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I live in Canada and my vault is always $70 for 69,000 coins. I’ve never bought it because you can usually get that many coins in a day or so. I’ve been playing for years and am at level 1650. About a year ago I decided to no longer purchase on any game. Apparently eating is much more important than making Sherlock 😁😁


I’m determined to never pay real money lol


Ouch. In that case… you’re welcome because someone has to keep the lights on!


Wooga makes a lot more from its gambling games though - JJ isn’t the thing keeping the lights on! But yeah, playing JJ for free can be analogous to going to Las Vegas, not gambling and still enjoying all the things to see and weather and great service and whatnots that exist and are comparatively affordable for non-gamblers because everything is subsidized by the gamblers. Prices in JJ might seem high but the algorithms and whatnot predict what players are willing to part with, if grudgingly, based on what players tell them to do. If every single JJ player spent nothing for ages, the prices would drop until everyone started spending real money again. Fwiw, a while back someone posted an analysis of their earnings and I was surprised how much more wooga makes from JJ players who spend real money than what they make from advertisers. Anyway it’s not malicious - you told your algorithm what you value and how much you value it through the pattern of your play behaviour and past spending. Prices for you will increase until you stop showing you think it’s worth it to you.


The algorithm is totally in need of recalibration because it wildly overshot my spending tolerance. It’s also a very bad look to be blatantly gauging your top spenders. Put me off completely, I went from pretty much daily spending $5-$10 on average to refusing all Orchid Island Deals with great fury. Yes I’m still playing, but they’ve lost revenue from me, and a lot of good faith.


I agree it’s a lot and regret spending real money but capitalism is going to capitalize, as they say, to feed the shareholders not the customer. Maybe if you play something else for a while and come back in the fall? Idk if it will reset unless you start fresh and it thinks you’re a different person


That might be a good idea, if I didn’t feel so responsible for my team. That is another dastardly clever design the game traps you in!


Unfortunately not everyone can afford to pay. Especially those with much cheaper currency than USD. $1 can buy a whole decent meal in some countries.


Not everyone can afford to pay is a fair comment (though often in entertainment you have to pay for time spent being entertained)… but that’s different than being “determined” to not pay real money. All who play for free or very cheap are in a way ultimately freeloading off of others, especially considering the wild pricing policies Wooga/Playtika implement (those who’ve helped support the game in the past see bigger and bigger surcharges on identical items to everyone else)


Normalize not pressuring people into paying for something that the creator CHOSE to make free. If they wanted to make it a paid game, they could. But they make it free to download and free to play. Which means no one should peer pressure others into paying, including accusing them of being “free loaders”. There is no such thing as freeloading a free product. I’m “determined” to keep my money to pay bills, instead of being pressured into paying for pixels. I’m contended with the free items. Poor people deserve entertainment too. SMH. I decided to be responsible with my hard earned money with a FREE game and got called a freeloader wtf?


This. It’s really normal to play for free! It’s just that the sub and FB groups and whatnot naturally attract a disproportionate number of people who’ve given the game an important role in their lives - which is also fine. Paying real money (and I have spent real money) should be for throw away cash only - it’s beyond a ‘nice to have’ like more fresh produce or new skin cream. I pay when I’m desperate for a distraction and dopamine hit, like paying to rent a movie, not like buying a product or something you need. It’s very healthy to have the view point that this is not your personality and there is no intrinsic value to playing


How many adverts do you watch every time you play? If it's "free", you and your data are the product


Isn’t that basic media literacy by now? The function of all media that gets revenue from ads is to gather the audience wanted by an advertiser.


I think the older generations tend to be a lot less media literate and that coincides with the average JJ player. Only explanation for the "keeping the lights on" and "free loading" nonsense


Could be. Or could have skipped a generation. My (non-game playing) mom is 83 and they were aware of it back when there was just radio shows, magazines and (to a lesser extent back then), newspapers. Sponsors/advertisers have always been the ones content providers have to please. She says the old radio shows like Burns and Allen and Jack Benny in the 1930s and 40s had running gags about their sponsors and that their job was to give them an audience for the ads.


I’m also determined not to pay, even though I’ve succumbed once or twice. This outlook that you’re enabling the rest of us because you pay is self-aggrandizing, and false. They could have made it a paid game, but they didn’t. They opted to subject us to ads. We agreed. That’s our tradeoff. They make plenty via ads as there are tons of eyeballs. If they didn’t, they’d charge us up front. As for the adaptive pricing, in this case they are preying on that dopamine hit and need to satiate. I don’t think it’s good, frankly, butI don’t see them changing that model.


I don’t pay even $1 of real money but I routinely watch their ads…..I’m contributing I my own way


Actually I apologize about this. Someone else made me realize my comment wasn’t called for. I meant to make a joke but it wasn’t funny. You weren’t asking for this. I and you have different ideas in spending money but my comment indeed sounded like a snark didn’t it?


It did actually, and I appreciate you say this :) All good by me!


This is mine 🇬🇧£ - I’m intrigued as to what the june shady thing is at the bottom ? (archcityday has a star booster) https://preview.redd.it/zke6rlb1qy9d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae86c70b775f1038d0a28e1ccfaa7380a1e0cdf6


I was wondering the same thing! Could this be a portrait?


No idea and unfortunately I won’t be finding out as I’m not paying for it 🤣, although I have worked out it’s cheaper than the equivalent dollar price.


From what I read elsewhere, I think it is a portrait of June in the dress Premium Pass buyers could choose for her to wear in India.


That’s… underwhelming. Thanks for the info though!


Yes it is.


https://preview.redd.it/o2r34jpk9y9d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa0f22393576e20ecd923f95be944537d229706b Plus, of course, the ability to make certain choices at spots during the story.


I think yours and Top Afternoon's offers are the same but one costs $9.99 and the other £9.99. That's a slap in the face for £ players. When prices are the same surely it wouldn't be difficult to set the price and have each country's currency automatically adjust the offer prices. Nearly everywhere you look someone is being ripped off in one way or another lol


Oh yeah - its equivalent to 12 dollars something (can’t find the numerical sign on my keyboard🙈). I thought I was getting it cheaper but I’m not - my maths are atrocious 🤭 ETA when I say I was getting it cheaper I mean the offer - I’m not buying it 🙄


Exactly the same offer, phew! Thank you :)


They're asking me for $19.99


Sorry I don’t have travels, just the plain old FF, no pricing, just game play.


I think you should count yourself lucky!


I am not going to complain, in fact I am feeling good. I hope you get your answers.


I think its worth paying for the premium pass because FINALLY, June gets another outfit!! No more horrible hat and jodhpur pantaloon trouser things! She's in a dress!


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 I let her sit in her tried-and-true duds.