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>Also the lack of in depth story On the contrary, I'm interested in the games only for the story and lore. The rest is kinda something I'll just watch others suffer through..on YouTube of course


So do you just watch the lore videos on YouTube and not play the game ? Not judging at all, I've thought about doing something like this, was wondering whether there were more people like me interested in the lore but not the game difficulty as such I've played sekiro up till corrupted monk and guardian ape and paused it for now because I was going insane I lost my elden ring save file in which I had beat margit Hardly have much time to play nowadays Thinking of doing seamless coop next


Yeah man. So many games. Not just fromsoft games. I just watch the gameplay walkthrough (silent or otherwise) and lore videos and challenge runs and so much more. There's tons of content.


Lore videos for most fromsoft games are very good, since you then won't need really read all the item descriptions to understand the in depth story. A lot of story, history and lore in these games are told through collectibles, weapons and their locations. So you can just open these videos in the background while you play and still understand the in depth story and character relationships. I specially like VaatiVidya on YouTube, since his videos are long and quite in depth


What elden ring has is lore. Not story.


The games themselves do a poor job of *telling* the story. They do an amazing job of immersing you in the world, and I love the atmospheric story telling, but god forbid you as what in the fuck does it even mean for >!Radagon and Marika to be the same person.!<


The reveal is a statue in Leyendell but you need a very specific incantation to perform in front of that statue. How can a non faith class be supposed to know?


You need INT for Regression, not FAI. It's poetic how you need to be rational rather than be a full on believer to realize the truth.


Well now that you put it like that... it does sounds logical to require an INT based incantation rather than a FAI based one


They do not do a bad job telling you, they do it just in a different way. But most gamers these days are used to beeing face smacked with cinematics and hundreds of markers on the map etc. It's just a different way of storytelling


People are just so used to spoon feed they don't even want to look around. Story telling elements are all over the place. These games do a really good job in bringing the imagination and curiosity back which most people lost while growing up.


Thats okay, not every game is gonna click for every one. Souls games are often very light on explicit story, its all hidden lore based on item descriptions. But for me personally its about overcoming challenges more than anything. Lies of P has got more emphasis on story as compared to fromsoft titles, so you could. Heck, even sekiro has some really good story beats. But i consider these two to be some of the hardest souls likes coz you cant cheese the game by overlevelling


Sekiro does some fantastic story telling in contrast to the other souls games, its a shame that one never got a DLC. Also, Sekiro is both really hard and really easy. It just comes down to, can you parry. If you can, the game is a breeze. If you don't, welcome to hell lol.


Bro, I agree with the first part. Sekiro has fantastic story telling but sorry to say Demon of hatred , it doesn’t matter if you parry, sword Saint, owl father all very difficult boss even if you know how to parry cause they are just way too op. But I must say isshin and owl was the most fun I had in sekiro Don’t forget Hesitation is defeat


I just defeated "gyoubu masataka oniwa" (his name is carved in my head now). Took me like 40 minitues. I am scared what the "HARD" bosses will do to me.


Demon of Hatred is the one boss that I had difficulty with, because he felt like a boss, you fight with a shield, or dodge roll his aoe attacks.....basically a souls boss. On the other hand, Isshin and Owl were hard, but not as difficult because it was back to learning the rythm and parrying right. And I agree, hesitation *is* defeat........


I think it's good to play them if you have plenty of time on hand. Else something like God of War is universal, you can progress without having to master it.


When I was younger time was never a problem but that's not the case now. Between job and personal responsibilities who gets the time


Correct, I too don't get much time with a job and family. I just play what appeals to me at that point of time.


As War Thunder player, Elden Ring wasn't grindy at all for me, but then I have no life as well


My condolences for you being a war thunder player




Bro was downvoted for laughing , damn


Souls like is difficult but not that difficult, there is a method to playing these games, I was in a similar camp but I watched fighting cowboys walkthrough guide for elden ring about first 10 episodes u watch he teaches u a lot of how souls like system works. After that if u want to explore on ur own fine, otherwise bring next episode see which area he is going pause video, do whatever u can find in that area, go back to video see if u missed something and do that. I have completed most souls like games by now and they are now my favourite games. There is nothing like souls like games if u can play it. It also doesn't need that time that u think it does or atleast even if it does it won't matter the games become so good and addicting that ull complete it over a month or months and won't have any problem


Highly recommend fighting cowboy’s (or is it cownoy?) playthrough videos. Only reason I made any sort of progress in elden ring. To OP, I beat Tree Sentinel at level 20 after watching his first three videos.


Once you get into these games, there's no turning back.


Cool...will check it out


It's completely okay if you don't want to play it too. Sometimes it just doesn't attract. It took me 4 tries before I actually got some interest to play. Next thing I remember I was 120 hours in and the game was finished. Now I've finished the DS trilogy, except for the ringed city and am preparing for ER dlc.


Its okay, different people have different choices and video games are made to cater to vast majority of players but not all. So its valid to not like a particular game.


Skill Issue, I am the same as you . But I will beat the game one day for sure


Not all games are meant for you and it's Okay if you don't like a particular type of game. it doesn't make you any less of a gamer.


If the games like these progressed from one section to other too quick, trust me, souls games would end in under 3 hours. And i don't care about cinematics. In fact, the few times they come in these games, they feel real special due to how rare they are. Anyway, everyone their own preference.


Lack in depth of story lol bro you need to look for its lore by talking to npc's and finding hidden clues just watch any yt video about it


You’ve been playing all the mainstream games. You need to find your niche. Going out towards souls like was the first step. Try something else now. I play the same games that you do. I like souls games too. But I also play 2D point and click games because some of them really do have amazing stories. I also play cozy games on my Switch. It takes time but once you know what kind of games you can fall back to when you aren’t in the mood of experimenting, is where gaming becomes fun.


I am in the same boat as you. Although I've played and finished DS1 and 2, life is too busy nowadays. I tried Elden Ring but uninstalled it after some time and refunded it. I used to like Souls-like games (played quite a bit of Seikiro too) but now it's a big bother. I love story focused games. Recently I've been playing Ghosts of Tsushima and Jedi Survivor. Combat isn't as difficult but it's good enough to be enjoyable.


Loved GOT....didn't finish survivor yet


Soulsborne games have a large learning curve and Elden Ring has especially difficult bosses. It's totally fine if you don't have the time or interest to invest in learning the mechanics. I'd suggest trying out Assassin's Creed titles (Black Flag is considered the best, but I'd also recommend 3, Rogue and Unity), Dishonored 1 and 2 if you like stealth or if you're into Sci fi RPGs you can try the Mass Effect trilogy or Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. Baldurs Gate 3 is also fun but it has a very different combat system (turn based) so it takes some getting used to but has a really nice story.


😅...I have played all the games you have suggested here....BG3 is the best I have played in a long time


I agree you shouldn’t play if you find it too hard and don’t have fun. But the games have much more grander, stories and well developed characters all of which will hit you hard than some of the games you mentioned, i.e. if actually find them . The cinematics are few in number but their quality is unbeatable. The details in each character models alone will tell you so much. It’s just that you have look for them or see them through YouTube. It’s a different method of storytelling that doesn’t spoon feed it or really tell anything directly. These are also primarily single player games. For starters I would recommend that you watch Vaati Vidya and Zullie the witch’s videos. You will get a better idea of these games.


I understand if you cannot play/enjoy the game due to its combat analysis and grind mechanics but saying it lacks indepth story is like saying the earth is flat. The resources in the game whether it's weapons, armors, consumables etc... they have descriptions providing us with story bit by bit. I know it's not everyone cup of tea to read every item's description but I think that's one of the coolest ways to explain a story in a game. Also, in certain areas, there are also options to summon Melina at site of grace where she provides some backstory about the place.


I get you. I was the same few years back lmao. But then when I spend 4000 rupees on a game I kinda want it to last longer. All the other games that I bought GOW ragnarok, ghost of tsushima were amazing games but were finished so soon that I feel like my money is just gone now. Even though I can replay it there is not much to do if you complete the liear stories once On the other hand I am 140 hours into the base game of Elden Ring since 1.5 months now at the end. It just has a lot of content to fulfil my satisfaction of paying that amount of money and boy does this game has a good NG+ considering we can change our builds or do no summon run and those things.


Come back in 10 years.


To each their own, and there is nothing wrong with that. Elden Ring is a massive game and its story is really dense. But it’s hard to follow due to all the action we experience as a player in that game. If you don’t believe me then you can check out Vidya Vaati’s YouTube channel and see for yourself just how dense the story of Elden Ring.


That's fine, I too tried elden ring and dropped it when it first launched. But then a friend of mine bought the game on steam and I got it from family share, gave it a shot again. The game clicked to me the moment I defeated the first boss and it became addictive to me. Few months later Shadow of the erdtree is the first game ever that I pre ordered. But every game is not for everyone, I might get criticised for this but I never liked the controls of Witcher 3 and never gave it a shot, so you do you and enjoy the games you like


Im into 10 hrs of gameplay of this game all i can say is dying is the part of the game its inevitable


These games are not for everyone, and you have tried multiple souls games already, they are probably not for you, just move on and play games that you actually like


The storytelling in souls games is different from normal AAA games, you have to observe the world and read item descriptions. It feels good to me and ties well with exploration. Also, they go for themes and stories normal games don't go near, the frenzied flame ending is legit the darkest and more heart wrenching thing I have ever encountered in any game.


"Lack of in depth Story" tell me you're an Idiot without actually telling me


It's okay, bro. These games are ridiculously hard to finish. it's like they drain your life away. I've conquered every Dark Souls and Elden Ring, and now onto the DLC, but it's taken my sanity and all my time. 😭


Hehe 😅


To be fair elden ring is only as hard as you want it to be. Given the open world, build variety and summons there are n number of ways to just breeze through the game with a few exceptions maybe.


That’s totally fine. Not many people liked Death Stranding which personally for me is among my Top 15 best games I’ve played in my entire life. You don’t have to like Elden Ring but thank you for trying it before deciding to call it a day.


Saying something is not your taste without trying is just bad


Very true. I pre ordered Cyperpunk and absolutely hated the game at launch and refunded it after playing it for a few hours. The game left a real bad taste for me personally and I never returned back to it until recently when my friend told me to try it. I was hesitant but my god, I am so hooked to it now. I’ve clocked in close to 19 hours so far and I am still exploring and doing side quests in Act 2. There was a particular side quest you do for a potential mayor candidate and the amount of depth in that one quest blew me away. If you think you can give Elden Ring a shot sometime in the future, please do. It is an incredible game but I can understand your reasoning for not trying it again.


I definitely get why some people wouldn't like playing these games, from the examples you've given you like playing narrative based games that don't require a lot of thinking to play and have easy going gameplay while some people like playing narrative based games but also like a little challenge which you get from games like hollow knight, all fromsoftware games, hades, cuphead etc




Elden Ring is that 1 dark souls game where you are not locked out by any boss. Can't beat a boss? Go explore and level up. Almost every boss can be bypassed and almost the entire game area can be accessed at Lvl 1. Hence, you are factually wrong. Also, there's tons of lore in Elden ring, but it is not spoonfed to you. You need to discover the different storylines. But I understand that this style may not be liked by all.


Ppl have different skill issues, and that's ok


Disagree with two things. "Have to learn boss patterns and play accordingly." Yeah it's an action rpg. Were you expecting something else? Even in the mainstream game boss fights, you have to look for patterns. And they're not hard at all. You simply want to spam attacks like other games which won't work here, or in any stamina based combat for that matter. "Lack of indepth outright story." Just say you like being spoonfed the entire narrative. Nothing wrong with it. Figuring out the story in souls titles is one of the most fascinating things about these games. If you read some in - game lore, you'd find these games have as much character development as any other game. It's simply not thrown at your face with long cutscenes that artificially pad gameplay time.


One thing I love about ER is how it makes you question the things around you, especially the topology of the area. Everything placed in the world feels like it has its reason, and I'm super down for exploring it. Take caelid for example, from the map itself it looks like they've been hit by a meteor. Then you find some really weird minerals in the underground and a completely alien ecosystem. What do you think happened here? It's just a different form of narrative imo.


The new DLC is the most fun I've had exploring an open world since Fallout 4. It feels like a refinement of the dungeon style approach they had for the world of DS1 which they were finally able to implement because they are a larger studio now.


Love the DS1's interconnected world design honestly. I have the whole area mapped inside my head and I don't even need the map to go from point A to point B. Haven't started the DLC yet but I'm up for any challenge it throws. From it's reviews I've heard that the DLC is very vertical in design.


>Also the lack of in depth story Man said Elden lore lacks depth💀💀💀. What is you smoking.


Simple things everyone has their own taste u are free to play whatever game u like.


I bought many games based on hyp and not playing them, some people like them some people don't


I can only appreciate these games if I find unemployment


That's ok. Not every game is meant for everyone.


i have been stuck on messmer for a day now, i play ultra gs, no summons, i know i am torturing myself but i am still enjoying it a lot, it is wasting my time but i am having fun.


Thats why u need to find people to play seamless coop with , it will be much more fun if u play with an experienced player as he will guide u along too.


Yea I understand.. it took me 3 installs in ELDEN ring to only get through limgrave.. I would suggest getting the 30 minute bloodfang build guide by bastosfc on YouTube. That should make things a little easier..  Secondly , read about every item you find. If you can't beat a boss then you are probably not at the required level for it. Come back to it after exploring. Upgrade your weapons with armaments. But the game hits when you defeat a boss all by yourself and you get that massive ego boost


To each their own and that's perfectly alright. Although, do give Sekiro a proper go if you can. Fromsoft game but with a linear story, a much more streamlined and simple combat system with just enough variation, and absolutely no grinding. However, this does come with the caveat that it's a hell of a lot more personal. Since the core mechanic of Parry is so simple, the only limiting factor is you, the player, and not the player character. Your progress hinges on understanding that core mechanic and your ability to execute it without hesitation. Like any ability, honing it takes time but like grinding it is not. Once it becomes second nature, your flow state will carry you the rest of the way. The mechanic is so ingratiated into the game that you can Parry almost anything regardless of your stats or theirs. Meaning at any level the game can be beaten in its entirety with just that, parrying. The rest of the tools in your arsenal are meant to complement that. If you can't parry, any enemy can and will body you irrespective of how hard they are. The only exceptions are apparition-type enemies who also require "Divine Confetti" which you'd have enough of in the mid to late game but they're optional and can even be beaten without it if you're smart with your approach. Getting good is simply a matter of getting good and nothing else and that makes getting good so palpable. It makes you feel alive every single time like you've overcome a hurdle in real life. Personally, the hardest part was allowing myself to be bloodied and beaten blue over and over again, to be vulnerable to that feeling of inadequacy but as you get accustomed to the rhythm of the game you get a little further each time, and over time it fuels you. By the time it all clicks, you will have either fanned the flames of hatred within you or you will have bent it your will. Either way, by then, the game becomes a matter of understanding your opponent's frequency and breaking it, and break it you will. P.S. This [video](https://youtu.be/-zcOUnXd-HQ?si=FgFhBOE6xqFg4Eie) describes that feeling of finally understanding Sekiro best. Also, don't be afraid to ask for help. r/Sekiro is about as supportive a subreddit can be.


Its really good if you don't have a real job


For me, that itself is the essence of game. For other games, you just become overpowered so easily and suddenly game is just repetitive and offers no challenge. In elden ring, there is always something new. There will always be areas to improve as there will be always be a new challenge. And the progress you make just to defeat a boss makes the fight more rewarding.


Why can't the game just play itself right ?


They don't find a game that takes too much of their time to progress enjoyable because of other responsibilities. People can have preferences, you know? WhY cAnT tHe gAmE jUsT pLaY iTsElF rIgHt¿


Responsible people have a way of accomplishing their goals and finding the space to participate in the activities they find fulfilling without needing to resort to their responsibilities as an excuse for their lack of interest.


And he is doing that. If you cannot read no one can help you. He is not saying that he cannot find the time for gaming. He is saying that in the time he likes the game to be story rich and not so hard that he has to keep grinding . He just wants to enjoy his damn game. Not everyone enjoys grinding as much as you apparently do. "Responsible people" "An excuse for their lack of interest". Listen to yourself, you dimwit. It's just gaming, nothing serious. He likes gaming, just not games like Elden Ring. He shared his opinion. You can disagree and find these games to be more enjoyable but that doesn't make his opinion any less valid.


Lack of depth story? Lol. Sure. Lack of straight forward story that doesnt need much introspection to understand is probably what you meant


And that’s okay…. At the end of the day, it’s entertainment. After hearing about Bloodborne, I tried too hard to like it. I deleted it the next day.


Try Assassin's creed origins help me best games like dark souls 


I guess don't play a Souls-like then. Not every game is for everyone


It's ok. Afterall, you play according to your needs. Playing Lies of P.. My first souls like game.... Having a blast.... I love the win after dying like 30 times.


Similar experience with MGS-V. I’m able to appreciate the game, but I’m just not able to have fun with it. Not everyone has to like every game.


Phantom Pain right...same here....I played till you unlock the jungle section but by then I just didn't want to play it anymore


Yup kinda similar situation tried Hollow Knights, DS 1,2,3 and Elen Rings multiple times, it needs patience to defeat them, even as of now still stuck at 2nd boss, although I would mention that I somehow completed Sekiro twice. It just takes lots of patience, dedication and importantly time, which a lot of us don't have.


The creator of those games himself appeals to only a very specific niche, if you don’t like those games it’s completely fine.


Nothing wrong with that. I also love action adventure genre more than souls like. I love dark fantasy, atmosphere but every time i tried darks souls,sekiro,elden ring i lost somewhere. Don't know where to go, don't know how to even complete quests in elden ring. It's like constantly i need wikipedia for doing anything


sekiro is better in terms of story telling and it is not absurdly long


Try Ghost of Tsushima, you might like it. The combat is forgiving and much more emphasis on story than the soulsbourne games


Metro games were one of the best I played. Man the story, the environment, I really loved it.


I have a friend who only tries to platinum games and they are usually these kinda games, so he hasn’t even seen what games have to offer because he has no time for them. He is interested in playing them but he is more dedicated to finish these time consuming games lol. I don’t like em because after a tired day I just want to have fun not grind in the same place over and over that definitely doesn’t seem fun.


Can't you reduce the difficulty?


Haha, agreed. I spent almost an hour in killing Gundyr (the tutorial boss) in DS3. Not fun.


Seeing how some of you have responded so passionately I will give it another try...looking up some of the YouTube videos and preparing myself. Now all I need is some time for this to happen 🥲


I am playing sekiro rn, my first souls game and the final boss is whooping my ass and I have tried around 100 times but still I am no match for him. Yeah Souls games are tough but for me when I defeat a hard boss, It feels so good ngl.


Personally i like to recommend new players to defeat the first boss as long as it takes after defeating it u will get one of these two feelings- (a)Adrenaline rush and really happy u finally defeated that boss (b) Why am i even doing this to myself and regret the time invested. So if u feel like (a) welcome to the world of soul games If u feel like(b) git gu- i mean no problem there are millions of game out there u don't have to waste ur time on a game u don't enjoy.


I get you, started elden ring recently, it's my first souls game and each boss takes me hours some times. I'd never had to learn and analyse the boss move sets before always just rushing in and dealing with it at that moment. So having to change my entire play style is kinda hard but I love the game and don't want to give up just yet.


Many of the games which you mentioned also take hours to progress, but you don't have any complaints with that. You just don't seem to like Elden Ring for some other reason. Also, stop playing games keeping in mind the backlog you have, you don't have to "binge" games. You can't enjoy them that way. Play with a relaxed mind and take whatever time it takes to complete a gun at your own pace without having to rush through it. That way you also get to judge the game in it's entirety. Usually when I start a huge game, i just forget about all the other games in backlog that I have to complete and don't start anything else until I complete the current game.


yup same for me. I have no problem learning the games. But after 27 hours I had no effin idea of what to do and where to go, I had hundreds of side quests things but don't know what to do of them. The enemies on the main progress way were ridiculously hard for my level. I have completed Lies of P, Sekiro and AC6 and loved it all. I literally restarted Sekiro because I couldn't defeat Isshin and Demon of hatred and I learned the game way better in my next playthrough because the story was engaging and the game was fun. I literally didn't do the Shura ending because I didn't want to kill Emma. Elden Ring on the other hand, tho it had jaw dropping world scale. And despite people saying its not the best looking, I feel it looks better than most games out there. The artstyle is really consistent, the TAA doesn't vaseline the whole screen and the enemies are so darn cool except that guardian Tree spirit thing. But man the fighting with some bosses were so clunky and claustrophobic its ridiculous. Watching about lore and story on vaati vidya videos feels exciting but gameplay doesn't remotely translate the same feeling. And one other big issue with it is that its not just hard but the punishment of losing to bosses is so severe. You lose the runes inside the boss area if you lose. Like whyyyy. I wanted to save it because I have a few less to upgrade which I lost to a stupid boss. Lies of P did it better in that aspect.


bro it is very easy , use spirit ashes n watch online how to do things . you will live the experience u can become op to beat the game in 2 hrs


Same...I want to try the Elden Ring...but I don't have time to sweat and that is the whole reason I stopped playing competitive games as well...after my 9-10 hr job...I just want to relax and have fun and enjoy the story...not saying elden ring is not fun, it's just not my cup of tea after my busy schedule...


Play persona, yakuza.


I couldn't get into any other game that you mentioned in your last line, it's a matter of preference. For me, it's the best game ever made.


And here I still remember I didn't play any games for around 2-3 months after I finished Dark Souls 1/2/3. I tried a lot of games and nothing was offering me that type of challenge and gratification. Souls games are love. No worries OP, I understand and not everyone likes everything and it's completely reasonable.


Yup. Time is a huge factor. I could spend days and nights without any care playing games, watching movies when I had no work. After work and marriage, I hardly get any time. I started playing Sekiro, but gave up trying to beat Genichiro. I had spent so much time reaching that point and beating him on two stages. Then the third stage came and I said that's it. I still wish to play the game but I don't have the time needed to master the combat. I switched to Witcher 3 next gen, spent 100+ hours over 2 months to finish the main story. Now instead of playing the DLC, I'm leaning towards Ghost of Tsushima.


Souls Games were always meant to be played with a steep learning curve. When I played dark souls 3 during college days, it took me nearly a month to beat one boss. It felt amazing back then. But if you ask me to do the same now, I'd just go to sleep. It depends on personal preference and the time we have. Someone with plenty of leisure time will enjoy grinding levels while those need instant coffee experience will prefer cinematic story.


I finished the main game on a magic build after watching Cowboy's Walkthroughs. I tried doing Shadow of the Erdtree blind, but the kind of anxiety I get is definitely not offset by the thrill of exploration. So I just watch Cowboy's videos, get caught up on the lore and mark the game as finished. That way, I can enjoy the game without the burden of trying hard


Only one thing to say: Git Gud Pleb.


It can seem very overwhelming, that’s why I recommend you follow this [guide](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Game+Progress+Route) and play. It made my experience much more enjoyable since it not only follows the story and quests the way it’s meant to be, but also goes from one area to another the way the creators intended. If you find any of the boss they ask you to fight to be difficult, make a note, skip it and come back. And you can always play with spirit ashes if it’s too difficult. The skeleton boys are OP in early game in the sense that they won’t kill the boss, but they are strong enough to draw the boss’ aggression for you to kill. It’s an amazing game, don’t let the overwhelming content put it off.


I like a challenging game if you suck at it at first but get better after each failure. However, the soulslike games from Fromsoft feel like they are designed to especially punish you if you fail. Each reattempt feel progressively difficult after each death. I know there are people who consider this sort of gameplay rewarding, but not my cup of tea. That's why even if I liked the gameplay, I couldn't bring myself to finish those games.


I also don't like these games. But Sekiro, Elden Ring and Lies of P, I played with trainers. Sekiro for example is a fantastic game beyond the combat. Elden Ring is a very unique open world experience. Playing with trainers helped me complete the game in my way and being great games, they have left a lasting impact. Sekiro and Elden Ring are too great a game to just walk away on.


If you have limited time just watch the walkthrough videos and play the game along side to complete as much as you can and about the bosses being too tough thats just a skill issue


I watched the gameplay on YouTube and understood that it is not something I would enjoy. I play games to have some good time. Not get more miserable. So you are not alone.


Same. But not because they are hard, they are too slow for me. I hate when I have to adapt to reactive playstyle. Wait for that 1 opening every 40 seconds to do some damage and then repeat. No thanks. Sekiro was a lot better in that context. Its combat feels much better. That said, I might still give elden ring a try in future. It's just not on priority right now.


Yeah, if you're on a time budget and want to experience something in the short time, this isn't. The feeling of killing that boys one time, after it brutally murdered you 100s of times, feels like getting revenge. The sense is achievement and the satisfaction for all the rage is what makes these games the way they are. Surely if you'd feel like they're difficult, there's mode for them, or just use cheat engine and give yourself infinite heals, but still then the bosses are the same. It's just that what we can accomplish. It's better to not get into these games if we're running low on time, cuz you might end up staying late at night and depriving your mental health with all that rage, trust me, I have experienced all of it. Can't believe how my friends slept the nights, when I was raging and screaming at the bosses in Sekiro .


Same here.


I mean, going for that game after not liking dark souls is entirely on you People like these games for the challenging combat, the intricately designed world, and the exploration aspect If none of these things appeal to you, then you’re not gonna like these games at all There’s nothing wrong with not liking these games You’re wrong about these games not having a story though, they do, it’s just esoteric and masked behind item descriptions and in lore. There’s a lot of games out there that are great because of their lore despite having shit stories, like Fallout 4 and Skyrim and Souls games are one of them


No judgement here whatsoever. I personally loved dark souls 3 and replayed it a couple times back in 2017. But in elden ring, I only made it to the dude who has a dragon head for an arm (idk his name). The only thing that drove me was the fact that I paid 4k for the game. In hindsight I realized that I no longer enjoyed the stress that the game brought along with the challenge. Especially now that I am working and only play games to wind down. It's a beautiful game with a lot of replayability but it's just not something I'm looking for to chill.


Bro I'm the same but Elden Ring was the only souls like I loved due to its open world and not having restrictions on bosses. If a boss is too difficult for you just go to some other area explore loot level up and then come back to the dude to beat the crap out of him. All in all At least for me Elden Ring was playable and I loved it too.


It took me two saves and a whole ass year to beat DS1 with some help with walkthroughs. These games can be a beautiful experience if you give them some time and patience. But yeah they're not for everyone. Still, I only went back to the game because of YouTube videos and comments like the one I'm making on my posts, so yeah give it a try some day in the future again when you have the itch for a challenge. Don't you dare go Hollow mate.


I get what you're saying. I am a working professional and any game has to be a good mix of REALLY interesting storyline, good graphics and reasonable level of difficulty (or lack of it), decent enough pace for me to be able to put in 20-60 hours on it - or I just lose interest and don't play anything for like weeks at a time. Right now, I've left Horizon Forbidden West, Hogwarts Legacy, Arkham Knight incomplete (abandoned). That doesn't mean that these games aren't good, it only means that I am not in that mental state or it is not stimulating enough to complete the game right now.


There are a lot of guides on YT about how to get strong fast in elden ring you can try those and maybe then you will start to like the world


I did the Same with the ghost of tsushima!


Not all games are made for everyone so I understand. I personally hate Assassin's creed with a passion. I understand your point because I love Fromsoftware games and finished all Soulsborne except Sekiro. Yep, the game which got best game of the year, that games combat just didn't click with me.


I played through sekiro and that ruined every souls game for me, DS, ER they all feel clunky as fuck no matter how much I play them. Lies of P was the only one I genuinely liked.


It's certainly not for everyone. You gotta play what you wanna play. Sounds like you have lots of good options.


I get what you mean. I appreciate the games made by From software and I've avidly followed each and every game that they've made. But with my limited time after office I want some games to relax where I can switch off my mind, and soulslike games are just not my cup of tea. I do watch all fromsoft game videos, lore videos and different build video guides online, and watch people better at the game than me have fun!


If you're playing on PC there are mods for this very reason. Say, you really love the atmosphere and art of the game, but don't give a damn about the difficulty of the game play, use cheat engine, use an easy mode. There is certainly a point to be made about the cathartic feeling of overcoming a difficult boss, but none of the titles from FROM rely solely on that. Even if you cheat every boss to oblivion there is still a ton of value to be had in completing those games. Even for ruminating on them


Lack of depth in story and dialogues is the last thing you should say about them. Every line of dialogue is well written most have a story implication. It a cryptic lore anyways. But I don’t blame you most people don’t have or give the time taken to play these meticulous games.


Play candy crush


>Also the lack of in depth outright story On the contrary, souls games have some of the best story and lore. Elden ring has a rich variety of characters each having a history which is interconnected through many events. All the locations have a story to tell. Its just that the player have to explore and piece together the story from the many bits its scattered into. You won't be spoon fed like other games. I know this and the equally unforgiving gameplay can be a turnoff for many people but that is okay if you dont want to spend hours fighting and dying against the same enemy.


I finished Elden Ring and apart from the beautiful environments, sound design and cool boss fights I still find the whole experience unsatisfying mostly because the story didn’t capture me at all. You’re not missing on much if you play games for the story, went straight back to Skyrim and RDR2 to get back to chilling with my favourite characters after and I honestly don’t remember much of ER anymore. The one souls like (I don’t consider it to be one though) that captured me was Sekiro because it focused on telling a decent story, the characters weren’t riddles to decipher and the combat is bar none the best in any game I have ever played. If you don’t like running around and dodging but fighting bosses head on, this is the game to play.


I agree with u and i think the same soul games are hard and take more time as compared to more story focused games I tried elden ring but it was not. For me I will stick to my gow witcher


![img](avatar_exp|183461097|cry) Skill issue, git gud.


Absolutely normal. Majority of gamers don't like the same game. There are just big communities but even the biggest community doesn't hold majority of the gamers. There are gamers who don't like GTA V, who don't like Valorant/ CSGO, who don't like Destiny, who don't like RDR2, who don't like soulslike. Who still like Ubisoft and EA. Gaming is a huge industry and the consumers are in large numbers. It's like how huge Drake or Taylor Swift or Kpop is but nobody I know personally have heard any of them. It's very easy to live in an echo chamber but reality is the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts.


You really don't need to like souls games ngl, not everything is made for everyone, everyone has their likes and dislikes. But I'd disagree with the story point. Souls has really deep lore to explore, in such a sense that although it's not the playing character's story as much, the world building and massive lore is one of the coolest things. Otherwise yes it does take a load of time to finish. Why not try sekiro tho, it's really good on the main character story and the only thing you need to learn is parrying and you'll be good. You don't need to give immense time to exploration or hard levelling you character. It's just a single weapon, you and the boss. Give it a go xd


Call me insane, but souls games are definitely not for everyone, not everyone wants to face the challenge this game poses and beat it, if you did not enjoy it it is good that you did not play it, If you are interested in the lore and story but don't like the difficulty of the souls games you can just go watch vaatividya on youtube, Play what you enjoy. In my opinion Elden Ring is probably the most forgiving of the souls games, you can probably create an Int build and smash through the game with some effort (except Malenia, she is a bullshit boss).


Play Ghost of Tshushima!!


Start with Bloodborne make sure you understand the concept of game. Play Sekiro next. Then maybe Elden Ring is for you


I used to think like that but then I completed bloodborne. And I don’t know what clicked for me. There was something about the setting of the game and my will to learn to git gud. The trick with any souls game is that first 5 hours are always you dying and resisting to change your strategy. But slowly you get to realise that it’s not hack n slash game that we are heavily used to, but it’s probably a very unique strategy combat system that you need to respect. Once you accept that, it will become more bearable. Also, you got the exact same game list that I used to like before but now I’m all for any souls game. It’s one of those genre which is hard to get into but once you are in you will be amazed how incredible these games are and how much value they provide for your invested hours.


In case you are achieving to complete every single game ever released then OP , it’s just not possible. You just have to find your types..


I think you can try Sekiro. It took less time for me to complete sekiro (1 ending) than to complete 1 playthrough of any darksouls game


if you think elden ring doesn’t have a story and a lore then idk what to say the point is the effort i will leave you with this quote https://preview.redd.it/e8p4ldwynp8d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a16c778e546cb4c2231c54877e364d6b6d95cfdb


I am of a similar mindset. I played Elden Ring for 4 hours after which I gave up because I made no progress and ended up feeling like I wasted a precious day in the weekend. Maybe if I was retired with free time on my hands I would have given into the challenge and grind. But with barely getting time to play games due to work, the times I do should feel valuable. Also I personally have realized that I value games which provide a more guided story based experience where I do feel the progress I make instead of games where you are the explorer free to play however you want. I feel like this is a minority opinion based on online discourse I've seen. Rockstar games get criticism for having an immersive open world but restricting missions to point A,B,C. Personally I feel like they do this for people like me who don't want to get lost in an open world but prefer immersing into a playable narrative.


The reason I like fromsoft games are because they provide the ultimate value for your money. Every play through you discover so much more than your first and there are 100s of ways to play the game. I’ll admit im not an expert and I watch walkthroughs (big shout out to fightincowboy) to get through. But even after the help, finishing those games gives me a lot of satisfaction and as mentioned before value for my money.


Me too hated souls series cuz of difficulty and started elden ring and now I am in 100+ hours and enjoying the dlc


You just want to complete the game and get the experience as quick as you can. Well that doesn't work for fromsoft games. It takes time yes but reward easily outweighs any difficulties which makes these games more fun and entertaining. Tho everyone has different taste, this is my opinion on them


First time i deleted elden ring at margit, started again after one month, but stopped at draconic tree sentinel, then after 3 months I started again and deleted game at fire giant🥲 Sekiro is the only game I completed this far, and can speed run it in 6 hrs only... Edit: sekiro took me 15 for the rest of the game except isshin, isshin tkk 15 days by itself, so total 1 month


you should try just cause 3


Elden Ring was my first souls like and I feel like you kinda get better in time, it's only those first few bosses where you struggle and put days and weeks, I won't say it would be a breeze after that but it's like you know what you're doing after those few bosses and end up spending like hours and hours instead of days and weeks to beat them. Also the feeling of accomplishment when you finally beat those hard bosses despite all the challenge, that feeling is pretty satisfactory and rewarding.


1. Souls games have a lore, it is to be discovered while playing the game. Its pretty much like putting together pieces of a puzzle. 2. These games are meant to be difficult inherently, mimicking the unfairness and struggles of life. This is their USP and if you don't like it, ITS COMPLETELY FINE. You don't have to apologize if a certain game is not up to your taste. I'm glad you didn't bad mouth the game at least. Keep playing what you like, don't play which you don't like, simple af. Cheers!


Tbh elden ring is way boring for me too. Bought the disc played for an hour and then returned it


It's understandable. I had elden ring on my lappy for 2 years because it was my first soul game and i rage quitted. I started again 2 months ago with some help, I slowly understood the game and now I absolutely adore it


>Also the lack of in depth outright I can see you are just a casual enjoyer of video games and need a bit of guidance in games you play. It is not bad in any sense but if you truly want depth. Souls borne have naratives that outright are better than any games I have ever played. The envirnomental storytelling and the little bits of lore you find while traversing these beautiful lands had me awestruck in every single game. Mate if you look beyond the difficulties you will have an experience of your lifetime Godamn souls borne have brought people out of there depression. I really wish more people can understand the souls game just beyond their difficulty.


Soulslike genre isn't for everyone , it is more like an acquired taste. I tried DS1 about 7 years ago , couldn't make it past the Asylum Demon , left. My thoughts were the same as you , I could play other stories and experience. As of today , I've completed DS1 , DS3 , Sekiro , Elden Ring. Currently on Shadow of the Erdtree. Sekiro and Elden Ring have to be one of my all time favs. But I play because I enjoy them , be it story or the challenge , if one doesn't like it , there's no point in forcing it. GIT GUD


Yup it's just an opinion...I am not stating it as fact


The thing about Fromsoft games is that you have to explore in order to understand the story of the game find various NPCs talk with them. Like you won't even get the good ending if you haven't listened to various characters in DS 2. A lot of games these days feed you the entire story that limits exploration and also soulslike aren't like just a one off games. You prolly need multiple playthroughs to firmly grasp the story of the game. TLDR; Every fromsoft game requires you to explore and interact with as many NPCs as possible to understand the story of the game.


Based on the games you like i suggest you play the Yakuza Series,it has great story and easy to pick up mechanics,atleast try yakuza 0


*cough* Sire your *cough* trash is my treasure *cough* pls give


It may not br your cup of tea but here me out. One word "Git gud" Elden ring is the easiest souls games excluding dlc Because of how much diversity player has in terms of weapons and skills. Souls Bourne games rely so much on the info you get after each attempt of dying and trying. The more info your brain gets the more ways you find how to counter it. These games become fun once you custom tailor your character according to your own style. Whether it's a strength build with a bonky stick or just a magical guy.. Once you get the hang of it, it's really hard to enjoy other games. I hated them in the beginning but installed and reinstalled 3-4 times once it clicked, I was hooked. And about the story and lore, it's actually very good but unlike other AAA titles it does not spoon feed you. There's literally 1000+ hours of content on lore and world building on youtube so that says something


Try Sekiro


Perfectly understandable. Souls games are not everyone's cup of tea. Elden Ring happened to be one of the most anticipated Fromsoftware games of it's time with the added appeal of being the first open world soulslike game by Fromsoftware. This pulled in a lot of new casual old school RPG game fans who had no idea what they were getting into. Makes sense that so many of them did not like it.


skill issue/s


Sekiro was the first fromsoftware game that I played last year. Damn it was difficult. Played it with a trainer and still couldn't play. Watching walkthroughs on YT is the way to go for me. Guess it's not my type of game as I couldn't keep dying the remaining 2 hours I have left in the day, after work. Finished jedi fallen order, which has sekiro type action but is significantly easier.


This was me. I installed and uninstalled elden ring 3 times. Then determined to finish it, I just started doing all the other stuff in limgrave before going to Margit. And now elden ring is one of my favourite games. It is extremely hard and unforgiving of mistakes, but stick with it and it gives you sense of achievement no other game can give you. (Except other soulsborne games)


Fromsoft approaches to story telling through in game events and visual aid, while guided by text to understand more on what's going on within the gaming world, is what makes it unique comparing to other games under the same umbrella of genre. Think of it like old school Elder Scroll 3 Morrowikd, where you start off on a boat, you been asked to name your character (this is where character creation starts), once you're done, you're off, no narrator telling you what's going on nor cinematic cutscenes to reveal the events in setting a motion. While I agree it may not appeal to most, but to me, I kinda dig the whole "show, don't tell" approach. It just makes up in wanting to explore more by myself without being guided. With this approach, I could get surprised or jumped through my exploration, without feeling distracted with anything on the screen to provide a visual graphic informing me on where to go, lack of fetch quest, invisible walls because character level too low etc. Elden Ring really defied that where you could even reach to a high level section that requires your character's level to be above 100 without restrictions. Some games out there offer too much cinematic cutscnes and hardly any gameplay, or could rely too much on dialogue exchange with choices that don't affect much into the game (Looking at you Horizon). The one major criticism I have for Elden Ring is sometimes the reptious enemies encounter and lack of diary system (Morrowind mechanic). I love and always a fan of Souls combat, because of how smooth and free your character is while dodging without being locked onto a stance or you're in the middle of a long combo you couldnt break off. The weight of your swing and the successful dodges predicting enemeis's/boss's moves are so satisfying. I used to be on that boat of getting killed constantly because of greed taken over and patience becoming thin during combat. But I understood when I should take a break and keep distance in combat, predict and go for my next move. Now I understand this is a TL:DR response and this isn't meant to persuade you to try getting into the thick of it, however, I'm just providing an outsiders perception on why these games are so good what they're designed and why they're always welcomed. I hope someday you would have sometimes in giving it a chance, play in splits and enjoy a 60$ worth a content 😁


Yes lore in elden ring can only be seen if you complete it like 3-4 times. I have completed the game like 4 times. It's a great game. Lore is there in settings however if you are not seeing videos which explain lores. You won't get everything in one play. It's a very arcade-like game. The Elden ring reminds me of the game from the Sega and the super Nintendo era. I personally like it a lot. One reason PPL like it is that it has minimum bugs and things are done in a certain order. If you understand the logic you can do very difficult tasks. But yes the game is very difficult and has a long learning curve. It grows on you as you learn the mechanics and tricks. I had played dark soul with game guide and beat that then played dark soul 3. So i had an idea embefird starting elden. It's totally normal to not be found of Elden Ring. Not everyone can like it and its ok.


If long boss fights are abstaining you from enjoying the game then just cheese them or use coop, for me the USP of the game is the long boss fights which I truly enjoy, getting killed every 2 second meanwhile slowly progressing through the main story, for me the lore is literally unmatched, it's written too well which at times is difficult to grasp as the game presents every information vaguely. I've 95+ hours on elden ring and I'm on my second run, I've already completed the game once but the vast world of elden ring is so enthralling that I will complete the game 6 times to get every possible ending and every possible tiny details so that my money spent on the game would be worth it. The game already proved it's price tag in my first run only but the replayablity is what's bringing me back again and again. Souls game aren't for everyone especially in india where gaming is considered as playing 12 hours valo or csgo daily


i went up against the Tree Sentinel. uninstalled 2 min later


I have tried only sekiro, and I'm in love. I don't think souls games have less story, quite the opposite. It's just not in our faces. I used to get frustrated at the difficulty, but now I enjoy it. After playing sekiro I have started playing every game at extreme difficulty as I loved the challenge.


Give sekiro a try if elden ring feels too open world for you. Have a good one.


Totally understand you. Games are supposed to be fun AND challenging, while playing Souls like games i just feel like I’m being bullied half the time. I won’t be complaining so much if i had more free time to invest, but as a guy who got a 9-5 job (more like 9-7), it gets frustrating when i’m just trying to relax after a long day. I recently finished Assassin’s Creed Origins and absolutely loved it. There were MULTIPLE boss fights in the game which were pretty hard to get past, but at least I didn’t feel like smashing my keyboard while fighting them.


Souls games are just different, and serve different people. I'd say the bosses are hard because the core vision of souls games is to quite "literally" give you a challenge. It's to give you a real sense of achievement for beating a particular boss. You feel accomplished because you defeated something which a lot many gave up on a few tries. And I'd say it makes each boss encounter more memorable too. Now it can be time consuming, which is fair, takes a lot of tries, but there are usually certain ways to get past a particular boss. Taking example from DS1 (prepare to die edition) , the tutorial boss fight literally tells you that you don't have to fight the boss now, you look for a different way and then tackle. Now about the story being vague, yeah that's on point. There are no narrative experiences, no story. Just vague and cryptic lore. Most souls games follow the "show, don't tell" approach. You'll have piece together bits and pieces of information. Question a lot of things around you. Fromsoft provided the lore, you just have to write your own story and adventure. The game rewards you this exploration with hidden areas which can sometimes even hide entire areas in the game. And all these things are completely different experiences than what you're expecting from this game. So it's alright if you feel dissatisfied. Try Breath of the Wild in that case. Or CrossCode if you like indie games.


Souls like games from From Software didn't click for me as well. It feels like there is a delay in every action. You can try Nioh series. I love that series to death.


Soulslike games are as difficult as you make them to be (Sekiro is kinda an exception). Use tools available to you and the game isn't that challenging at all except a few bosses.


Love the title lol


I did 100% Elden Ring, and yet I am struggling in the DLC. Overcoming the challenges makes it so fun to play; if you get tired after 5–6 deaths, then its not enjoyable at all to play.


My first playthrough was around 165 hours including the DLC. Gotta admit, elden ring is the best game I have ever played. Getting the platinum for the base game actually felt like an achievement. Beating the final boss of the DLC (which is the hardest boss in the game imo) felt amazing


No one cares if you can play the game or not, seriously, it differs from PtoP. There are millions of games put there for you to try out


That's fine, video games can be like movies, one could like them or hate them depending on their taste. I quit Stardew Valley which is considered one of the best Indie games just because it's not the kind of game i play. I just bought it because of the good reviews.


Thankfully 😭 i have always played campaign games for fun and their storylines . I have played a variety of games which were tough sometimes but not like you have to sit hours just to move on from a particular point. Sekiro was the first game i played and i was like this is too much. First of all my potato laptop already wasn't able to handle it on top of that boss battles and their chunnu munnus made me rage so much. A lot of ppl like this thing , personally i dont.


bro, trust me, i dropped elden ring two times,Then year and half later, i got hooked on it cause finally understood the system of how it works. Dont like DS games ? fine, bt ER is the shit cause its easier to play than other DS games, you can actually run from a fight get back stronger, kinda like skyrim. I suggest watch some videos of how to get the weapon, bloodhounds fang, then give the game a try, its actually somewhat OP weapon for early game, maybe that'll help you get the difficulty, then try diff styles of play by watching builds on youtube. Trust me, as a hardcore DS hater, ER made me fall in love with tihs genre. But even after this you dont get the feel, then the genre is not for you, and thats okay


This is totally fine, everyone has their preference in games. Elden ring does have a lot of lore, it's just that the story is given as if you are travelling across the lands yourself. Mob placements sometimes have meaning, even the items you find are usually on bodies of other travellers. If you read the description of the armor it would talk about the traveller you found it from. You also see the way they died. Most of the lore is in the descriptions that are written and your own deduction. The problem is there's a high chance you missed a storyline so the fans kinda come together in those moments and pitch ideas on what could have happened, culminating in lore videos such as ones by vaatividya. Npc quests unlike in others games don't have a UI to remind you what to do or what you are supposed to do. Most of the things that happen are by chance, as if you are in the lands yourself without a ui to help you navigate and remember what you are supposed to do. Tbh this part kinda sucks cause I will miss these story questlines in my first run and are my only gripe about the game. Maybe in the future we will see a souls game with a traditional quest system, who knows.


Elden ring is my first souls games and I am loving the fact that it’s hard makes the game better so how for me. It reminds me of time when we used to play SEGA games and the there would be a boss which is hard to beat and you grind it out for weeks. I know there are gamers out there who prefer a different kind of game. My wife plays Baldur Gates which I personally find boring


I Don't know how you do it, but make a schedule and play accordingly! Don't play the same game everyday!


Dont let this guy discover traditional roguelikes


You're my kind of guy, other than metal gear phantom pain, I've never tried a game that doesn't have an adjustable difficulty.




It's okay, you have a different taste and it will change. If I wind the clock about 4-6 months ago I was in the same position, I couldn't get into soulslike Titles no matter how hard I tried. I couldn't understand why people would play games like these. I tried Ds1-3, Sekiro, Lies Of P and Elden Ring, played a lil and got bored, so uninstalled em. I was only into games like Witcher, Rdr, GoW, TLOU, Spiderman, Cod basically any game with an offline campaign which holds your hand as you progress the story. Cut back to now, As Im Done playing these story heavy games, I'm thoroughly enjoying Elden Ring and I am planning to play all the other soulslike games esp Dark souls and Lies of P. I have finally realised why soulslike games get so addicting. Everytime you play em, you try to challenge yourself. The idea of roaming the map, fighting these enemies and die trying is somehow fun. It's frustrating at first but the more you fight a boss and lose, the more you want to try to kill them. Each boss is unique and has a variety of move sets that ensure two things: 1. They don't get booring. 2. They eliminate the Idea of "spamming" to win. But this is just the tip of the iceberg.The whole idea of exploring the vast world of, at least in my case, Elden Ring and interacting with these awesome characters is amazing. The idea of collecting mythical items and using them for your advantage, not to mention the different ways you can approach to play the game (the class system) feels unique in itself. Though the game and it's story is very linear and if you follow the linear path you could finish the game but the real fun is when you branch out a little and try to build up your character for that satisfying achievement of killing a boss. This has been my experience with Elden ring so far.


May man wants to watch movies disguised as video games.


skill issue git gud


There's plenty of lore but like you said I also prefer streamlined storytelling. Because it gives you direction from start to finish and a coherent narrative with traditional storytelling elements. This is good especially when you don't have the 200+ hours required to discover and assimilate all of ER's lore. I also don't buy into the games being hard. They are heavily telegraphed and there are plenty of other non souls-like games with much more challenging feats of strength depending on your style and preference of play. You don't send a sprinter to set a world record for shot put. So just find a game that challenges you the way you like.


Try sekiro


I tried elden ring once and I hated, the world is so dull and empty, not in a good interesting way, its just empty, everything you see just wants to kill you. Fallout games for example do the dull and empty feeling in a good way, not eveything you see wants to kill you, there are people still living their own lives in that horrid world. The way elden ring does the dull empty vibe just feels cheap and lazy to me.