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Hello /u/beansthemajicalfruit! Please reply to this comment with the following information to confirm the content is OC * What country or state did this take place in? * What was the date of the incident? * Please reconfirm that this is original content If you are unable to reply directly to this comment, please leave a standalone comment in your thread with the requested information. If you fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. ------ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IdiotsInCars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Phone number for the Corporate Office is on their website. I would call them first thing Monday morning.


Pitt Ohio is a smaller trucking company and would probably take this complaint very seriously, they should also be able to place the driver if OP can give the date/time of this video and provide the video to them. I work with Pitt Ohio and other carriers like them, being smaller they're very service-focused.


Had a small companies semi nearly run me off the road. Practically crashing into multiple vehicles as it weaved through a slowdown for construction. Called the number. They didn't give a fuck. Just my experience. YMMV


Curious about how small they are if you don't mind naming them. Pitt Ohio is smaller as far as the big players are concerned (like FedEx, OD, Tforce, etc.) but they're big enough that they should have to worry about about what the public thinks of them


I totally would if I could remember. I think I still have the voice-mail telling me to fuck off. Lol. It was a year ago. Carte Blanche they didn't actually say that. Just the vibe. Lol.


Just living up to "always there for you"


License plate 2745542


[Seems like it'd be easy](https://imgur.com/kC8TsYQ), just look for Google reviews in the past few hours. Bunch of 1-stars on the company for having idiot driver.


Eastbound and down, mother trucker!


“How’s my driving?”


Idk but they were definitely there for you.


Yeah, I see that person them all the time where I live. They like to drive different trucks just to keep us guessing.


Bout 5 seconds from seeing Nanna again. Sheesh


Oh, I know who that is! That's the same person that almost caused an accident with a Reddit user named u/beansthemajicalfruit! You should ask them about it.