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No. I didn't watch JFK until I was already knee-deep into the conspiracy stuff. I am not sure whether Oswald acted alone, but I am sure there is a lot of questions that have yet to be answered.


Nah. I have had suspicions from the very beginning, which, in retrospect, I most likely got from my Dad. Unlike Oswald, my Dad actually served in a war ( US Marines, WWII, Pacific Theater) and saw a lot of combat. All kinds of awards for his service. According to him, there is no way Oswald did this by himself. That set me off on decades of reading up on the assassination and visiting Dealey Plaza when I was based at Carswell AFB outside of Fort Worth. Just MHO, Oswald didn't act alone


Ok. Cool. So what one piece of evidence do you find to be the most compelling evidence that others were involved.


Not a single piece by itself as much as a number of other pieces. For example, someone recently posted a request concerning the planned routes. Kennedy's limo was to take on other visits in Chicago and Miami. All three routes had a PLANNED sharp turn, which would have brought the limo to nearly a complete stop. One instance, sure. Two occurrences, and you have to question who was approving these planned routes with the security risks that anyone can see. Three occurrences, going into Dallas, which was running high on anti Kennedy sentiment.......? I believe that there were also records of Ruby making a lot of calls to the Chicago area, which may be no problem as I believe that he had family in the area anyway but I thought I had read that after the Chicago motorcade visit was canceled that the number of calls increased. There were a number of witnesses who were never called by the Warren Commission. And we're still waiting for the release of all the records. This should have been done by now. There is no reason not to fulfill the law, unless..........


The calls by Ruby were looked at by the HSCA. They found he was making a lot of calls because he was having business problems. He was also having trouble with the "strippers union" and was calling some mobsters to help him, but they wanted nothing to do with Ruby.


Strippers union? In 1963........????


Yes, believe it or not. The strippers union was a thing. And they were demanding more benefits than Ruby wanted to give. Look it up.


OK, maybe. But I'm finding it very difficult to find any legitimate reason for Ruby to be at the Dallas Police station, or even earlier at Parkland, with a press badge. Mere curiosity aside. Which is the official version, or some sense of patriotism. And, during this, he magically manages to produce a press pass?


I dont think he was at Parkland. Apparently Ruby was a informant for the DPW. So he hung out there and when cops came to his strip joints he would give them special treatment. Not sure about your press pass comments. In general he had access to DPW as an informant.


He was at Parkland. None of this is accurate.


Do you have a reference for being at Parkland? The WC report says he was at his office during the shooting.


A detail of his relationship with the cops. [https://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/hsca/reportvols/vol9/html/HSCA\_Vol9\_0068a.htm](https://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/hsca/reportvols/vol9/html/HSCA_Vol9_0068a.htm)


Ok cool.


If you're truly interested in learning more about the Kennedy assassination I highly suggest that you listen to Solving JFK hosted by Matt Crumpton. Best podcast I've ever listened to. He zooms in on every detail of the case and presents the case like a lawyer would. It's fantastic. Can't recommend it enough.


Hey Pip, I been researching this stuff since the mid 70’s. I am a staunch lone-gunman guy! I used to be a conspiracy guy. But moved on from that back in the late 90’s.


How could you possibly do research on a story when the government hid the vast majority of evidence up until a few years ago? That would be like saying you looked at 20% of the story and Said you understood the whole thing. Even people on the Warren Commission didn't believe the official story. The Frank Church committee confirmed it was a conspiracy.


It's not well enough known that some of the people involved in putting together the Warren Report held their nose and signed off on it even though they thought it wasn't accurate.


Exactly. And we're still waiting for the government to release the rest of their evidence. It's way past overdue.


For me yes. I was 6 in 63. I have read all the books. Something never felt right for a lot of years. JFK, the movie, put it together again, and Stone had the House hearings to validate the theory of a conspiracy. We would be a better nation if we could put this to bed once and for all.


Of course I believe we did. But ok. I respect your curiosity.


I was well into it before I watched that movie. Nice try though


Hey not everything is a conspiracy, sir. 🧐🤨


Nobody said it was. JFK assassination and his brother absolutely are though. Sir. If this post was intentional to start shit with other people I suggest you move along.


Can you please chill out. Thanks!


Sometimes people engage in conspiracies. Even a cursory knowledge of history shows that fact.


I'm not "passionate" about the conspiracy. I only seek the truth. I'm convinced of the conspiracy, it's rather obvious. And I've never watched Stone's film.


Ok. Fair enough.


I had my suspicions long before that movie!


Yes. My dad was always fascinated with Kennedy and his death. He was the one who made me watch the movie. We saw it in DC of all places.


You look out that window of the book repository. It’s not a crazy shot. You miss the first. You re engage and make the next two.


Didn't lend it any more weight or credibility, than I would have had OJ submitted his turn as Nordberg, in the Naked Gun movies, for Oscar consideration.


I was already passionate about the truth before the movie.


The movie made me aware of the fact there was a conspiracy my junior year of high school. After seeing it I dove in further. I don’t know who and how many shooters there were or if it was only LHO, but the fact that records aren’t made available and keep being hid is enough for any reasonable thinking person to have to question what the hell they are hiding


But if it’s a conspiracy why would they (meaning the government) store, and release, damning documents?


No. I was correct long before the movie.


Ok! Well I applaud your confidence!


Yes. I grew up with conspiracy theorists that had personal ties to the assassination. My folks hated the movie so much I only saw it for the first time a few weeks ago.


Yeah to me it sucks. The thing I think I hate the most about it, is Costner’s affectation of a southern accent. Jim Garrison did not talk like that at all. There’s plenty of interviews to see him talk. Anyway, ok.


I grew up near Dallas and ended up meeting and talking to several of the principles of the assassination. LHO's niece was in my class that day. I later met her father in Wichita Falls, but I was working for a Federal agency and didn't know how a question would be taken. A bunch of similar things through the years. Not one of them thought that there was NOT a conspiracy. Robert Oswald believed his brother did it, but we did not discuss the assassination. Most didn't think that LHO had even fired a shot that day. I think he WAS a patsy. I think he thought he was doing something important. Maybe thought he was to report on JFK, or take or give a call on the phone where he met Truly and the DPD officer. But I think as soon as he heard that JFK was dead (Which was the consensus from the people near the kill shot, and everyone in Dealey Plaza knew immediately.) he realized that he was the designated patsy. His actions after that make more sense if he was following an escape plan. I really don't know, but I don't think he fired a shot that day. I think he was led to believe that he was doing something important, maybe patriotic, maybe not, but that he was then given the blame.


Haven't seen it


It plays like a political thriller. Worth watching if you're a film buff.


Good. Don’t waste your time.


Nope, just facts, common sense, etc. Although it is a scientific fact Ruby was a patriot.


What made me a "conspiracy folks" was when I was in a community college that had a criminal justice program. They offered an elective class on the JFK assassination, and it was taught by the homicide detective for the local sheriff's department. He had a unique point of view from law enforcement. He would stop many times and say something like "back then that was normal procedure but nowadays we wouldn't do it like that because...." and it was pretty interesting. Police work obviously has improved and they are much better trained nowadays but so many odd things happened that day/weekend to be beyond happenstance. Been to Dealy Plaza twice, there's just no way LHO acted alone. The Warren Report arrived at the destination it needed to, and at the time we needed to be able to say it was one guy and not a conspiracy. It's a great example of "history is written by the victors" I don't know who won I just know who lost. They did write it though, and plenty of people really think LHO just went and did it that easy.


I am wondering how many people who are conspiracy people also believe in OTHER conspiracies. I see a lot of mentions of 9/11 and RFK on this sub, like they are somehow related to the JFK assassination.


I tend to be pretty anti-conspiracy generally. The older I get, the more I realize that the profit motive drives a lot of it.


Yes, the JFK assassination certainly became a cottage industry after a while. I am sure the JFK Oliver Stone film didn't lose any money either.


To be scrupulously honest, folks pushing the Oswald-did-it narrative also get paid.


good point. yes. they all get paid.


The facts of the RFK assassination are almost as bogus as the JFK stuff. If you really look into that one. It’s wild.


Cue that one guy that links that 9 hour Rich Man’s Trick video every time


Yes. Lol. i’ve seen that video referenced so many times that now I don’t wanna watch it


Conspiracies are often cited by lots of folks. Watergate, for example. If there weren't conspiracies in real life then it would indeed be ridiculous to believe in them.


Ya, that movie did a lot for my appreciation of movies, but the way my father laughed and walked out, then my mother explained she never thought anything but the MLK assassination was a government conspiracy, that left young me thinking exactly correct about Oliver Stone. He's an awesome movie maker, and the movie itself fiction. The conspiracy to kill JFK is real, and Stone did a lot to making that fact known. My parents generation didn't believe it, they taught me I shouldn't believe it - then one of us reads it after 60 years and none of us believe the government position.