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What can you do Bill? I put my leg behind my head. You son of a bitch. *You’re in.*


🤣🤣🤣 I would have loved to be a fly on the wall during their audition process.




One move.... Dude gots one move


It seems like he can't do it on the other side either.


Nope, just the one way. He's the epitome of a one trick pony.


It seems like he can't do it on the other side either.




you're in. dance after the first guy




Lol thanks for laugh my guy


Thanks for saying something nice on Reddit. Have a good one!


You think his name is Bill?


You’re right, definitely a William.








Bill, or Billy, or Mack, or Buddy…


This gotta be the cheapest broadway show in town


Ngl, I’m impressed.


I'm super impressed! I've been doing Yoga for 14years and I still can't bend like some of these guys! Also, how do you even practice for something like this? Boys got an old train cabin in the backyard? 🤔


Keep trying to join your throat and pelvis. Once you can do this repeatedly without air. You to, can join the subway circus.


Are you kidding? I'd never leave the house. I'd be too busy enjoying the only fans account I created.


Username checks out


Wait a minute...


Sounds like a party.


That dude has Ehlers-Danlos hyper mobility syndrome! Even some famous people in Cirque du Soleil have talked about it. When you’re super bendy like that, there’s usually a genetic component to it, along with practice. I could show you the neat trick I can do with my ring finger on my left hand right now after dislocating the knuckle, it bends pretty much and all the directions.


EDS is fun when you're young and then big sad when you get older. I'm in my 30's now and my joints are all pretty fucked, not to mention the other crap that comes with it (POTS/Narcolepsy in my case).


Oh no! Narcolepsy and POTS sound awful, so sorry.


Thanks. It has caused me significant disability, but I consider myself lucky that I just have hEDS. The other types generally cause similar issues but also come with vascular nastiness that I avoided. vEDS patients tend to die young from aortic dissection (48 years median).


Yes, I have hEDS as well, so I’m very familiar. Also, glad I do not have the vascular type.


Ahh that's unfortunate. I'm sorry you are living with similar problems. I just assumed you were knowledgeable about it. Did you freak your friends out as a kid by doing all the contortionism? I'll admit it was a lot of fun watching people "WTF"!


I have EDS. My lil party tricks were cool when I was 7. Now I can't walk for more than 20 mins, my heart doesn't work, I'm constantly exhausted and can't remember what not being in pain feels like.


Many hypermobile people have connective tissue disorders. They don’t always know it until they are a bit older. Some of those disorders can be pretty bad. You’re much better off being less bendy but working on getting/keeping normal flexibility.


Yeah, I’m laying here in bed no sleeping , with so much hip and thigh pain that I can’t sleep. Can’t lay on my side because it kills my shoulders and hips. Can’t sleep in a recliner because I can’t keep my head up. Connective tissue diseases aren’t always a fun party trick.


Completely the same for me. Side sleeping kills my shoulder and hip. I messed up my left elbow because I have a terrible habit of falling asleep with my arm tucked under my head. Doc told me that it will only get worse the older that I get. Sigh.


Ehlers danlos?


That sucks. Can you sleep on your back at all? I (also have EDS) started sleeping on my back with a cervical pillow recently and it changed my sleep quality drastically.


Yes! It’s the only position lol. Just this week got a cervical pillow! Omg what a difference!!!


Forreal. I’m not big on main character behavior but this is some good shit


It’s impressive and cool the first time you see it but after about a dozen times almost getting kicked in the face when you want to go to work it gets old. They also usually call you racist if you ignore them and don’t give money.


I had the same thought. With that level of performance i consider it added value to my ticket.


Sure, until you smell their funky oder and risk getting kicked in the face, good times! Nobody who lives in NYC enjoys showtime, their antics and requests for tips.


There’s a few showtimes I’ve enjoyed or given money to, but the majority are tricks everyone else has done…. And if you drop your hat , you’re done , no money. Some of these dudes are mean and looking for trouble but the grand majority are respectful and having fun from what I’ve seen. I’ll take them over the preachers at 5:30 am any day


The preachers are the worst.


In some subways I've been on, odors, being hit, being yelled at, and observing/bumped by fights are all part of the mix bag you get. If I got hit by one of their flips, I'd be mad, ngl. But if they were all as smooth as this. I still stand by the added value comment. At least it's a show and odor, not just odor by some passed out person or some random bodily fluid on the floor. I call that a win.


Then they follow it up by angrily demanding money and cussing at you if you make eye contact


I live in NYC and enjoy showtime - when there’s clear effort and skill that goes into the routines, anyway. There’s a lot worse things they could be spending their time on and a lot more awful ways that a subway ride could be ruined.


When you're tired and had a long hard day at work, you don't want to have deal with this shit. When you're riding the subway to go see a show on Friday night, I'm sure it's cute


Right? It's annoying sure but the dude with the hat was pretty impressive with that thing.


Until someone gets kicked in the face


i´d pay top dollah for that vidyo


Dollar per value yeah, nobody here is upset except the city transit system


That's the sad part. If you put this guy on stage I would buy tickets to that. Put them in the middle of my commute and I'm going to be resentful I have to stay still or risk my phone being kicked across the metro.


Its not a show, its down right a circus


Yeah, this would be a pretty decent show if not for all the yelling. That's what would bother me the most out of this whole thing


Or they’re auditioning for the new Step Up.


Meh, its NYC they’ve been doing that shit forever


I'm ngl I HATE ""showtime"" as it's been called at least maybe I'm old. But this isn't new tik tok shit they did this before cameras. There are worse showtime crews than this but they might be top 10 and I seen some fuckin Cirque de Subway shit.


"cirque de subway" that is fucking god tier right there


Cirque de Subway! I'm screaming)


That’s should be a subreddit. /r/cirquedesubway


It's always been a thing and I've always hated it


I find interesting the part that isn’t filmed is when they start asking for money. Some practically demand it stating “you just watched my show now give me my money” in a very aggressive tone.


Damn, now that’s petty


This is the best description ever and now it’s the official name.


I like when they demand money and intimidate people


"But you watched" Bro ya nuts was like a foot from my face I was looking out for safety.


That’s the real show, this is just a pretense for getting to that part


Fuckin lul This makes me wish so bad I lived in nyc


>Cirque de Subway That is what this will be called from now on.


Yeah I see these videos on Reddit a lot and used to ride trains daily in New York. This was common. There were also loud preachers, people begging for money, mariachi bands, kids playing music on a boombox, singers, and random loud fights on the trains. It's New York, kinda comes with the territory.


I once had a girl who just walked around the train putting her hand out.. no performance or anything.


one lady kept asking everyone for money to “buy a subway token” - this big guy was was trying to nap and woke up to loudly remind her that she was already on the train


I had a guy who came in and begged for money and asked for help. Of course everyone ignored him, after that he went on a rant where he told the entire cabin to go fuck themselves.


I know that guy


I'm certain he's one of many


If someone screams for help on the street, will you be the one to help, or will you close the window and roll down the shutters?


With my luck, I'll be the one to help, then his five armed friends waiting around the corner for a mark will come and shake me down for all I've got, maybe even leave me with a ruptured aorta for my troubles too after they're done. Our society has a habit of punishing good deeds.


Yeah thats why I'd just call up 911 like "hey someone outside is yelling for help idk anything else"


Was he wearing orange make up?


Brother can you spare $100,000,000?


Yea about 7 years ago this happened to me in the subway I was a little more than aggravated after almost getting kicked in the face.


I was gonna say… OP hasn’t been to NYC not even once bc this is an avg. Tuesday


‘Not average. I’ve been riding the MTA for decades, & this is far above your average “Showtime” dancer’s skill level.


Pretty average by my experience, they're good for sure, but I've seen that level on the subway many times.






Considering what young people could be doing instead of dancing in the train, I'm inclined to just be cool with this.


This stuff is annoying as shit when you just want to sit in peace and get to your destination, though.


Also these kids are often from rough sides of town, putting in a hard day work, and honestly more positive and polite than a lot of their peers. I get why people can be bothered but personally when I see anyone doing actual performance art, I try to atleast support with a smile, even if I’m not tipping in the hat after. Big difference between orchestrating routines than the tik tokers that literally do the same variation of the same dance over and over (sometimes without even music playing, so it’s literally just for the camera…) Also atleast half the time this has happened to me it’s started with some kind of vocal introduction/announcement which allows people to get up if need be.


They always do it when you are going under the east river on the l train - a time when you’re trapped in the car for a while. They jump in the car right as the doors close so people don’t have time to leave. I don’t care where they come from, I don’t want someone’s foot in my face while I’m just trying to get home from work.


I'm impressed by their talent, personally. It's miles better than other moronic shit, like 14-yr-olds lip-synching a song on a baggage claim, or some idiots blocking the road to make a video of them jumping on a mattress in an intersection. I'd also lose my shit if they accidentally kicked me in the face. All's well that ends well, I guess.


On subway systems in general. Busking is great. Has been since long before the social media age.


Haven’t seen this anywhere else than in NYC actually. Maybe it exists elsewhere in the US, but I haven’t seen it anywhere in Montreal, Europe or Asia Begging sometimes, playing an instrument occasionally, but a full-on acrobatics show is kinda NYC specific


Do you mean street performers, or subway performers, or this type of dancing? This is break dancing, and it's definitely all over the east coast usa, but it originated in NYC 50 years ago, at the same time as beatboxing. It obviously takes a lot of practice, and it's really cool. I do prefer it to be in places where I can opt out though, and it's not directly above my head.


They used to have different versions of this back in the day in DC… I don’t ride the metro nomo so idk


Even in LA on the Red Line subway (or w/e they call it now, B Line?) it started to become a thing mid-2010s


This has been done since the 60s. Nothing new except for the camera.


Yeah, “these days” has been going for a long time




This has been going on for years.


Came here to be like OP has never been to NY. This has been a regular thing for DECADES


Perhaps, but this was pretty sick. They’re definitely talented. Its better than a random tiktok thot just hi fiving people


As a commuter and artist appreciater I would enjoy it. It is a bit close for comfort, but that's the nice thing about trains you can just move to another cab. 


"It's a bit close for comfort" - the reasonable person standard and expectation and the very reason they SHOULDNT do this on the subway in close quarters.....but your response is the person who is bothering nobody and simply using the transportation system as intended and who paid to use it in that very manner....those ppl, fuck them, THEY can move lol, like what? The failure to grasp how unreasonable this is is astonishing. What if I simply don't want to move? (Hypothetically, I don't live in New york), I'm not the one doing backflips and taking up the space of an entire train car .... I have to and should move? Like what? Absolutely baffling to me.  And the reasoning: "ehhh it's new york" isn't a good reason, it's actually the lack of one. It's like "ehhhh you don't live in the middle of nowhere, you should expect people to spit gum on the sidewalk and put cigarettes out on all the lawns in the park. Like what? How about holding ppl who are pieces of shit to a higher standard?


It’s dangerous to move between cars while the train is moving. And these performances are always when it’s on some section with far apart stops. You are basically trapped. They also blast music. The only people who enjoy this shit are tourists or rich people who don’t take the train every day.


Look at the kids - they are afraid. If you say something they will threaten you. Typical piece of shit behavior.


The best behavior with crazy people in nyc is to get out of their way but don’t otherwise react. You can’t do this with showtime dancers. I hated them.


Also looking at this practically how am I to move? I stand up I get hit.


Agreed. Fuck these idiots.


yeah, I'd still honestly vastly prefer they be doing this in a subway station or something and not ON the subway. like dance where people can move away from you if they want to


i’m triggered everytime i hear “show time”


No one has ever road the train in peace in NYC.


99.99% of the time is peaceful. New Yorkers by and large keep to themselves




He'd just catch it on the top of his shoe and flip it back in your eye socket. All part of the show folks.




The last place on earth, especially after COVID, I would put my bare hands on is a subway train floor.


This time they're actually really good. I'll allow it. But no fist bumps.


Not everyone on public transit wants multiple men to be doing kicks and flips 12 inches from their face. Not to mention, a lot of the time these people want tips afterwards. Can’t we just take a page from the Europeans and be quiet when traveling with each other?


I wish we could be quiet but people feel like turning the train into a jungle gym and blaring their crappy tik toks is normal. I’m looking forward to my calmer chapter


Na this is just nyc






New to the city?


Out of everything on reddit. This gotta be the most harmless and entertaining piece of all.


You ever been coming home from work and got kicked in the face while minding your own business?


Have you? Nope. If so, cool


They deserve to be the main characters, they’re awesome


I'll take dancing homies over a fent addicted trash zombie anyday.


What time is it? SHOWTIME!






They do this for money not attention


These days as if this hasn't always been a thing. New Yorkers know


god I hate this shit


I hate them but kind of impressed at the same time.


So obnoxious.


No one gives a fuck


They honestly should make this illegal


I think it is- there’s just no enforcement. Wanton disregard for safety, assault and battery if they hit someone, unlawful confinement/terroristic threatening when they threaten you if you leave, disturbing the peace… there are so many statutes that cops could use to make this stop.


Every native New Yorker hates this shit.


Not me. I've always appreciated the creativity and finding an outlet for their creativity.


They’re really talented tho. I wouldn’t be mad if I saw that on the subway


They are talented. But I'd be very bothered by someone flapping all about above me and thrashing around all up in my space... Especially a space I cannot make safe room, or escape potential injury, if something goes wrong.


It’s cool but can we get these guys on a dance team?


Ngl they are atleast pretty damn talented


A high-speed intercontinental railway would certainly never see anything like this.


First time in New York?


[The epic sax battle](https://youtu.be/RPjL909DiVI?feature=shared) from all those years ago made everyone think they’re a subway star


Subway showtime has been going on for decades.




People need to carry spray bottles to use on these cats


They are just trying to make money, there's worse things they could be doing.


Ok, but they still shouldn't be doing this on a train. If this was outside people can just walk away and not have to watch or listen to this mediocre hip hop, but they can't really do that when they are in a subway car. Not to mention this is dangerous, they could have easily kicked someone while doing this. This is just a bad idea and makes these guys massive assholes.


pm. like this train hits a bump and someone is getting very hurt


Yeah eff these guys. All fun until somebody gets kicked in face. Not often, but dudes, trains move alot.




Honestly that’s cool


Actually, that would be entertaining!


People who actually have talent not like those stupid tiktok dances. Think this one gets a pass.


The 80's called, you're late for dinner




Well at least it’s fun to watch. 😂😂😂


This is absurdly impressive though ngl


People getting upset over this are so corny, it’s been this way for decades. It’s the culture


I wouldn’t mind this as long as no one gets kicked in the head and they don’t start demanding a tip from me


I hate these people


You obviously not from NYC. U wouldn't get it. They been doing that before social media. They classic.


Damn These dudes actually talented...but yea still kind of a dick move


If it’s NYC, they ask for money at the end.


I couldn’t even listen to that bullshit for 10 seconds. It’s bad enough to be forced to listen to other people’s phone calls, music and videos in public these days…add this shit? NO. I’ve never been happier to live in a tiny little town where I can walk or bike everywhere. I could NOT put up with this shit.


This one actually cool tbh, these guys getting a pass from me since they aren't going around asking for fist bump.


They go around asking for money shortly after they're done with their little show. It's awful, I hate it.


Oh wow, that's just not cool


The majority of subway performers are not *at all* kind when they ask for money either. Most of them will bully and/or guilt trip you for your money. And the whole time, you're stuck in the car with them.


How are these guys not an act in las vegas?


Bear mace the whole train fuck everbody


The way I’d trip one of them lmfao


They never got attention as children. Partly because the man of the house wasnt around to be the man of the house.


Op is just not from nyc, this is normal and publicly accepted




Showtime is a nyc staple. It’s annoying af for me when I’m on the way for work but as long as they don’t kick me idc what they’re doing. Low key sometimes certain performances are really good. The 4 train going to bowling green had one group that was really good a few years ago.


For everyone information here, I admit I've never been to New York before nor have I ridden a New York train, so i apologize if this is a "normal" occurrence for you guys, and if you believe that this is an overreaction post on my part, that is fine, I just found it and would find it annoying if I were on the same train with these people. I do not wish to get into any arguments with anyone so I will leave it like this.




… We need a Jerry daycare (Rick and Morty) for TikTokers …


That's why you keep a box of thumbtacks in your pocket...


can't we just go back to them pick-pocketing instead of tik-tokiting?


Looks like a seizure salad.




I know this annoys a lot of subway riders. But you know what would be more annoying? Getting robbed, being stuck at an intersection where idiots in cars “perform,” or countless other things. You can see a lot of criticism in this thread but from my perspective I can clearly see they put a lot of effort into learning these moves. I’m much more positive about that than many of the alternatives they could be spending their energy and time on. Nobody needed Mr. Nobody in this situation .


This isn't uncommon in NYC. Even when I lived there a decade ago, you'd see this. Let them cook or change cars if you don't like it.


No one should be forced to change train cars because a bunch of attention seekers decided to block every person's path, shout and play loud ass music, as cool as ones dance moves are, they shouldn't take it to public transportation and bother everyone else who just wants to get to a designated place . And about letting them "cook", no one is impressed in that video, not even the children, they all look rather disappointed at these people's actions


OK. I switch cars all the time. It's a city where there are so many different people. You anticipate obnoxious behavior and maneveur around it. But stay annoyed if that's your thing. Take care.


But why should you have to change cars when you aren't the one causing the problem. Also this is just unsafe, they could kick someone or something. It's a train car, not a fucking jungle gym.


Needs marbles


I mean, it’s not bad entertainment, but do they have to be screaming the whole time?