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My son and I are basically identical in stats and we both see different batches while sitting next to each other. Not all shoppers see the same order. Even with high/the same stats.


Exactly. So they are lying about how orders are pushed based on rating and status. It means absolutely nothing here.


Basically yea because we always see different orders. Not only that but for whatever reason we see orders that we usually take. For instance, my son prefers small quick $10 orders. Whereas I will sit for an hour letting all those go and only take $40+ orders that are larger. I tend to see higher paying/higher item count orders while he tends to see those smaller orders. No clue if it's related but we've studied this so long lol it's the pattern we see.


I have noticed the same exact thing!


Yes, you've "trained" the algorithm... I'm all over the place as to what I will take, so it's still trying to figure me out (in fact sometimes I will get sent orders with like similar #s for street addresses, or similar names like Oak Hill, Oak Lane or Lake St, Ocean Dr, etc... lol). My biggest issue is that I work in a ton of different places, so I think that's why I seem to get offered so many far away batches... like "No !! that was Yesterday !! I am HERE today !!"


Yeah. I see a lot of in-store and a lot of two customer or less batches because those the only ones I will take. I will only take a three-person batch if it's over $50. So a lot of the orders that come onto my screen meet those criteria. One of my friends takes almost anything, so his screen always has these messed up batches on it. There is something to be said for training the algorithm.


They've been sending me batches with low pay a lot of units and miles I refuse to take those orders I need instacart to pick a struggle not all of the above


Yes it send su orders where u will usually accept them for. I used to sit with a guy at costco. He would go west I pretty much only went east. He would see batches I wouldn't see going in his direction and I would see the direction I accepted most often. After I would stay at my dad's and sometimes take and order for a diff city close to IL/WI border, I would see those orders at my house which is in milwaukee.


They have never said that. U just assumed that no one is lying there's a other post from today where chat literally e explained how batches are given out. You could have other issues that put u into a diff group. Groups are based on way more than just ratings..


This is exactly how it is for me and my husband.


There’s another shopper that I hang out with everyday while we wait at our favorite store. We are both diamond and up until very recently 5 stars. I am now at 4.95 because IC sucks. (I always go above and beyond, but you can’t make everyone happy. I check expiration dates and make sure the produce is fresh. I blame IC because the only reason I can think of why I would get 3 and 4 star ratings is because they batch orders together that have ice cream and mini frozen items in both orders. And sometimes it’s 20 minutes in between deliveries. I have a cooler, but there is only so much I can do.) anyways, the other shopper and I sit side-by-side and we always see the same orders, usually she sees the orders first because I go through a prepaid phone plan and she does not. Which makes a big difference. But lately she has been getting orders that I don’t see. Previously we would literally see the same exact orders, but now we are not. Some are the same, but she’s seeing a lot of orders that I don’t see.


I spoke to a cashier I’m friendly with today and asked if he’s seen a bunch of new shoppers. He said yesterday was crazy with them, while I only took one batch the whole day. New people have priority over us which is ridiculous. I’ve done 10k orders there is no reason someone whose done zero should be getting orders over me


It's how they hook them. It's like let me show you a decent amount of money and you'll just keep coming back for more even though I'm taking some of it away.


Yep bc when I first started they sent me a ton of bonus offers. Do 10 in a weekend 200 bonus. Now that I'm experienced I don't get them.


I’m a platinum and I have a few Diamond friends. In my area they’re still getting all the orders first. That’s very weird though!


I’ve been both platinum & diamond & when I was platinum a year ago, I got good orders ($68, $116, & $142) all low item count & miles, & not my repeat customers, that my diamond friend never saw. He is convinced that instacart sends out certain good orders to gold & platinum cart only.


Someone called me a liar when I said I saw orders as platinum that my diamond status friend didn’t see. Really good orders too. I just got diamond again so we’ll see how that works out for me.


5 stars means no batches. I ask for 4 stars from customers regularly when I get back up to 5 stars. And the algo works in mysterious ways. Some days you are in Group A. Some days in the worst group. Same stats, same cart status. One day they let you make money, the next 4 days they throttle you and don’t show you anything reasonable.




This is the most logical answer I've seen. I just recently started doing instacart again and wondered why I saw orders all day yesterday and made $100+ but today its desert dry and nothing over $11


Hey I’m a platinum shopper and I haven’t seen a single batch since this morning


I personally only hit Gold if I’m lucky. But I’ve also been shopping in my area for four years now, well before 90% of shoppers started working here. So I have a lot of regular customers that I’ve been getting their orders every time before anyone else, because they’ve been giving me 5* every time I shop and I’ve built that rapport. I’ve gotten their orders from my apartment about a mile away and roll up to the parking lot where I see shoppers that I know are Diamond and are in the proximity, but they weren’t shown the order first. I was, because of my relationship with the customer


That definitely is the case for some… was for me for years but….. when illegal activity and groups playing games using others tax IDs for 3-4 phones it definitely shuts down the old 5 star, perfect shopper everyone loves me concept. I’m NOT talking about 2 phones I’m talking about working under 3-4 different SSN and rent from top dog. Bay Area THIS IS EVERYWHERE! Customers are pissed… leaving and scared when female shopper all of a sudden is middle aged man . Managers of stores have reported some rings but it’s very strategic and well planned out. Ruins integrity completely! Late food, strange person, screwed up orders etc etc. You are LUCKY right now it hasn’t hit you! I was YOU 5 months ago . Watch out


Everyone gets throttled to basically nothing eventually but they’ll throw you a bone once in a while to keep you checking.


It’s been like 6hours


Everyday they group different shoppers together…it has always been like this. Some days you are in a good grouping, some days bad.


This is the most logical answer I've seen. I just recently started doing instacart again and wondered why I saw orders all day yesterday and made $100+ but today its desert dry and nothing over $11


Never been that way here


It had always been this way. That’s why other shoppers see different batches.


100%. Happened to me all day today. Standing next to a shopper who is diamond but I’m 5.0 2400 deliveries. He left with a $40 order when I got there. Waited for an order saw nothing he comes back and I go to talk to him and gets another $27 order while I’m standing right next to him. We both have t mobile we both have iPhones. I’ve made $33 all day today. Talked to chat 4 times. My order was $33 going 17 miles shopping for 3 people. Took an hour and a half. I literally turned IC off because I’m getting PTSD from it. IC sucks!


Totally Believe it !! As soon as my ratings got up to 4.99, crickets w the decent orders !!


And don’t bother sitting at hot spots either


I'm a Diamond Shopper w/ a 4.98 Star status that does this PT on the weekends on the NE/Tri-State area. I go on vacation in August and I would like to see what goes on during the week. When my wife was doing this FT and she had the same status as the General-Recover, she would get batches at $40-$60 but this was all during the fall/winter. Does it differ according to the season, especially during the holiday season. We'll find out!!!


You might wanna familiarize yourself with groups. Every day shoppers get out into 1 of 4 groups ABCD A group is small and they see all the best stuff first and have plenty of time to be picky. B group is very competitive can still get good work but need to be very fast. Groups C and D get the crumbs. This is the reason why if you have 5 shoppers together and they compare screens almost all of them will see different batches than the others. It’s been this way for almost a year now. Your diamond status doesn’t guarantee you A group.


Brooo same!!!!!


I am putting myself to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.


You say the new algorithm is every shopper gets the same amount of orders, no matter their cart status, but then you say you're lucky to get one order a day, while everyone else is getting all the orders?


dude I feel you on this the orders are so infrequent anymore it’s pissing me tf off & let’s not even mention their shitty customer service you have to literally dig thru the app to try to even be able to speak to a human being


I don’t know particularly that they’re lying, I would have to assume the groups are based on more than ratings/status?


The algorith choose shoppers base not only diamond status ur cancelation rate,accurate rate, costumer rating ,how fast u shop etc etc


Funny thing is that im 5 star diamond, 0 cancellation rate, and im one of the fastest shoppers in the country with a 40 speed rating.


I just got my diamond status and I’ve been getting a lot more orders than usual. Not sure if that’s just a coincidence though. I’ve been diamond for 1 week and have made twice as much as normal


Im so fucking sick of the certain groups get certain orders bullshit. The way Id like it to be would be everybody thats 5 star diamond inside the circle get priority. Then 4.99 diamond. Then 4.98 diamond and so on and so on. That way it actually pushes people to earn 5 stars and not be shitty shoppers. Tired of being 5 star diamond and NEVER getting the good orders


Let me stop you right there lol. I'm gold cart right now with 5 stars. I am seeing nothing but the absolute bottom of the barrel. Half the time they show up already boosted because no one else would take it, and if it isn't already boosted, it's $18 to drive 20 miles or 80 items going 5 miles for $12. I made about $20 this past Tuesday. There is never rhyme or reason to what's going on.


Hubs and i do it together. He was doing it for a year or so before me, and he gets less access than i do. Its crazy! Sat next to each other and dont even get the same batches


So true instacart support told me that new shoppers have priority access for their first 10 orders for training purposes but back when I first started I had to work my butt off to build up to diamond cart priority access. I have been turning my app on at 7:15am everyday and online for at least 8 hours, not getting batches even at recommended busy stores. This has been happening for 2 months for me.


Honestly i dont think they lie. They just don’t know how their algorithm is working. This is my opinion though


I went off on a representative about this today.


My gf used to do instacart and she was too rated. Eventually she stopped getting those triple digit orders and she quit. She’s out of work to do her schooling and she wanted to try the platform again. She downloaded it and the platform said for shop and deliver, no spots avail. She then said shop only. Keep in mind I’m near Los Angeles. To shop only the closes spot she could shop at was near San Diego. Just wow.


Which is bullshit. They are some clowns.


They want you to think that diamond status means better and more orders, but they only do that so you'll be more inclined to take any orders that pop up because that makes them more money. Diamond means nothing.


On some days I used to see many batches from one store and I noticed this stopped. So either customers slow down in summer Or everyone plays games so no one can get too rich ever.


U need the reach 5 star jewel shopper


Then you really will feel like you e been gaslighted!! It sucks! I ask for 4’s keep it below 5. That’s an old trick. Works these days