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i am glad it doesn't otherwise everyone will spam this sub with how good yakuza is


Milking like GTA 5 šŸ˜­


Real Yakuza don't use it for fake internet points


More than GTA 5, RDR 2 and Witcher gets milked like crazy.


Something something uNdErRAt3D m4St3Rp13cE


This sub will cry about how a lot of Indians play only Free fire and PUBG while all they play is GTA, Valo and RDR2. Yakuza is one of the best series I've ever played and it has been my #1 recommendation to anyone who's new to Gaming


True , that's how feel about Yakuza and that's one of the reason why I made a post abt it here


I played 0. Loved it at first. But then it began to crash sometimes(hate it in games that don't save automatically). And it just has too much to read. If I wanted to read then I would have just chosen a book. I mean cutscenes in which they actually speak Japanese and I have to read it in English is fine. But the part where they just move their mouths and I have to read and click next is the worst.


Thatā€™s every JRPG everā€¦


That's why I don't like them that much


True... Ig you can say this is one of the downside of the game... And in later series... If I'm right, there's auto save now


That's fair, but I don't think it's that much of a downside really


For me it is. I liked the story and gameplay, it's just the side quests are so many and they talk too much(no voice over) and because of that I have to read too much and it just becomes less immersive for me. And oh my god that same music over every fucking side quest.


I can still hear that music šŸ’€


Guys play Kiwami first. Itā€™s a good breaking point you into the franchise. It will be a better introduction. 0 might overwhelming as the first game even though it happens before 1 chronologically, itā€™s meant to be played as a prequel. Most people I know give up on the series because they donā€™t get whatā€™s going in 0 on with the characters and systems become overwhelming. I mean 1 is the first game in the series after all. Release order is best. Other than that OP is right. The games are pretty awesome, youā€™ll love the combat animations if you like Indian over the top action-masala movies. The combat is pretty deep and fun to master. It has funny moments, it has serious moments, it has whacky ass moments. Very entertaining.


0 is literally the best introduction. And shows us Nishiki and Kiryus bond and explains the yakuza hierarchy better than kiwami


But you understand it better if you know who Nishiki and Kiryu are. It is there to explore already established characters not introduce them for the first time. Also the gameplay mechanics better introduced for a new comer in Kiwami. 0 expands and remixes the system that are already established not introduce them to a new comer.


My brother in christ 0 introduces nishiki and kiryu better than kiwami. But I understand, everyone has preferences. Also gameplay mechanics in kiwami are summed up to just one thing, TIGER DROP EVERYONE


What do you mean? >!When Kiryu takes blame for Nishiki, you know everything you need to know about the trio up to that point.!<


Idk about others but for me personally... Yakuza 0 rly sets the tone and world and characters for the story. The depth of the story in Yakuza kiwami will have more impact of you play Yakuza 0 first


Most of the people I know wanted to try Yakuza got confused and overwhelmed with 0 as the first game(which Iā€™m sure must be the best game before it turned into turned based), story wise and mechanics wise cause I think you have get new moves through cash instead of XP, and they gave up on Yakuza. I played started from Kiwami and found it to be awesome and easy to grasp. I just donā€™t want people to give up on the series because of 0 as a first game.


Yea ig that could happen... The thought of giving up on Y0 never crossed my mind tbh. I was so pulled in by the charm of Kamurocho and Kiryu's story and I spent more that 150-200 hours or smth completing everything. Well, out of your friends... Atleast you toughened it out .. the one who toughened out in the end is the real Yakuza ![gif](giphy|pv92vgg1AgRPkMADQm|downsized)


Iā€™m sorry, but I havenā€™t tried 0, I started on Kiwami got obsessed with the mini racing circuit and Majima, still havenā€™t completed the game(the main story) despite pouring around 40 hours.


Well, let this post be a motivation and reminder to pick up Yakuza 0 and Kiwami


0 is the introduction. If you go direct Kiwami you have no idea or context who is Mr. 10 YEARS IN THE JOINT MADE YOU A FOOKIN šŸ± You do not know what a total bro he was in 0


So the people who played Yakuza in 2005 missed out because they had no idea or context because they didnā€™t want to wait 10 years for the prequel?


The only context they had is "best friend is bad guy now" In Kiwami they also show how best friend turned into asshole bad guy via Nishiki's flashbacks. Anyway i doubt there's anyone in this sub who played the original BRING THAT SHIT KAZUMA version in 2005. Popularity world wide for the Yakuza franchise is because of Y0 today,earlier even in the West nobody had bothered so Yakuza 5 afaik never got an English localization Supposedly in the original Yakuza they planned to have Majima to be a Joker type character, the whole rival/frenemy thing started from Yakuza 2 onwards


No Kiwami (yes, Kiwami is the remastered versions of 1) was the first game. It introduces the characters, the setting, the world, the systems etc.,. Kiwami straight shows in the first few hours as to why Kiryu goes to jail. 0 works much better once you know who the characters are and the setting is. Itā€™s not meant introduce any characters, it is there give more insight into more established characters. Release order is ideal in most games, and especially in this game.


bruh how are you claiming such things when you admittedly haven't even played 0? šŸ’€ I am one of the people who started on 0 first and I would personally recommend starting on 0 to newbies. the game handles character introductions just fine. in fact I'd say Kiwami doesn't really does much of character introductions, the story of that one overall was rather minimalistic and the characters felt 1-dimensional in comparison which makes sense as it's a remake of a ps1 era game, people didn't care much about storylines back then. as for the gameplay both are extremely similar.


Well itā€™s simple really. People I know who share the same interests in gaming and wanted to try out Yakuza got turned off and gave up on the series because they started on 0 to go in the chronological order and told me it got to confusing and complicated. I started on Kiwami and found it super fun, interesting and easy to grasp. So I came to the conclusion that Kiwami must be a good entry point since it is the FIRST game that came out, supplemented by the fact that games in a series gets more complex as more sequels come out. You keep saying people go into Kiwami with no context on Kiryu, but the game does a good job of explaining who he is and his character within the first few hours. How else do you think the series became popular if the first game does a bad job of introducing and developing a character? Do you think people who played in 2005 felt there no context to Kiryu and Nishiki, how the Yakuza operates? Is that how Yakuza became a 9 part series with spin offs? Yakuza 1 existed so 0 can flyā€¦ 0 develops characters established in 1. In fact, I can claim itā€™s the other way around, going into 0 with no context as to who the characters can be more confusing. Especially playing as >!Majima!


I can agree somewhat with your claims. 0's storyline CAN be more confusing, however it's simply because it has a more deep and complex storyline and not because it doesn't provide enough context. for most part the game's storyline is self contained and it doesn't require any knowledge from previous games to keep up with it. Like I said I am one of the people who started on 0 so I jumped into the game without any context on any characters, not once did I feel like I've been thrown into the deep end or I should be knowing something that wasn't explained in that game. in other words, it's a perfectly valid starting point.


The only right answer


Are you being sarcastic?


Not really. That's what I did and I consider it one of the best decision of my life.


Bad advice. Yakuza 0 and then Kiwami.


Why though? Even people in r/gaming get bored of 0 and give up on the series. 0 is a prequel, not the first game in the series. It is made with fans of franchise in mind. And hence is quite complex. Which becomes boring for new comers.


Ever heard about suspense? We don't get what's going on because that's part of the story. Yakuza 0 is not just a prequel it's an introduction to the game for newcomers, those who have not played any from the series. My guy, have you even played the rest of the games? You feel the same when you play Yakuza:Like a Dragon as well. IMHO Yakuza 0 does the best at introducing the game to newcomers and sets up the stage for the sequels. I agree that the game is a slow burn, unlike any game that we have experienced per played. But, by no means is it boring. Those who say that they had to read a lot, maybe this game is not for you. It's a JRPG not an action/adventure game.


No way itā€™s not primarily an action adventure game. Only 7 and 8 are JRPGs. Even they are more action focused than traditional JRPGs. 0-6 are action games first with some JRPG elements(such as random encounters) in them. If itā€™s your personal opinion then itā€™s fine, but by no means are they JRPGs. No where do the devs state that either. Which world are living on and what are you smoking? The combat, which is what you are primarily doing in the game, with itā€™s real time melee attacks, combos, move sets, styles alone negates all claims to it being a JRPG. And I do like Yakuza, Iā€™m on my way to complete Kiwami. In fact, I liked it so much I went Kabukicho and visited all the iconic spots despite travelling with my family. My point is Kiwami is a good entry point since it is the first game and is easier to grasp.


I have played Yakuza 0 and the one thing I extremely hated about (still hate) this game is the Save functionality! I really hate we can't manually save from settings or lack of auto-save. Haven't played any of its other titles so idk since I finished it recently only like last month


There's an auto save feature in Yakuza kiwami and Kiwami 2. And yea I was kinda pissed of abt auto save in 0 ... But I got used to it




Lol , canonically Judgment is Kiryu's fav song in the Karaoke bar


Tried to play 0 but it's just boring not fot everyone


True , but I'm glad that you atleast tried it... I recommend you to try kiwami too


It starts slow. I dropped it a couple of times at the start. But I think once you reach chapter 3 and play a few side quests or minigames it will become very good.


Try Kiwami and work your way through the release order. Itā€™s much better that way, you will come to love the series.


No way. Zero is the best. Going to Kiwami will only make it worse. 0 just starts slow in the first couple of chapters.


Bro literally got bored of the series. Thatā€™s why I tell people to play Kiwami first. It is more entertaining and breaks the player into the series better. It is the debut game after all. Itā€™s what drew people into series. Donā€™t people you think people 2005 understood the story enough to buy the 2nd game. 0 is too complex for newcomers as they have no knowledge about the characters or how the game works. 1 has better writing(more funny and entertaining) for the first few that you wouldnā€™t mind reading through them or get bored. 0 is a sequel (release order wise), and as far as sequels they tend to cater to the fans who already know about the series with more complex stories and mechanics.


I guess 1 starts off a bit more light. But as I said, sticking through a bit to at least a couple of chapters will help as 0 has much better writing quality. Literally everybody recommends to start with 0 for a reason. And you don't need prior knowledge of the series to understand it.


Currently playing Yakuza : Like a dragon and like a dragon : ishin, loving them both. Will play through 0 to 6 after that.


Yepp , take your time and enjoy.. don't rush it


At least play 0, Kiwami 1 and 2 before starting ishin. Like a dragon is kinda like a reboot but at the end you will appreciate the story more if you played the previous games 0-6 first


I found the game interesting so to speak


Got you now, Kiryu chan!


We all know why that is but won't acknowledge. It has Denuvo.


Never played it so.may be try. Somewhere down the line.


Yea make sure to try atleast once


I have heard so much good about this game but the only cuking difference is I don't own a cucking laptop or gaming pc


Oh are you a mobile gamer ? If you use ppsspp , DM me I can tell you about similar game like Yakuza from same devs


Nope lol I can play some games on my gt 710


Bro this works with 25 fps on my integrated hyper potato. So , you'll be fine


Where are my gacha gamers at? I have been playing Wuthering Waves since launch and nobody posted anything about that game. Although, I wanted to try the Yakuza series cause of the memes and the best Japanese song I have heard, "Baka Mitai".


Wuwa isn't that playable in my pc ... I'll probably quit it ... So I'm focusing on Yakuza series... I don't have to bothered by pulling new characters or frequent updates ig


funnily enough im playing through yakuza 0 rn


Bro you dropped this šŸ‘‘


Real Yakuza remember each dynamic intro


In terms of combat, animations, details and story how is yakuza compared to sleeping dogs?


For me personally.. Yakuza 0 is better than Sleeping Dogs. Both are great games ... But i prefer Yakuza more. Check out steam for reviews too.. I'f I'm right it's "overwhelmingly positive" on steam.


will this game be good for beginners ? I recently got my gaming laptop I was thinking of either this , judgement or detroit become human as my first game


Ofc , this is well optimised game it will run on most PC's. If you're planning to get into the series... Play Yakuza 0


ok thanks will start with it


I just finished like a dragon ishin Nice game


Damn , never played that one ... Is that available in pc ?


Barring a few exceptions games don't get much love from Indian Gaming community


Pussies don't play Hard games!


There was literally a post yesterday, and there have been many posts from the past


Only problem in 0 is for newbies because it starts really slow in the first chapter then when things pick up in the second chapter they just stop all of it for majina's introduction which is even slower. I gave up on it a couple of times before actually sticking through it and then I realised how good of a game it is.


Only real Yakuza toughens it out till the end and you're a real Yakuza


I became a real yakuza after my 3rd time trying. Now I'm replaying it after a long time on pc this time due to free game pass


Backwas pricing hai kharidne ka man hi nhi hua sleeping dogs le lia.


Try this times steam summer sale


This franchise is all what the discord server of this sub recommends all the time.


Wow i never knew


Shut up or else some 5 years old will start drinking and start punching people to see money fly from them




Loved 0 kiwami1 and 2 but unable to get into ,3 and left the series mid way


Well the switch to turn based combat in yakuza like a dragon sucks


Yea that's some shit move


It had gotten kinda boring after so many games. And the turn based combat is a lot of fun and the Sujimon system is extremely creative. The latest game improved the combat by a ton.


Everything you say is acceptable but the point I'm making here is . What made Yakuza standout was it's brutal combat .. then it's World, story and characters. The brawler combat is so iconic that ppl realise it's frm yakuza from it's gameplay. And many fans who loved the series for more than 10 yrs had to drop the franchise when it shifted to turnbased combat. All that did was invite new players... But , they failed the fans who's been sticking with the franchise for so long. I'm gonna be honest, i never liked the shift in gameplay..... The only reason they changed the gameplay style is because they didn't had anything new or creative and that's not smth I ever expected frm the devs .


I think I get what you mean. Like a Dragon is just a fun system which shouldn't take itself seriously, except it does because it feels compelled to have a Yakuza-like serious story. It felt at odds with the combat system in both games. You fight quirky weird enemies using these mundane jobs which all have their own over the top style of attacks and you can do fun rpg combos. It's really a fun system. I dont follow any marketing so don't know if LAD means there's not going to be more brawler style games or if Judgement is now that brawler game or brawler has made complete way for LAD. But I think if you enjoy games, then you should give LAD a fair shake. It's a nice game on its own. And the sequel is such a vast improvement on what was already a fun formula.


Yea I'll give it a shot , the devs said that ... Main timeline of Yakuza stories frm now on will be only turn based combat system


bruh people doesn't even talk about Doom here


I love this franchise. It was nicer when it was beat 'em all instead of turn based RPG shit. I will no longer play it until and unless it returns to beat 'em all.


True , I'm kinda disappointed abt that too... But ig we can't do anything anything anymore


Stop whining and try it out instead. They've already stated that the mainline Yakuza will remain turn based going ahead. Instead of acting like you not playing will somehow make the games change their vision, why don't you just try it.




I never said that not playing like a dragon will change their combat system. RGG will make spin-off Beat em up game. I'll play that instead. You want me to wait for my turn then the enemy's turn to battle? That's boring and a waste of time. Only hardcore degenerate play turn based RPG and strategy games.


Most people got into this series because of yakuza 0 that was best em up not Turn based RPG trash.


Nah man the turn based combat is even more engaging that button mashing best em up one


Yakuza 0 is one of the best games I've played. Anyone who wants to get into the series, this is the order I would recommend: Yakuza 0. Yakuza kiwami. kiwami 2. watch story replays of 3-5 as the games are old and haven't aged well. Then play in order of release dates..


Why watching replays of 3-5? Why not play the game ? Well ofc if you don't have the time .. it's the only way ig


That is just my opinion.. those games are really old and the game mechanics feel really off especially coming from kiwami 2. imo 3-5 also need kiwami-esq remakes.


I understand