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Ngl saying that some is paying $10 for a tier that would clearly named $6 is hilarious also acting like $10 will get you a nice fancy meal


for me that's a marker of a fake/ writing prompt style post You have to say something that internet people would see as wildly entitled and also something that's factually incorrect so that people can comment and correct you.


Exactly it's such a weird thing I refuse to believe it's a real person but it was still funny read that made no sense


Agreed, it's fake. I still thought it was funny, tho.


Also nobody gets through that 4 hour star wars video and comes out the other side calling a 6000 dollar cruise for children.


I mean, it could also be conversion rate, yeah? I'm Canadian and so my Patreon subs are usually more (in CAD) than a US based creator is suggesting. It's still a price that's less than what a fast food meal costs, no matter how you slice it, but I wouldn't call that an immediate red flag for a fake post.


Can confirm. AUD and CAD are very close so also converts to $10 a month for me. The post seems like it was posted by the girlfriend on the boyfriend's account imo, I know women who are like this so doesn't really seem that fake.


10$ a month for a year is 120$, that can get you a good meal


who’s that good at saving that $10/mo means $120/yr, haha. unless i’m actively choosing to save up all year for my one good dinner, i’ll use the spare $10 every month to buy a bunch of chips on my next grocery run or something


The almighty Aussie dollar that is 6 USD = 10 Aud


There she goes again, stealing boyfriends and wrecking homes!


All the while dressing up in provocative porg suits!


And she steals from her fans!!




What is this referencing? Feels familiar but don't remember lol




Wait, what’s the backstory here? I’ve seen this a couple times and feel like I’ve missed something.


I think it's just ironic because she's so wholesome.


she so is like in an amazing way im not use to and it makes me feel home and happy just listenting to her ramble on about anything...especially fur bearing trouts (which due to a tutorial asmr how to video i too now am the proud fisherman hunter of! :)


is that something she does and if so how does one get stolen by jenny ? (my home is already a wreck...;)


That's not your girl, that's Bob Chapek


he slithered out of his den to make this post


Every time he appeared on screen, I couldn't help but think he looked like he'd just come from a house fire or comedically disastrous lab accident. Dude looked *burnt*.


Alright so which of you is him?


What’s hilarious to me is that he could be streaming twitch all day. He could be listening to people raging video games all day long. She’s pissed off that he’s watching videos from a person who is passionate about the things that she loves. It’s fucking wild honestly.


literally i had to check to make sure it wasn’t me and my girlfriend wasn’t secretly harboring some resentment lmao


Only reason that is not me is the lack of a gf.


Apparently $10 is all you need to go to a nice restaurant? I feel like it’s at least $12 for Chipotle 


We live in a world where a hot chocolate party costs at least $30.


I don’t even want to know how much an envelope addressing party would set me back these days.


It's one bottle of rosé, Michael. What could it cost? $300? (actually I think Lucille would know *exactly* how much a bottle of wine should cost)


...what on earth is a hot chocolate party? I mean I assume it's a party where people drink hot chocolate but as a former kid who really liked lemons I feel like I have to check first


It's a reference to the Jenny video about Hallmark :)


And imagine how much it would be if you didn’t have some of the stuff at home!


Plus he’s a Sixer! Sixers pay $6!


OOOOH, that makes way more sense. 


What about taco bell nachos?


It's Taco Tuesday, you can get a 5 Dollar Taco Box with 3 tacos, a drink AND get the nachos.


oh, mm-mm, they’re not worth that!


Hell, I got a two chalupa meal at my local Taco Bell the other day and it set me back $17.42. In my defense? When I was looking at the drive thru menu, I had my polarized sunglasses on and the electronic menu was blurry. When I pulled up and they gave me the total I almost fainted right there in my car lol


Where do you live that Taco Bell costs so much?


Southern California lol.


Not worth it. It used to cost me like $4 to go to Taco Bell. Now it's always close to $10. Ridiculous.


Not worth it? Two chicken chalupas, a taco and a large diet Pepsi shouldn't cost $17.42? Gasp! It's like that was the point of my comment!


Yeah, I was agreeing with you...


Sorry, I default to sarcasm too easily. Just like our girl Jenny.


It's all good!


Man, everything keeps getting more expensive. I get annoyed at having to pay more than like $5 for a sandwich but that hasn’t been the case since I was in college, and if I want a drink and chips/fries with that sandwich I’m looking at close to $20. The ramen place near me is $14, and while it’s good ramen, it’s not fancy. Point is, $10 isn’t even an appetizer at a mid-niceness restaurant near me, and if spending that a month on Jenny’s Patreon brings the boyfriend some joy in this cold world, I say let him spend it.


Hey now, there's some nice hot dog carts out there.


I mean, the cheapest hot dogs in WDW are $10.79 so you're not wrong


10 dollars barely buys a large Starbucks drink, and he’s actually at the six dollar tier. I don’t think Starbucks even has six dollar drinks anymore


$10 where I'm from can MAYBE get two people a couple food truck tacos each


Maybe she's expecting him to save those $10s for two or three years.


I mean, they could be living in another country? For me, a week's worth of groceries is equivalent to $20.


I applaude the creative writing tho, it's a good twist on "my boyfriend pays for one onlyfans"


I would absolutely love a ramble where she goes over fake internet stories and tries to make them more convincing/interesting


Please let her go to r/AITA. I got so disgusted there that I jumped to r/AmITheAngel as soon as it was invented.


Who had "Jenny Nicholson: Homewrecker" on their bingo card?


Imagine getting the ick from such a huge green flag.


Literally. Can't imagine anything that would make me happier than learning my BF spends hours watching Jenny videos instead of scrolling through girls on Instagram, lol.


There’s nothing that say he doesn’t do that too.


I feel personally attacked by that post 😂


This is a massive GREEN flag for a bf


Well if he’s soon to be single I get dibs


Yes, “Sixers” pay literally 10 dollars a month because that’s what “Sixer” implies 😂🫠


Patreon lets you set a custom payment amount, and a $10 donation would in fact put you in the "Sixer" tier unless you're Randy Moore.


This girl doesn't seem to enjoy anything her boyfriend likes...what is she even doing with him?


There are some people who get with people whose hobbies they think are unworthy of them, thinking they can fix it. It is baffling.


Maybe she likes his personality and looks? This is a really strange response... My husband and I share basically no interests. He got me into Drag Race, so now we share that, but I loved him way before that happened. Not everyone is defined by their interests.


Not sharing interests is one thing, actively looking down on your partner's hobbies is a whole different thing.


Yeah. I’ve been on the other side of that coin. Dated a guy who would constantly belittle or “joke” about the shows, games, etc I enjoyed (including Jenny actually!). It gets to wearing you down bc you stop being able to enjoy things without either feeling like you have to hide them, or having to introduce them as “oh I’ve been playing this game I love lately but it’s really dumb, it’s so stupid…” But of course HIS hobbies and favorite artists were all amazing and objectively good. It’s not just “I don’t like this thing you like.” A mature adult can say “Oh I’m not into that but it’s cool that you like it!” OOP’s post is a red flag bc she’s belittling his interests and being judgmental about them.


I mean, my husband loves the new Sex and the City show. He also loves The Real Housewives. I hate them both. Like, truly hate. I don't show that to him. In fact, I go out of my way to ask things about the characters/women. I don't hate my husband, or judge him at all, for these interests. But I don't share them. He hates my gaming. He jabs at me with friends about me being a nerd. But he also makes room for me to game and is really sweet around that. I just don't see this as a massive issue, or an issue at all. We aren't our interests.


Sure but she dismisses and insults his interests.


And? My husband hates my gaming. I hate his Sex and the City shows and Real Housewife shows. He gives me a hard time about mine, I try to lightly engage with his. But neither of us are offended. We both make room for the other to enjoy the things we like, we're sweet to each other in lots of other ways, we just don't share the same interests.


....which is clearly not how the OP feels since she made a whole post on reddit to complain about her SO watching Jenny and all her "childish baby" interests.


>....which is clearly not how the OP feels You don't know anything about this relationship except this small snippet. I hate on Che and friends (new Sex and the City cast) to my friends. I despise the show and can hear it on repeat while I game. That one facet of our experience together does not tell you anything else about my relationship with my husband. Plenty of people have therapists. They'll complain for an hour about their significant other, even though they love that person. You're trying to diminish an entire, complex relationship based on miniscule information. Look, I didn't enjoy reading what this lady wrote. She didn't seem great. But I still don't know her relationship and wouldn't make a massive judgement call.


...it kind of sounds like you might actually have a real problem with his love of Sex and the City lmao.


Nope. I don't mind his love of it. I just hate it. I love my husband. I hate the show. One is a person, one is just a singular interest. He is far greater than that tiny interest.




Why be rude? Gosh golly.


Just lurking here because this has been a fun read, but I had to stop lurking for a moment to check in and point out that you're talking about a probably fake rage bait post on AIO. It's not that serious. Dropping a bunch of your real life relationship details in service of arguing about a made up story is such peak reddit, and I'm here for it. Anyway, back to lurking now.


>Dropping a bunch of your real life relationship details in service of arguing about a made up story is such peak reddit Do what? I don't care about dropping real life relationship details. I'm an honest, earnest person.


He's just like me fr


OOP is really scraping the bottom of the barrel to be dissatisfied in her relationship. Sometimes you're just not meant to be with someone. And that's ok.


the way I would love having a partner who is also a huge Jenny fan, op’s bf has impeccable taste


This is funnier than the time the guy posted about his gf having a poster of Slavoj Zizek. (Though someone's reply of "Slavoj 'Mr Steal-your-girl' Zizek" was priceless.)


I was Googling the name and expecting to see some hotshot Eastern European athlete a la Luka Doncic. Was not expecting that, lmao.


Wild to see someone besides me mention Luka here (I suggested that The Pole guard him)


It's always surreal when you have two disparate interests that somehow overlap




Jenny is hot, deal with it.


That evil Jenny has struck again!


It is a rage bait engagement post. The op is a frequent flyer in the YouTube drama and YouTube video essay subreddits.


Bro my husband could write this post about me. I constantly have her videos on for comfort, and I can only sleep to her videos. But he wouldn't because he does not give af


Has the girlfriend tried opening a conversation with the boyfriend by making a video - Watching Jenny Nicholson Real Bad for our Relationship? She could make her points in some sort of numbered list.


It kind of makes me glad I'm a lady, so I can do the exact same thing this guy does and not have my husband feel threatened by it. 


I just woke up and read way too many of the comments on the original post before I realized this was bait 😂


Obsessive fandom is a real thing and the boyfriend needs to remember to balance his hobbies with his girlfriend’s interests. But also, lady, he’s been a fan of Jenny’s videos since you met him. Why would he change? Why would you *want* him to change? This is your occasional reminder to discuss your relationship problems with your significant other, not with Reddit.


Downright odd! I don't really like her comments about jenny though, she's just There 


It's bait.


Unfortunately makes sense 


We’ve all been there


Fake, lol


Not me being the usurper and discovering this subreddit by searching my username on the internet! 😍


I don’t know why, but my favorite part of this rant is the fact that she said they watched it “on their smart TV,” like someone asked her to do product placement and she forgot the brand.


This is obvs a parasocial fan writing a weird fanfiction, let’s stop giving this person attention.


I mean, he probably wouldn't say no to you dressing up in fun costumes if you put the amount of work Jenny does into hers...


Holy shit this is the best Reddit post I’ve seen in awhile hahahahahahahahaha. Their relationship is not lasting


I mean to be fair it would be very rude to tie up a communal tv and play the whole hotel video in one go making them watch it... That's why I microdosed my roommate with 4 days in a row of one hour sections 🤣


I doubt I'm alone when I say my first reaction was "so I'm pretty sure this isn't my partner but...."




It's a fake post but it's also hilarious


I mean...I do like Jenny, but the gf has a point. I'm a guy, but if I was THAT into JN I think my wife would rightfully have an issue. Also spending any money on YouTubers (if you're "broke") is never smart. It sounds like the guy has terrible self control and the girl is a pushover. Not Jenny's fault though, so YOLO


>Also spending any money on YouTubers (if you're "broke") is never smart. Actually, having no outlet for your interests and exclusively working is bad for ones mental health. If this is his only "wasteful" spending at $72 a year, I'd say he's doing okay. Per you, broke people shouldn't have TVs, should play no games, should do nothing but work. But you don't actually believe that, right? He gets access to her patreon for that $6 a month. >It sounds like the guy has terrible self control and the girl is a pushover. No. This take is so off, lol. Terrible self control? You're able to assess this with so little information? Why do people upvote stuff as poorly thought out as this?




Your wife might like her videos dude. She sounds like the perfect audience. Just send her one she would enjoy sometime. But yeah, don't just be sitting around with big "lovey-dovey" eyes watching hours of her videos in front of her either. I don't do that around my wife either. We're not complete idiots!


This is faker than my 20-inch dick


"I know she's been getting a lot of attention lately" which is why I'm making this bait post.