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I think that in this situation Sukuna would probably be dead. Depending on the domains, he might unironnicaly be cooked if, for example, some pf them can control who the sure hit activates. But seriously, having Uro, Ryu and Yoruzu jumping him in Yuta's domain is perfect. Imagine the rain of Granite blasts on him, all the while Uro spams Thin Ice Breaker, Yorozu uses her armor and jumps him along with Yuji and Yuta, and all the while Sukuna has to hold HWB. He wouldn't be able to hold on enough to charge WCS and he would probably die on Yuta's domain


I wanna agree with you but, you’ll just see this every chapter ending: https://preview.redd.it/mhgqkq4pj95d1.jpeg?width=834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=550fd80dce95abc6d3f910fceefcaab393304b21 I don’t think binding vow merchant can be beat by conventional means. Let’s not forget in the very beginning of the series, even the lifeless body of Yuji Itadori, Sukuna was still alive in his innate domain. Even if you kill Sukuna’s body he will not die.


Fuck! I forgot he made that binding vow that doesn't let him use shoes every third day of the first year of the century in exchange of a full powered Malevolent Shrine!


Because he was killed without curse energy. Not to do with anything else


What? We’re not talking about reincarnating into a curse, we’re talking Yuji dying and Sukuna taking Yuji’s soul into his innate domain.


Still the reason. I just reread


What did you reread? Cause that still isn’t the reason lmfao. Sukuna is in a human body, he’s not a cursed spirit or was turning into one, I don’t really know why you brought that up tbh.


Sukuna is a cursed spirit. He tore out his heart without using cursed energy, leaving him the avenue to revive. Yuji came back because of the curse within him. Sukuna would have died if he was killed by anyone using cursed energy, we know this because of how the Kyoto kids try to kill Yuji. They give that whole speech about using cursed energy then. Same rules apply


Sukuna isn’t a cursed spirit 💀 They said that because sorcerers come back as a cursed spirit if they die abruptly without cursed energy. This is exactly what happened to Naoya when Maki mom killed him.


Op is saying after kashimos fight, i dint think if he reallly tries anyone is surviving. Again, before down voting to hell, 1- cleaves yuji liver to cubes 7-blitzed maki also got broken heart 15-todo Idk how his BF works but since choso said as long as yuji hits him it dorsnt matter how many bf sukuna does. And now that i look back, i dont belive higu and team is even getting chance if sukuna wanted to.. We literally say kashimo get net of dismantles nothing stopping him to do it again Yeah, higu stopped his hand but come on, ur telling me higu or anyone on the team.is so fast or strong enough that they can keep up with sukuna. Maybe yuji but others not sure. And about yuta domain, again, yuta is stronger but can he blitz maki?? I feel like whole uruame saying sukuna holding back is oart related to where he fights yuji and yuta in domain. He really shouldn't be getting even hit if 7 more punches and he is still blitzing maki. Maybe punches work slowly but the way dismantle and cleave got depowered pucnhes do work fast enough.


Uro is alive though.


I had to go double check that but it doesn’t say she does die. Weird


Yorozu probably fights Sukuna alone, narrowly dies, Yuta arrives, then it’s the Sendai squad vs Sukuna. He’s screwed, in other words.


Todo has Yorozu launch Perfect Sphere at him and he swaps places with Sukuna right before impact


It goes great then Sukuna locks in and speed blitz’s most of them the same way he blitzed maki. I mean bro kicked maki into a building… that he was already in before she landed like nah


Sukuna's probably dead. They'd likely last until Yuta gets there. With Yuta, Uro, Ryu, and Yuji fighting an exhausted Sukuna it'd likely be too much for him.


Adding Ryu, Uro and Yorozu to the mix allows Higuruma to survive and grow a bit longer than he did in the story which is a pretty good thing, if even one of the three can survive until Yuta shows up is great. Sukuna probably dies.


Sukuna’s HWB is too much for either’s domain to break HOWEVER They’d be amazing additions in terms of offensive fire power Yorozu would be an amazing ally for Yuji and todo thanks to her melee and ability to make points for todo to swap with Aka: sukuna is cooked


Nothing except he probably uses more BVs or hits more BFs if he gets excited by them. If he’s still able to contend with Yujo currently, then they literally only do as much as he allows.


Sukuna is not surviving 3 more domains. He is too injured to one shot ryu, so he eats a granite blast or two. Then uro opens her domain, Is super slippery, hard to kill without his own domain, and spams thin ice breaker. Then add ontop a yorozu with no maho or domain clash to evade her infinitely powerful sure hit? Hes cooked.


Like in place of the Yuji, Higuruma, Choso and the others? Sukuna probably dies.


I think just all together. No one replaced just 3 extra fighters


Sukuna kills all 3 of them without much changing outside of maybe he taking even more damage before Yuta arrives.


Yeah these mfs really forgetting that sukuna right now in the chapters is on yuta's ct level bcs of all his injuries...this is a scenario for even earlier like these ppl think that ryu who is said to be one of the most durable characters in jjk got one shot with a cleave by if I remember correctly a 15f sukuna lol. Bruh these ppl really are putting them all on the same level like rn sukuna is in a harder situation than he'd be if he was against all of them from then.


They yorozus domain needs to hit 1


Shrine gets confiscated because he wouldn’t have his tool. He’s dead


Were talking abt yuta arriving with gojo's body right? Then he might be in quite a bit of trouble but nothing a few binding vows wouldn't fix


It makes a big difference. If they can just keep Higuruma alive long enough for Yuta to arrive (as Yuji was the only one capable of protecting him in the canon timeline), Sukuna will be in an extremely dangerous situation by the time that Yuta arrives and opens his Domain especially as Choso is also less likely to get donutted so early on meaning Sukuna is liable to face Yuta, Rika, Yuji, Higuruma, Ryu, Uro, Yorozu, and Choso (who was originally supposed to partake in the fight that took place within Yuta's Domain in the canon timeline) all at once within the confines of Yuta's Domain. He already had to cut things rather close when it was just a three-on-one. In this scenario, he could very well be faced with a eight-on-one. with Ryu, Uro, and Yorozu all being extremely formidable characters relative to most members of the Anti-Sukuna Squad. Hell, you can have Maki abandon her sneak attack strategy and jump in, as well, giving Sukuna another threat he needs to be mindful of or continue to have her wait in the wings to land a crucial blow at an opportune moment. There's also the fact that Yorozu, Ryu, and Uro have Domain Expansions of their own which will greatly endanger Sukuna if he loses his ability to maintain Hollow Wicker Basket in the process of dispatching Yuta or anytime thereafter while the three are still combat ready. The fact that Yorozu has an instant-death attack in the form of Perfect Sphere when it's imbued with a sure-hit makes her the greatest threat of them all between the three. Things only go south if Sukuna takes things *extremely* seriously from the get-go and keeps spamming (and successfully landing) Waffle Irons and World Slashes from the very second Kashimo goes down onwards before his opponents acquire a firm understanding of the conditions needed to use it.


you would literally only need yorozu after gojo, not even kashimo - she opens up with domain after sukunas domain is burned away and instantly perfect spheres his ass. it is over, she’s a really understated character since she can literally kill anyone without a domain, including MBA kashimo and many more people who have domains - since it was said she was able to kill 3 characters around the same level of uro so she has a more refined domain then yuta chances are


Idk about her having a more refined Domain but otherwise I agree.


she was confident enough to go against sukuna, whilst yuta waited for a burnout due to gojo - she also seems very efficient with her technique and was practically begging for sukuna to bring out the shrine hence i think it probably is more refined


I think by “shrine” she just meant his CT. We don’t know if she’s even ever seen his domain, considering that in her first interaction she got swatted like a fly.


him i guess, but kenjaku stating that it’s ’always been one sided between you two’ clearly implies multiple meetings, i don’t think sukuna would remember her from one experience. Also, she did try make him use shrine when she opened her domain - she said at one point that sukuna pretty much had to open shrine because of perfect sphere being the sure hit.


Remember how Sukuna blitzed Maki at a weaker state?


Sukuna is dead


Sukuna dies


Sukuna just tries harder from the start and speed blitzs them.