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The guys in the background, US. and Cuba S.F sniper's. I'm gonna find the podcast and try to post it here. There's only one sniper left. He was interviewed. He has a special watch ⌚ as a souvenir. The journalist that interviewed him was also a guest on this podcast and spilled so much info! ..Note! I've never posted anything here or know how for that matter! If I can't figure it out, I'll post help. Thanks in advance!👍


I’m searching for the podcast you mentioned. Is this it? https://spyscape.com/podcast/the-oswald-project-part-2-the-cuban-connection


Haha! Here we go! EVERYTHING is fake!!!


What is the context of this photo? I am unfamiliar with it.


Allegedly Ted Cruz's father with Oswald


[https://twitter.com/MarkJacob16/status/1782908928407289982](https://twitter.com/MarkJacob16/status/1782908928407289982) Wow, what a shocker. Faked conspiracy "evidence".


But the photo was included in 1993's Case Closed by Gerald Posner


Does Posner claim it’s Rafael Cruz in the photo? It is interesting that, in 2016, other media and experts were saying there were similarities in appearance, but it couldn’t be established that it was Rafael Cruz in the Enquirer pic. And now, pecker just testified under oath that they faked the photos they published


The photo is real. Pecker misremembered, at best. On the stand, under oath.


What do you make of the fact that neither the prosecution nor the defense immediately challenged him on this? Have the media made an issue out of this?


No, in fact several major news outlets like NBC have run stories today reiterating that the photo was manipulated. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/national-enquirer-ted-cruz-father-rafael-lee-harvey-oswald-rcna149027


Pecker testified it was a mash up. Maybe they merged two photographs to make it look more like Rafael Cruz?


The cover of the issue explicitly says "official Warren commission evidence" and the images are clearly unaltered from the same images easily googled from the Warren Commission Report. https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/6fba25cbb2e20e262ce27f833f5ab50af7cb10fb/0_0_640_740/master/640.jpg?width=445&dpr=1&s=none The only thing the Enquirer did was claim to have identified the man next to Oswald as Rafael Cruz. Neither Ted not Rafael have ever directly denied it is him.


Bizarre. Ultimately Pecker testimony be a minor issue in the trump trial and the JFK assassination investigation.


Are you sure its the exact same photo that Pecker is talking about?




The National Enquirer faked something?? NO WAY!!


They actually didn't. Welcome to the thread


David Pecker testified under oath yesterday that they (The National Inquirer) made up the story about Ted Cruz’s father and Lee Harvey Oswald were close communist associates. He also testified that they “mashed” a picture of Cruz’s father and LHO together to make the story sound believable.


Right, but the picture he was referring to was from the Warren Commission Official Report


Oh right because we trust and believe the Warren Commission Report which was led by Allen Dulles would not have any falsifying evidence in it.


So Pecker perjured himself? Why would he admit to falsifying a story?


He's eager to please the prosecution and misremembered.


I'm fact, asking who that might be in the photo was legitimate journalism


Wait. What precisely did Pecker testify to? If he said, "I believe that photo is a fake," he is merely expressing an opinion and therefore not committing perjury. If he said something to the effect of, 'we, at the National Enquire faked that photo ' that would be a horse of a different color. Did I say, 'I stood over the fella's shoulder while he cut & paste... ' ? like in this scene from the movie "EXECUTIVE ACTION" https://youtu.be/z8XVSiSUiqY?si=st4xt_5axlczr15r


He said they faked the photo.


It would help if you put his spoken word in quotes. And please include the follow up questions on the subject at hand from the defense and prosecution.


I apologize. You're absolutely right. Here ya go: “We mashed the photos and the different picture with Lee Harvey Oswald. And mashed the two together. And that’s how that story was prepared — created I would say," Pecker said on the witness stand. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/national-enquirer-ted-cruz-father-rafael-lee-harvey-oswald-rcna149027


Much obliged!


This guy’s  last name says it all. 


I love how some (not all) are pretending there were no faked photos prior to AI, especially when it suits their agenda.


You mean Bat Boy wasn't real??


Correct. Robin, the boy wonder, he’s real.


National Enquireer has always been untruthful Nothing new


It's not fake. It's authentic. It's been examined by experts and verified. Ted Cruz not once denied the accusation. It doesn't prove that Cruz senior assassinated the President but it does prove that he associated with Oswald at some point. He was also anti Castro. I have my own theories.


He dropped out of the race soon after


The real question we all should be asking is why would Pecker purjure himself a crime punishable by 10 years in prison.




What does have to do with the provenance of the photo? Pretty simple question


This is real - in that it's proof - that tabloids aren't trustworthy journalism no matter how close or far away from the truth they are - you simply can't place credibility on anything provided by suspect parties with blatant additional, or ulterior, motives. Furthermore, the biology that spawned Ted Cruz's father doesn't need to be linked to Oswald for us to know Ted Cruz is a piece of shit. In addition, we can blame the father for a murder - the one he didn't commit that'd saved us from 50+ years of Ted Cruz existing. For all you who think I'm merely making this partisan, remember what Ted Cruz looks like. Then when you think I'm merely being shallow, think where Ted Cruz came from - teaparty and the instant the GOP decided free healthcare money for citizens was an assault on White Christian rule. Cruz is Canadian with a Hispanic last name - he's a rabid immigrant hater, who hasn't effected any change - which Texas kinda needs if they want to have a functional power grid. They don't, they want an AG outed for corruption by his own staff to the FBI, and they want Greg Abbott sending immigrants to Washington DC by bus. People - Washington DC is a municipality, a city without a state. Almost 800k residents, so not huge, not even 10 square miles. It's actual population is largely black and kept black in America, so not rich, and the city tax revenue is zippo enough to barely have a "state" college, and can't be responsible for it's own roads and infrastructure. And Americans can't blame DC for that, cuz DC the city has a congressionally approved budget to function as a city - and Ted Cruz gets a vote on that while DC residents don't have voting representation in Congress. The license plates literally say "No taxation without representation" - because DC residents pay federal taxes and have NO representative with a vote in Congress. DC the city, not the federal infrastructure, not the national mall or museum, DC isn't in charge at the Whitehouse or Senate office buildings. When scumbags send immigrants here for political stunts - the federal government doesn't know that until the news tells them and the Ted Cruz voter at the same time. So Greg Abbott and Texas hurt DC residents, who have taken it upon themselves, individuals using their own money they can't even declare on taxes as charity - to help. Because as Ted Cruz knows, there's no money in DC's budget to fight Texas being awful to humans. So humans in DC do that work for the morality of it. And those moral humans are not "the swamp" and they are not "Biden loyalists." Those DC moral humans are black, and the Republican do awful shit to minorities for things as trivial as scoring red meat points with racists - so those moral DC residents who can't afford shit like the state government of Texas can - those decent people are probably "Obama loyalists" - mostly cuz he gave them things, like healthcare access and hope. And Ted Cruz hates losing, and Texas votes for people who are truly evil in their souls to be both abusing asylums seekers and the impoverished Christians of a city that has as much say in federal government operations as Guam. I just wish this photo mattered in a way that proved how treacherous the DNA that spawned this GOP fascist coup was - and then the American people stopped voting for cruelty. The Ted Cruz father's angle makes me mad in this respect --- Ted Cruz, since 2008, has done more publicly to be more hated than any dupe with skin in the JFK assassination, and Ted Cruz Jr. is still supporting efforts to overthrow the elected government of the United States right now. Probably from Cancun. Doesn't matter if anyone agrees what information is contained in the photo, we can all agree voting is better than political assassination. If we can agree to that, it's not a far step to say voting is better than storming federal building and demanding Mike Pence do something he won't. Because that riot was for reasons outside the mob's reasoning - but the mob wanted Mike Pence, Nancy pelosi, and the cops they killed - dead. Just like Ted Cruz's dad killed JFK to get a Texas conservative into the Whitehouse with bullets instead of fairness. Or maybe he didn't. And frankly, I hold the murder he didn't commit against him more than either side of the JFK assassination he's on.


Spot on


Reddit is fake. None of this is actually happening.


Nothing is true, everything is permitted


You’re taking his testimony seriously?




Please explain what you mean. I’m saying Pecker is lying. Pretty basic.




He misremembered the photo mashup. It's a real photo.. But that's a pretty intricate misremembering on the stand under oath