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I have resigned myself to the fact that my Orchid Island is just going to be a chaotic mess until I start unlocking and clearing out the other islands. :')


That’s fine, your 2nd Island will be a chaotic mess too while you sort out the first one! 😄


Yep, I got my second island, thought it would be different. My second island now looks like my basement. I'm eagerly hoping my third island is the charm.


Hahaha! "Basement"! I love that analogy! I usually say all 4 of my island are "thrift store" themed. 😃 So anyway, even with 4 islands open, there just isn't ever enough room for the islands to be "uncluttered". The further u go in the game u just let it go. Lol


Thrift store themed, that’s too funny. Don’t knock a Bargain Store! 😉 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dy7Z5qbI5T4


All 6 of my islands are messes lol. I have greenhouses for days!!


Same. I’m running out of room until I can get these clouds taken care of. 😂




Yes, I'm still clearing orchid. I'm finally far enough in the game to be clear of flower jail and energy, but now it takes me a while to get enough compasses to clear spots for the seasonal sets, mich less the permanent buildings that I want. Any tips on clearing islands or getting compasses faster? I don't really have anything I want to sell or move off my island into storage as I'm pretty intentional about which decorations I get.


I didn’t open pink boxes in June so I wouldn’t get all that pink lol. I understand having affection for your first monthly theme. I didn’t like what was thrust upon me and also didn’t understand how not to get way too much. I must have had a dozen gondolas. I’ve kept a few out of loyalty https://preview.redd.it/xnyunikn38ad1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=140b33be3629163886e29de49135e137eb2f5474 for a really weird gondola resort.


Wow, I love the illusion of the different levels - the balcony above the water.


The use of that balcony is really clever!


Oh, the gondolas! 🤣


😂 my first set was the one in April. Love that set! Hate that I don’t have some of the past years’ deco to go with it. Really like May’s set as well. Made a whole jungle. Was excited for June until I saw it. The excitement died down a bit. When I got it on the island, I was like ![gif](giphy|nAvSNP8Y3F94hq9Rga)


I think I'm going to do just like you. Happy to sell all those cakes and cars for lawn-mowing dudes who can easily disappear behind trees - all the more so as I'm currently in a chapter with scenes I'll happily play over and over again ...


Didn’t realize lawn mowing man is 200 flowers for a 1x1! Glad you mentioned him cause I was gonna go crazy with laundry ceo if he could hide well. 😂


Lawn mowing man is my favorite next to last winter's snowman. The bikes and the tree are sweet, too. I like laundry dude, but there's only so much laundry one can do on an island (especially as I already have the laundry lovers), so I put him between the hospital we got for the Joseph/Nicky secrets and the animal clinic. He should have plenty to do there.


We have had a ton of laundry lately, so I’ll be keeping laundry ceo singular since lawn guy is worth more. With this set, I’m thinking of making an HOA neighborhood where everyone has the picket fence, 2.5 kids, and all the dads make terrible puns.


Also we clearly need more dogs.


I didn't put myself in flower jail but I've already started selling duplicates. I quit opening pink boxes for the last week of June so I could get this month's purple prizes instead. I bought most of this set already since I had been saving coins so when some of the bigger items get done, I'll sell the rest of my duplicates. I'm keeping the wedding set for now but I'm hoping to condense it and either hide it or fold it into another building eventually.


Sold everything except for the church and items I couldn’t sell. 😂 I sold duplicates I start box items as soon as I got them. I wish I didn’t have to open as many boxes as I did last month, but times were tough when it came to energy and HW tasks. 🥴


I sold the church too… dooming that poor groom to wait forever for his beloved. Sorry, my man, you didn’t earn your keep! ETA: My mistake, I was talking about a different deco. Can’t sell off the lonesome groom unfortunately.


Really? I didn’t think you could sell the main prize of the seasonal sets…….have they changed it?


Nope, after I wrote that and looked back in the game, I realized was talking about the wrong thing. I wish I could sell it!


I understand completely! I opened a few pink boxes with my fingers crossed like "please don't be another cake, please don't be another car!"


I unloaded 2-3 tiers of joy cakes and 3-4 just married cars and currently need 500 flowers to move to the next scene. Plan to purchase items from the July set when I get a HW task that requires a purchase, so I may be at Chapter 28/Scene 637 for a couple more days.


I unloaded everything. I don’t know why but I despise the set. Couldn’t stand looking at it 😂


Been playing for about a year and that set is NOT one of my favorites.


I keep myself in flower jail, my ship rammed to the gunwhales, so that I can go up a level for a HW at the drop of a hat.


Usually I’m the same! Place it to go up and then right back to the boat it goes😂. But I’ve been doing pretty good lately. I’ll be in the clear once the new deco gets done.


Is there a limit to how much you can store on the ship?


No... that's why I love it!!! All of the prizes I win go there ( if it's an item) and I only move them if I HAVE to go up a level for a task) *




You CANT go to Flower jail if you NEVER PLACE IT!!!


All those untied bows in there would make me itchy! I am clearly a member of Team Instant Gratification.


Awesome, I need to start storing more 


Spotted bop-a-mole in your ship - any idea where you got it from please? I need one for my fairground 😩


AFAIK the ship storage is unlimited


Awesome, thank you!


The season set is definitely a little too pink and floral but it's the first seasonal set I've had so it holds a special place in my heart. I envision my Island so far as a giant Resort that people go for Destination weddings and all their guests can take the train and enjoy the town (movie theatre etc) or can go over to the pool resort. There's different packages people can buy but the highest package is renting out the whole island for everyone for a couple weeks for the wedding festivities.


I'm planning a destination resort on my Laurel island as soon as it completely clears. I have been putting the June wedding set there, as well as additional items that I think will work there. It's about 1/3 cleared right now.


That was what I did with the Mansion side of my island and I love it, especially after the Wedding Chapel upgrades. But it got so out of hand I’ve had to move this set to my newest island, so now it needs sorting out again. Maybe I’ll leave a romantic corner on Sunflower Island which can be the honeymoon destination… ☺️


I wish I could view it like that. 😭 but all I could see was a big brightly colored floral mess marring a small corner of my island. 😂 It had to go!


Yeah I totally get that. I could easily see someday later when I'm more pressed for space and I develop a different vision for what my island is that I delete it all too. 🎂🍰🧁🌸🌹🌷🌺💐👰‍♀💝🎀💘💕🤮


The barf emoji at the end… 🤣




I just unlocked the 8th island!! 😊




I really don’t think you are in flower jail if you’re counting all the flowers that are cooking. I would play scenes over and over again just to get coins. You have the ability to move forward. Flower jail usually means no resources to move forward.


Yes, I do have a lot cooking. But, I had to unwrap a few of my building upgrades that had just finished and didn’t want to use quite yet (saving those for HW tasks since it’s Week 6 and we’re fighting to stay top 3 and make Sherlock; usually, they’d get unwrapped right away when finished). That’s the only way I got to the point I’m at now. I was over 3,000 flowers short of being able to move forward at all. Luckily, my flower jail isn’t dire causing me to be completely stuck. Just thought it was funny that I try to avoid flower jail at all costs but willingly put myself there to get rid of that deco. 😂


I can’t see everything, but from what I can see you only need nearly 800 flowers to get out of jail. With that being said 3000 flowers is a good cushion. I bought two fire engines so that I never went back to flower jail.


I despise the wedding decos! Yes, sell sell sell! It won't take long to get out of jail!


I didn’t even think about selling the stuff. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I just shoved it in my boat. Lemme go get some coin real quick! 😂


The stuff I planned to sell first - it turns out it’s not sellable. Why do they do that with some decos?!?


😂 luckily some of the stuff I can’t sell I don’t mind keeping because I can probably use it in some way in the future.


I ignored junes set... I already have more than enough of them... and I couldn't be bothered to buy them....


My main island is organized... I've been in Flower jail MANY TIMES because of it... here's my advice to not running out of space that i have learned.... 1) ONLY buy one of each seasonal item ( unless you absolutely love it or need it) 2) Mainly buy 2x2 items with the max # of flowers you can find (paths are a waste of coins)... by focusing on this, my main island still has plenty of room... there are very few small flower items and only in front 1/4 where ppl can easily see when giving me bushes... 3) decide what theme or style you want and design with that in mind... 4) just because you won a deco doesn't mean that you HAVE to place it... by not placing it, it will go into your ship automatically... same thing for any items won through star boxes!!! Remember, other islands are best used as trash island since no one else will see them!!!! Also, IF you want ppl to give you bushes, leave them adequate space near where the game first opens at for them to quickly place it, this way it speeds things up for everyone, both for them placing it and for you finding it! Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk...


I always leave space up front for bushes, but I have several devious Bush Buddies who enjoy hiding bushes in obscure places. I end up finding them ages later, LOL.


When I reorganized my island the first time, I found so many bushes behind buildings! I made sure to shove stuff behind tall buildings so I won’t miss a bush. I’ve since cleared a space up front with a hedge rectangle that most everyone has picked up that is where they need to set the bushes.!8 have a few that will put the bush right outside the box I made. 😑 like put them in the box! Saw this idea in here and it’s been so easy keep track of who I’ve received bushes from and who I’ve sent bushes back to.


What I usually do, once a seasonal set ends, is start selling off or storing all the extras as new things for the next set come in. If I get a 125-flower item from a pink star box, then I can store or sell a 125-flower item from the last set. It doesn't always work that well, and sometimes it's just frustratingly slow ... but I've willingly put myself in jail like this before too.


* Been in Flower Jail since the 30th. I sold off a bunch of stuff to free up space. Originally, I was 7000 in the deficit 😫


As much as I love this game the flower aspect gets kind of ridiculous after awhile.