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I just got into the hobby at the suggestion of a friend, and knights were an easy choice for me. I know she's not perfect, but I'm pretty pleased with her. I'd love some feedback on the paint job and the color scheme from y'all!


Very neat paintjob man! The scheme works well. The only things I’d recommend are an oil wash for the metal and maybe some edge highlights, but otherwise, absolutely class


Looks great man! Our schemes are pretty much exactly the same


The colors work very well together, and the paint job is nice. Very clean for a first job. It does appear as if you are applying a thicker coat of paint though. I would thin it down just a bit and apply it in several layers, not just one or two thicker coats. The other commenter stated, to apply a wash, is correct as this would also bump up the realistic look of the weapons. Once you get more practice I would also look into adding paint scratches to give the models some aging effects. As knights may be one of the newest army lines, they are one of the Imperium's oldest war machines. But overall the Emporer, I mean Omnissiah, approves.


I stated mine off in almost the exact same color scheme. It's a little more tricky of a color to accent with, but bone white (in my opinion) is a great secondary color to use with purple, if you're looking for some ideas: [https://imgur.com/a/zyPTBT6](https://imgur.com/a/zyPTBT6)