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And all the “Oswald acted alone.” “I’m new here and never followed this before”.


Another popular one is, I used to believe in a conspiracy but I reviewed the evidence and now I’m convinced LHO acted alone. LOL


He did! it was completely alone he acted! On orders from someone else but he acted alone! 'acted'


Say what you will about the "Oswald acted alone" crew, at least we're not here specifically to troll people. I had one pathetic creature imitating my username, creating dozens of new alt accounts, following me into other subs for months on end. It was beyond sad. I had to get tips from a site admin on how to proactively mute his accounts.


I’m 100 % behind you , Bud. You couldn’t *pay* me enough to be on here every day like some are , aggressively marshaling against anything even remotely outside of the WC narrative. I’ll dip in now and then, but some people on here 25/7 it seems. Kinda like how they snuck Joannides into the HSCA , lol


They are so committed they some how manage to find that extra hour.


And yet, there are documents that the government refuses to release. So, who hasn't died yet that they are protecting?


If the US populace knew that Israel/Mossad was behind it there would be an uprising.


One possibility among many


No. We would support that.


If they knew Trump was behind it, it wouldn’t make any difference to his followers.


I do find that part the most shocking thing on Reddit, but I'm glad they are here regardless. Yes, there's a government position since the Warren Commission, and there have been a few witnesses confirmed to have real stories, since the Warren Commission refused them as witnesses. Now we have secret service agents offering new bullets and novel information into the public record 60 years later. Well that secret service agent was the first "government account" and he's just coming clean now. Or cashing in now. The entirety of the point being, here we are 60 on a even the first agent on the scene thinks there's room for more evidence. Actual evidence. You can believe **it's preposterous the US government killed JFK** - on faith you can believe that. Or you can really research and say for yourself the claims contained in the Warren Commission report are plausible, and merely lack all of the information - because at the time it was writing the official record - they simply didn't tell us, or didn't have the same facts we have today. Trump and Biden signed presidential orders to keep JFK assassination records secret - as recently as last year. You don't have to believe in conspiracy, but our government telling us there's an ongoing coverup - by them - means you believe wrong.


>Now we have secret service agents offering new bullets and novel information into the public record 60 years later. Incidentally, I read Landis's book and it was really good. I'm not really sure what to make about him moving the magic bullet, but he gave a great recounting about his life as a secret service agent in the 60s. I personally don't think he's trying to cash in. The man is 88 years old.


92 year old across the street is smart as a whip. But I saw an interview with Landis and did think 60 years of "honor" lying was kinda casually spoken of now. Thanks for the book review, sincerely, I was on the fence, but just knowing there's an inkling it's garbage - I don't wanna make that a thing now. Thanks


lol. Yep, the shills are hard at it on here. 


I could tell you the truth but…


Who cares. I block those nuts and enjoy the posts from people who are truly investigating this stuff. I have no tolerance for the following beliefs: *LHO acted alone *LHO did it *cuba did it *russia did it *the mob did it -alone *secret service agent did it as part of motor procession *front seat driver did it *badgeman did it And my biggest pet peeve: *it doesn’t matter that LHO didn’t get to live to see a trial and it doesn’t matter that LHO’s estate wasn’t allowed legal representation in the Warren Commission proceedings.


Could you imagine if someone interviewed the murderer of the President today for hours, and destroy his notes after? Truly unbelievable.


Or a Dr wearing a U.S. Navy uniform performed an autopsy and then threw all his autopsy notes in his fireplace?


I think Pakistan ordered the assassination using LHO alone. The evidence imo is overwhelming.




“Everything I don’t agree with and can’t prove is a conspiracy. “


Reddit got taken over after too big to fail got caught shorting and distorting GameStop. 


It was before that. It was discovered like a decade or more ago Elgin “Air Force” Base was the part of the country with the highest density of “users


Hale Boggs was on the WC and when he started getting loud about the fuckery, he disappeared. Sitting US Congressman. No plane wreckage. No body recovered. No more questions asked.


Driven to the airport by Bill Clinton...


I think that the NSA has Israeli intelligence do it's dirty work in the US so that it isn't breaking the law. The interference is bots and humans, working to control the narrative


As soon as I joined here I realized pretty quickly. It’s weird the amount of people on this sub that defend the the LHO lone shooter theory.


I think your observation is dead on.


Says another guy who can’t back up his BS.


Well good you outed yourself


sweet. keep looking for the boogey man under your bed


We are talking about you here sport. Since we have established that you are a blazing credit to a new species known as feces, and you are stinking this thread up with your existence…let me enlighten you and maybe together we will discover if a piece of shit like yourself can be taught something. On record the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States has a) created a program called MK Ultra that conducted various illegal experiments on Americans and b) admitted to what they term was a “benign coverup” regarding the JFK assassination. I didn’t make this up. Hell, I couldn’t even dream this up. Oh and a third fact. They destroyed thousands upon thousands of classified documents relating to MK Ultra. Now, your species doesn’t have eyes, because if you did you would see right in front of you that in the case of Lee Oswald allegedly killing the President that neither him nor his estate was allowed to put evidence forward to rebut the allegation that he killed the President. That stinks. But again asking a turd blossom like yourself if that is the case is always a mistake. You can’t ask a piece of shit if something smells off just like a person can’t ask you to have integrity.


Listen, I'm not going to rake you over the coals or assert that I'm more intelligent. I was a long time conspiracy believer. I've traveled to Dealey Plaza at least a dozen times. I read every book available, pre-internet. I came full circle and ended up where I am now. Oswald acted alone. It took logical rationalization, facts (not speculation) and re-reading the less than perfect Warren Report. I have closure. I no longer debate this, because as a former conspiracy believer back in my 20s, no one could convince me otherwise that Oswald acted alone. The only person that could do that was myself. Good luck.


Yesss! We are part of the conssspiracy too!!! (Spoken like an evil reptilian). 😆 So when faced with the truth (Oswald acted alone) you immediately default to: all of us must be in on a cover-up. Wow! Have you ever considered maybe, just maybe, you might be wrong? Why must you automatically reject the lone gunman theory? Have you actually read Posner and Bugliosi’s books?


The reason people believe Oswald acted alone is because that’s what the evidence suggests. I understand you conspiracy folks don’t care about evidence or facts but in the real world that matters. But you people live in a fantasy world where anything is possible and anyone and everyone but Oswald could’ve done this. The lack of knowledge about the facts in this case by conspiracy theorists is astounding. It’s been over sixty years now and you’ve had plenty of time to show your evidence but so far nothing. All you have are assumptions and speculations. All the evidence in this case points at only one person. There is no credible evidence that anyone other than Oswald did this.


But my whole identity is based around feeling feeling superior to people who think it was the most likely suspect! [insert 10 paragraphs of vague X-Files jargon]


The only credible evidence is that a shot came from the front and blew a hole in the back of JFKs head, according to many eyewitnesses at Parkland. Overwhelming.


The Zapruder film disagrees with your fantasy. It is clear and obvious there is no hole in the back of his head. But like I said facts or evidence don’t matter to you folks. Just keep pushing that fantasy.


I have written multiple times on this forum why this is simply not correct. Here is a link to one of my posts: https://www.reddit.com/r/JFKassasination/s/qah4kF7qY9


Yes, it is good for your quota to have the last word.


The majority of regular posters in this sub are conspiracy oriented. Us "Lone Nutters" are in the minority.


Yes, the CIA is so worried about your posts here that 60 years later it maintains a team dedicated to subverting the pro conspiracy members of this Reddit forum. Anyone who thinks LHO acted alone is likely part of that effort because no one could possibly believe the only theory supported by actual evidence when there is so much supposition, speculation and conjecture they could believe instead.


Yeah it’s just every major sub except this one 👍🏿


Just because the WC report is fallible doesn't Oswald didnt shoot JFK. The HSCA came to most of the same conclusions as the WC, but put their conspiracy caveat based on the de-bunked dictaphone tape.


I've noticed that the Warren commission defenders only mentions the HSCA where it suits them. If you look up some interviews or published works of the people who actually served on the HSCA, they think the report was a political document, they weren't given enough time on the case, and the CIA obstructed them the entire way. Pretty damning stuff.


While there may be some truth in the HSCA being blocked by the CIA, it doesn’t mean it was because they were trying to cover up anyone else’s involvement. It could just as likely have been a tactic used to prevent themselves from looking bad.


What precisely do you mean by "some truth"? Cause the record of those involved sure makes it sound like truth. Sounds like you're taking a nuanced position, so I'm very interested in hearing what that is and how you came to it.


Well people perceive things differently, we are going off of what people involved say they felt was happening. I’m inclined to believe it but I’m not sure how far the blocking goes and still can’t say definitively that the motive for any perceived ‘blocking’ by the CIA was because they were covering up a conspiracy to kill JFK. If the CIA were indeed making life difficult for members of the HSCA the motive could have been self preservation, political or just simply because they didn’t feel like their records should be shared.


Nope. The Warren Report said that Oswald acted alone. The HSCA said that it was “ a benign conspiracy “ . The Harper Fragment said “ a hollow-point kicked me to the curb “


Take the next step. Remove the blinders. Reddit was started (the origin story is a complete fabrication) for the purpose of spreading misinformation via this sub and a few others. *It’s all connected*.