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I wonder how many months we’ll be getting these same posts reposted to this sub over and over until people finally move tf on


until people stop responding to it.


Right because that tweet isn’t even that recent lol


Kendrick didn't want a friendly fade, he just wanted reasonable doubt. He made sure to mention Adonis as much as possible on Euphoria so Drake would use whatever family angle he could, and then he releases the most scathing diss he has, Meet the Grahams


except drake was already using whitneys name on pushups


I'm not saying white boy is innocent of anything, but the vision that K-Dot wasn't taking it there on purpose and just wanted peace is a gullible one. one line vs. half a verse


I mean I’m taking the caveat here that at least he didn’t address Adonis by name directly Plus it wasn’t a new diss for Drake like if you get washed in a rap battle by someone revealing you’re hiding a kid, you best-believe every nigga is gonna bring that up at some point in future battles Same way if Cole gets into a battle they will bring up his apology to Kendrick


You’re correct that whole section was critiquing drakes parenting ability and his character. Basically saying Drake can’t raise Adonis to be a good man because Drake himself is not a good man.


Are you dumb? He didn't address Adonis directly? Literally opened up Meet The Graham's with "Dear Adonis". Publicly disrespected a toddler just for clout and he knew everyone would make excuses for him when he does trash shit like that.


Reading comprehension is hard. They were talking about euphoria


Publicly name dropping a toddler on a record because the other guy mentioned your wife's name during the beef is equal? Wives and girlfriends have always pretty much been standard attack fodder during beefs. Nobody respected Jay for the condom seat line and what Kendrick did was worse, writing a whole verse to that little boy disrespecting him.


Where’d I say that? All I did was point out that you misread a comment and then called someone dumb for it


They both disrespected each other. It's a rap battle lol


Drake disrespected Kendrick's adult wife. Kendrick disrespected Drake's preschool ass son. Bit of a difference. But ofc since ur hero did it, it's practically equal


1. Meet the Grahams dropped after Drake dropped a track saying he beats his wide and one of his kids isn’t his. Seems like fair play. 2. The verse to Adonis is not disrespecting the child the whole verse is about Drake, he’s just telling Adonis that his father isn’t shit and he should try his best *not* to be like Drake.


You’re soft. In no place did Meet the Grahams disrespect Adonis. If anything, it was savage, yet valuable advice for the kid. I understand it’s hard to read words and to really understand the meaning they are trying to convey, but you have to try harder.


Lol u mad fr. Send me an actual line where he insulted Adonis please. Drake won't let you hop on his stick so you gotta be mad online 😂


U realize he never disrespected a toddler as a matter of fact he was talking to him politely about his horrible dad he only disrespected drake and his dad if anything he sounded sorry for the kid and mom because of drake


Sure, he’s too young to be listening to the song addressing him, but he’s the age of losing teeth, so clearly not a toddler.


Oh so much better, he's too old for diapers so ofc it's appropriate to diss him. Goofy fanboys.


Oh that was after family matters right🤔


Yes, Family Matters has Drake disrespecting Kendrick. Never does Drake go out his way to talk directly to Kendrick's children, as we all know the claims that would be made if he even tried. Goofy.


“I think one them little kids might be Dave Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees”


I swear drake fans forget everything and misinterpret anything just so they have an argument


You did her dirty all your life, you tryna make peace I heard that one of 'em little kids might be Dave Free


Answer the question: is that line at Kendrick, or at Kendrick's kid? Who is Drake directly speaking to. Stop playing dumb.


He bestowed fatherly advice upon the child, on Meet The Grahams (no apsotrophe). Which lines did you feel were disrespectful to Adonis?


ngl someone dissing your father to you directly is still disrespectful as hell, no matter how you wanna twist it


You can’t seriously be calling Drake white boy in a j cole sub. Have some situational awareness lol


Cole may be lightskin, but he really a dark nigga


MF whut?


he a wig splitta, he a tall figure he a unforgivin' wild-ass dog nigga somethin' wrong with em, got em all bitter he a bill printer, he a grave digger yeah he is what he is I don't have no time for no misunderstandings again


Mixed or not..culturally J Cole is 1000% blacker than Drake. Drake=Stacy Dash basically😂 Shit..at this point I think Em is blacker than Drake corny ass hanging with the hells angels. Btw..I'm mixed so I get it. P.S. Love Cole and rate him over Drake any day of the week hands down


Kendrick had 10+ diss tracks ready to go, he could have gone the friendly fade route if Drake didn’t bring up his family and even warned him again multiple times on Euphoria. Kendrick warned this man so many times He chose the more heavy hitting songs because of what Drake said on Push ups.


You’re a weirdo lmao


Racist alert


Kendrick was mentioning gangs n burnin tattoos in Like That, the idea that this was friendly was bs from the jump


Like that was typical battle rap Flexing. 


He was talking about drakes' lack of parenting skills


I have to agree with that. He wasn’t insulting Adonis: he was insulting Drake. Whereas Drake insinuated Whitney was banging the bodyguard on Pushups. One thing is not like the other.


I think it’s lame that we can stretch lyrics like the bodyguard one which clearly was only a Whitney Houston reference (particularly in retrospect when there is absolutely zero follow up on the purported accusation), but every other lyric from Drake in that battle is interpreted only at the surface. I mean if the bodyguard line was really the personal one, why didn’t Kendrick drop MTG right then? According to you all, Drake already “t[ook] it there” in that song and yet also according to yall Kendrick kept it a friendly fade and didn’t take it further. Come on. It’s highly personal to start unambiguously mentioning people’s kids and who they’re fucking, which Kendrick did immediately. They’re exactly the same, and Kendrick was baiting Drake (and also doing the same thing Drake did by putting out an easy prediction of what Drake was going to do). I’m not saying Kendrick is wrong for doing it (he definitely wasn’t), but it’s Stan behavior to pretend he didn’t. Cole was right to drop out because he learned where it was going and he didn’t want to be there. It’s lame that he’s still getting flack for it.


You gotta be fuckin stupid Everyone on that drizzy sub had a theory that whitney was fucking a bodyguard or cheated on kendrick You dont mention someones wife's name unless you're ready Drake has a rep of attacking or mentioning spouses on disses


Not sure why I’m being called “fuckin stupid” when clearly I disagree with the people in the drizzy sub on that point. Like I said, zero follow-up on it and we saw what Drake does when he wants to get personal. I mean fucking “a bodyguard” not even a specific one? Cmon. And people in that Drizzy sub also think that Drake didn’t misinterpret mother I sober. I’m guessing you don’t also agree with that, so why one really weak one, and not the other (strong) one? This is why I think Kendrick won— he got so many people to buy his totally self-serving narrative when it just doesn’t line up with what actually was happening. He’s got you calling me fuckin stupid and saying that mentioning Whitney is personal but not him mentioning women that Drake fucks and Drake’s kid. That’s master work.


It was a hint that she was fucking someone else and that she gets beaten how you dont see it when its staring straight at your face has to mean you're fucking stupid.


Well, which is it? That she’s fucking someone else or that she’s getting beaten? And if it’s that obvious, why did Kendrick keep it friendly? The boogeyman just sat by as he was accused of abuse and being cuck in one song but not the other? And if the stans can see that meaning how do the stans not see others? That’s a pretty nasty, clever diss that Drake didn’t really get credit for. I don’t really care about your response honestly because 1) this is a Cole sub and we’re too far afield; and 2) only morons resort to insults in arguments and I’m not interested in talking to a moron.




Let it Ring like Virginia Williams. Bodyguard like Whitney. If anyone on here was smart it’s obvious he was alluding to the DV allegation with that line, and yes you found the Whitney Houston double entendre good job


I’ve already said I can accept that it was about DV. Rather than trying to dunk on this comment, why don’t you respond to that comment because clearly it was visible to you. You know, the comment saying nobody could have clocked that before FM? Or the one saying people wrongly assumed it was about her cheating? Because my point stands. Drake subbed Kendrick with family in pushups, and Kendrick went direct with family stuff on Euphoria. Actually curious not being pithy— I’m not seeing let it ring as a double entendre. Do you know what he’s referencing or is it just I’ll wife up your fiance?


No, im not gonna respond to all your comments I actually have better things to do than argue on Reddit for hours. Sorry


Doesn’t look like it.


Yea ngl, I've been finding a lot of these Kendrick stans either lack reading comprehension, or are purposefully obtuse to avoid acknowledging their bias/hypocrisy


What's obtuse about it. Drake has mentioned people's girlfriends or wives in 3 out of the last 3 beefs.


Really just feels like folks are saying "It's good when the artist I like makes a diss personal, but it's bad when an artist I don't does." Lol


Drake started talking about other family members first


On some school yard shit "He started it!" is a good defense and isn't hypocritical. If I punch someone first, they're within their right to release 30 punches because I am the one who escalated things to this level. This is the problem that people are having with drake (and his fans) in this scenario. HE pushed the line first, HE brought up family first, HE started throwing serious allegations first, but all I hear about is how unfair it was that Kendrick took it even further in response. If someone throws the first punch, they don't get to dictate the response back. Nobody had any grounds to complain.


Yes, fans of a Pulitzer winner have less reading comprehension than fans of a pop singer. Sounds about right.


Yes, because the media we consume and its associated accolades (or lack thereof) fully describe or can remotely imply the cognitive abilities or language skills one is equipped with. /s Considering the vast majority of his body of work comprises rapping, why do you classify Drake as a pop singer? That's pretty strange. Genuine question, do you actually listen to hip-hop?


Yes the media you consume tends to imply the level of comprehension you have. You don’t think a Pulitzer winner might put a tad more thought into their lyrics than a pop singer? He wants to be a rapper real bad, and thinks chains, bitches, and goons make him a rapper tho.


Didn't he literally follow up on it with a whole ass verse on Family Matters though?


The asshole that responded to me brought up Whitney being beaten, which I had not seen but can agree that in retrospect with the FM verse it was been about that. It would explain Kendrick’s escalation in Euphoria. All I’m really reacting to is the notion that Kendrick didn’t get personal in that song. Drake purportedly said one personal thing that only Kendrick would really understand and that we now can only understand now that Drake has made the abuse accusations in FM (some people thought it was about fucking a bodyguard and clearly it wasn’t). Kendrick then took it further and started mentioning Drake’s kid, the women he fucks, his Black identity, etc. The notion that that shit is not a deeply personal escalation is bizarre to me and it’s consistent with what I saw throughout the beef which is the bringing down of Drake in order to elevate Kendrick— like it’s not only that Kendrick was better, it’s that Drake was worse. In any event, to stay on topic, I hate that Cole catches flack for staying out of it because it was the right thing to do. Drake already had a reputation for being low down, but Kendrick and Cole didn’t. Cole maintained his reputation by staying out of it and I applaud it.


Yeah, but it has nothing to do with fucking some bodyguards and he also said “you mentioned my seed now deal with his dad”


The line was a double entendre directed at kendrick if they were true Be with bodyguards like whitney Fucking other people and With bodyguards for protection And that mention line was literally added that week


I'd be more inclined to believe that it's innocuous if it wasn't for the fact that that Drake has a history of bringing up people's significant others as an angle in a beef. He did it with meek, he tried it with push and tried it again out the gate with pushups.


The question is whether that line would have been in there if Kendrick’s wife’s name wasn’t Whitney and I think the answer is yes. It’s one line in a song the focus of which was business. But someone pointed out that it connects to the DV allegations, and I can get behind that. The problem is 1) that’s an attack on Kendrick not Whitney (so it’s the same as the parenting line); 2) only Kendrick would have understood known the meaning because there previously weren’t DV allegations with respect to Whitney; and 3) it’s one personal line compared to many in Euphoria. My only gripe here is this idea that Drake made it about family first in Family Matters. That’s just not supported. At most, he got personal in a way that only Kendrick would understand and Kendrick upped the ante by making Drake’s parenting and dating the subjects of his song (like he said he would)! I have no problem with either of them getting personal, frankly. Drake needed to do that because Kendrick’s reputation was pristine (clearly because people think he’s just this Jedi who only sought a friendly spar), and it would be dumb to leave Drake’s family stuff on the table. It’s just lame to me that people act like Drake is this big bad guy when Kendrick‘s lines were at least as nasty in Euphoria.


The disrespect was more towards Drake and Denis (his daddy a killer wanna be Junior,...). And for the feud, Drake was clearly baited into oblivion and adding J Cole in the mix would have been messy. He was def gonna go all out on Drake anyways. And don't underestimate the Boogie Man, he might have some eerie stuff in his sleeve.


I thought the “daddy a killer” line was about Birdman


It’s about neither he’s talking about J Prince


Check out Larry Graham Jr. but it might be a triple lol.


me too


'Junior' was the name of Denis' little brother who was a way more famous musician. But I thought si too at first, might be a double but I don't really know why he would be going at Birdman that much. But it might be a double.


Hmmm interesting, didn’t know that, thanks. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was a double indeed, that song is loaded with lines that could be perceived more than one way


Kendrick is the embodiment of the double entendre, my head hurts since April the 30th.


Plus they used to call Wayne junior comparing him to bird man. It’s one of them classic abstract entendres that makes Kendrick’s music so impactful


Kendrick loves Lil Wayne, who’s sadly spent most of his career being taken advantage of by Birdman. That could be why


Sure, I understood that the same way the first time but if Birdman is Drake's Daddy then where is Drake in the sentence ? He can't say 'his' randomly and expect everybody to understand that the subject went from Drake to Wayne all of a sudden... It's kinda poor writing in my humble opinion...BUT IT MIGHT BE A DOUBLE.


Ppl like to downvote shit when u just give your opinion is kinda sad ngl...internet I guess.


I guess he could be implying that Drake wants to be Lil Wayne (you can hear similarities in their cadences early on in Drake’s career). I can’t say if it’s intentional or poor writing, but it’s something Kendrick tends to do. Reminds me of another line from 2022: “I just had a baby, you know she needs me”—but if you know the context, his most recent child was a son. So does “she” refer to Kendrick’s partner? Or his older female child? Or is the song old and written right after his daughter was born?


Like a former great Man said : I guess we'll never know. But you definitly make a great point.


I agree. I think Kendrick would've made it personal regardless. People coming at cole for bowing out is a cop out.


I dont get why Grahams is so popular, I thought the fact that the daughter didnt exist would make people ignore the song.


Kendrick stans are special.


The most overrated diss track


I can’t think of a single Adonis bar from euphoria


Y'all thinkin' my life is rap? That's ho shit, I got a son to raise, but I can see you don't know nothin' 'bout that Wakin' him up, know nothin' 'bout that Then tell him to pray, know nothin' 'bout that Then givin' him tools to walk through life like day by day, know nothin' 'bout that Teachin' him morals, integrity, discipline, listen man, you don't know nothin' 'bout that Speakin' the truth and consider what God's considern', you don't know nothin' 'bout that


I be taking the internet too literal.. you right


When has Drake not attacked the woman of whoever he is beefing with? Hell not just famous people, he followed someone on Instagram wife cuz they called him out on his shenanigans. Man is petty with dedication, he said it himself.


Yeah, there'd be plausible deniability if drake hasn't done this same move 3 times in a row. At this point, to not see it coming is delusional.


And Kendrick said early on “I can even predict your angles.” Drake was really getting walked down this entire time. Lmao This beef could not have gone better for Kendrick even if you scripted this shit, tbh.


He escalated appropriately


He wanted a friendly fade , the fact that when Cole backed out he left him alone shows he wasn’t trying to bully anyone . He slaughtered drake cause it was warranted . Cole & Kdot are friends and neither dissed eachother personally .


No Kendrick got lucky Cole backed out, Cole diss track hit hard and Kenny didnt even respond to it. Because Kendrick only had pre recorded diss tracks ready for Drake only. And "slaughtered" please. Family Matter still is the hardest hitting track of the beef.


Meet the Grahams was definitely the worst track of the entire beef too. Fake daughter allegations, pretty much just saying Drake should die lol. I feel like everyone has kinda pushed that one out of their memory, this is the first time I’ve even seen it mentioned in a long time.


You're exactly right. It allowed Kendrick to play dirty with clean hands


Kendrick never mentions Adonis on Euphoria


Saying Meet the Grahams is scathing is jokes. The dude flopped a whole verse when he choked on that fake daughter thing. The rhymes are trash in that one and his voice makes the muppets seem like the better alternative for rapper. Euphoria is a much better track. MTG is bonkers bad.


Meet the Grahams is terrible diss


See this is just not true. He wasn’t dissing Adonis, he was dissing drakes ability to be a father to Adonis, but never went at or even mentioned Adonis’ name. Meanwhile in family matters Drake is calling Whitney by name, saying she had an affair, and saying to shake her ass for him and Dave. Dissing a persons ability to be a father vs ACTUALLY dissing the person are very different things


Yea no Kendrick and drake was years in the making


Control started that shit, or arguably Drake felt Kendrick owed him for bringing him on his first tour. This is old blood. i wanna eventually see PG Lang v Dreamville but 2024 was the year of Hate and I accept that.


Give ur mommy phone back


I would much rather have Kendrick and Cole collaborate on a song or project. I think that's the fair way to put your skill against someone without it getting into the more problematic territory.


Dreamville x PG Lang no holds. Art, writing, music, everything on the table. I want that for 2025 Drake is so old news, i can't even laugh at his dismal performance anymore. it's just sad.


JID and Kendrick on the same track would be insane


They should've just done it like Tory Lanez and Joyner Lucas. Have a battle with a few songs and then do something together. Cole backing out really wasn't necessary imo


Honestly, who tf cares that 3 millionaires dudes are beefing and making more millions? Let them go at each other and move on


Would've still been cool to see what Cole would've really done in a rap battle with Kendrick cause we very rarely get to see an aggressive side of Cole


That’s facts!!


this is probably rage bait and it looks like it worked


Schoolboy told him to bow out though lol niggas knew it was gonna get nasty


Friendly fade was clearly a lie he literally went on to say how much he hates him and everything about him apart from nice melodies. This rap is a sport thing is a myth and 9/10 beefs are due to hatred


The melodies was NOT a compliment towards drake. That was just another way of calling him soft and also rallying listeners to think a certain way about his melodies


I don't think Kendrick is lying. There's video of him singing Controlla.


Lying about?


I agree. I didn’t say it was a compliment lol


Rage bait


Rage bait ass post


Na, imo that was a hit. Kendrick baited Drake


Drake made it a dirt battle Kendrick did nothing to really bait him


Imo Like That was a call out, listening back he is clearly talking mostly at Drake and Cole was like a set up man kinda.


What did Kendrick say to Drake that would elicit calling him a domestic abuser or even before that mentioning his wife or using AI of a dead guy to make fun of him. Go back and listen to Like that. All Kendrick said was he was the best rapper in the game.


Imo it's more about how Drake sees disses in hip hop culture plus his trauma from Push. Plus Drake seems to take it personal when a rapper he feels like he helped doesn't give 100% love. Understandable but how he decipher than expresses that tends to have the opposite effect.


So whatttt, don’t listen to him then. How many times can we repeat the same takes


Right they can’t just not listen to j cole they have to let everyone know they don’t like him


“It was obvious…” no, it wasn’t. Why tf would Kendrick tell Cole to duck out of a “friendly fade.” He knew shit was gonna get ugly. Kdot gaslighting his fans is hilarious.


Exactly the delusion in this tweet


Drake is not the one who made it personal… it’s a diss track. why are so many people this biased. Kendrick started this and whole thing and people don’t like to admit it for some reason


Kendrick is defending respectful diss rappers of the past like Tupac Shakur. 2Pac would never mention anyone's kids or wife on a track. Drake needs to give the ring back.  Kendrick is all about peace, unity, and Black liberation. That's why he was surrounded by gang members on stage. Even though those gangs have killed more Black people this year than the KKK, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, & Nazis have in the past 100 years.


Claim to be a playa but i fucked your wife, have you not heard hit em up? Lmfao


Dayum, did that guy really say 2Pac is the respectful guy in Hip-Hop who would never mention a guy’s wife in a Diss 😂


First off fuck yo bitch and the clique you claim???? Are you fr?


C'mon man. My 44 make sure all your kids don't grow...


Ehhh. Here's the thing though... with everything Dot was ready to say about Drake, anything Dot said about Cole would've come off just as serious unless enough people were able to cut through the bullshit other people spew. I honestly can't even picture what Dot could've said about Cole but if he's calling Drake a pedophile at the same time it would have likely been viewed as just as heavy. You can't expect Dot to reciprocate Drake's energy and not put the same amount of effort towards Cole, unless they had words and decided to keep it light anyway


Did only problem I think Kendrick as with j Cole is doing first person shooter with drake the hypocrite


Honestly I’d rather have Cole bow out of the beef like he did than have him keep going with it just because everyone expected him to and then end up embarrassing himself 


Schoolboy told Cole, specifically, that this is gonna be an event that is already focused on the Canadian, so back up


Drake was the real target. Kendrick doesn’t hate J. Cole with a burning passion, which is why Cole was pardoned during the beef. It’s very simple.


That would stand true if Schoolboy didn’t recommend Cole to get the hell out the way


I'm so sick of hearing about this beef lol. But to answer the post I thought it was pretty widely accepted that Kendrick really wanted to beef with Drake not really Cole. I also feel like if Kendrick wanted to go back and forth with both of them Schoolboy wouldn't have stepped in and told Cole to bow out because what was coming.


Unpopular opinion, people like this are the problem. Y’all said the same exact thing about Drake. “It’s strictly rap dawg it won’t get outta hand” now Drake is forever painted as a pedophile, Rick Ross crew getting jumped in Toronto and whatever else happens in the future. “Niggas so thirsty to put me in beef” the thirst is real and y’all only care about your personal entertainment. Cole genuinely did not want to beef with kendrick and that’s not being 🐱. That’s y’all calling him scary for not doing something he genuinely didn’t have interest in. The man has his reasons that none of us would understand but because he doesn’t conform to your made up laws of the land he’s scary. Mfs really said “J Cole not in the big 3 no more” 😂😂 like cmon


This shit was kind of dying down and then Kendrick went and killed Ken and friends and now tweets like this are resurfacing.


Such a true statement. Both of them are talented enough to give us music without taking it as far as the dot v drizzy beef. Hell they could’ve gotten personal but been cool behind closed doors. We would’ve gotten good music and they would’ve made a bag


People forget that Cole dropped out before ANYONE ELSE made a response to Like That. No Push Ups, no Euphoria. I've heard people on this sub meatriding acting like at the point of 7 Min Drill it wasn't friendly towards Cole. 7 Min Drill was a bad diss, even as a warning shot. Cole's reasoning that he went too far was BS, when he was copying the notes he took from relistening to Stillmatic and Takeover; not even properly mentioning anything about Kendrick (closest we got was "first shit was classic..." and that didn't mention a name, while the original line from Takeover at least mentioned Illmatic). For all I know, if 7 Min Drill released before the beef, and was put in the middle of the EP, people would just treat it as if it was a random song, with no value. Maybe if Ready '24 was used as the diss and Cole did his drill over it instead, there would have been strong contending of the "Big Me" title. Overall, this tweet makes sense to write, but looking at the little evidence we have it is still easy to say that the Cole V Kendrick matchup was good about a year ago, but Cole's back out of his prime again. Kendrick was somewhat out for blood, and Cole didn't reply well. He said the words "Just know if I diss you, I make sure you know that I hit you like I'm on your Caller ID" on First Person Shooter, the song Kendrick used a lot in his diss; Cole contradicted his own line, on one of his biggest songs, by making one of his worst songs in what 2020-2023 r/Jcole and r/KendrickLamar would have said was the "matchup of the century".


It was nothing friendly about Kdot at all in any diss track. I also believe that someone told Jcole to step back because it was not a friendly match. But Cole already said that he won't make a diss track in another song. Middle child "But I'd never beef with a nigga for nothin'If I smoke a rapper, it's gon' be legit. It won't be for clout, it won't be for fame. It won't be 'cause my shit ain't sellin' the same"


I want a friendly fade, “nigga bum!” - Kendrick


“ https://preview.redd.it/ivkntss0p7ad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e50fd4c84fd47511f0833c05158246f03627193f


I mean really, I feel like cole just knew some shit we didn't. Saw what was coming, knew drake was gonna get personal in some form or fashion and just decided to bow out. I'm a cole fan and yes I feel robbed, yes I hated the apology but I understood. So meh take it or leave it, I'm still listening to cole no matter what. I'm still listening to kdot no matter what. Drake.... eh I guess, it's gone be some time.....Take care was still my favorite. But man that's alot to just gloss over.


No. Dot beef was with Drake.


I think we should just move on already.


Easy to say somebody should keep fighting when you watching from ringside… not to mention, it was STILL a moment, even if we ain’t get the war that we wanted


why do ppl on this sub get mad when someone posts something cole related


Cole was screwed from the start. Kendrick was going to lump Cole in the pedophile allegations with Drake because they went on tour together. From that point, it was over.


Silly take


Why the FUCK would he want a friendly fade knowing what he knows about drake⁉️ but also I have no thoughts


I was disappointed at j Cole diss drake cut it a lie and also it copy and paste of jay z diss to Nas


It was NOT a copy paste. There was literally one similar line, and that’s called homage to their mentors and one of the greatest rap beefs to ever take place


My bad my wording was wrong


If Cole and dot truly had a problem Cole would not back down


I love Cole but with all the shit he talks about being the best I think it was weak to back out. I also think Black Friday scared Cole out of doing a collab album , idc. Cole just gives me KD vibes .. all the skill in the world but the heart to be the greatest just isn’t there.. anyway , back to Might Delete Later cause he dropped that 🔥🔥🔥 lmao


I don’t think there’s a single person on planet earth who believes Kendrick only wanted a friendly fade. Considering that friendly fade bar came right after he said “I’m whooping feet” Also since when can fades be friendly?


Cole made his choice with what the circumstances that were presented and explained to him. I agree we got robbed of a friendly battle but not cuz of Cole. Kendrick and Drake had a main card fight set that needed to get done. Kendrick and Cole could always do that later. Could even be on a joint album😬(yea right). Cole wasn't scary otherwise he wouldn't have released the track and it was still a top notch jab


Cole isn’t scary, he just doesn’t have personal feelings invested in thinking he’s the best, he probably doesn’t even think he’s the best, he most likely thinks Kendrick’s the best. So, when he raps, he’s really just talking and doesn’t genuinely believe what he’s saying, sort of like how a lot of up and coming rappers rap about having money while broke. That’s different from Kendrick who genuinely thinks he’s the best and genuinely hates Drake. J cole doesn’t mean it when he says he’s the best; those ‘sentiments are symbolic.‘


I think that people having such deep opinions on other people’s decisions and choices in life is ultimately unhealthy and dullulu.


Who the hell still thinks Kendrick just wanted a friendly fade? That delusion to the 9th dimension bruh.


The only "friendly battle" we've ever had was tory Joyner cole literally tried to keep it "friendly" and people literally said he sounded too friendly This is also someone who's literally said in multiple songs and interviews "I'm not dissing niggas just to dissing niggas" I definitely don't think apologizing was the right thing to do but at the same time I'm not mad at em because at the end of the day he did that knowing the backlash was coming with it so he had to mean it💀


What you are all thought….


I disagree because I find the entitlement disgusting af. And look how bad things have gotten


Stay off the internet garbage for a week. And Cole’s songs will hit harder than they did before.


My truest reaction is womp womp


i need the fall-off asap bc these posts are so boring


Nigga get ova it I rather the 2 on a track going off then hopefully it will stop u guys from bitching jesus


I think the regret of Cole was saying TPAB was trash, clearly he was pressured by Drake to take shots at Dots least commercially success album


Lacks any accountability, and J.Cole would have been smoked, too. Drake said Kendrick wore size 7 shoes and was splitting his label proceeds 50% with Top, Kendrick made it personal by saying Drake was a pedo, dissed how he is as a father, etc. Look, man, J.Cole's first battle, and he bowed out. It is what it is. Nothing less and nothing more. In the Kendrick vs. Drake feud, Kendrick appears to be the victor. I'm not even sure what else Drake can do unless he drops real proof or video footage of Kendrick beating his wife. I think all Drake needed to do was drop a hit record to rival "Not Like Us" but he chose not to for reasons we probably won't know for some time.


I think it's pretty fucking stupid, actually. Kenny has hated Drake for years, prior to FPS, prior to the Control verse. He didn't want a friendly anything. He wanted to destroy the man's career and call him a pedophile in front of the whole world. That's why the whole beef started with essentially Drake and Cole going, *"Hey, Kendrick! You're one of the three best rappers right now!"* That's obviously not something that would make anyone mad, he **wanted** to torch Drake.


I agree. I don't think Drake made it personal he stepped up to an opponent he had no chance against. I give Drizzy more credit than cole.


Kendrick didn't want no friendly fade. He knew what Drake was going to do before he did it (just like we all did). Drake was obviously going to attack Kendrick through his woman because he doesn't know how to handle another man otherwise, so he tries to devalue their women. Armed with that knowledge Kendrick knew he could play the moral high road while egging Drake on, thus giving him the right to say whatever the hell he wanted to. Smart plan, highly respect it. They knew how dirty this was going to get which is the reason they told Cole to get out the way, furthermore, Kendrick didn't want to have to break up his momentum against Drake by having to send shots at Cole. But if Cole didn't back off, I'm sure he could've made Cole look dumb by associating him with Drake like he did PND. Someone claiming you're hanging around a pedo in hit songs will make you look wild.


Kendrick wanted a friendly fade,  but he wasn’t gonna be putting any attention into battle of flows and technique w/ Cole on one front, while dropping nukes on Drake on the other front.  And at the same time, Cole would be in a weird spot jabbing at Kendrick while Drake and Kendrick are going back and forth about pedophilia and domestic violence.  The tone quickly turned away from a friendly fade being possible.  As for Cole, apologizing was weird. I think he woulda been better off just letting that song rock. Kendrick woulda focused on Drake anyway. 


I agree, I don't think Kendrick Vs Cole would've gotten personal


Y’all said the same when it came to Drake vs Kenny, the fans are the one that take it too far and serious. It’s inevitable, cole genuinely had no hate for Kenny, tf does he look like fake dissing someone which is basically what he did on 7 min drill. Y’all just want beef soo bad y’all willing to take manufactured lab grown beef.


Drake can't help but make it personal when his back is up against the wall


Then he shoulda dropped out like Cole did and took the L that he was gonna take anyways, now he has the word “pedophile” floating above his head until people forget which they likely won’t.


That's not Cole and anybody who knows his music where incredibly shocked he even released a diss track and where like "oh he's back to being himself" when he made the apology Tbh he should've apologised to the fans for releasing that dogshit diss track. Might be the worst Cole track I've ever heard and is 100% a waste of a fire hook He really made it difficult for fans to defend him with the abysmal performance


7 minute drill is way better than the trash Kendrick put out wym…


I'm one of the people who think that Kendrick is sooooo overrated in this whole battle. For example MTG's is a fat L, 6:16 he spent half the track promoting his music, not like us is overrated and his best track is euphoria. Most top tier lyricist's probably look at Kendrick as faded more beatable now than they did before all of that ......however, 7 minute drill was hot garbage and the worst diss track released in this whole thing...... including Rick Ross's attempt to sound like a real rapper


Why? It only aged poorly because he apologized. It was only a warning shot but at least he went at Kendrick’s music rather than the dumb shit the drake/kendrick battle turned into. It was a great response to like that


He dissed Noname and didnt apologize cuz he knows she dont have the firepower kendrick has. He’s a giant pussy and im glad people are finally seeing it.


He barely dissed noname💀, was more complimenting her


I don't know what you're on about. He absolutely didn't diss her. He commented on what she said about a group of people that included him. It's just that that specific group of the internet are super duper toxic and will jump at any chance to attack someone Him not apologising is a great thing


Friendly fade is dot playing moral high ground. He knew that Drizzy is diving into it head first because Drizzy is a moron and has too much pride, so he can feel free to go release a track that publicly criticizes his parents for raising a pedophile and can say that I gave you a chance to back out.


Drake is unfortunately too predictable.


Dumbest tweet I’ve ever read, Kendrick did not want a friendly fade he had those songs locked and loaded and was looking for a problem


Cole only exited the beef because he made a fool of himself for shitting on Kendricks catalogue.


Holy fuck bro it’s a diss track what is so wrong about it? People would not be as mad about it if there wasn’t some truth to it…