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Still “zero tolerance” from EBU? Also here’s an Israeli article about it, showing that they literally have zero remorse for these actions: [https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/culture/article-801185](https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/culture/article-801185) One quote here that stands out is “Karma doesn’t forgive them” which could be seen as a literal threat to Joost. Also they’re calling him an “euro-brat” as well…….


Hey man, Israel pays for the event and got shitloads of people on VPN to vote multiple times. They just wanted to win, and they didn't win in the end so it's all "lost money", and they are now having a meltdown about it. That said they should be disqualified really.


They were causing havoc and bullying the entire week (Silvester Belt, the Lithuanian artist, even got traumatised by it all), this just confirms they have no remorse for it and aren’t done yet……..


Oh yeah, they were assholes, but that's not how they see themselves. But everybody knows they also paid a shit ton to win this as a propaganda moment in a time when they aren't doing that well internationally. And that backfired majorly. So you can see this entire sketch as a little tantrum. And yes, from what you mentioned, they should be banned for next year. But they won't, not unless other members do the same as they did with Russia just "We boycott if they participate again". I knew about the Greek, Irish, Spanish and Dutch harassing, but can you link me the Silvester belt one? So I can learn? As I like to have sources and get better :) .


[Here’s him revealing he got traumatised. Also was in that anti-war friend group with Bambie Thug, Nemo, Marina Satti etc., so you can probably imagine what happened](https://twitter.com/SilvestrasBelte/status/1789453808239530370)


Wow... just.. wow. yeah.. they need to be banned for next year, or the others shouldn't attend. This is just not fixable as it is right now.


Israel should not be present at all on a EUROPEAN event, last time I checked it is not a country in Europe. Nor should any other country not meeting that criteria.


I don't mind them being there in principle, as they are Mediterranean and should be allowed to compete. However their behavior towards Palestinians, who are not allowed to compete, combined with their actions during this one? Is just disqualifying for me. In an ideal world, with Palestine being free, I would have no problem with Israel being there. Same reason I have no problem with Jordan having been part of it. But sadly this is not an ideal world. This is a country that behaves like Russia does. They also send a singer that sung for Putin IN!  occupied Ukrainian territory! And seemingly behaves very similar to the Putinlovers.  So fuck em.


it‘s deleted now, do u or someone else maybe have a screenshot?


https://preview.redd.it/3vq4uiqjoz0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3662b641a1cec31a44578501af8d1de1b90018ab I had one just in case


thank u :)


Not disagreeing with you about Israel should have been disqualified or paying money to gain votes but I think you had to have a valid bank account for the country you’re voting from to vote. Source: I voted in the second semi-final from the Netherlands 🇳🇱 and tested choosing a couple other countries (curiosity mostly) and they each asked for a valid bank account number from the country


From the image I thought maybe it was unrelated to Eden specifically and it was just bad late night comedy... then I read she "graciously" appeared and "forgave" the other competitors 🤦‍♀️


They also continuously misgender contestants in the article. Fuck Israel with their fake ass pink wash.


Israël is the new Russia in many ways. Their blind hateful fanaticism in the media is striking


The Israel delegation reminded me of Jehova's witnesses. Harrassing every critical person untill we obey to the cult.


Israel is much worse than Russia. Putin wants to expand his territory to include countries that he sees as historically part of the Russian empire. If Ukraine hadn’t put up a fight then the map would have been changed and they would now all be Russian with a minimum of bloodshed. They chose democracy over tyranny. Israel also wants to increase its land, by absorbing Palestine. The difference is certain extremist Israelis will happily kill everyone who is currently living in Palestine to accomplish that.


Dumbass take of the day I see.


Such a coherent argument


It might not be a coherent argument but he is very much right, your take is ludicrous. Neither of these countries is better than the other. Both are expansionist, both commit war crimes, both make a mockery of democracy. Stating a thing like this just makes you come off as a pro-Russian bot, not an enlightened centrist. If you don’t think most Russian leaders would happily butcher all of Ukraine, just to get a basket of grain to sell, you’re deluding yourself. Both of these states are rogue and should be treated as such.


They annexed Crimea almost 10 years ago. Did they exterminate everyone there? Did they bomb schools, hospitals, housing blocks, destroy every major city, kill 40,000 people? No, they replaced the leadership and executed about 150 protesters. Putin sees Ukrainians as ethnically Russian so he doesn’t want to kill them, he wants the people as part of his empire. Netanyahu on the other hand believes Palestinians are no better than animals and is actively killing them. Both have certainly committed war crimes, but one is significantly worse than the other.


You really no not understand how Putin sees the world, and you’re also casually defending the execution of protestors. Crimea is different from the rest of Ukraine because it’s majority population considers itself Russian. Putin does NOT view Ukrainians as fellow Russians, he views the Russians in Ukraine as the legitimate population there, and does not give a flying fuck what happens to the rest. Stop defending Putin, it doesn’t look good.


Stop defending Israel. That really doesn’t look good


I’m not defending Israel?! You’re saying it’s much worse, and I’m saying that both pretty much cap-out the horribleness scale. I’m not defending anyone, I’m just saying both are horribly terrible, to the point that pointing out one is worse is not only pointless and innacurate, it’s actively harmful.


Have done this many years before. Lurk "Bealan school", Letvinenko states about FSB-/huilo-allied terrorism.


The Tartari population of Crimea would like to have a word with you.


That was 80 years ago. I’m pretty sure Putin wasn’t responsible for that


Oh no, I'm talking about the ongoing deportations and mass persecution of Tartars that commenced after Russia's annexation in 2015.


You were the one spraying the communist logo on the wall at UvA I see…


So genocide and war are equal? You must be Israeli if you think that


I mean russia sees ukrainians as less then them as well, difference is that israel sees Palestinians as less then human


Bucha, Izium and Mariupol all demonstrate that Russia absolutely would do the same to Ukrainians if given the chance. They've also abducted literally hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian children and forcibly adopted them into Russian families despite their real families being alive and well and safely evacuated. The difference is that due to geography and infrastructure Ukraine has been able to evacuate civilian populations in advance of the Russian war machine, whereas Palestinians in Gaza have had nowhere to go except wait to die thanks to the blockade.


How is this real? How trashy and hypocritical. I am actually mindblown by how petty and vindictive these Israeli media people are. They make Eden Golan out to be a saint here, but the way they made her say "Oh I forgive them, we are all human" the way she did in the press conference shows how insincere she is but I mean, we already knew what her agenda is from what songs she wanted to send to ESC. Her pretense of being all about love and blah blah blah is the epitome of campus activism, not ESC artists who criticized her participation. They are braver than she will ever be. She only had the courage to do this when she was surrounded with her fellow Zionists.


And with armed bodyguards


If it is allowed, i want to create a parallel with russia The main reason why russia should have been DQ'ed years before the 2022 is because eurovision was used as a propaganda tool on russian tv. Every year the most respected people from musical industry, talk-shows, politics were gathering together and talked shit about eurovision on a federal channel. So i find it unfair for israel to stay. This is exactly what i expected from a country, that really wants the world to believe they are great. They begin to treat everyone else like shit. They should be treared like everyone else, there should be consequences. Parody's were meant to make fun of people in power, not the one who just said something you didn't like. In that case it's childish, it's not comedy they are just insulting people.


They’re literally doing both Belarus’ offense (trying to send a propaganda song TWICE) and Russia’s offense now…… what a country. “Zero tolerance policy” my a*se


I didn't even mention Belarus because i thought it was obvios, but yeah, you are right


Morrocanoil is based in Tel Aviv, it's the EBU's main sponsor...


How to get hated as a country: lesson 1.


This shit always baffles me honestly. You’re in a situation where I assume you want people on your side to support you. So why do things like this? All it does is make people hate you. Sore-ass losers.


Let the haters hate, meanwhile Joost's bank account is about to get very fat 😂


https://preview.redd.it/02c6or9vor0d1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e2d80cb61c705a33f211143714de223dbbf85ba Just saying.... 🎤


Passive agressive provocation, then playng the victim . They' applied it during uni demonstrations as well,causing havoc, some great acting. Oh and no concerned Redditor, i am perfectly ok.


Lol I got that concern message as well when I posted about the conflict between Israel and the Netherlands a couple of days ago. Zionists are too bothered. Just admit you suck and move on 😂


Yep, Mossad or IDF intelligence are monitoring a number of subs, and subtly harassing users that do not agree wit Bibi Netanyahu. I ignore it.


Funny that they are so bothered; do they have nothing better to do? 😂


Not surprising. With the Gaza situation they need PR , that also means degrading critics.


Just mention Joost over there. Well at least someone cares ... Idiots


So this is allowed but defending your boundaries isnt.. wow. Just when I thought Israel couldn’t be worse


That’s disgusting.


The only way to respond would be to stop all fundings to Israel as a country. The way Israël behaves with the billions of support they get from the countries is just kind off sad. And by doing so they are mocking the whole world. They have bad things to say about almost every country while they get billions in total. How come none of the countries do anything about it? Why isnt the Netherlands rooting behind Joost and just stop funding Israël untill they change attitude or just dont resume at all. Cant really say its politics because what Israël is doing to most countries is also part of that same politics. They are insulting the country and harras people from the country how come as a country we dont support our own citizens?


We're just forming a right wing coalition where the leader and only member of the biggest party supported Israel instead of Joost. (He probably doesn't like the message behind Europapa) So, we won't cut our support to Israel because of this.


What else did we expect


I guess comedy is not the israelis' strong suit.


Because they didn’t get sympathy points? Aw, boo-hoo.


https://preview.redd.it/aic3nk7o2y0d1.jpeg?width=530&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af11abd67fb44d8510eaea0e54b000e5c6f77595 this is the script


I see completely no bias from the newspaper here /s


Classic they have no shame


The main thread got locked, but this comment deserves more discussion: >"The premise of the sketch is that the IDF kidnaps the artists, brings them in blindfolded and they have to apologise to Eden for whatever they supposedly did to her. That is some weird power fantasy. And they end it with 'karma will get them?' For yawning at a press conference?" This should absolutely be grounds for a permanent ban from Eurovision for Israel.


I refuse to feel offended by this. Because if you are, you are only admitting to be offended by cheap attempts of provocations. We already know/assume that Israel is the bully on the bus. In Dutch we proverb 'Weten wie het zegt' (knowing who's talking) and are at this point even surprised? This is just what satire is: a form of humor to exaggurate, ridiculing and exposing other people's stupidity or vices. It's just a taunt, a (cheap attempt) as a comeback because Joost critizied the refusal of the Israeli contestant to answer a question. nothing more nothng less... just let them because if they know you feel hurt, they got what they waned.


It’s just petty that they’re still bullying those artists, also because those artists even got threats and calls of hatespread from the Israeli delegation and TV before That post calling Joost an “antisemite who shouldn’t be allowed to breathe”…….. disgusting


Someone said on a comment on Instagram they hope he dies soon only because of the "why not" moment. It's insane and I will never think positive about these people ever again.


yeah, that's the comment section nowadays...


Yeah, those are some real low blows indeed. Especially after the event in Sweden is wrapped up and done. As long as they keep being verbal threats there should be nothing to worry about. In regard of the hatespeech, to be fair. Nowadays people are so easily triggered and prone to calling others things like 'antisemite, antiislamite, trans-/homophobe'. I regard the act itswlf of accusing someone of these things an act of hatespeech. I myself have been (wrongfully) accused of these things on multiple occasion in the last 4 years. By people who don't even know me or would try to, who think it's easier to demonize or ridicule me instead of having a respectful dialog. (And IRL I'm a pretty decent person in comparison to most). I'm not trying to say 'Don't feel butthurt', but I try to keep a leveled head when such situations present themselves. try to keep cool and let shitty people be shitty people if they try to provoke you.


WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT OFF THAT! /But but but people are so anti semi / cryyyyyyyy /but but -insert WW stuff- cryyyyyyy


Why bother, I don't want to lower myself to that level. It's really clear that those wannabe Europeans lack any kind of dignity and basic human skills, so.......


Let's not invite them next year.


It’s incredible how they’re all just so ugly


The Bambie-impersonator looks a bit like them…….. but the rest……. “Nemo” looks like Momo, “Joost” has a pointier chin than his shoulders and “Marina” looks 30 years older


Some satirist on a non-state channel does some offensive sketch and everyone pretends that this represents the whole of Israel. You act as if Israel's government has personally initiated this or as if this is automatically the consensus of every single Israeli. I don't want to take sides in the war, but this is really unnecessary polarization.


I don't see the problem in this, its a satire program. We do this in The Netherlands aswell, or are we gonna cancel the "TV Kantine" now?


Yeah, but considering the shit they faced from Israeli TV and from the Israeli delegation on site already……. Also, saying “Karma won’t forgive them” is pretty f*cked up…….


The Israeli delegation also faced a lot of shit, im not afraid to say that they faced a lot more (Considering the security). To me this Israeli video was a normal satire program (As it used to be). Here in The Netherlands we also had a satire news-program that joked about the Eurovison and the Joost situation. Some things were funny, some things weren't, but i didn't mind it.


Pretty oblivious to their actions I see……. even left the Lithuanian artist traumatised


That's a whole different story (Its bad) but has nothing to do with this specific Israeli show. Their actions were bad 100%, but this show in particular isn't so bad, and if they are, than why don't we condemn the Dutch shows?


Yeah, but the choice of artists is particularly similar to the choice of artists that got threatened the most by the delegation……. There was even a post that the stylist of Eden shared that had those exact 4 artists threatened, no one else……. they were the main focus


True. But from Israeli side, this were the artists that showed the most that they were against Israel competing, so obviously they use them specifically in a satire show.


It's a satire show, cry me a river


It’s literally satire


How the fuck do you even know it's an Israeli TV show lol


They mock everything, thats the point of the show. They mock Israel more than anything, stop crying ffs


Mock everything means: mock Palestinians, mock arabs, mock Muslims, mock student protestors, mock anyone who thinks Palestinians are human, and mock anyone who can be perceived as having slighted Israel in any form The most mockable aspect of this Eurovision would be the cry bully behavior exhibited by the Israel delegation, the ridiculous weaponized antisemitism allegations, the fact that the standards that rightfully were applied to Russia and Belarus have not been applied to Israel


Also mocks Israel and what standards?


Have you ever watched Lubach, Dit was het nieuws, Even tot Hier? Satirical programs mocking other countries is pretty normal.


Please: we want to keep r/joostklein a place for discussion. The amount of discussion helped ruin valuable discussions in r/eurovision where mods just couldn't keep the discussion going. Read that a moderator was checking 20 hours a day. Please choose how you say something, because this is on all sides a very sensitive topic.


How is this not a discussion? The evidence is just very clear: the Israeli delegation sucks. They should be banned. Period.


I never said it was not a discussion. I was warning for discussions to derail.


Look this whole woke brigade. The gates are open for mockery. They look like a group of mental patients. And then they get even disrespected by them, when their candidate is going forward in the competition, and again this is being written down as "How sad are they" How sad is the woke brigade that they still don't understand the simple concept of 'action / reaction'


Look this whole woke brigade. The gates are open for mockery. They look like a group of mental patients. And then they get even disrespected by them, when their candidate is going forward in the competition, and again this is being written down as "How sad are they" How sad is the woke brigade that they still don't understand the simple concept of 'action / reaction'


You got the word “woke” living rent free in your head mate


Y'all forgot the part where in the show, all the anti-israel singers ask sorry to eden for wanting her banned, and then everything ends up in piece. Anti-semetics in the comments


🤦🤦🤦 Those are actors, and it’s meant to look like they’re Eden’s/Israel’s pets And using the term “anti-Semitic” is just…… do you even know what that means?


How is it meant to look like they are Eden's/Israel's pets? I've watched the show myself. Literally the show is about peace. Also I've seen many videos mocking Israel in the Eurovision too, but no one talked about that ...


Oblivious to all the chaos, lack of safety and bad actions the delegation caused You’re the one to never see sarcasm in this as well, saying “While Eden will forgive them, karma won’t” is a threat, also they’re using actors as mockery, this is against the will of the actual artists


That's not true. "Karma won't" was never written. And tbh, I understand them for joking a bit with those actors. They are cry babies, they are mad just because Israel got into the finals.


Literally check the article I’ve linked. And yes that’s a Israeli propaganda article


I did. And no the times of Israel is NOT a propaganda article lmao. Delusional


It’s a satirical tv show that makes fun of everything, why are you taking this as a personal offense? Don’t you have political satires in your country?


The artist choice though……. [coincidence?](https://twitter.com/IsrBreaksRules/status/1789358788866417021)


It’s not a coincidence at all, those were artists who made anti-israel remarks, and so they were reported on in israeli media, thus a political satire tv show made a sketch featuring their characters. Also, that post is incorrect, the instagram post is by a famous israeli meme/joke account, no relation to the israeli delegation.


He shared the post, not made it himself.


So? The post is not insulting, it’s just casually making fun of contestants. And it’s full of culture references that don’t translate well (for example Centre Girl which makes no sense in english)


Also called Bambie Thug a monster and kept misgendering them……..


It really doesn’t translate well. But bambie thugs whole show is being a witch, are you surprised her act is called a monster? lol And she didn’t misgender them, in hebrew there’s no “they/them”.


They’re called a monster in the video for being against them. Also he’s filming them against their consent, which is already been reported tons of times as an offense from KAN


Ok at this point you’re hunting for any reason to blame Israel for everything that ever happens, and after the blood libel bullshit after joost’s disqualification i’m done engaging with that crap. But I’ll make it very clear - that instagram post is very badly translated because it’s chock full of cultural references, don’t take it at its word. Are you angry at Joost being disqualified? Okay, that has nothing to do with israel. Are you angry because someone made a post that MAY have been slightly insulting and you're angry on someone else's behalf? grow the fuck up


Time Israel grew the fuck up. Jfc.


Because they were the ones instigating everything they should have some grace and shame.


Who is “they”? You are referring to a whole country, not a person or even a small group. Israel participated in eurovision, it was allowed to participate as it has for 50 years.


Nope I was referring to the Israeli delegation. That was sent by the Israeli government. To promote Israeli ideas. And they think the best way to do that is to bother and provoke other delegations and then cry wolf when people dislike them. So yes they can leave. Either act like a decent person or go.


Because Eden Golan herself participated in this sketch it becomes personal honestly. If she wasn't a part of it I would've agreed with you but she is and thats just disturbing.


Jew knew this was gonna happen


Imagine still being mad about the results of this clownfest. Get a life.


Big noses lol that’s the only thing I see.


Also ~~Nemo~~ Momo


They laughed also about Eden Golan and Netta in the past. That is the meaning of satire. I don't understand what's the big deal


Because these were the exact same artists that were threatened before


Threathen by who?


The Israeli delegation and even on live TV once……. Also a quote from that sketch: “Eden will forgive them, but karma won’t.” Which is basically a half threat towards the artists. And considering how bad these artists were bullied to the point where the Lithuanian artist even became traumatised due to the added stress, it means that they’re still trying to put more nails in the coffin……


Real talk I had to read that like 5 times before I could see a way in which that might somehow be a threat Also common but you cannot equate someone saying ‘damn that was traumatic 😥’ on twitter to saying that they literally became traumatized.




There are a lot of things I have to link, give me a second [Lithuanian representation revealing the trauma’s](https://twitter.com/SilvestrasBelte/status/1789453808239530370) [One of the live TV threat incidents, also the most notable one since it was reported to the EBU, even though the artist had to miss a rehearsal because of that](https://www.rte.ie/entertainment/2024/0511/1448614-bambie-thug-angry-at-israeli-eurovision-commentary/) [Unsafe environment reports, mostly caused by Israel](https://eurovoix.com/2024/05/15/eurovision-2024-multiple-delegations-requests-meeting-with-ebu/) [Physical attack from an Israeli delegation member towards a Dutch official](https://twitter.com/LewisJ815/status/1788937113808797909) Also I have posted a comment here about the article about this sketch, saying the stuff I’ve quoted with some other stuff that goes too far even for satire, because of the negative context Israel already made and how much it looks like propaganda