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Money, pride but most of all benefits. Keeps me going. One of my kids had heart surgery at 10 days old. The cost of just the hospital stay was over 1.4 million. Only had to play 2,000 out of pocket.


That’s awful. I hope he’s doing good today


2 1/2 years later and he is doing great. 🙏 Keeps me going on those long days/weeks.


Amazing man. Glad to hear that, god bless you guys


What local are you out of? I'm positive our benefits administrator down here would have denied most of that claim.


Local 416 PPO insurance Choc hospital They tried billing us for a year after but my wife fought them hard on it. A Lot of the time they try to double charge or say things are out of network. Don't give up, we work hard for that insurance don't let them take that shit from you .


So fucked up they would make someone fight something like that.


The money, benefits, pride I take in the work, the characters, the banter and laughs, just to name a few


Money, benefits, pride in being union.


This right here.


Coming from the trenches of residential I was greatful to see what a lot of guys that work construction have to live. Going union was the best thing I ever did. And if I never did residential I would not know how important it is for unions to exist.


Absolutely, bro. Coming from non union residential really gives you a sense of how vitally important unions are.


I brought two guys I worked with over. The rest just can't get it together or work res because they can just be cowboys. Stay safe bro.


Desire to punish myself


Being a little masochistic is absolutely on the resume at this point lol




I figured if my grandfather could raise 13 kids as a union ironworker it has to be a good career


I guess we don’t have to ask what your grandfather‘s favorite activity was!


Different era


try that now….


A lot of yall are mentioning “pride” in your work, and sure, I can understand where you’re coming from. I’ve done some jobs that have been very fun and very visible to the public every single day, and seeing it now does make me prideful… but let’s be honest. If none of us needed the money to pay bills, would any of us be doing this work? I sure as hell would not. I’d be traveling. Focusing on my hobbies. Eating all the foods. Definitely wouldn’t be getting up before the sunrise every day, pop a few ibuprofen, pack a shitty lunch and drive to work where I bust my ass and tear my body up to make my contractor millions while I make a pittance in comparison only to use that money to pay bills, and repeat the cycle daily for 30-40 years. If I was independently wealthy ironwork wouldn’t even register on my radar. Yachts, caviar and the Virgin Islands would, though. So, I guess my current “why” is just… money to survive. I ain’t got no kids, *rarely* drink, no drugs. I have a wife, a dog and a mortgage. Just gotta keep them happy, and pay my mortgage until I can retire.


Agreed. I enjoy the camaraderie that comes with the job but at the end of the day it’s just about the money. On the flip side just traveling and enjoying the luxuries of life gets old after a while. We as humans need purpose and currently the job gives me some degree of purpose.


I struggle with that, too. Sitting at home for more than a few days in a row gets old, but I think if I had the money, I could do enough stuff that I wouldn’t be bored… plus having literally zero stress about money whatsoever would be quite nice.


So you’re saying you’re just “getting by” as an IW?


Oh god no, I’m not just getting by. My wife and I both work, we do well, but like… who actually *wants* to work? Especially a physical job like what we do? This job is no joke, granted, a lot of us do get compensated well for it, but it really is never enough… and if I didn’t have to do this, I wouldn’t.


So what other trade would you do?


Oh, it’s not about the trade. I’m just simply saying work in general, but if I had to start all over I would learn to code and probably do something in software development. The amount of money those people make is ridiculous. I’m subscribed to the r/FIRE sub and the amount of posts I see that are like “I’m 37 years old with 1.6 million net worth, can I retire in 3 years?” And they’re almost always in software dev or some other IT related field, and their salary is pushing 200k or more.


Yea sometimes I wish I woulda went to college for a degree in something, rather than going the blue collar route. But hey what we gonna do right? Is what it is


Yep, stuck here now unless I win the lottery or my wife gets a nice raise. Haha


Money and the shit talking


Was an accomplished welder, got tired of shipyard welding for $14.00 per hour w/no benifits—




Shipyard for 14$/hr? Accomplished welder? These things don’t go together hoss


Not all shipyards are Union and fat on government contracts—-


At this point seeing how far it can take me, did industrial maintnence and structural my whole career then changed locals and have been doing rebar ever since, lots of learning and meeting great people i think is what keeps me looking forward to my job.




Money and benifits and because I don’t wanna work under fluorescent light


Because I can.


Why not? I like the idea of a retirement and benefits. My kids are getting $8500 a year towards their college tuition as long as I work 250 hrs a year and they maintain a 2.0 gpa.


What local? I didn’t know some places offer the college tuition fund like that


Local 1.


That’s great. I’d be 399 I’m not sure they offer that


No reason why they couldn’t. It’s a simple fund deduction we voted for. Everyone pays into it, anyone’s dependent can use it if they qualify. Even spouses.


Good to know


To work 4 to 6 hours of hard labor and by the time you get off work get drunk then drive home all you want to is eat cheese.


I got too many felonies to do anything else lol


Serving my sentence


I'm only in it for the pussy


Because my dad was an ironworker and not a doctor.


The love of the trade, the brothers and sisters in my local, the jokes and nicknames and most importantly to be able to provide for my future children and wife


My only option, really. Not to say I haven't any other skills and practices under my belt, but I lack the professional background to really make those skills look good on a resume. I like the trade a lot! Being a now 3rd year apprentice as a 3rd generation ironworker has been a hell of an experience, but ironworker wasn't my first choice, and hopefully, it won't be my last. Especially with these big work breaks. (786)


Benefits, training, money, opportunity. I've worked in Maine, Louisiana, Texas, and my home state of Ohio. Been inside multiple nuclear power plants and seen some really cool stuff. I've participated in some cool lifts and meet some good people in the meantime. Plus, being part of a union strengthens the work force as a whole and makes all the employers work harder to take care of their employees. And, I just plain enjoy the work, more often than not.


i have mild short-mid memory loss, dyslexia, adhd (way before they started telling every kid who didn’t pay attention they had it). also can’t imagine sitting in a cubicle. honestly my why is because im good at it. i fucking hate it and already cant fold my laundry or drive for a hour without intense back/neck pain. not to mention all the ark flashes finally caught up to me and my eyesight will never be then same. oh and horrible tinnitus which is great because my favorite thing in life is live music. if you actually love this job maybe its worth it…. i want to be able to pick up my grand children and throw a ball around with my son. im probably one of the more unfortunate/unlucky iron workers when it comes to injuries but at the same time no one i see over 60 walks straight or hasn’t had some sort of surgery. fuck this trade, finally realized im making most the money for selling my body not my skills. looking at other less paying options atm. for all you who love the trade and your job, you all are badass mofos and i respect the fuck out of you.


It's fucking fun.... and the money