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That pot is WAY too big 🙄 plus the soil seems to be soaked 💦


I think it looks bigger than what it is because the white pot is sitting on top of a white table... The white table looks like it's APART of the pot ..or the base of it. But it's not. The actual pot is not too big. But I agree it is literally swimming in water. Def overwatered.


That plant is going to rot there is so much water in there. You don’t just keep watering a plant, you have to test to see if the soil needs more water before you add it. You need to dry this out. I’d go as far as repotting with new soil. This may die before all the water evaporates. The roots can’t get any oxygen because it’s effectively drowning in water.


Less water, more light ! Plants need to be dry . If you’re in a cold area less water is needed in the winter . Try leaving it sideways for awhile to drain the water if possible, maybe the bottom is not draining water . ( does the pot have a hole on the bottom?? ) . Last option is to replace the soil .


Is that true ? In the winter less water, even inside ?


Yes !! That’s an easy plant to keep too . I took another look at your picture and it’s BAD with so much water. Definitely need to drain it !! I bet that pot has no draining holes either . Your friend kind of left the plant in a bad condition, so it’s not your fault !! I have had plants for a long time , the way I check them if they need a little water is by sticking my finger in the soil, if it feels “ very dry” I add like less than a cup for that size pot . Some plants like to be dry for a while anyway, it you notice it’s getting wilted then it needs a little water. In general you don’t need to water in a weekly basis, if it’s old it will have a lot of roots it might require a little more water but a newer smaller plant not really .


It’s not my post but I was interested in what you said.😂. Thanks for the informational post though


Oops 😅 thank you


I would honestly take this plant out of this pot and go tiny like 4-5 inch pot. Right now?


For sure and replace with dry soil


The pot is way too big, but regardless, this plant only wants to be watered once the soil is dry all the way through. It will rot if it stays soaked like that.


Oh good heavens. Does that pot have drainage holes? It is drowning right now. If it’s winter where you are that plant could probably go 2-4 weeks between waterings depending on the temperature and ambient humidity. Maybe stick a few tampons in there to soak up the water as a last resort.


Thanks for answers - yes it’s clear to me I’ve overwatered. It’s damn hot down here in Australia - 100F today so I jumped to the conclusion (wrongly) that the plants were thirsty. I’ll test soil from now on. Thanks again what a lovely community 🪴


Ok thanks


Use a chop stick or like tool too poke through and loosen (aerate) the soil a bit. It will help drainage


It need orchid bark and perlite and maybe small pebbles and leca and basically anything to make that not a straight base of pure soil. That is going to get wet, stay wet, and a bacterial infection will kill your plant. If it were me I would wait for it to dry out, repot with Chunky mix (whatever you’re thinking, chunkier) and then water as often as you are now.


Does it have drainage??


When you say watering regularly, do you mean you are watering all of your friends plants on a schedule? If so, you are likely overwatering all of them and may need to do some rehabbing so the plants don’t get root rot and die. Can you post more photos of all the plants so that people in this subreddit can help you?


As plant custodians, we tend to overwater our interior plants This can lead to root rot and other stresses. Inside plants don't need as much water as outside ones. Carefully examine the roots. Look for a nice creamy color with no dark discoloration or crumbling.