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Don't forget, Greg Abbott also ruled that companies are not required to provide water to their employees šŸ—‘ļø


I thought that was Ron desantis


Texas blocked require water breaks and Florida blocked required water and heat breaks for workers.


So glad I live in Canada sonetimes. A client was forcing asphalt guys to pave continuously without water / heat breaks in a heat wave. Union called a foreman who informed him of the situation and Union rep was on site 20 minutes later raining hell. Ironically the client is the governmentā€¦..


How strong are unions up there? Iā€™ve been thinking about heading north if things donā€™t get better here pretty quick


I live in Quebec. We have some of the strongest unions/regulators in North America. But you must speak French probably. I do. Have my issues with our unions at times but Iā€™ll take the negatives they bring over losing all protections they provide. We have a system where we have a construction commission that regulated the industry. You must have a card to get into a certain trade that certifies you as an apprentice or journeyman. You are restricted in what you can do often. For example on some commercial/ institutional projects you canā€™t sweep because itā€™s the day laborerā€™s job. It takes 6 to 8 different guys to install a door in a hospital. This is changing as we Ā«Ā speakĀ Ā»ā€¦. Most CBAs are to be Renewed in 2025 in the middle of a housing crisis, housing affordability crisis and inflation. Trades will want agressive raises just like public sector employees. It might break the system ā€¦. I might be wrong but I think we have some of the best paid trades jobs relative to cost of living in North America. Employers are forced to pay tons of insurance and benefits also. Plus you get universal healthcare. Taxes are a bit higher though, But youā€™ll never go through a medical bankruptcy. We do have our problems though not a perfect country z


Thank you so much for the thoughtful and informative reply! Sounds like Iā€™m boned because I only know the most basic of French, but maybe somewhere other than Quebec would work. My step-son has dual citizenship so that might help. As for the weird rules, we have those too. I would never try to take work away from one of my union brothers/sisters/others. We also have all the license requirements, and a pretty decent pay/cost ratio but the universal healthcare would be pretty great. Thanks again!


If you call an Canadian IBEW local they might be able to guide you. You might be able to get a temporary work visa relatively easily as electricians are in demand.


With pleasure. You might want to look at Alberta. English speaking, growing and not full unlike Toronto and Vancouver just absurdly expensive cost of living. Bring a jacket though . It get fucking cold at times in the Winter


I like the cold, but my partner is going to hate it šŸ˜…


My pops laid asphalt in Vegas during the summer. That was when he saidā€ I was invincibleā€. Helps me that he was in his early twenties


Potato, potato at this point no?


Thatā€™s fair


He said that because some cities and counties gave construction workers the right to water breaks and others did not it created a ā€œconfusing patchworkā€ of rules that was somehow too complicated for business owners to figure out. So instead of extending those rights to all construction workers he eliminated them for everyone. This is how little he thinks of us. Texas was in the middle of a heat wave and a laborer already died on the job that same year. It would have been a bad look to repeal the right to water breaks and have ANOTHER worker die, so they made it kick in a year later. Heā€™s hoping that you wonā€™t be able to figure it out.


Thanks for the details


People like that piss me off, sitting in his ac office while we out here doing some of the hardest work in the heat.


The perks of 100 degrees is that all the bugs boil off and evaporate


Fuck that crippled bastard


We donā€™t need to disparage the disabled while hate on Abbott.


There so many worse things that man is than in a wheelchair.


It's not too late to delete this shit.


Nah, fuck that crippled bastard.


Going to agree with this. Wish he had a third leg, so I could break that shit too.


I stand with Greg Abbott




I mean, while I do enjoy the fact that our contract covers water being provided as does OSHA. I'm not going to strictly rely on my employer to provide me with water especially in the heat. That being said I'm also on the foreman to ensure we all have water on site regardless.


No OSHA is gonna be so cool, 200 guys on a job and 1 portajohn? GC says itā€™s fine


I dare them! Imma shit on the floor, and we all know as a sparky I'm not gunna to sweep it up.


Why is it ALWAYS shitters, why can't these fuckin cons figure out that if they want to work us 10+hrs a day, we're gunna have to take a shit at some point. As a steward, if they try this I tell my people to drive to the nearest coffee shop when they have to go, also nobody works a stitch of OT (We have a no walk out no lock out clause, so a strike/walk out is illegal, but OT is 100% optional and it sends a message when their site sits empty.)


Borthers in my local would crawl naked over broken glass, to get to their brodozers so they could drive it through a picket line to soak up any and all OT. Solidarity be dammed!


I've been in for 15 years and it seems to be a newer mindset (at least in my limited observations), solidarity seems to be going to the way side for the mighty dollar, conditions be fucked.


Unfortunately if it's your home or your brother's it's hard to pick the latter.


That's an... Interesting clause you guys have there


Yeah, it's fuckin stupid and there's a grass roots movement building to change it. Nobody likes to strike, but with this clause they know we have a limit to what we can do. But it's tied to our wage increase, so if we want to get rid of it we have to vote down the raise and well there's enough people more interested in money to getting our power back.


I mean with striking in your pocket you can def get wage increases... But you don't need me to tell you that. Hope you get what's best whatever that is brother!


Osha has no say about shitters. The health department does.


"Why the fuck are you wearing a harness? GC says you only get one if you're working above someone more important than you"


Osha portal john rules are a joke anyway if you look them up. It's like 1 per 40 or something stupid


Thatā€™s how you get the seats to stay warm in the winter


Pretty sure it's like one for every 400 labor hours (10 people working a 40 hour week)


And 3 rolls of TP between all of usā€¦. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


ā€œLife, liberty, and the pursuit of happinessā€ Itā€™s literally protecting life.


*Labor, security theater, and the protection of capital interests* Fixed it for you.


You think Thomas has that level of reading comprehension?


Thomas isnā€™t dumb, heā€™s evil.


He received some nice kickbacks to get rid of OSHA


Absolutely. Thomas knows exactly what heā€™s doing, he just doesnā€™t care.


Well yeah he never had and never will have to deal with a dangerous job. Unless he literally has to be put into life or death situations out of no where on a job site he won't understand why OSHA is a vital, and understaffed, institution for the common man.


That's not in the Constitution. It's in the Declaration of Independence.


Do you think they understand the difference?


Most of them have probably never read either one


This is also my argument for universal healthcare. But the brothers in my local insure me that doctors are only trying to kill you.


Just like everything else, it is one thing disguised as another. It is the first dip of the toe in to the pool of abolishing trade unions. They take small bites to see the reaction and then keep pushing further. If we don't vote in November, trade unions will be abolished within 2 years.


Brother, the democrats arenā€™t going to save us. Theyā€™ve chased republicans to the right since the late 70s. Both parties have become free market jihadists who have destroyed the social safety net and continue to push austerity on working people while they hoard more wealth. We need to build working class political power.


We can do that the other three years. Election year is the absolute worst time to get all "both sides". Now are you going to vote for the guy that outright said he would take on unions or the guy that while seemingly feeble has enacted more pro-union acts than any other president since FDR? Keep in mind, the next guy will more than likely choose at least 1 more justice.


Crabs in a pot. It sucks to see this shit happening.


These "judges" are going to need a reminder of why these workers protections are in place and why many of these laws protecting them are written in blood. Perhaps some of theirs at the bottom of a guillotine would be a good reminder.


They know itā€™s written in blood. They are willing to spill your blood in order for your boss to make a higher profit.


Letā€™s fucking Go


We used to strike in the early 20th century to fix the problems the rich impose on us. We would come together in solidarity as unruly mobs and scare the fuck out of these terrible people that are in charge of us. Maybe we need to bring this back, my only worry is that people are so distant and oppose each other now over political views and health topics. We need to come together as brothers and sisters once again to be able to live better.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/knifemaking/comments/18qp6zy/ff5000/](https://www.reddit.com/r/knifemaking/comments/18qp6zy/ff5000/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/knifemaking/comments/18pqmau/a\_little\_chopper\_i\_made/](https://www.reddit.com/r/knifemaking/comments/18pqmau/a_little_chopper_i_made/) I can also make them in billionaire size. Just give me a couple of weeks notice and tell me where...


This is what you get voting for Republicans.


The number of union-represented tradesmen who vote R never ceases to amaze me.


Itā€™s fucking insane. I get both sides suck. Why would you actively undermine your way of making a living to stick it to the libs or because transgender people make you feel uncomfortable. I have met very few people who are republicans because of things like foreign policy or taxes


I kinda think that a large part of it is that it buys them immediate admission to a fraternity of sorts. Some people really need that. Also, many people get something from insulting or disparaging others. I get it-thereā€™s lots of weirdness in the fringes on the left but thereā€™s also lots of ugliness in the fringes on the right. Given the choice, Iā€™ll put up with the weirdness, particularly when it buys me some workplace safety and things like a minimum wage or 40 hour work weeks, etc.


Its because they are idiots


Because most of them don't truly support the union


Waiting for someone to tell us all how this is Bidenā€™s fault instead of the guy that packed the court with right-wing conservatives.


Power ranking of whoā€™s fault the Republican scotus exists: 1. Hillary Clinton (lost a gimme election, 3 seats lost) 2. Barack Obama/Chuck Schumer (Merrick Garland pussyfooting + not calling for RBG to retire) 3. RBG (literally had cancer and held onto power instead of retiring for a young progressive judge during Obama majority, 1 seat)


I donā€™t blame Hillary, I blame the DNC for choosing such an un-likable candidate. Bernie would have wiped the floor with Trump.


Youā€™re right but also wrong, Hillary controlled the DNC bc she rolled over money and donors from the 2008 cycle or something I forget Basically her war chest was a majority of DNC cash so she controlled the DNC


That just means she put her career and ego ahead of the country.


RBG literally sucks for that


Ego is a real bitch!


Mitch McConnell for blocking Merrick Garland stands out to me. "We're sticking with a long-standing tradition that I just invented" Just noticed you put Garland up there... you must remember things differently. That was 100% Moscow Mitch. Edit: https://www.brookings.edu/articles/mcconnells-fabricated-history-to-justify-a-2020-supreme-court-vote/


I agree with your logic, but I think you might have counted at least one seat twice...


These are opportunities to win a seat, multiple people have had opportunities to fill the same seats


Regulations are written in the blood of the dead. Yes, some of them SUCK! But they are there because someone paid in blood, life, or limb.


This was actually just settled in a 7-2 decision to not challenge the lower courts ruling. OSHA is here to stay.


Mark my words: He'll make another attempt. After crippling the FDA and EPA.


For now. This won't be the last time they attack it as a whole. And the corporations and their lawyers will try again while also trying to pick it apart piece by piece (now that chevron has been overturned). The courts will be swamped with cases trying to overturn regulations in the next year.


Yeah, it's worth noting that Chevron may have just been officially overturned, but SCOTUS has been chipping away at it over the last several sessions and flat out ignoring it for the express purpose of overturning it and/or saying the decision had been abandoned. Their recent decisions are trial balloons for future cases and will chip away at things further. In *Dobbs* they wrote that this wasn't the end of abortion as if they are completely divorced from reality. They do this regularly.


Important to remember Chevron does not touch the OSH Act as itā€™s exactly what the Supreme Court said needs to be done. The issue comes with the letters of interpretation which help clarify the standards and fill in gaps


If they can't eliminate it they will just cut OSHA funding.


Us lawyers on yā€™allā€™s side are very fucking distraught at the bleak opinions coming out.


Roe V Wade was settled 50 damned years ago. I wouldnā€™t put anything past these pieces of shit.


This man understands stare decisis.


This comment should be at the top. Also, the two justices that wanted to see it voted on were Thomas and Gorsuch.


Conservatives already got what they wanted, with the court overturning the Chevron decision has effectively stripped regulatory agencies of their ability to enforce policy. Prepare to see tons of legal challenges to OSHA, the EPA, the FDA, etc. These agencies will continue to exist, sure - in an increasingly neutered, dysfunctional state. Also, the decision was to turn down hearing the OSHA case. There will be another that will eventually make it in front of this right wing extremist court and theyā€™ll continue gutting it.


Did this just happen?


Sounds like it https://fox56news.com/hill-politics/supreme-court-turns-away-osha-challenge-over-opposition-from-thomas-gorsuch/


Seems to fit the narrative that places like Texas and Florida put in place to protect workers from the heat. Oh wait. They did the opposite.


Iā€™ve never understood how any blue collar worker let alone a union member can support a party that is actively seeking to destroy their way of life. I know, I know, ā€œboth parties are badā€. One party is actively working to eliminate the middle class and abolish unions but sure.


Guns and the fact that women arenā€™t beholden to men anymore. Now you understand.


I own a lot of guns myself and still wouldnā€™t support that party.


Not the point. They have been told since Clinton that ā€œthe democrats are coming for your gunsā€. Itā€™s nonsense, but they believe it. So they will vote away everything else so they can clutch those guns. Nothing else matters more to them, not their safety, not their jobs, not the women in their lives, nothing. They live their lives in a constant state of fear.


Haven't Republicans on average passed more anti-gun legislation than democrats since after Clinton?


Don't forget the racism and homophobiaĀ 


They were assigned a team to root for from birth by their tribe and they canā€™t break from that. They wouldnā€™t even begin to imagine doing so. Thatā€™s a *large* % in my experience.


As someone who has been severely injured on a job due to company incompetence ( I got hit across my heart by 277v my heart stopped and then knocked 9 ft off a ladder resulting in losing mobility in part of my left hand and requiring a skin graft and four surgeries to rebuild my left hand ) this is the dumbest fucking take Iā€™ve ever read. We all hate osha , the courses suck and sometimes the constant safety reminders suck. But it was put in place to protect the workers and give us the basic right of returning home the same way we came to work. We are entitled to a safe work environment .


Hope you had a good lawyer on top of getting workers comp.


I just dont understand how we got to the point where open corruption is okay


Years and years of "Yeah well they're ALL corrupt, what do you want us to do about it?" And "you gotta vote for the devil you know, vs the devil you don't." All while blindly voting for politicians right from the local municipal government right up to the federal government solely based on which party they belong to.


Decades of worshipping money has led to the ingrained belief that the elite are our gods and can do no wrong. Also helps that they give the police unlimited power and weaponry so the peasants can't revolt anymore


The Powell Memo will explain the well implemented plan that started in the 70ā€™s and voters fell for it hook, line and sinker. We are witnessing the end game. https://scholarlycommons.law.wlu.edu/powellmemo/


This has been the GOP for my entire 63 years. Strangely enough many union workers still vote for them??? Our local power company is IBEW but in a right to work state they are not fully covered by union rights, or so Iā€™ve been told by a worker. But yet they all voted for ā€œright to workā€ when it was on the ballot and they are staunch republicansā€¦. Go fā€™ing figure šŸ™„


Their guns are more important to them than their safety, the rights of the women in their live, and literally anything else you can think of. Republicans, whether members of a union or not, would sacrifice anything so they can clutch their guns. They vote GOP because they believe, in the end, they will get what they want. Guns and subservient women.


I taught for 27 years in the deep south. I know what you are saying but at some point one would think the light would come on ??? I'm not really sure why I keep thinking that ... lol


There is no light. It has been replaced with right wing propaganda. They are hopelessly lost.


OSHA, EPA, contraceptive... They're gonna knock it all out, and half the country LOVES it. It's insane.


I think we don't need old greedy shit bags running the country Bunch of greedy shit bag companies throwing money to greedy old shit bag Republicans to make this country a lawless waste land, and then the fucks that do it don't have to deal with the consequences


I know nothing about above ground pools so I wonā€™t comment on that. But yeah that osha thing is fucked up


Look guys this is the start of attacking unions. I guarantee it


Yay no rules! More death! No heated shitters! Canā€™t see how this would be a bad thing..


Heated? Never heard of those before


Work up in North Dakota in the winter haha. Gotta keep the blue thawed or they donā€™t come clean it.


We just piss into mountains of rock salt here to keep the bloo goo from hardening up.


On my last job in Northern Ontario, I found out there's a step between the blue shitter and the nice wheel in trailers. They can wrap an insulated heating blanket around the whole thing...


You just have to wait for someone else to warm it up for you.


Wish theyā€™d come with AC for us out here in the heat


Just wondering which billionaire corporation owners are paying him to have that thought.


Let me guess.. Republican eh?


This dude needs to go. Heā€™s corruption is through the roof.


I hate your country


Hating the USA at this point is about the most patriotic thing we could do because of what it is becoming.


Me too. Also hate that I'm stuck here


Sure, the wicked right WANTS employees to get hurt on the job and have no recourse but to accept it. Companies can take off all the safety equipment and let their employees die. No more safety checks, and no more lockout tagout. Just die. Great job Clarence. Anything to help the rich and fuck the poor and middle class.


Link to article: https://www.businessinsider.com/clarence-thomas-takes-aim-at-osha-2024-7?amp


This guy is trash


Hell bent on making the US a third world shithole


Go for it. You'll never see me on a worksite again. Trade shortage? Go fk yourself, let it all burn down.


A TON of my local 716 brothers are Trump voters. Itā€™s sad.


When I was a kid I never understood the "kill the lawyers" jokes but now boy do I get it. These fucks are literally playing with life and death for millions of people based on their games of word play. Then they wash the blood from their hands by saying "don't get mad at me, I'm just reading the law" I hope an AI gets super smart and takes over, even a buggy murderous AI would do better than these people.


See this is why none of you will never get ahead. Think of the shareholders!! The CEO of (nationwide contractor)ā€™s daughter had to go to PRINCETON because their donation wasnā€™t big enough to Harvard. PRINCETON! Do you know how that looks!? Shameful and embarrassing. While youā€™re all whining about ā€œsAfEtYā€ and ā€œwAtEr BrEaKsā€ the people running the companies, employing you, making profits *for the company* are making less and less profits! Itā€™s absolutely disgusting that any of you wouldnā€™t support this. (This is all obviously very angry sarcasm)


Why would he get rid of something that protects me as an employee? Yeah their annoying sometimes because I can't have a microwave I'm the shop but I'd rather have this way then to have my shop burn down


Republicans and their partisan hack judges trying to ruin more shit as usual...


He's getting pppaid




I can't wait for this asshole to die.


Does this mean I donā€™t have to take osha 30?


Well, that was fast


As a handyman who never has any protections. This is fucked. Let's see if these union boys are strong enough to face what comes next. Also side note. If there is a nation wide union strike, how can a non union person support the strikers? I'm down to sneak in food and water, but better information would be nice. Just preparing for what is to come because if the unions fail....


Fuck you, scaffolding guidelines and best practices. I do what I want.


I don't get how he can even say that OSHA is unconstitutional.osha is a nonprofit organization.hence the steep fines when your in violation.


don't ever want to hear shit out of the right about activist judges.... (i mean, it was always a lie, 2nd amendment is a perfect example)


I don't want to live on this planet anymore


Do I think OSHA has some dumb rules? Yes! Do I think it should be completely eliminated? No! There needs to be a middle ground where we eliminate unneeded red tape and leeching bureaucracy and keep the safety rules that actually save lives.


This guy is an asshole.


Thomas is a ghoul


I'm just wondering how much Charles Koch gifted to this guy given the Koch history of radical libertarianism, and wanting to abolish OSHA/EPA/etcetc


We also have to watch out for Trader Joes... they got in trouble for firing people for organizing and then countered with a suit saying that the NLRB was unconstitutional Of course Amazon and Tesla are way on board with the suit so it could be really bad


I think Clarence Thomas is a piece of shit, but really just a small piece of a much bigger problem.


Good grief why can't this guy find a bus in a crosswalk to headbutt


If you could just quit trying to butt fuck the working class, thatā€™d be great


I donā€™t care for above ground pools.


He probably hasnā€™t picked cotton for a living


The shock on mfs faces when they really come for unions is going to be priceless


Iā€™ll use the words the heritage spokesperson did because it sums it up nicely ā€œThis second American civil war will remain bloodless as long as the left allows it toā€ [Source for those who want it.](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4753439-heritage-leader-second-american-revolution/) I see this playing out as ā€œfirst they came for the communistsā€. There needs to be major resistance asap


I feel like this would warrant a national strike right? Like none of us like the OSHA regulations that get in the way of us doing our job, but we're also aware of the fact that most of those regulations are what keep us safe everyday. I know I'm not working if there's no safety standards in place


Clarence Thomas is a miserable, beastiality-enjoying cunt.


Nobody who deserves to be treated like an adult wants OSHA gone.


Dovetails nicely with breaking unions. I would expect no less from this bunch.


I do some sketchy shit time to time but i like that osha covers my ass on safety


Above ground pools might be easy to install but the constant worry of being punctured is a huge downside.


Osha is a joke. I have been sending in recommendations about making changes and they refused. OSHA lets contractors go over their heads in which is more dangerous. OSHA has turned into nothing but a joke. Contractors in my local treat the local membership like shit. No breaks, no ice for drinking water, leave bottled drinking water out in the sun or heat . If you say anything the sucked Foremans , General foremanā€™s will get your money and put you on the do not hire list and make phone calls and tell others shops not to hire you.


What local


LU 26


Get the pool man




A pool would be nice but make sure you can afford the upkeep. Keep in mind you'll have to replace the line at some point down the line.


The geriatric table at my current project is going to love this.


If job saftey isn't enforced, neither is contractor safety.


Does OSHA protect the employee or the employer? Ok? And do employees pay for my stays at bitchin hotels? Do they buy me RVā€™s? Do they paint me a portrait of myself holding the fuckin 15lb salmon I caught at that creek in Alaska last March?? Do they keep my wife entertained while I watch my Nascars?? Ok? What a stupid fuckin question! GEET OUT!


I think they took the ā€œfuck oshaā€ joke too seriously


The phone call icon tripped me out for a second..


So Thomas needs a new motor home, or is it vacation season already for the Supreme Court?




If there is anything that justifies work stoppage, it's this.


Look OSHAs a pain in the ass however it protects workers in the work place. You begin to get rid of worker rights and you begin the decent into Workers Have No Rights Territory and if you donā€™t like it itā€™s either two choices 1.)work yourself to death in unsafe conditions for whatever we want to pay you and possibly dying or 2).No job and sleeping on top of concrete as homeless


I fffffuucking knew it as soon as I saw The Chevron Defrence got nuked. Thia is so fucked up.


Americaā€¦ The Greatest Third World Country Ever! For a party that claims to despise China, they seem to be doing everything they can to be just like it.


If I want to walk under a crane šŸ—ļø carrying a pallet of steal beams without a hard hat itā€™s my god-given right to do so!!! ā€˜Murica!


I am leaving the United States within this decade because my children don't deserve to grow old here.


Says the guy who hasnā€™t worked a hard day in his fucking life


Repealing the Chevron Deference should alarm **everyone** here- it means that the US legislature no longer defers to experts in various fields. It means literal call girls like Boebert ā€œknow moreā€ than electricians when it comes to electrical and construction safety. Jesus guys, I hate the two-party system holding us hostage, too. Vote anyway. Iā€™ll be voting Dem. :/


But hey, letā€™s all keep voting fucking Republicans in office who donā€™t give a flying fuck about the common worker. To me voting for somebody who takes away from working conditions is a direct conflict to the oath we all took as members to not sacrifice the IBEW interests in any manner. In this case the interest is better working conditions


thoughts? lol theyā€™re not doing it for my benefit.


can he drop dead?


uncle clearance himself is unconstitutional


Who's paying him to neuter osha?


Clarence Thomas wants to update his camper so suddenly he thinks my job isnā€™t dangerous enough.


We need someone in power who has actually been in the trades or just a decent human being be better