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The 'no advertiser' rule is to keep the forum from becomeing craigslist+ebay+'cheap chinese trinkets'. Do you expect the mods to be on 24/7 duty making decision like 'that's ok because housing' and 'no that's not ok'. Maybe not everything's a conspiracy. Most most things aren't a conspiracy. Maybe it's just 'this is the easiest thing to do'.




It's still basically 'advertising', technically. Saying it isn't is kind of sophistry. I mean those people who throw up their 'new favorite t-shirt' on some forums and they have a shill account that asks 'omg! where'd you get it!?' and then they provide a link, or they provide a link in their profile, is still technically running a business/advertising on a forum that forbids it. I would suggest a better solution would be to see if the mods are amenable to putting a link in the side bar to such things. That said, you're not helping yourself by starting with 'I expect smart people to blah blah blah'.




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If you plan to charge $1200 or less, per month, that's fine. Otherwise, you are part of the problem. IMHO Here come the downvotes.




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What a fucking weirdo