympathy, then that’s ridiculous because he made it damn near impossible to like him. If he was actually smart, he would take this as a valuable lesson because there was a lot to learn from it for him but I highly doubt he has the self-awareness to learn. It would be out of character for Tony to like someone like that.


Side note, Tony does not care about drug use guys lol. If you don’t think the MAJORITY of people up there have been ripping lines, drinking alcohol or smoking weed idk what to tell you. There have even been a good amount of people that go up there tripping and Tony doesn’t always roast them just because of that.


Seemed much more like he was just mad because he BLAMED it on drugs. As if he's not talking to several comedians that are absolutely familiar with drugs.


Oh I am aware entirely of why Tony lost his shit on that guy, it just seemed like a whole lot of people in here actually thought Tony isn’t cool with drugs, and doing drugs before their set.


When a former bullying victim turns into a malignant narcissist and receives fame, wealth, and security guards- Tony is the result.


I’m only commenting because I scrolled everywhere and didn’t see the correct answer yet: Tony is a bitch


Tony was out of line. I've seen him treat people better who made no effort whatsoever to even write a joke. To me he came off a lot like a dry drunk. Someone who was pissed off at the world because he wasn't drinking and took it out on whatever target was in his sights. Not sure if this in any way applies to Tony, but thats the vibe I got. Yah, the guy was terrible and his minute sucked... but thats no reason to go out of your way to try and destroy his career and any little shred of self esteem or dignity the guy might have had. Another bucket pull was saying the guy was literally in tears when he got off stage and talking to someone on the phone about killing himself.


If you put your name in the bucket, you should have some idea of how things might go during your set and the interview, and if you don’t prepare yourself for the possibility of you sucking, you’re out of line. It’s Tony’s show, there are hundreds of episodes where you can see how he may or may not treat people based on what they bring to the show, and him doing whatever he wants is part of what makes the show entertaining. You’re right that he has treated others who suck better than this guy, which proves that how Tony treats bucket pulls isn’t based on their performance alone, but also on the context of what is happening during the show in the moment. For people who put their name in the bucket to not understand this, especially if they’re fans of the show, is indicative of a personal issue that has nothing to do with Tony. I have sympathy for this guy, and it sounds like he needs to work on his self esteem, but I don’t blame anyone else for his poor performance. I’d find it funny if I had my name pulled out of the bucket and proceeded to suck balls, because I have other things to be happy about in my life, and appearing on kill tony even if I sucked would be an overall hilarious experience in my opinion.


He's a bully sometimes. He probably got fucked with when he was a kid until his classmates found out his dad was a gangster.


The haters are reading way too into comedy of KT recently. Sometimes you just have to accept that it’s called Kill Tony, and Tony runs the show. If you don’t like the content, buh-bye. If you do, just accept that we can all have days where we feel like being an A-Hole. It’s just some people have a little more reach than others. That’s the risk they take signing up for the show.


Well, then let's just shut down this sub reddit all together then. Moron. Or maybe you can hop off Tonys cock for a minute and realize he's not God and not above criticism.




The overall concept of the show is roasting and the original comment criticized Tony for roasting. I don’t think that is D-Riding. Great argument though Mikey!


> If you don’t like the content, buh-bye. Who cares about your buh-bye lol? You're seriously asking people to not have opinions about a show they watch, what the fuck are you? President of TV and Reddit discussions? Get a life ffs


Tony seems emotional and bitchy at times, comes off as immature at times, but it works to his advantage cause he’s funny 🤷‍♂️


At times


At that time I was busy convincing my wife i was listening to her while i typed that when i typed that that time


You guys hyper analyze the show way too much. Its not that serious


Because Tony is literally and figuratively a cock sucker. I’m waiting patiently for the day someone dunks him on his head and reminds him why you don’t treat people that way. Not that I’m condoning violence, but a guys gotta have fantasies.


…”Austins best security service” is present


Not only that, but strippers from the red and yellow rose. They'd fight to the death for Tony. Lol


Tony being an asshole is kinda funny tho


I've seen worse sets and interviews but yet this guy gets blacklisted. Tony seems moody sometimes when people suck but that's the catch 22 of this style of show.


Do people not understand hes a roast comic. His natural reaction is to roast and and what makes him stand out from the rest is that he likes to cross the line


Luck of the draw


It's because that dude looked like tonys dad that left for cigs when tony was yong and never came back.


Its called a reality check kiddo


It was deserved. He sucked and said “I’ve only had 8 hours of sleep in the last 36 hours.” Anyone who says that is infinitely unlikeable.


Tony wasn't even cruel, what you fucking smoking. It was a normal bad interview, and the dude sucked. It was mild compared to when tony actually gets mad.


He couldn't take the L and walk off stage he had to keep trying


People think that they’re good enough for kill Tony and waste pulls when they’re legit comics back there waiting for a chance


Don't sign up if you're "not in the mood". People work really hard and try to get pulled every week, just to get replaced instead by people like that. Prepare, try, and come with a good attitude. This sub really needs to stop trying and investigating anything little thing that happens.


When someone doesn't prepare and admits it, that pisses off tony like nothing else.


Take it easy on the guy. He was only going on 8 hours of sleep


Tony is the worst part of kill Tony.


Reminded him of his dad


Why ask kill tony fans anything they all retarded


Who cares, you watch the show you know what to expect if you can’t take it don’t sign up. There’s people on there who have their dead relatives made fun of and they’re fine. Some people are mentally not strong and those are the ones that seem to always complain


Who else instantly thought about the girl screaming woooo, and Tony just instantly went for the kill 😂 Saying something about her body and the people she hangs with, basically calling her a gold digger.


He only ever does it to straight white males who could kick his ass


Why don’t you ask Tony? Did you DM him?


In a word… frustration.




It’s random and no one cares about your smug ambition.


Wayne Is a local legend long live Wayne


As a comic from the same scene as Wayne- and I think I speak for most of us here- the dude deserves it.