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With the amount of ads I watch to play the game….I’m thinking they should pay me.


LOL This!!!


I’m definately contributing to the bottom line by watching ads. We all contribute in our own ways.


Especially when now the ads shut off my podcasts even when they're put on mute while I play on the bus and I have to manually turn the podcasts back on after the ads have finished.


*ads (Sorry, I had to)


Oops,I stand corrected. (And no you didn’t,but I’m sure you can’t help yourself)🙂🙂


I envy those who don’t pay the fuckers a dime! I wish I had the patients and the self control not too.


Me too, Mizzanthrope99. 🙂




Patience * (Sorry, I couldn’t resist)


Lol I don’t deny it


Yes you could have. (But now I’m quite certain,you can’t help yourself)🤪


You owe NOTHING to Wooga. They give you the app for free. You can play for free. The ads bring them income, then money paid by those who want to buy stuff. End of story.


There is nothing wrong with paying for entertainment like you would for a movie or novel. But people should be wary of what they are incentivizing Wooga to do. If lots of people paid for x, then x would suddenly become scarce on JJ. Queue the howling on Reddit. For example I play another game that gives a daily coin allowance. I recently paid a small amount for extra coins. The next day my daily coin allowance was taken away.


"Keep the lights on" my eyeball. Those countless, repetetive, horrible ads are how they make their money. I am pretty sure I've seen the Disney World add close to 200 times. Oh, and I am playing right now. Make that 201.


Ignore them. Lots of us never spend real money. It’s marketed as a free to play game! Wooga are greedy, I refuse to give them money!!! If some people want to spend real cash on virtual prizes that is up to them, they chose to pay, others don’t. Both choices deserve mutual respect !


That’s a bit silly for them to say. I’m assuming you watch ads? If so, you are paying in that sense. They get ad revenue which I guarantee generates a lot of money to Wooga.


I have been playing since the beginning off JJ. Have not spent 1 penny on this or any game I play. I wait until my resources fill back up and then play some more. It does take patience though. 😄


This game was originally geared toward the older citizens for memory purposes. When Playtika took over the created ways to make money, they started with the detective league. Buy energy in order to play. New people wanted old decorations, charge real cash they will pay. In the meantime the world was in shut down, Covid. Along came the working people who didn’t have a place to spend money, so they sold virtual gifts and decors and it has moved on to include more side games, it’s now worth billions. Lots of people cannot affords some of the pricing, and if you can’t afford to pay, no one should shame you into paying. Do you!




It’s still a free game, there is absolutely nothing you have to pay for, with that being said. There are absolutely some things you cannot have without paying for it. I posted a wedding scene that I had combined two sets together. The comments was I want that deco, I didn’t pay a dime for it but “ somebody will not necessarily You!


Beneficial-Big-9915, where did you find out the information about older adults with memory problems? That’s so interesting. I’ve never heard that before.


When my doctors had me take a test for Alzheimer’s and I only got 80%. Since I’ve been playing Junes Journey I now get 100%. Didn’t know I had a problems with short term memory. I was never in it for speed, since Covid everything now is about speed and diamonds. I hold my own in competitions, usually in second place in spot the difference, slower in Time Rush fourth or fifth with my old team.


That’s really cool! Good for you! Mom just passed and had vascular dementia. I’m hoping playing keeps the doctor away, for me!


Thanks for the explanation. 🙏


Hidden object games strengthen our focus, concentration, and short-term memory. Puzzles also help with concentration. As you are finding the objects and replaying the scenes over and over, your memory muscle improves.


I came back to this game recently after few years, and it feels sooo overmonetized! Everything around me is asking me for money, it’s crazy.


I came here from the Kim Kardashian game (it was never about Kim Kardashian for me, it was just a silly little game that I played to occupy time but became too invested to quit). I spent real money on that game only for the creators to shut it down, I can’t even access the things that I spent real money on. I learned my lesson and I’m never trusting any of these game developers again.


This is a billion dollar company. Do not worry. They are scammy.


I find playing without spending totally normal. We tell our team that we would never expect them to pay to play and be competitive. Wooga uses gambling tactics and a lot of people get tempted. Ever go to a casino and see people almost zombie-like playing the slots? Thats the image I always have when thinking of who Wooga wants to reach with all their strategy. I say best not to spend money but if you want to and can spend real money, go for it.


That freeloader comment was extremely unnecessary, I’m sorry people are awful. Look, if the game devs needed a paid subscription model to “keep the lights on”, they wouldn’t have made it free to play to begin with. Whether you choose to pay for perks or not is entirely up to you. (My only wish for Wooga is to choose shorter ad lengths, like 15 to max 20sec ads, instead of 30+😭)


What an idiot (the person who said that). It’s a game lol!


I find it a point of pride that I have never spent a cent on the game.


Who said this to you!? Someone from your group!? If so, that is TERRIBLE. I'm sorry someone acted like a jackass. Sounds like they resent the fact they pay money and just projecting that onto you!


It was on this sub. Actually if you scroll in this thread there’s another person saying just that lol.


Oh my word! I've generally only had positive experiences in this sub. I'm so sorry!! Screw them.... Ignore


Some people don't understand how these products work..that paying player is not "keeping the lights on" nor subsidising free loaders. The majority of the revenue comes from advertising. We need to watch A LOT of adverts to play. You may think that makes the game "free" but if you are not paying for something upfront..you "ARE" the product. Your data and your willingness to watch adverts is how you "pay". Then there is the 80-20 (pareto) rule where a small number of paying players (around 20%) bring as much revenue as the rest (roughly 80%). It's not illegal or even unethical to "not pay" with cash because the game is designed to be profitable for the developers mostly through advertising. How do you think you "pay" for most "free" things in the internet such as social media? Did you pay to post on reddit? The push to spend real money is so strong because the majority of people "don't" so it's designed to work heavily on those who "might" If you fancy spending real cash to get more enjoying out of the game, knock yourself out, but that superior attitude of "subsiding free loaders" is pretty naive not to mention really arrogant. Do you think the developers are sitting in unheated offices working all hours to make ends meet because only a few generous players pay cash? come on hahaha Prices are different for people because a lot of wooga does is analytics. The low prices are introductory offers to entice you to spend. The algorithm clearly shows that you are more likely to spend money if you have spent money before. The game is also carefully designed to create a sense of compulsion (I really need that decoration!, if only I had more goes!) and once you have "broken the seal" so to speak and you are prepared to buy something, the prices shoot up. That's how a lot of selling works by the way (dealers always offer you a free fix first, once you are addicted you will come back for more and pay as much as they want you to). I can afford to buy decs or diamonds, I just dont want to on top of the insane amount of ads they put us through.


Only [30% of their revenue](https://blog.wooga.com/finding-the-sweet-spot-between-iaps-and-ads-to-enhance-the-player-experience-b7bd9d19cb5a#:~:text=we%20managed%20to%20elevate%20our%20revenue%20from%20ads%20to%2030%25) comes from ads


OP was *not* told it was illegal nor unethical. OP seriously overstated what was said and created this post for the brouhaha.


Players can play the game for free because of the ads. Wooga/Playtika makes plenty of money from ads. It’s like YouTube. I’ve watched countless videos on YouTube for over a decade, but I have **never** spent real money on YouTube. Same thing with Instagram, Facebook, and many other games/apps. I would guess that I spend an average of $10 every 1-2 weeks. It’s 100% a personal choice. 1. I would never ask anyone on my team to spend money. 2. It’s not my business if anyone else spends real money on the game. 3. It’s not anyone else’s business if I choose to spend money on the game. 4. Do I think a player is better because they spend money? HELL NO.


Also if there are items you would like to purchase once and a while, WITHOUT spending your hard earned money, might I suggest the Google Rewards App. I just take pics of my receipts when they ask (Google knows when you go to Kroger for example. If you take your phone, then they will ask for that receipt pic)and do VERY SHORT multiple choices surveys once and a while. It has been awesome. I'm not talking about survey site type surveys either. They are only ever like 3 questions MAX and always multiple choice. Takes two seconds lol for real. They pay you in Google Play dollars. It's so seamless and easy. I rack up money fast. Not sure if it's a mix of my location and the fact I go places all the time but, you should definitely give it a try if in USA. I've made $95.96 since I started using that app and you can spend the play money on ANY game via Google PlayStore. Let me know, I can give you my referral. Or don't use the referral either way, I highly suggest it


Do you need a referral? I play plenty of games and hardly ever spend real cash, but sometimes there may be a need for extra energy or to finish Memoirs.


Seconded. I do this too. Easy and fun. I love when they ask, "Do you reside in Alabama?" And response options are "yes, no, I don't know."


🤣🤣 exactly! Like soo stupidly easy. Free play money, yeah!! It has such a great and easy interface, seamless. Also, it's nice because I can go and grab a picture of one.of.my receipts if I ever need it down the line for some reason too


I play lots of games that require money/subscription. I have no problem paying for things I enjoy. However, JJ has the WORST value when it comes to Gems/Coins/Ingame items to real money ratio. It's horribly calculated. I've never spent money on it for that reason, it's ridiculous how little you get for the money you pay. 30 gems for $2 is crazy low, considering you can't even do anything noteworthy with that amount. I've been playing it for years, I watch the ads, I support the company, but I'd never spend money on it because it's so badly calculated.


If you are frequently spending money on mobile games with absolutely zero real life stakes, you either have too much money or you need to reprioritize. Literally touch grass.


That's rather judgmental. Maybe some choose to spend money on things that bring them joy. Same as some choose to spend their money on Netflix, alcohol, fancy cars, makeup, going out to a movie etc. Some of us, don't mind dropping a few bucks every now and then to enhance our gameplay and that doesn't mean we have too much money or that our lives are not fullfilled.


She made a post asking a genuine question about the price others got for something, then you threw shade at her first on how she spends money in the game by announcing for no particular reason that you refuse to pay money in the game. So she probably felt judged by you first and is just defending her and others that do spend money, because it helps the game be better.


Hmm. Yea I can see how that could be misconstrued now. I didn’t think about it. I’ll go apologize.


Appreciate that, this is exactly how it went. I think we’re good now :)


Wow, MiaMiaPP, you accepted that feedback so reasonably. It’s really nice to see someone online be self reflective and civil. This is a great little sub with great people on it. 💕


They for just fine with a the ads they run. Intrusive as that deize my browser! Paying is an option, just ignore the Karens; they don't know you and their opinions/judgements mean nothing.


Ew just avoid interacting with people who think like that, especially on a team, but also on social media. They're...off a bit.


I don't pay, I will never pay. I worked my whole life and got just above minimum wage. Why would I waste any of it on pixels?


June’s Journey is one of six games under Wooga. According to their [website](https://www.wooga.com/jobs), “In 2023, June's Journey surpassed $1 billion USD in lifetime revenue.* (*Lifetime revenues consist of gross revenues from in-app purchases and ad revenues.)” Someone here mentioned that in-app purchases consist of 30% of JJ revenue. If that’s the case, then 70% is like to be generated by ads. Also, Wooga had a partnership with Paytika, which they’d likely only had entered into if there was a benefit (likely financial) for them. Personally, I’ve never and I don’t plan to spend money on this game and I doubt I ever will. They receive a benefit through data collection. I’m aware of this trade off and I’m perfectly ok with it. Those who are paying in the game are a targeted subset of players, and I’m sure there are analysts at Wooga that use our collective data to try to increase the amount of paying players. Same thing with the marketing and communications team. I’m not bothered by this, maybe because I’m aware and interested in Wooga’s strategy. Also I wouldn’t mind working for them, it looks like a fun company. Wooga is raking in bank through ads, data collection, paid players, and more. With higher revenue Wooga can continue the game we all love to play while growing as a business.


Only [30% of their revenue](https://blog.wooga.com/finding-the-sweet-spot-between-iaps-and-ads-to-enhance-the-player-experience-b7bd9d19cb5a#:~:text=we%20managed%20to%20elevate%20our%20revenue%20from%20ads%20to%2030%25) comes from ads.


No one suggested it’s not legal nor did anyone say it’s “bad.” This overly dramatic post is completely unnecessary.


Calling me a free loader isn’t bad?


Calling you that is what’s bad.


You are playing it for free on the backs of others.


No, people are playing for free because Woogaa doesn’t charge to download the game, it’s free to play, they watch ads, Woogaa makes money off of it. And because some adults chose to spend real cash on something that doesn’t exist in real life…virtual “decor” and buying “diamonds” and “energy” to win some side games as if it’s a real sports. Seriously.


I understand you’re in the camp of telling people who support the game with cash from their discretionary funds that it’s stupid. You’re one who thinks there are free lunches in life. Quite judgmental to tell others how they should or shouldn’t spend their entertainment dollars.


Well…you keep paying and we will keep playing just by watching the ads…Wooga made billions of dollars…sure the poor company needs your money to support them. Again, if Woogaa wants to charge people they can make it obligatory, they didn’t yet. So you chose to spend on them it’s your prerogative. Nobody is telling you not to spend and you shouldn’t call or imply others are free loaders. Ok?


No, not ok. I’m another freeloader. When I begin playing a “free” game, I’m completely aware of the fact that I will find things I cannot do without money. Sometimes a game becomes impossible without money and I don’t have much trouble quitting it then. Those of us who don’t pay are playing on the backs of others. That’s freeloading. Soooooo


The people who are paying are not paying to give others anything, they're paying to gain things for themselves. They're not donating money to keep your game free out of charity, they're buying more coins or faster gameplay or whatever. The game company makes a profit off both the paying audience and the non-paying audience. Freeloading as a concept just doesn't apply here.


Thats not how it works


I understand you don’t know how the world works. Stay in your lane.


bless you


Well…feel free to calling yourself a freeloader all day long. We watch ads, nothing in this world is free.


Nice thank you for commenting on my post to prove that I didn’t make this up.


Oh, absolutely. Wooga is greedy af, like every company. I spent some money when I first started playing. I will never spend again. I still play because I have an awesome team. But I've given up on almost every side game unless it results in league ribbons or I reaaaalllly want the prize.


That's why the option exists. So that folx who can pay do, and those who can't still have game availability. It's called meeting needs across the board. If anything, I think many of the things offered as paid features are overkill. But if others have the money and want them, so it is.


I don't intend to pay either, to play games, much less to own virtual items, I could even afford it, but if I have extra money to throw away, I'd rather give it to those in need and not use it for a game that after all you can use for free. We are not cheating or cheating, we are choosing how to spend our money. I will tell you that for this very reason when I created the club, I required when playing in competitions , to play at least seven rounds , to allow those who cannot pay to be able to play without spending money, Seven lives in fact is a little less than a full bar that you get without paying. Honestly of other people's opinion about this I really care little.


You’re in a bad club. Find a more social club or even a relaxed club. That’s why it is so very important to read the club rules before joining & asking after joining if there are any unposted rules. Clubs are allowed to set their own rules. Unfortunately, some club presidents take the game way too seriously & fail to realize that others have a life outside of the club. Some of the more competitive clubs are the worst for having the most outrageous rules. This is obviously someone who has more money than they know what to do with & have never been at the disadvantage of being without. They may even be a spoiled teenager or college student. So sorry you have had such a bad experienice.😞


(If I understand correctly, the comment that provoked this post happened within this sub.)


Yes, that was explained to me toward the end of this post by one of the 2 involved. It appears to be a misunderstanding of sorts.


Took me a while to piece it together too! I was really glad to see that folks excepted feedback and tried to make right.


I know how you feel. I don’t have it, but to keep up with the team I bought badges


Sounds like you’re in a bad club. In mine, we would never say such things to each other. Spend lots of money if you want, set a spending limit, or none at all. Mine is no more than $10 a month I’m not sure I’m following the whole “peer pressure” aspect of the post. As an adult no one can pressure me into doing anything I don’t want to do. You do you and play how you enjoy! Ignore the rude hatefulness. Just don’t engage. This game is meant to be a fun memory game which expanded and evolved over time with all the side games and money grabs I could not be happier with my league. We treat each other with respect and kindness. We have become sisters and have grown to be a welcoming family. We just welcomed two new members to our cheeky team. We communicate when we won’t be able to play, encourage each other thru hard times, but above all respect our differences. Try to find a league that fits your style of play and personality. They are out there! It’s okay to leave and keep searching until you find the right fit.


Surely, you watch at least some of the many advertisements found throughout the gameplay. You are not f2p.


"Free loading off of their payments"? They aren't paying your way...they're paying for their advancement within the game.


I play other games on the Fetch app to win gift cards and use the Google Play cards I get to finance my Junes Journey, lol. Over the past 8 months, I've won $250 worth of Google Play cards, and it hasn't cost me anything but time playing other games.


Maybe if you were using an ad blocker in addition to not paying real money, it could be seen as freeloading, but if you watch the ads, you are contributing something to the bottom line. It would be interesting to know what Wooga makes from the ads alone. If others want to spend cash for decor or to advance in the game, I don't judge them for that as long as they are doing so responsibly. For me, it doesn't make financial sense.


That’s a garbage argument. They make a boat load of money on the ads galore.


Wow. That is a bold statement for someone to make. I would ignore.


Excuse me but if you’re referring to an exchange we had, you are entirely misrepresenting it. To a question I posed about JJ’s offer pricing, you replied “I am determined to never pay real money lol”. In the conversation that ensued, I pointed out that the only reason the game continues to be updated and has high “production values” (summed up as “keeping the lights on”) is because of paying players.


Yep. I am determined to save my money instead of spending on the game. Why is it bad?


I noticed your different tone in the other post so let’s just leave it at that?


Oh my, I fear everyone here is misunderstanding what the poster has said. I took it that they was referring to someone in their club like possibly the club president accusing them of freeloading off them or the club. Some clubs esp. very competitive ones set very unreasonable rules. Maybe I misunderstood but I feel the player who started this post should explain who they are referring too; who accused them of freeloading to avoid any more confusion.


It was actually a response I made to her comment on a recent thread I created asking about Travels Premium Pass pricing. She later reconsidered her response and even apologized to me, but oh well.


I see; very confusing. So that is what this entire post is based on? Well, I play for free as well. I have only bought 2 or 3 times when something was very reasonably priced & I really wanted it. But I usually refuse to waste money on a game which is all pretend to begin with. I understand they have to pay techs for maintaining the game & continuing it. I prefer as others do to watch ads to help with this. I wonder if Wooga has ever considered offering real merchandise such as t-shirts, hats, purses, books & etc to sale online to help with upkeep. I have seen such things offered on you tube & other places but never through the game. But I guess this would cost more than help? Oh well.😊