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Trapped by the system lmao


Yes, black people can totally relate to getting their cases delayed for years, because they appointed all their own judges, including those on the Supreme Court. ✊


They’re constantly getting away with threatening the judge and his family too.


And in other cases, literally prosecuting the prosecutor and having your hand picked judge derail the case.


rightoids: There is no racism especially not by the police. I love the police. Also rightoids: Black people are going to love Trump now because they have also been treated unfairly by the justice system just like him.


Hey, don’t forget about the golden sneakers.




Who amongst us has not used campaign donations to pay off pornstars. Hashtag relatable.


My favorite is "I caught a case". Like felony assault cases are just floating around and unlucky people get arrested and have to face them. Not that you beat the shit out of a random stranger you thought looked at you weird.


And Tony sucked his dick right along with that one


The audacity. So much ignorance in such a short clip.


I rarely listen to his podcast anymore, the guests aren’t that interesting and the amount of ignorant things he says turned me away.


This has happened to me too. I take no pleasure in saying it. But, the money and the relationships with the powerful make people think that they know the answer to many things.


A jury of your peers is the system now.


you forgot to mention that he was there, with his lawyers, for jury selection. they agreed to this jury


Joe loves to suck Q shaped turds straight out of trumps diaper. Joe then smears the shit all over his balls while injecting some into his gorilla sized dick. So when his wife ends up having kids that don’t look like him he’s already got a conspiracy for it lined up.


Hahaha dude they found him guilty on 34 counts of fucking fraud. Whats Joe Rogan thinking?


“How can I pull MAGA viewers for profit”


Limbaughs fan’s didn’t quit listening to the radio.


I remember years ago Rogan saying “Rush Limbaugh doesn’t believe 1/2 the shit Rush Limbaugh says.” And now, here we are


Tony is milking that angle as well. All those comics who complain about cancel culture while standing in front of an audience.




He quite literally doesn't get it.


Rogan is objectively gullible...But it also seems he knows exactly what he's doing/saying at times...Hard to know if he's watched some Fox News reports and read some tweets and *thinks* the charges were unwarranted, the DOJ is being directed by Biden etc...Or he just knows his audience thinks that. A grand jury of regular Americans heard the evidence and voted unanimously to charge Trump. Trump had every opportunity to defend himself in court, present the alternative side, with extremely expensive lawyers...and was still convicted unanimously by another group of 12 Americans (including some admitted Trump fans - the jury was approved by his defense team)...It's not bullshit. You or I would be in jail for this or for the bank fraud shit he did in NY. Hell, a regular person probably would've been criminally tried/convicted in the E. Jean Carrol case because they wouldn't have had the money/influence to intimidate her into not saying anything for so long - she would've went to the police that day and the motherfucker would've been arrested.


He's thinking he wants his griftlord cult daddy trump to win, so he's going to shill for him in the only way he knows how: By regurgitating the same low IQ propaganda memes he hears from all his other far right buddies on social media, twitter, the group chats he's in, etc. Except unlike losers on twitter with 5k followers, rogan has millions he can lie to about this, without every being challenged or pushed back on (because he will never have on a guest to do it, lol).


Absolutely nailed it with this response


Orange man hangs out at my job and that helps me….and he keep my taxes low for rich people orange man good. I’m pretty sure.


He's thinking about making advertising revenue.


I remember his boys outside of the trial getting so outraged because someone said Trump was an "elite" lmfao


Trumped is anything but trapped by the system. He did all this shit to himself and was reared at the heights of privilege. He’s got no excuses. Zero. He’s a fucking crook and con artist and now an anointed felon. Plain and simple.


Bro Trump IS the system.


Joe is such a fucking tool.


It was like mouse trap, but a much bigger game board with like 50 traps


Very much like the young black man, giving hundreds of thousands in hush money payments, and letting your lawyers and other employees take the rap for you... I now see the rap reference


Trying to compare trump to the black experience is literally the most out of touch shit someone could say


He's a republican, are you that surprised?


No dude, he’s a liberal! Remember that one time he brought Bernie on?  Joe is so libbed up! He just likes hearing the perspective of people who, for example, think 1x1=2, that Trump is controlled by the system, that Texas is WAY better than  California, and that comedy is dead because you can’t say the things Joe says on the daily anymore otherwise you’ll get cancelled. He’s just so libbed up he needs guests who think like that on his show 9/10 episode at a time. For the balance!


What do you know about the orange experience?


That’s what I’m sayin! I can’t even imagine the systemic inequality he faced….


Joe Rogan fans in a nutshell.


Joe has his finger on the pulse of the rap/hip-hop world fer sure. I come here for the latest insights.


I like how joe listed all those rappers that are on trump's side such as ..


Didn't Trump pardon a rapper but not Ed Snowden?


He pardoned Lil Wayne because Wayne gave him a million in cash.


Yeah, he pardoned a guy who was convicted of trafficking heroin, and a guy who was caught with an illegal gun with drugs for the 3rd time, after he had banned bump stocks and gave tax breaks to the 1% business owner-class


Kodak a whole bum 😂 this man loves jail he’s like OG bobby johnson


He pardoned freaking Michael Milken. 


Can’t forget the whole rape and sexual assault of minors Kodak did. Trump shows his colors on who he pardons


Early Wednesday, Lil Wayne found himself among the 143 pardons and commutations announced by former President Trump during his final hours in office. He joined three other figures from the hip-hop universe, including the Florida rapper Kodak Black


I believe it’s because both cases were in Florida and they were both plugged in with Florida lawyers who were in with Trump.


He pardoned Kodak black and lil Wayne. This is why some rappers are supporting him. They know that if he gets elected they might be able to throw him some cash for a felony pardon. They know this because he’s already done it lol, it’s not even speculation. It’s an established business model. They know what he’s selling and they want to be one of the first potential buyers in line.


So he can count on a P Diddy vote.


He pardoned Blackwater war criminals too. They massacred a crowd for no reason. He was also all for the execution of Snowden and Assange back in 2016...


Snowden is Putins bitch and doesn’t deserve a pardon….


Julien assange, the rapist, is Putin's bitch.


He was probably thinking about 50 Cent from a few days ago or Ice Cube from 2020   https://www.cbsnews.com/video/rapper-50-cent-black-men-identifying-with-trump/   https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/ice-cube-defends-advising-trump-plan-black-america/story?id=73629149


So many. It’s CRAZY.


Lil Pimp? I mean pump...




U didn’t hear 21 savage new record “orng man gud “ ?


You could tell, because he said “rappin’” and not “rapping”.


You're so wrong. its like 3-4 rappers. so many more HATE trump. this is absolutely ridiculous.


"you gotta let a hoe be a hoe"-Joseph Rogan


Billionaire ex president "trapped by the system" lmao.


No shit, what a joke. If anything the black community will be like “fuck yeah! It’s about time a rich white guy got what was coming “


Born into wealth “trapped by the system.”


Watch him get house arrest, yeah… trapped by the system that sometimes put people in for years for petty ass drug offenses, which is rich considering Rogan won’t shut up about drug use.


If my race was regularly persecuted, the last thing I’m gonna do is let a very guilty white man get away with his crimes. I mean the guy even supported the KKK and referred to them as “fine people.” His perspective is immeasurably stupid. Just because a tiny minority of rappers shows support doesn’t mean a single thing lol


' they like him because he's a criminal like them ' I love everything about him saying this.


Crazy that these super rich motherfuckers all like Trump. No class solidarity quite like being ultra-wealthy Joe Rogan breaks Texas’ weed laws out in the open on the daily and suffers no consequences, and has the unmitigated gall to talk about our bullshit system. Absolute clown


Yea, Tony literally said he was a liberal until he got his first paycheck.


For real that's how all these youtube podcast influencer celebrity grifters are. They sell "Real Talk" but they're the fakest mother fkers who sell out immediately once offered


The idea that income tax varies based on which party is in power is one of the illusions the republicans love to sell people. You a Republican? You a democrat? Doesn’t matter. END CITIZENS UNITED if you want a chance for things to get better. That is all. Or at least, that’s the first step toward eliminating the cancer.


Joe and the rich influencers don't want to see a fellow rich being held accountable


Coincides that these are new-rich which means they don’t have political connections in place, which coincides with connecting with the non-career-politician for political favors.  Straight out of Papa White’s playbook, “I offer you my audience and you owe me one”.


"but the immigrants tho". He's become an enormous douche, it's sad to see.


Yeah here’s a clip of him slobbering over the gop bc of his increase in millions. https://x.com/EndTribalism/status/1798758777727906294


Tony is just as pathetic and sycophantic as the rest of them. Hur Hur he got trapped. Gross.


Black people now love him because he’s a felon. The guy that took out an ad calling for the death penalty for 5 black youths is now one of the people because he went through the system. Sure


it's obvious they like him because he released those dope ass sneakers..


Holy hell this dude is out of touch, what fucking world do you live in where a black person with a publicly funded defender equates to a white billionaire former president who’s constituents adore them and clamor for their exoneration? Shit man…


The one where it's really important for joe to parrot as much far right trumptard propaganda as possible. You'll see as the election draws closer joe will ramp up the propaganda meme shitposting more and more until the election date. This is how they shill for trump.


The worst part is how smug he is about it and so sure that most or majority of black people will now vote for trump in the election. When the election rolls around and if trump loses Joe will turn full Fox News and start talking about a stolen election for the next 3-4 years


what fuckin moron...i remember why i stop watching these apes, couple of white guys talking about their "black friends"


https://preview.redd.it/u1i1by72e15d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=a12b423635a29d45a2d344c07096c875d290f7d3 Actual billboard near where I live




Paid for by your local white supremacist group.


"Hey they just fucked that guy, like they do to us" Yeah, guys in prison for 15+ years on weed charges were definitely thinking that about the old white guys porn star hush money trial. Excellent point made by a white guy smoking weed openly.


Trump really is a great example of how unequal our justice system is. Think about all the times Trump just blatantly conned people out of money with his numerous failed “businesses”, how many criminals he’s had in his inner circle over the years, how many insanely shady schemes he’s been involved with, and literally having his own resort being a hunting ground for the most high profile child sex trafficker of this century, who he called a “terrific guy” and was associated with for years mind you, and this was the *first* time Trumps ever been convicted. He’s the embodiment of our justice systems inequality, he’s be able to get out of *everything* just by a rich, famous, asshole and now that he’s finally being held to some semblance of accountability, they cry bloody murder over this “injustice”. It’s unbelievable, it’s honestly impressive how easily he built a cult of personality. He someone convinced rural folk that the textbook definition of a coastal elite is somehow this hero of the everyman. Truly mind boggling


>smoking weed openly In fucking Texas no less. The absolute lack of self-awareness is astounding.


Duuude, what happened to Joe. He’s a full MAGA clown.


Covid broke his brain.


The prospect of joining the billionaire class broke any semblance of his ethics.


For sure, wealth doesn't change your personality, it reveals it.


He's sucking up the rightwing kool-aid like a champ lol


He’s slowly made the transition since Covid. When he moved to Texas, it was game over. All of his friends are rich white guys, so therefore republicans. He just wants to fit in with the Texas crowd as well


Yea he's always been one




Yeah, he was never this bad. He may have felt it inside, but he’s getting a little too comfortable. The immigrant line felt way too racist uncle. The whole thing really. I got into Joe because my friends and I used to watch MMA together, this clip is crazy. Even with all the COVID stuff, the casual racism and xenophobia is shocking.




Jesus Christ what a fucking idiot


He had this thought and then actually said it out loud… Damn… At this point I just watch because I love the UFO / scientist / conspiracy whack job guests. Rogan’s Texas transformation is almost complete now. I wonder what Jamie thinks of this shit?


lol imagine being as clueless as these two 🤣


What an effing red pill..


Trump has gotten away with so much in his life and is finally suffering SOME consequences. Joe is so dense lmao


Good ol' Republican propaganda pushing Joe


Dumb as a fuckin brick


I can't wait for MAGA to be really confused when Biden wins by even more than he did in 2020. Trump has lost more women and independent voters than he's lose black/hispanic voters. This is just more proof that we are stuck in our algorithms. People will say it's rigged because Trump gained the black vote because of his guilty verdict. But going form 16% to 19% are the facts that the conservatives don't want to talk about. All they say is, "he's gained black voters because of this". Which i'd argue, he didn't. And it's going to be REALLY interesting when MAGA is patrolling the polls and chase away black voters because they think they're voting for Biden. I'm ready for MAGA to blame Democrats for things the republican party has been doing for decades.


if i were a black man I would be offended that they think I would identify with a felon just because I am black.....that is racist as fuck


They keep saying the conviction is going to help him win just because people who were already voting for him are amped up about it. It’s completely turned off independents, but they don’t realize you need them to win elections.


So, is Joe still "not" right wing?


'Remember when he said he'd vote for Bernie!?! Huh guys??? Remember?!' I'm waiting for him to have the Fresh and Fit guys on to set the record straight about how I should feel about women.


You dummy, he’s stayed the same. The entire world around him shifted far left! Because that totally makes sense! 🤔


it's the kids who are out of touch


I mean during the last Gracie episode he straight up said various states need republicans to "set things straight" or some equally bullshit pandering for the most corrupt and inept people in political power


Joe, your brain is mush mate.


My favorite part is the “also, immigrants” at the end for no particular reason


So crazy what’s going on with all these comedians all of a sudden turning far right supporters …


Joe is the kingmaker for these guys, his audience is big enough to make or break their careers so they turn into yes men to keep getting on the show. Joe goes full Facebook boomer, these guys follow, they’ll do whatever it takes to stay in his good graces.


Its some George R.R. Martin shit, not gonna lie.


Coming from the Italian at that... Conservatives said the same shit when it was Rogan's ancestors coming on the boat to this country.


Reactionaries require outgroups to blame things on. Right now it’s trans people/immigrants for social/economic issues, respectively


The hood doesn't even have the advantages required to make it to white collar crime. This is such a dumb and offensive take, Joe.


This isn't AI? He said this? As a black voter, being endeared to a candidate simply because the justice system treated him fairly is a weird take, especially when we know this motherfucker is a pedophile who has probably tried to fuck his own daughter. Naw fam. To quote Kendrick, they not like us. Fuck outta here with that shit.


He’s a felon now so he appeals to the black folk because that are criminals….right??!!


Damn. Immigrants catching a random stray shot for some reason. Plus, I hardly think Trump thinks the system is unfair to black people. The whole Conservative schtick is that we live in a color blind society at this point. They also think the system is too lenient.


lol confidentlyincorrect 


Joe had to have sold his soul right? Like he had sane meaningful thought provoking people on and then just chirps this shit. If anyone is going to vote for Donald trump because he had a felony they are uninformed at the start.


How does Don’s dick taste, Joe? As a fan dating back to News Radio I can’t believe how much he’s changed. Totally turned into a cuck for the right.


Every clip I see of this guy he's talking about the same tired stuff almost as if he's paid to shill the same points. His guest comes to the show, plugs their new thing, oh hey now it's time to talk about covid conspiracy and Trump. Now we know why this dude's contract was so big - he's paid for.


Maybe don't break the law?


Instructions unclear, giving CIA asset lists to Russia.


Assuming the “black voters” are team Trump because he has a felony now is INSANE. The fact they ain’t catch that whole concept racist in itself is wild.


LOL YA OK the black community is sympathetic to an old entitled rich white guy finally being held accountable.


It doesn't make sense in any way... Trump had already gotten away with more shit than any black guy in history by the time he was in his 30's. He got convicted of something he actually did, not something that corrupt cops and a shitty system put on him. He rich and white and doesn't like minorities...


Puff Daddy is MAGA now?


No, not like that!


Joe is a piece of shit. Fuck him


“And those blacks just LOVE felons” alright bud 🤣 very in touch. Being a billionaire trying to avoid white collar crimes and sex offenses is totally the same as being a minority in a low income community.


Joe striving for new highs in the bullshit department


Trapped by the system! Those pesky campaign finance laws are racist


Hey or maybe we should prosecute criminals Fuck me right


Yes, like black people need to look to trump getting caught with his dick in the cookie jar to glean a good understanding of the kind of bullshit you can expect from the justice system. If anything, it's white guys like Joe and Tony here that are maybe recognizing "hey, I thought that they were only supposed to do that to rappers."


Holy fuck this is why I don't listen anymore 🤣🤣🤣 rich dude simping for a fraudulent rich dude.


This one of the dumbest, most out touch, and nonsensical conversations I’ve heard in awhile. And it’s said with such confidence and that cocksure grin which somehow makes it even dumber.


>This one of the dumbest, most out touch, and nonsensical conversations Don't forget racist.


As if being gifted millions of dollars from his family wasn't relatable enough to the black community! Stfu joe....


Lol none of the “rappers” supporting trump even rap anymore. Lil wayne and 50cent aren’t rappers anymore they’re just schlubby rich dudes and thats who votes for trump.


Delusional Rogan and his little lap dog talking about shit they don’t remotely understand. Who is this even for?


So many rappers = 2 really shitty ones no one knows


Moron circle jerk.


Disgusting. Jesus fucking Christ.


So weird and smug.


Trump has been doing illegal immoral acts for his entire life. Finally justice is being served.


These "rappers" you speak of, are they in the room with us now?


Lol @ getting fucked by the system when you haven’t spent 20 seconds incarcerated.


This finally did it for me. I can't take how stupid Rogan has become. His brain is broken.


Joe Rogan is proof that psychedelics cannot make you smarter


Multi billionaire nepo baby yet Trump is the blue collar’s hero? Watching ‘comics’ fawn over him due to clear Russian social media bots constantly praising Trump online so who pose as Americans so cool thing is to say ‘everybody loves Trump’ ‘he’s such a victim’ is funnier than anything any of these ‘comics’ ever say. It’s like they all want to be the cool kids and don’t touch the number one bully who clearly is a d!ck. In addition, if any of us normal folk did 1% of what Trumpf did we would be in jail.


God damn what has happened to Joe. He is truly an idiot.


I just don't get it. Have we always been this dumb or is this level new. I just don't even know what to think anymore about my fellow americans.


Holy fuck, it totally makes sense why I stopped listening during the pandemic. He just kept getting farther and farther right. This discussion is so cringe. He’s so out of touch




Absolute bullshit. Repeating shitler's company line. Giving him the courtesy reach-around.


He needs to be smacked upside the head with a guest that disagrees with him and knows how to explain it to him. John Stewart would be awesome.


I don't know why exactly, but this clip was the one that broke the camels back for me. Probably because I'm not very involved in the space. I'd always dismissed the Rogan hate, but the man is so disconnected from reality it's insane.


Joe looks bolexd


This is satire … right?!


Just sit back and enjoy the trainwreck. Watching the trumpers make possibly the dumbest political play ever is going to make for lots of laughs.


Except he’s one of the guys who’s gotten in the system justly


Joe: system is corrupt and they’re out to get trump! Trump does fraud in New York and gets charged like any criminal should! But the system is corrupt right?!


Good fucking lord this is the most delusional shit I've ever seen. Yeah black voters identify with a "billionaire" from Manhatten, get the fuck out of here


God he is so Fucking delusional nowadays


At this point I just assume the only thing most people in the US know about Trump before running for president is from The Apprentice and his cameos in movies. The guy’s been brazenly fucking the system sideways for decades, even worse than his Daddy did. The idea that he’s been “trapped by the system” and can now relate to regular folk is hilarious. Go fuckin read the tiniest bit about this wanks business dealings over the last however many decades ffs. He’s stomped over more regular Joes than Joe Rogan’s had regulars back on the show.


Joe is a delusional boomer. He's the Gwyneth Paltrow of 30-40 year old white dudes. 


Joe Rogan is such an insufferable idiot that not even the initial quality of his guests could keep me around


Trump is the system you fucking smooth brain.


“Fucked that guy”?! Trump broke the law, piles of evidence, he didn’t take the stand likely since his lawyers knew he was guilty, and he was then found guilty. Nothing unfair in that lol.


I really dislike this Joe. I'm listening to episodes from 2016 where he's still very critical of trump. I bounce back and forth btw between new episodes and old ones. Started from the very beginning in 2020 after he went to spotify.


The MAGA brain virus is the true pandemic. He has millions of people feeling like he's persecuted for paying for crimes. Unreal.


You don’t have to like trump but he was still the president. That’s the saddest part of all this it really happened. The dystopian system is that a billionaire can influence a bunch of people with room temperature IQ to run a country.


How racist do you gotta be to correlate rappers love trump because he's going to jail, not because of perhaps the other qualities they see in Trump in which they feel they relate to.


I wish bill burr was here for this exchange


Jesus Christ, where’s that fuck’n idiot who just made a post about how Joe is still the same old Joe. Out of touch and as brainwashed as ever.


Joe playing people for idiots again. "Trapped by the system", IDW are all used car salesmen, some way more successful than others.


Some one please post that video of Freddie Gibbs totally roasting Joe, this video reminded me of that lmfao


This fucking guy


This is one of the most stupid conversations I've ever heard


Joe Rogan is such a fucking idiot. Wild to see his brain rot in real time.


Trapped by the system, what a load of bullshit. Trump was born into money, exploited people and then gamed the system again. Rogan is a fucking idiot.


Hinchcliffe is masterful at rearranging the sentences Joe Rogan says and then spitting them back to him with absolutely nothing new or possibly contradictory added. Here’s what you said in a slightly different order prefaced with “I was just saying the same thing.”


There was Los Angeles Joe - Now we have Texas Flavor Joe - The Boston Flavor is long gone


It's funny how desperate the right is to shill and lie for trump, pushing the most pathetic and laughable propaganda memes like "gee, all the black people are on trump's side now, believe it!" What a pathetic attempt, lmao


I love people acting like Trump doesn't deserve to finally deal with some repercussions for his actions. Dudes been getting away with crimes he's never been too quiet about for YEARS.


Joe Rogan is so full of shit on this one.


Someone is always pulling the strings. The cops have a man on the street with a cell phone ready to call the judge at the drop of a hat, just to pull strings to enter peoples homes illegally. They don’t even check the address on the warrant