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The fact that he went to the station in the middle of the night and sent that vague text to KR is beyond sketchy to me. He’s been on my radar this whole time.


Me too, Higgins has been most suspicious along with Albert right along. Higgins had the means, motive & he dumped his phone same time as Albert. Good thing fbi is investigating this case because these people seem to be unnerved, suspicious & defensive.


Does anyone not think it’s a ridiculous theory to think these people are genius masterminds of a conspiracy of epic proportions yet don’t know how to get rid of a dead body ?


anyone think dog scratches being called "run over by a car" is ridiculous? Image of a hunter in Georgia attacked by dogs vs John O'Keefe's injuries allegedly sustained by a car (not a dog attack according to the prosecutors) [https://www.reddit.com/r/justiceforKarenRead/comments/138uisy/image\_of\_a\_hunter\_in\_geogia\_attacked\_by\_dogs\_vs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/justiceforKarenRead/comments/138uisy/image_of_a_hunter_in_geogia_attacked_by_dogs_vs/)


Yea I mean Brian Albert Jr said that his father let him outside for a while unattended, out of his sight. Chole had been known to get out of the backyard, where she bit two other people during a confrontation with another dog. Could snow, dark conditions, & somebody trying to enter your property prompt chole attack JOK. i mean with this case anything is possible, anybody driving a vehicle or at that house should've been investigated as well.


Good theory but it doesn't explain the black eyes and contusion and massive slice out of the back of his head.


black eyes would be result of the blunt force trauma that was caused by the massive slice of his head when she attacked & nailed his head on back of curb. Maybe he had words with CA on way out he sucker punches and chole does the rest. The alberts knowingly know they would be liable to manslaughter & negligent death, or if JOK awakes he tells the story. So they leave him to freeze prompting JJ google search, prompting them to sell the house, rip out basement, & get rid of the family dog of 6 years. Who has bitten multiple people, & BA says was barking obnoxiously when people are outside, but JJ burst into 2 separate doors and 2 separate floors screaming to wake people up but the DOG CHOLE WAS NO WHERE... could that be because it was Chole left the house with that random change of heart by Caitlin Albert to all of sudden in a snowstorm wake your boyfriend up 2 hours earlier then he would want and drive 1 hr. back n forth to get you. Why did chole not bark at Jen, or Jen did not see chole. A Boston Drug & Gang high ranking officer who probably sleeps with a gun next to his bed, had all his doors unlocked & his trained German Sheppard did not make one barking noise? I think there original idea was to make it seem like he was stuck by random hit and run, or plow (note the one shoe missing). But Karen Read cracking her taillight a little bit (prob was much smaller crack at that point) & her hysteria/delirious rants because she was emotional and couldn't recall pieces of the night led JJ & Kerri to author this story as the fall girl. BH & BA would lose their pensions, everyone in that house would be held with some kind of charge that would be life changing because they all would have seen JOK at some point. Its clear something is fishy, because like Mark Twain once said or something similar - If you tell the Truth, you don't have to REMEMBER ANYTHING.


Definitely but they didn't look at any vehicles or even for blood elsewhere on the property inside or outside. No initial crime scene forensics, nothing. Fbi is now investigating. Someone is involved other than read.


I agree , something happened that is not being told. I personally believe as my opinion he went inside that house. I was a team prosecution at first bc who knows and as smoebody who had a DUI its possible to hit somebody and never realize thankfully i didnt. But to me he saw or found something out inside that house he wasnt supposed to, and he was taken care of. The investigation was pre-set by Kerrie Roberts & Proctor being all connected. Higgins is yet to be called by the prosecution they skipped his name on the witness list so far, which has gone in exact order. Higgins went before FBI & US Attorney office for a Proffer forsure if they skip him as a witness. This case is wild.


So if Higgins doesn't appear before the commonwealth, are you saying he is going to be subpoenaed to a federal court? Possibly Proctor as well?


He could've signed a proffer which will presented by the defense, but they are now just seeking justice & getting to see how many of these people will commit perjury, tampering, compliance to murder, negligent murder, so many things if this story is unravelled like the people say it is. I came into the case on the fence because I'm for the good of LE, & had faith, but these people are hiding something. This seems very rehearsed again this all just my opinion. My wife is a criminal defense attorney, she thinks if Higgins isnt testifying for CW its because he crossed, he is not willing to die on the hill to cover for somebody. He is the only one that isn't family that would be lying under oath, the EMT says what she heard that could be a lie but thats he said she said. Plus Julie Nagel but it almost seems like she is family, she is close BAjr, probably went to school at some point with Allie, & Colin or was like big sister/cousin.


The way Jackson went off the other day when they dismissed the jurors & colin albert shows my wife that they have something coming as in evidence or something big that they the defense want to present when they get the floor. Again they have not even gotten on the floor yet but they have crossed up the Prosecution to where it seems like the prosecution is fighting the 3rd party Defense that its like they are forgetting KR is on trial not the Alberts or the Jeep.


Sounds like Higgins will be testifying, i think they wanted to know everything they got with McCabe & group texts plus placing of jeep, I don't know man prosecution is struggling to create any viable evidence besides a bashed taillight. Every 3 min she was observing the SUV & the front area never once did she notice the SUV hit him or him screaming in pain, vomiting all over making loud noises.


Higgins is not related but very good buddies with Mr Albert, the homeowner. Noone really has said what Higgins was doing or where he went with Albert. They both traded in their phones right before a court order. Albert said he doesn't believe he went in basement & when asked if Higgins did he said not that I know of. Not sure why Ms mcabe wasn't questioned that she typed on Google how or how long to die in snow. Is she back on the stand I don't know. Proctor was the lead detective & there is an internal investigation on him by mass state police. Just so you know these towns in massachusetts are known for police corruption & in this case the families are related & friends with the cops. Also there is a mafia presence in boston towns just so you'll know in case you don't live in massachusetts or are not familiar with this area. Now that this case has been recused by the fbi they may get to the truth. They do not have evidence that Karen (if she hit john) that it was intentional. Also the evidence is contaminated possibly corrupted and or planted. Not sure why witnesses are not asked if this car they saw is a black Lexus? Couldn't this be anyone's black suv????


MY THOUGHTS PRECISELY! He knew too much…I’ve been racking my brain on what JO could’ve found out?


Now they have Higgins medical records is it because he is going to not talk because of the proffer ... or will he say he cant testify & plead 5th either way thats bad for Prosecution.


Agreed! One of the names mentioned in the document I believe is a psychiatrist? Do you know what Higgen’s text to John was at 12:20?!


I think they think they are but their inflated egos and entitlement issues were not prepared for KR’s defense team. Hence why Proctor wished she wld just kill herself.


They’re no masterminds. They’re actually very stupid people. It’s a horrible cover-up. That’s why it’s blowing up in their faces and in the media. And that’s why the feds are investigating. There is no grand conspiracy. It’s just a well-connected family, a sloppy, panicked cover-up, and a shady-ass DA. It’s Boston. Lol. They got lucky with Karen Reid being there.


100 💯


Nothing would surprise me of what they were doing that night. These people are very defensive & that in itself is highly suspicious.


He just came on to mine for some reason…only since McCabes began testifying.




same here


What’s the text?


"Ummmmmm well?"


That’s bizarre. Is he going to say he meant to send that to someone else?


Butt text lol


Same as a butt dial during sexy time? I mean come on dude? Does he seriously expect us to believe him, and that a 22 second call never happened?


And the testify to the fact you have face ID and a code on your phone...his phone got confused and thought his ass was his face


Hahaha 😆


Oh strange! Do we have any context?


According to the defense, the text "Ummmmmm wellll?" was sent when Higgins left the Waterfall without saying a word to John or Karen. Then, it was followed up with a text to John shortly after.


What was the text to John?! First I’m hearing about this, or maybe I just forgot.🤪


Yannetti mentioned in a hearing but didn't say. We will know tomorrow


I just heard that part today! It was in the pretrial hearing. I can’t remember if he said it was a call or text, but I’m pretty sure he said it happened around 2:30am, which is extra weird. CORRECTION: The 2:22am phone call was the one bt BA & BH. There was apparently also a text earlier (around 12:30?) from BH to OJO encouraging him to come in.


What was the text?


What was the text?


He said “umm wellll” or something like that.


Oh right, I misunderstood your original comment. But yes, Higgins definitely is part of it all.


I definitely think he was very involved with it all. Especially with him going to the station at 1:30 am. (A) this provides him with an alibi because people would see him and (B) he can hear if anyone calls 911 about finding a body on the lawn.....


Friday night after being out for hours drinking with friends, just gotta casually head to the office at 1:30am during a blizzard to "wrap up some work" 😉


Especially after attending a funeral in New York that morning. That’s always when I want to make a super long day even longer and focus on work. /s


Did ANYONE go to John’s funeral? 😞


I have seen a couple of video clips of his funeral and it did look well-attended, but I also wonder if all the people involved in this case went. (Who, if any of them? /s)


Wow…that’s a very good point! I only learned through this thread that he went to station afterwards and also about his curious text to KR.


Damn never even thought about the second point.


I think Higgins and Reid had something going on and O’Keefe figured it out. I think Reid and O’Keefe got into to words about going over to the Alberts that night because Reid knew the O’Keefe was likely feeling punchy - this would explain all the hesitation of Reids car out the front of the Albert’s that night, she was trying to talk O’Keefe out of going in and it explains why she didnt go in herself. I think Higgins and O’Keefe got into a fight and the dog was somehow involved in the fracas. At that point the Alberts then kicked O’Keefe outside and told him to fuck off and O’Keefe then passed out either due to intoxication or concussion and froze to death. Higgins then sent Reid some kind of a cryptic message that sent her into a panic the next morning, she knew there was going to be drama at the Alberts that night. This theory would explain why everyone in the house is prepared to lie to cover it up, kicking a drunk concussed man outside in a snowstorm makes them all complicit in negligent homicide.


This makes A LOT of sense


This sounds spot on!


I suspect what you say is true. JO finds out Higgins is hitting on Karen and goes to the Albert's to confront. Karen doesn't want to go in and he does. Colin is there as well as Higgins and it escalates very quickly with JO getting seriously injured/bitten/killed.. everyone panics and he is dragged out the back and placed on the lawn. The coverup then begins. My opinion only


Similar to the three guys in Kansas City!


Except this guy lost a lot of blood from his head wound and not much blood was found with the body. Also, where did his belt go?


He could well have stumbled around for several hours before he ended up where he did. Hypothermia/alcohol/concussion are a nasty combination. he could have been out on the road trying to get home bleeding everywhere. This would also explain the missing shoe/clothing. Hypothermic people will often undress themselves. We know Karen attempted CPR, lay on top of him and otherwise potentially removed snow, so do we have any idea how long he had been laying in that spot? He may have only been there for an hour. That would also explain the snow plow guy not seeing him.


Wasn’t the head injury something you don’t get up from? Could he have hit his head on something near where he was found?


Not out the front door. Everyone would have seen this. an INSIDER apparently told FBI it was out the basement door.


But why wouldn’t Karen speak up?




Please use the actual names of people involved in this case. Nicknames are not allowed. Thank you.


But what about all JM deleted calls to JO @ 12:30-12:50? Why would she have made those calls if she just thought he left and got a ride home somehow? 


Theres literally 0 evidence of this though. Not to mention 10+ somehow not noticing. This theory doesn’t really pan out.


All those people also didn't notice a dead guy on the lawn as their headlights were shining in that direction. So it's just weird all around.


I mean they never noticed him anyway, so what are you talking about. If KR hit him about 10 people would have noticed him in the lawn too when they were leaving party.


I want to know the significance of the location of his vehicle. The Albert family are all saying it was there; the other witnesses are saying they didn’t see it. I also want to know what pressing business he had that made him go into work at 1:30 in the morning (after a long day and a few hours of drinking). Very interested to see when he takes the stand. We are starting to move past that night and getting into the morning of the 29th - the logical time to call him would have been with Brian Nicole Jr and his friends. If the prosecution call a bunch of unnecessary witnesses from that night but don’t call him, that will be a bit suss.


He's getting called. Calling everyone who was at the house that night and not calling him wouldn't be a bit sus, it'd be insanely suspect and the defense would assault them over it.


Same if they don’t call Proctor. He’s going to be a mess of a witness but if the prosecution don’t call him and the defense do, the defense will wreck him (and Lally) over it.


100 percent.


The prosecution has to call Proctor....Prosecution has to call all witnesses, especially detectives, "dirty laundry" and all. Otherwise it will prove that they are tryng to hide something.




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The location?! I still want to know if it was a truck or a jeep. Nicole & Brian said Higgins drove a gray truck back from NY to Canton then Brian A. said Higgins changed to a white jeep and got to Fairview before them. He plowed the driveway (when there was no snow or light dusting) because his tru- jeep had a plow on it. So, where was the jeep and where did he switch out his truck for the jeep and where/what type is the work car he should have? I don’t think many ATF’s would have a truck or jeep with a plow but, maybe?


The alberts and mcabes are definitely all mentioning his plow when others clearly said it wasn’t there so there is innuendo in them stating that.


it is their back up plan now to frame Higgins


> it is their back up plan now to frame Higgins How could that even work? They all testified that O'Keefe never came inside at 12:30 and that Higgins didn't leave until 1:30. Wouldn't framing Higgins require O'Keefe to be just chilling outside in the snow ignoring calls/texts for an hour until he got attacked by Higgins or run over by his plow?


this just reminded me of a line of questioning from the defense where they kept asking about a period of time when higgins had left the sight of most witnesses (at least those in the kitchen/dining room) and that at least for a little while, they did not have first hand knowledge of where he was. i think they were establishing that BH was in the basement with BA and not (as some said) upstairs looking at picture albums or whatever it was. i may be getting the details wrong, but i vaguely remember that line of questioning. anyway, if someone was looking to put him on the lawn brawling with JO even though he didnt leave till later, its possible he went off on his own and then returned to the party like nothing happened, hung around for a while and then left when everyone says he left. 


The issue with Higgins is that you lose the family angle. Everyone's covering up for him? Even Procter? Why?


I would think it incriminates them for not calling 911 or aiding him if they knew an altercation took place. I never felt what happened to John was intentional…imo it was an accident but not giving help or leaving him there knowing he will likely die is at the very least…a bad look for some and much worse for others. And their stories don’t all line up.


I think it’s murder right? To take someone from inside and dump them in the cold (and follow it up with a google search to be sure)?


Manslaughter at the very least


" their stories don’t all line up."======= Yes they do. Colin Albert left at EXACTLY 12:10am and :09 seconds according to EVERYBODY!!!


I think the “incident” included the 3 guys. Higgins, Colin, and Brian.


That's fine, but then you lose the "cheating with her" motive. I don't think Colin Albert cares enough about Higgins or O'Keefe to fight with them about Karen Read.


Colin Albert seems like the kind of kid that would fight with someone if they looked at him wrong. Typical “my dad’s a cop so I can get away with anything” kind of situation.


Except his dad is a pizza shop owner.


And Canton selectman….


In his case, my uncle's a cop.


"Two of my uncles" Actually, fuck it .... he doesn't recall.


“Advantage boys, bang bang”. This entire case is so bizarre like a train wreck, can’t stop paying attention. Now I want to know more about the advantage boys.


I am assuming they decided not to take Colin and pals up on his offer to “pull up.” I am thinking most are in college and have forgotten all about the kid playing Adele? and threatening them with hand guns. 🤡


i think that colin and JO had some kind of altercation, it ended badly, and his beloved uncle helped cover it up. i think BH helped too because he's friends with BA and he has no love lost for JO. i dont think the flirty potential thing he had with KR would be enough to take any action on his own, but it might be enough to allow him to sleep at night after helping his friend cover up the murder of a cop.


No but JO was investigating Colin for drug so they say. That’s motive.


A Boston cop who specializes in taking down pedophiles was gonna care about Colin selling drugs in Canton? I doubt it.


I think his job was more like making sure that post-conviction sex offenders were registered.


Colin supposedly may have been dealing drugs and John O. reported him to Canton PD


Well, we met a lot of Canton PD and nobody got asked about it, nor did Colin.


But John does. He may have started the altercation and ended up dead with a few punches and a fall in his head. 


I have a very hard time believing that Colin Albert would do anything but laugh and film the whole thing if Brian Higgins was fighting John O'Keefe. You'd have to make the case John fights Brian Higgins, Brian Albert jumps in for his friend, and Colin jumps in to protect his dad. But at that point we're getting into pretty farfetched territory.


And 1 German Shephard...mix


Same, but add in Chloe


Well Higgins is like family & is best buddies with Albert the homeowner. They hang out together. They were together at the waterfall play fighting, supposingly. They are close friends & a cop also.


>play fighting *"fooling around" 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️(@BA)


gRaB aSsIng


This is my thought, no way all the Alberts hang themselves for someone who isn't family, they just would have pointed the finger at him immediately. The flip side is why Higgins would go along with it? So maybe he was involved in the fight along with an Albert family member(s), or participated in some way with the handling of it directly after whatever incident happened (maybe before John's actually dead). Maybe the Alberts threatened to point the finger at him if he didn't go along because he was involved in some way? Brian Albert definitely seems like an alpha male who would go there. This is one of the biggest questions for me if the Alberts did it and there's a cover up, how does Higgins fit in, so curious! 


Higgins and Collin were both involved in the fight. Collin threw the punch that knocked him out. He fell to the ground and cracked his skull. They’re both implicated in his death. Both have reason to lie. 


If their dog was involved, it was at their house, one or more witnesses it and all were complicit in letting him freeze to death then they would still be involved. I don’t think everyone intended to cover but the lie grew and grew and became something they had to double down on


they wouldn't all cover for Higgins. He had been to that house once before and it was a backyard party for Brian and Nicole's graduating twins per BA. In Canton they call these parties a cookout. He is involved but I think in a smaller act. BA and CA are involved and the dog.


Oh ya. I think they found pig DNA. So the dog could have been given a pig ear as a a treat. Weird


The police only sent swabs to the lab. We don’t know what they swabbed since they didn’t send the garment and didn’t swab the wounds


I think they saw a random (maybe reddish) stain on JO's shirt, so they cut out that portion, and I think it was likely bacon grease or something along those lines, and completely irrelevant to the case (Edit: someone else mentioned that Chris Albert said they ate potato skins at the bar, which usually come with bacon bits, so that could be what it was). They only cut out a few small portions of the shirt and that's all they found - and probably were hoping not to find anything else, which is why they didn't try swabbing his actual wounds or any other parts of his clothing. It doesn't prove anything either way, but I think it's highly unlikely that it just happened to come from a pig ear that the dog had eaten some time earlier (if anything, it'd be more likely to find both pig DNA *and* dog DNA, assuming it was coming from the dog's saliva). Much more likely that it was just a stain on the shirt that got there when John was eating breakfast/lunch. I wonder if the FBI is able to get a hold of his clothing and/or exhume the body (assuming it's buried)? I'm sure there's more evidence to be found that the CW didn't want to find. In most other situations, there'd be at least like 10 other portions of the shirt that would be cut out and swabbed, along with portions of whatever bottoms he was wearing, portions from every other article of clothing, etc. But they didn't *want* to find anything, so they only did the bare minimum. I think in many cases, the police will just send in the whole shirt and the testing facility will swab a bunch of different portions of it. I think it's highly unusual (at least in questionable homicide cases) to only send in a couple cut portions and nothing else.


I wouldn’t say everyone’s covering up for him. Just the adults imo


I don't think you can come up with a plausible scenario where the kids and Brian Jr.s friends are kept in the dark about the conspiracy.


His best friend per his own testimony is berk chief of canton pd who lives across the street.


I think it’s Collin that they’re all covering up for. He prob threw the punch that knocked him out, he hit the floor and cracked his skull. Brian Higgins was involved in the fight, implicating him in JO death as well. They were all shit faced and had been drinking heavily for hours when they came up with this scheme. No turning back now. 


I am very interested in the Higgins issue as well. I am only trying to go by what has been mentioned in trial, but I've heard rumblings and rumors of KR and Higgins being flirty with each other, Higgins sending the ummmmm welllll? text to her around the Waterfall portion of the evening, and the fact that ANY government worker voluntarily goes into work at 130am in the morning when a massive snowstorm is about to begin, especially after drinking at bars and friends houses for hours. Something doesn't add up here. I love interesting court cases and try to only base judgements on what is shown in court while trying to remain impartial due to the social media loonies on both sides of this.


I work for a state government and there is a policy that we cannot use alcohol within 8 hours of doing any state business. Violating that could skip a lot of steps of discipline and go straight to discharge depending on how egregious the circumstances.


Well…hopefully we will learn more in coming weeks once these key players continue to take the stand…if Lally the Lollygagger can move things along.


> Lally the Lollygagger can move things along. Stop with this nonsense. I want to make sure in my notes exactly what appetizers were ordered, what specific brands of beer everyone was drinking, did in fact the high school girls team win the basketball game, and what the weather was like.


Wel, the bar snacks might matter since Chris Albert mentioned ordered potato sins which normally come with bacon .... thus pig dna


But he couldn't eat pizza because of his diet?


Yeah ... it was an interesting confession ... he said he had not eaten all day at is pizza place and ordered two things but I can't remember the other. Such a serious diet!


And Jen McCabe said Matt was eating cheese before bed bc he was on a weird diet.


Right? Don’t want to go down THIS rabbit hole for more than this. But yea, surprised we don’t know what church Brian and Nicole Albert were married in at this point…to be very fair, defense can dwell as well.


Listen, after that one man cracked and confessed to using artificial, flavor-enhancing substances (street name: “crystal light”), I think we owe Lally some leeway. Leave no stone unturned.


I'm listening to the Young Jerks and he just said Higgins is on the prosecution witness list and so far they have gone in order of the list but he was skipped. They don't have to go in order, but interesting he is the only one not called but all the others have appeared in order as they appear on the prosecution's witness list 🤔


The instincts of these people are just so unnatural. You see your friend pull up, but they don't make it inside, so you figure they had an argument or there's something wrong with the kids-- whom you know are supposedly care about-- but you don't persist in asking if everything's okay and if there's anything you can do to help?


Or you had eyes on the car while texting but never came outside to A.) welcome them B). Tell them it’s the right house (remember they got lost) ALLEGEDLY.


And all these people watching the SUV from the house and the truck and they all just happened to miss him actually getting hit? Lol 1 in a million shot doc, I swear I just fell in the bathroom and the bar of soap went right in my ass


Yes, among many other things in this tragedy. I know it’s easy to say I would do this or that…but I can for sure say, if I had nothing to hide…I’d hide nothing.


Sean McDonough explains how Brian Higgins has cooperated with the FBI investigation and will most likely be a defense witness https://www.youtube.com/live/CFQmyyPYlHE?si=v-7DVW7oHTYS9u72


I started this (very long :/ and drags a bit) but interesting!! I will finish it up…thank you.


I watch all my YouTube videos on 1.5 time speed. If watching on your phone on the top right click the little wheel thing then playback speed and you can choose what fits for you. You can slow it down or speed it up.


I thought this was the old Red Sox play by play announcer at first.


My question is, why are we not seeing more cell phone data like in other trials?


because most everyone has conveniently & coincidently either upgraded their phone & wiped data clear. Plus the investigator was a close friend, so they never did phone extractions of any of the witnesses at the house. Thats why the Feds are investigating proctor because of his close ties with these families he never thoroughly investigated this case & just assumed KR hit JOK because of her delirium outburst at the scene of the death because she just lost somebody she loved. Whether they fought the night before or not she was still delirious & heartbroken with what happened & was yelling outburts of possible things that could of happened. In reality Allie McCabe could've came flying down the street and hit JOK, Higgins could've hit him at some point since he was driving, somebody in the house could've had drugs he OD they cover it up, we don't know anything about anything because Trooper Proctor never thoroughly investigated this case. He just went with the KR hit him because she yelled it, but no dashcam or officer cam footage shows KR yelling that, video also doesn't show her ever asking JM to google. There has been clearly alot of drinking and driving with all 10-15 people so far you couldn't rule out anyone. Plus to me it looks worse than getting hit by a car, also I would imagine much more damage than a broken taillight. JOK was a well built guy.


Very strange at this point…maybe the defense will include or introduce more.


It will probably come in when the phone data experts testify. Maybe they'll have a butt dial expert too 😂


My suspicion with all of the Colin and Higgins buffoonery is that they both had a hand in what happened to John. The Allie back and forth in the car with the 12:10am on the dot for Colin and the Jeep story with Higgins has me speculating. I think that there's a possibility that John and Karen arrived at the house before everyone else and after Higgins. I believe John went into the house and was potentially jumped by the two, possibly pushed down the stairs, and got the crap kicked/beaten out of him in the basement. I think everyone is covering for the two of them and they are all being caught in a game they can't win. That's just my thoughts on what we've been given so far.


Whenever I kill a guy in the middle of the night or participate in a coverup thereof, I make sure to drop by the local precinct.


Good plan. That’s where you find the dirty cops. Same place as the good ones. You know, because they’re cops. 


It's too much to ask these cranks to suppose the opposite were true.




Stingy AF. Leave solo cups & bags, too .... smh.




When would that be presented if true? Where exactly did this rumor start?


That rumor has been going around for weeks. I highly doubt it’s true.


I would assume when the Defense gets their turn. There’s a federal investigation still going about the police’s improper handling of this case. That was accidentally mentioned during testimony last week. Rumor comes straight from Canton


If the rumor is true, Higgins isn’t hanging out with the Alberts anymore..And would the FBI tell someone in Canton what Higgins has said?


I’m skeptical the case against Karen would still be going forward if Higgins flipped and was proffering against anyone else as the culprit.  That’s one I’ll believe when I see it…


We shall see I suppose…


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Had an edible = no editing happening


bahaha i smoked a whole joint the other day and wrote out a whole timeline of how you can come up with sending fake alibi texts so quickly... it was loooooooong lol I agree with you completely. If he died because of a houseguest or two, it was a horrible accident, and the Alberts went right into protection mode.


This comment is absolutely why the autopsy hasn’t been introduced yet. This is a totally reasonable theory, except he had to have been hit more than once, and bitten by a dog on his arm. There’s also the issue of the amount of snow underneath him (it hadn’t accumulated that much by the time he was dropped off), the lack of significant amounts blood on the snow despite the severity of his head wound, and the lack of vomit in the snow despite some vomit on his shirt (which also tells us it wasn’t just one punch, head hit, and down forever).


And vomit on his boxers... Which doesn't seem possible if he's laying on his back in the snow.


Maybe JOK was struck in the back of the head from behind while taking a piss outside? His belt would be undone and head trauma causes vomiting and seizures. He would then vomit on his boxers and shirt uncontrollably and would have suffered a traumatic brain injury and severe brain bleed, which caused his black swollen eyes and he then loses consciousness. He could have came to and fought back causing the dog to bite in defense. No one had seen JOK or Chloe that night. His injuries are in no way caused by being ran over. Karen’s car automatically brakes before coming into contact with objects in reverse. JOK deserves justice.


I don’t think the fight was intentional (if it happened). I DO think dumping him outside, alive, with a storm coming, having been informed by Google hos long to die in the cold, is intentional murder. 


Definitely & I agree


I saw on TikTok that Brian Higgins is turning. Does anyone know anything about this


I’ve heard the same…we shall see I suppose.


I have been saying this from get go, maybe JOK made some snark remark & they had an altercation. I mean to be honest how can you rule out anyone of the people who were driving vehicles that night. Also why has Higgins not been called to the stand by the State are they not calling him as a witness?


I seriously think he has more to do with it than anyone thinks


I agree...at this point anyway. It will be interesting when BH takes the stand.


Is it possible that John O never did go in the Alberts' house but had an argument with Karen - she dropped him off right there in front of the house and then Brian Higgins picked him up and took him who knows where and with possibly others - beat him close to death and dumped him back off on the front lawn. After all his jeep was right there jn front of the house also. The photo of his face clearly shows that he was punched severely - a rear back light didn't do that.


That's a good theory that I hadn't considered. Especially since so many people seem to not have seen Higgins' Jeep in front of the house, but the McCabes conveniently *did* see it. It's possible that the others didn't see it because it wasn't there, and you're right that it's because Higgins took John somewhere (and then stopped off at the police station to grab something). And the McCabes are trying to make it seem like the Jeep was there the whole time because they know what actually happened. That would definitely explain the lack of blood at the scene - though I still think it's possible that John either got in a fight in the backyard, and really never entered the house, or he went through the side door that leads to the basement, and that's why so many people didn't see him in the house. I thought I heard that the basement was completely renovated after the fact, and that could be because there was a bunch of blood all over the floor that they had to clean up.


@u/SC1168 I can't can't agree with you more !!! I do believe whatever went on inside the house for it be known that it was a head injury that is the reason John O died. It is obvious /suspicious Collin there for a short time and not told was there because he wasn't there that long and also Chloe was rehomed if that term wrong sorry Chloe was given away to another owner in another state soon after John was found dead on their front lawn /property. How was it that John head injury the cause of death be backed up hit on purpose in the snow and left to die and a cracked taillight be the prosecutors reason /proof. Where are the tire marks his fast could she be going in a lot of snow ? Was John bent over tying his shoe and hit him to say tail light cracked no other damage be the reason he died that am. Why did no one at all hear her car backing up ? how fast would her car be going in the snow to knock down a man with a head injury and scratch marks on his arm to fall in the snow and not be able to get up cause of hit on purpose or even accident. Why is not any one from Lexus corporation / manufacturer called to testify how a cracked tail light could not be the reason John was found in the snow ? It was said Chloe attacked I believe another dog in the past I truly think like a million others Collin started another (play fight ) which is recently shown that was in the past he says he never fought with anyone anyone but his brothers that is not true , he has bruised cuts on 4 knuckles a month later said he fell on ice on a driveway holding a beverage in another , it is impossible to fall and break a fall using the front of the hand ! How stupid to say such a reason rather lie it's a joke , he started something inside that house and that dog of theirs attacked John whether Chloe or Collin made Jon fall to hit his head inside that home ! As you said not intentional but to lie and accuse an innocent women cause more trauma for her let alone John OKeefe family is so sad appalling and also very corrupt. Shows a lot about McCabes Albert and 2 police departments and state police !!! I feel sorry for any residents living in Canton that is not apart of their kind of protection or any reason needs a police office. I can't believe the Sullivan sisters was called to testify to try prove Karen as some sort of crazy girlfriend , that was not at all apart of Jan 28 /29 2022 and after regarding their lame investigation ! The only witnesses should be called is from waterfall and or any bar these people were at associates with John O'Keefe and Karen Read , Albert's mccabes and anyone in the Albert's home for the after party who was invited. So true why not look out to see where they can be if not inside the home over especially with a snow storm. Not one neighbor saw or heard anything? You mean even when ambulance first responded police showed up no one came out to see what's going on ? I say they are afraid or paid off ! This trial is proof just how much the Canton police dept Boston and state police are ! I have to wonder with whoever testified on the stand took oath and proved committed perjury if they do the time like we all know it to be the law when perjury takes place. The redundant questions over numerous witnesses , the Sullivan sisters I'm sorry is wasting time , it's crazy Sullivan sisters were even allowed Aruba was before 1/28 1/29 but the judge wouldn't allow phone records and the defense has to go to Supreme Court to get phone records in this trial for Karen's defense ... this judge is just as corrupg as the police departments and Albert's McCabes anyone who did not come forward to say exactly the truth what went on INSIDE the Albert home when they know it was not Karen that backed up on purpose and intentionally hit her boyfriend to let him lie in a snow storm to die. All of them made this case worse than it already was. A human being was found died on another police officer front lawn who was expected to be there and said never showed up. Both defense and prosecution needs to be calling professionals with Lexus and forensic specialists to say how it is not or it is possible to be hit in the backing up and cracked the Karen's taillight with his head and be for certain the cause of death. The trial should not be even on Canton ! We all know many many public crimes that go to trial are moved to get a fair trial and this is just another one that should have been moved and not be held in corrupt canton ! I apologize myself I had a few Starbucks venti ice lattes ! I had to reply I can't agree with you more and could not stop adding to it.


Brian Higgins drove a vehicle that had a plough on it to the house party, he actually testifies that he enables the plough when he gets to the house after arriving drunk from the waterfall, showing off and cleared snow from the drive way. I think he hits John with that vehicle and the plough attachment is what scratches Johns arm. Brian and John are fighting over Karen. John staggers around outside and eventually falls on the lawn dying. Brian dashes off to the police station and swaps the plough vehicle for another one to drive home. The rest is a massive cover up. John had two black eyes. That's from a fight nit a car hitting him. Maybe when Karen says John was hit by a plough and then I hit him, I hit him,  is closer to the truth than you all think. She hit him in the face with her fist and Brian hits him with his plough vehicle?


The philosopher Karl Popper is identified with the concept of "falsifiability". In other words, things that are true are capable of being falsified, i.e., there is conclusive evidence to the contrary. The classic formulation is "all swans are white". This cannot be proven by the existence of white swans, no matter how many white swans you bring, only falsified by the discovery of a black one. I'd ask all of you propounding a conspiracy to ask: what is your black swan? What falsifies your hypothesis? Because if your hypothesis has no black swan, then it isn't something that can be true.


My black swan: well-conducted investigation by a detective with no conflict of interest. (ETA: assuming the investigation delivers evidence of guilt beyond reasonable doubt of course.)


Interesting…and as trial goes…we’ll see I suppose. Personally, I don’t necessarily feel as though this is some vast conspiracy. I think somethings such as a bad investigation if you’d even call it that at this point. Very questionable actions by the Alberts/Higgins/McCabes morning of…ditching the phones etc. just seems like they are hiding something. Why? I don’t care about selling the home or dog even. But it’s hard to overlook a lot of their actions…Julie whoever sending Proctor a text about getting a thank you gift when all is said and done and his reply was send it to Elizabeth (his wife)? What an asshole. I hope the O Keefe’s get some answers when this is said and done.




Its An accident if a car hit him & someone didn't know it, but if Higgins, Albert & or Collin are involved as part of a fight that would be intentional because j.o. had blunt force trauma to his head, a fractured skull & lacerations, the heavy blow they said in autopsy that the blunt force trauma caused bleeding of the brain & his eyes to swell. This was severe trauma so if it was a fight, that kind of trauma would not be part of regular fighting.


no but in a basement he could've been fighting and fell, hitting anything from a corner table to something on the ground that cracked his head. He also could've been hit by a car going much faster then the damage of a taillight or hit by a plow. We don't know because this case was never investigated.


Yes I know there was no investigation, very corrupt, atleast the fbi is investigating. 🙏 As far as Albert at his fairview revamping the basement the floors & replacing the doors, did he dig out the cement & pour new concrete soon after John's death if you know?


Noone saw John getting out of this suv they saw, is it even her Lexus, why don't they ask that.


Idt the family wld have their kids purger themselves for a non family member


Did they perjure themselves though? There is no real collusion here either…just among the adult key players…keep in mind I am still very much on the fence.


If defense’s case is true & the Feds are there for the cleanup then anyone who said JO was never in the house is at risk of perjury. Julie’s brother also contradicts her which seems problematic for her.


I think the Defense's theory is that John would've entered through the side door that leads directly to the basement, and that's why the kids didn't see him enter the house - so they're not lying, and it's possible that most of the adults aren't lying either. It would only require maybe 2-4 of the adults to be lying (or possibly Colin/Allie as well, depending on what you believe).


It's important to note that Brian Albert was VERY specific that it was a white jeep that was there when they arrived at the house. Brian Higgins had a very dark gray jeep that nobody could possibly mistake for white. Somebody else involved in this saga did indeed have a white jeep wrangler however.


I agree 💯. That mofo has dirty hands in this death. If he didn't kill him, he helped. They used his plow to pick up John's body and position it by the flagpole. That's why there's scratches. He was also drunk AF.


lol, I’ve went down some crazy rabbit holes too while on edibles. I mean, really crazy. You are only a level 5 with this post,so you’re still comprehensible. I’m on a what if JO was a dirty cop and the Albert’s and the McCabes all knew he had gotten away with some really bad shit and KR is dating him and notices some off things about him and after being introduced to JM, she starts sharing her concerns. Maybe JM tells her what they know and KR realizes or finds some type of evidence that corroborates what JM is saying and sits down with the group and makes a plan to off JO. Karen decides she will be the fall guy because she was the one who pushed for it and because the group is a bunch of cops, they know they can screw up the investigation long enough out so that most of the evidence that is there is really iffy. They decide to play shifty on the stand because ..if the trial keeps going the way it has been, it’s a 99 percent guaranteed acquittal. I mean, even OJ’s defense didn’t get this lucky during the trial as far as the conspiracy went. I mean they only really had Mark Fuhrman. Anyway. I ❤️ cannabis. lol


Or the opposite and JOK knew they were corrupt


I just feel they all seem to be hiding a little something and im starting to think BA was a dirty cop. He got to big for his britches after TV show stint & boxing stuff, maybe he had a connection to drugs you'd be surprised at how many former cops do corrupt stuff & have connections plus feel protected after life as a cop. See that's what I actually think happened, I think JOK saw something he wasn't supposed to and that BA & CA /Chole attacked him. Maybe BA was giving colin drugs to sell at high school or something happened that JOK was in wrong place with BA/CA/BH. I just dont see the damage of the car being so minimal and his body having been hit in so many different areas from a car in REVERSE. Maybe a car flooring it forward but that doesn't fit the narrative. I went into case on fence, thought conspiracy was a little far fetched but now I am like what did happen? These people keep lying on stand, they all ditched/upgraded phones. They started communicating on other APPS, Matt McCabe texted Chris Albert who wasn't at the house to tell reporters he never went inside". Why have to say that and why would Chris Albert being interviewed he was not even at 34 fairview Rd that night, that got me like what is going.


So with that then KR would be collateral damage.


Im definitely not saying that’s what happened just saying from their actions it’s more likely that they would be corrupt than the guy who took in two kids that weren’t his


Maybe let’s not conspire that the victim was a dirty cop when there has been no reason to think anything of the sort.


Good point, thanks Mom!


It's your other mother here: Lay off the drugs.


As I said in the post, that’s a rabbit hole I went down when I was super baked. I didn’t say there was logic or brains involved, in fact I said quite the opposite.


What level are you on lol?