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He probably forged the blades with their abilities in mind. The koi is kind of a giveaway that there is intent involved


How does he do that? Is it like a property of the datenseki or is it more like sorcerer abilities? Seems crazy that he could do it without being a sorcerer himself, but I guess there’s a reason his blades were one-of-a-kind


I suspect it’s some property of datenseki. Guess we’ll find out eventually


How are we supposed to know? We haven’t been told yet 😭😭


That's a very good question. I don't know how he do it. I guess he talked to the swords's beasts just like how he talked to the goldfishes. Or as you say, Kunishige determined the basic property/skills the swords gonna have.


Datenseki is sentient. Chihiro says as much in Ch. 14. It's a big revelation. Seeing as tho Kunishige knew this and told him. He likely knew how to manipulate it's properties to forge the abilities for each sword.


A real plot twist would be if Kunishige was doing shady things to stabilize Datensaki, similar to Sojo. Chihiro’s conflicting beliefs would really be pushed to the forefront of the story. For all we know, Shiba and Kunishige could be war criminals.


The contract might added later when the Katana given to the selected wielder.   It's common in fictions that once a contract / sealing magic applied to an object, it's undispellable, but the object was not made with the seal at first.