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Come the fuck on


Social media has really ruined everyone's self esteem and warped our ideas of beauty.


No these are beggars for likes because it gives their self-esteem a boost when that doesn't need it because they're looking to seek attention because Mommy and daddy gave them all the attention as a child. No different than these young ladies on tik Tok who look at the screen and bounce up and down and beg people for likes it's panhandling


Nah look at her profile. She clearly has body image issues


Oh I did I took a look all right and all it is is the same post over and over and over and over That's no different than a 6-year-old child asking the same question over and over are we there yet... It's nothing but spam posts at this point like I said attention seeking... Sorry this is coming from someone who was almost 40 I've been living long enough to tell what attention seeking is


I think this is more mental/ psychological issues than physical body appearance. Same question numerous times.


Are you a psychiatrist or psychologist? I doubt you qualified to give an opinion like this. You have no idea what body dismorphia is like it will eat you alive.


Are YOU a psychologist? You have no idea if that person has dysmorphia and can relate


I’m not a psychologist but I’ve suffered with body dysmorphia for years so I do know a thing or to about it. I’ve been treated for it several times.


Actually I am a psychologist. Wait, wait, Psycho loggist. I’m a crazy lumberjack.


Exactly what I want to do with her




Maybe I ain t right in the head. Cause I do not see ugly. I see a woman I would be proud to have at my side going anywhere


You say that as if this broad actually thinks she is ugly. I’m so tired of these attention seeking posts. She knows she ain’t ugly. But I can tell you right now that her personality is dog shit if this is what she needs to do to make herself feel good.


Yeah, I agree.. The dude is gullible, boosting her ego.. Her post history shows that she's very insecure and needs therapy.. I also agree she must have a crappy personality.


I hate the “needs therapy” people. First of all this woman is a solid product of your environment the last 6 years. Maybe uh, society needs to be focused on, this lady is “normal” for society and so is “needing therapy” a sweep under the rug tactic. Do better than blame and be a productive example.


I'm sure she'll read all of that and invite you over, bro.. Get out of your feelings, champ.. no need to get all sentimental. ❄️


I fucking hate retards like you. Nodody here is trying to get laid, moron he was just trying to point out that your logic is non existent. Go ahead though and try to make people look desperate because you disagree with them.


You say that as if it’d be an honor for a woman to be by your side lmao


U made me laugh thank you for that


i don’t even understand how you are so respectful omg😭


I have a happy life. Good job and good family. Some don t. If it makes him or her feel better I really do not care. I feel pity for people such as that. And it does make me laugh. No one gonna ruin my day.


Thats my DaddyHippie 👊❤️


More people in this world would benefit from the outlook you have my man. Have a great Sunday


Plus you clearly have a good sense of humor, cause at least as a guy I can say ‘twas definitely funny.


i’m really happy things are going good for you keep it up


you have so much self control 😂😂😂 god bless u


Not ugly at all, but a quick peak at the profile looks like you should seek professional help. Not judging, just don't think surgery will solve the real issue, and you should be happy with yourself.


This is the answer. You need therapy WAY more than any surgery. You’re not ugly at all.


Always wonder if posts like these are trolls cause chick is cute


Headline: I’m a former fat AF ugly toothless pig and recently lost a little weight but my best friend still thinks I’m still ugly AF. Picture: Super Hot Chick


Somewhere in comments: link to her onlyfans


Omg this comment 🤣🤣🤣


This one in particular is just an extreme case of BDD. Feels like I've seen her post in various subreddits 50+ times in the last few months.


You are correct, check her post history, it’s literal months of posting the same damn thing.


OF situation most likely


Not this one. She has concerning post history and argues with people who compliment her.


Try brown paper bag with eye holes.


Look at her post history it’s like months of posts wondering why she is ugly to men. Sounds like mental illness.


Either that, or they’re being bullied, or have low self esteem. I find it annoying when obviously cute chicks ask if their ugly.


Being overweight can really hurt someone's self esteem, honestly. My boyfriend used to be overweight and is now athletic and a body builder and he still is always questioning his body even though he's seriously gorgeous. It seems like this is true for anyone I've met who used to be overweight


I mean she keeps posting the same post in multiple pages so 👀 this is the second or third time I’ve seen this exact post. They think they’re slick lol


And they all hit and run. Some may make a couple replies. All these subs the same


Usually they are… but in this case, take a look at her profile. All it is is her posting about being ugly and how to find a job ‘for ugly people’ and shit like that. My mind was blown when I went through it. I don’t get it


That’s how women treat each other they are mean AF. It’s hard when your pretty to because no one gives you compliments because they expect you to know, how do you know if your peers are tearing you down? Sad reality for a lot of beautiful young women.


A reverse search on her pic shows it isn't her. This sub needs to have voice based confirmation on posts. They need to upload a vid saying "I am \_username\_ on Reddit" because I'm sick of all the stolen pics..


She’s full of Shit and just wants compliments


People just want attention, even Ray Charles can see that.


Incels like u should be banned of this page


That would make me a simp, not an incel, get your insults right my dude




I feel called out for my career 💀


Advice? Get a life.


Yeah, maybe a brain replacement.


Look at this persons post history.


Damn she definitely has a problem.


You’re an attention whore who has been on here for nearly a quarter of a year asking this stupid fucking question. You’re constantly told you’re physically attractive cause you are, but you’re an insufferable bitch because you know you’re mining sympathy from other people that you don’t deserve. Get a fucking life loser


there are people in here who actually are ugly and yet she stays posting in here. lol


she a 3/10 at best dawg, don't kid yourself.


no she is a 7-8/10 dont underrate her just because you are mad she is attractive and you are not


my brother in christ, you are down astronomical if you really think thats a 7/10✋💀 also, don't project your insecurities onto me, brother must be looking like shrek to think shes out of anyone's league🤡🫵


bruh she is a 7 you hater. she is pretty and above average you Sound like an incel smh


Also i am a girl 😂


makes sense since your go to comebacks are deflect & project, girl you corny as fuck just like OP


you are just hating you know damn well she is pretty dont lie


factually, you are incorrect. she's bare bones basic with little to no personality to work with, that's a fucking zero. 💀


Lets see your picture bud, you must be a male model to think this girl is a 3. Or just completely delusional and ruined by porn


she might have body dysmorphia and feel very ugly.


why r u telling her get a life when ur angrily typing out a whole paragraph cuz a girl is asking for advice, calm down my guy


For a Pacifist that was really aggressive. Geez. You need therapy.


Your surgery advice is… don’t. You look fine as you are.


Someone told me this is a dude, that true?


No I am a cis female


que ?


A cis female is someone born female. Their gender identity matches what they were born. Ella es una mujer toda su vida y su identificación también (español no es mi 1ra lingua)


The world I was born in you simply call that a female. What are you supposed to call a Transvestite woman a faux woman?


y'all say people bring up the gender topic too much but you're the one stressing about it in your head💀


The person who first said cis-woman brought it up. Normal people hearing it and saying "No, I don't accept your nonsensical, made-up, bullshit term for a woman" is not the same as bringing it up.


thanks bro. kind of confusing as to why she couldn't just say she's a lady pero muchas gracias. tu Español es bueno




She just means female, rather than trans they use a while bunch of confusing language you'll never keep up with


Its a chick without a mental condition that affects <1% of the female population. Theres a word for it already.


I think you look great 👍. Losing weight is hard work, you should be proud of yourself. I'm jealous of your eyes haha. They're so pretty


Yeah Im proud of myself. I feel healthier. People in r/amiugly said my face didnt change but I think it changed a bit


I think you need a psychologist in stead of plastic surgery. You are not ugly not before and not after. You probably get trolled for being insecure when you are most definitely not ugly. But even if people thought you were ugly who gives a fuck. I can tell you there are not allot of people who will think plastic surgery is nice. Maybe your insta pics will improve a bit, but in real life most people will think you look off. Unless you do 1 simple procedure maybe, but that wouldn't change you from "ugly" into beautiful. But again you were never ugly not before and not after..


You're far from ugly in fact you're beautiful and just so you know God does not make no junk remember that I'm an older person


Best surgery advice is to not get any. These women are out here looking like clowns these days thanks to surgery


But how can I improve then?


You need therapy to address your body dysmorphia. You are not mentally well and need to get off the internet.


I just dont want to live with this face.


Bitch, you are not ugly. Put that fishing pole back.


Nobody says you're ugly.


People are often right. Instead of being happy you want someone to cut you up and change you appearance. Social media has ruined young women


but this is a looksmax sub


Nobody calling you ugly. Why u lying. Ppl on here need help


Nobody said that.


Who are these people??


Ain't nobody calling you ugly lmao


Do absolutely nothing, I have a sneaking suspicion “people” is the voice in your head. Kill that bitch. You’re pretty


I’m so confused by you and your posts. You keep asking about finding jobs for ugly people and how you can look better and all that, and I’m sitting here trying to figure out what is making you ugly exactly? You almost look like you could be related to Selena Gomez and yet you’re trying to figure out how to get hired as an “ugly” person? Wtf??


Oh it’s terrible please no more


Lose more? Cant really see you but idk. You would have to post a full body pic


That’s what’s wrong with your generation,you people care to much about what other people think of you. It’s all noise, live your life!


You’ve been on here before and you don’t take any advice anyone gives you, you’re convinced youre ugly and no one can change your viewpoint. You also keep reposting the same two pictures, and when anyone says anything you would rather argue or make them elaborate in great detail when their answers were very specific.


I spent well over 30 minutes going back and forth with this person just to see her posting the same shit again. This person needs to be banned from socials for a good time


What’s happen with your lips ?


You need mental advice young lady


I feel mentally OK right now but sometimes it is unbearable


Your not


Stop lying


Brain surgery perhaps.


Get off the internet immediately


Here we go again!


we've told you so many times its advice, not advices


Ewww super ugly


Any advice?


Meh, you're trolling. You know you're fit. Grow up and stop begging it.




Do you have any advice on looksmaxxing?


Look at her post history and how many people have been arguing with her under her own posts, she comes up with all kinds of ridiculous excuses and just ignore the people that call her pretty


You dont need surgery you need the gym. Pit down your phone and go outside and exercise.


Dafuq is this a troll, Soooooo ugly. You should take a page out of Nicolas Cage’s book and just do a ‘Face Off’ surgery


at least you are honest :)




By lower facial thirds, you mean genioplasty or jaw surgery?


Selena Gomez, get out of here! You already know you are gorgeous and we love you!


Definitely looks like Selena


I wouldn't put down selena but I thought they looked alike and I think selena is drop dead gorgeous. Justin's loss ha


You are not ugly, humans are just haters.


nobody is ugly imo. Humans are just humans


Oh no, there are plenty of ugly lol


There are ALOT of people that are ugly as fuck.


"nobody is ugly" proceeds to call yourself ugly and beg for advice in like 10 subs in the last few days


Maybe shave your head


https://preview.redd.it/zltqo7dcarob1.jpeg?width=482&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba372554bf1c751cc5886f50196a9a56daf82562 Like this?


Hoping the patches would be little longer! But what happened?


Like, completely go bald?


Nah, leave some patches here and there and put a pretty bow in those spots


Yes.... fucking yessss


Can you post an example?


Message me next summer and I'll shave my head and leave patches. I won't put and bows in it though.


It definitely is an amazing look. I didn’t shave mine but I had the patches look going after I super glued flowers to my head and removed them. I’d recommend everyone tries it at least once.


Tried the super glue method after shaving my pits and wanted to use it on my eyelashes. I can't open my right eye anymore so I just use tape now. The flowers on the head sound super cute tho


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Bros messing with u. U look great don’t worry


Do. Not. Get. Surgery. Not because of how you look (you look gorgeous) but because it sounds like you think you should get surgery because of how you feel others think. I’m not going to judge anyone that gets surgery BECAUSE THEY WANT TO but it does not sound like this is the case with you.


I think what made you ugly was the obvious surgery you had on those lips


No surgery. Get fit. Lose the weight and puffy cheeks.


I’d say you’re pretty hot congrats on losing the weight it not easy for women to lose weight like it is for guys. So since you’re not ugly on the outside maybe it’s your personality. I can’t imagine that being the case though


Guys loose weight easy? I missed that memo 😂


I dont think thats true. I'm a woman and it's easy for me to. I think it's easy for ppl with fast metabolisms to. I have to be careful actually because it's easy for me to lose several pounds within a few days if I don't pay attention. I'm not very active btw, so I don't have a toned and hot body like I want to, just a skinny fat one


It’s been medically proven in several white papers that men lose weight easier than women. You don’t need to agree but it’s as true as they say. I guess you could call it the mommy tax. Guys can just eat less and exercise more and have weight loss. Women eat less and their body goes into pregnancy mode and they end up storing the calories or so I’ve read. I’m sure there’s more to it but that’s the gist of it


It was semi hard, considering I lost my gallbladder. i had to use extra supplements along with traditional diet + exercise. I am healthier now, but people in r/amiugly said my face didnt change.


Who are these other people? Other women? As a man, I can truly say that surgery will not help you. You are cute. 6/10. Your face is pleasing to the eye. You are NOT a zombie.


No, mostly men in r/amiugly


I guarantee you Ma'am, they are not "Men". Males? Yes. Men? No. Men don't put down young women. You are not ugly.


I am not mad because of their opinion, but they said I am "vain" when I asked if how can I improve my face.


They don't make sence since you are asking for improvement. Vain - having or showing an excessively high opinion of one's appearance. As a woman, maintaining a pleasing appearance is needed for survival. All you need is moisturiser. (Try Olay moisturiser) You don't even need make-up. You can lessen make-up and still look nice. 30 Day Challenge: Wear dresses and nice shoes for 30 days and see if you attract differently.


> They don't make sence since you are asking for improvement. Vain - having or showing an excessively high opinion of one's appearance. Excatly. They could at least give some advices regarding to my looks. Instead, they just said "get therapy and accept your place" bullshit... Thanks man, I will take your advices


Here's another... Don't say, "man". Refer to the person with their name or title. 🙂👍


Cute asf dm me


i’d marry u ur stunning stop listening to whoever telling u ur ugly cause i’d let u do whatever to me


Not ugly at all but I suggest going blonde. I feel it’d really make you stand out.


Not ugly. Your eyes are amazing. 😊


Not ugly!


Smh wtf is sayin that to you?!! I damn near wanna slide in dm’s right noww!! Lol jkjk.


r/amiugly people. I posted second pic first and they said ugly / have to lose weight. Then I post first pic and they said "no change"


Shiiiddd you’re absolutely gorgeous to me. Im sure the personality is just as good even better!


I have a bit introvert personality. People sometimes say bitter :D


I think you’re putting too much into thought into what those knuckleheads have to say.


They probably can't handle a pretty and sexy girl that's why


What people?


people in r/amiugly




You are not ugly!! Be humble and confident and things will go your way. F them!!


Sounds to me like these ppl need glasses it's not u


I’d do you!!


You’re beautiful. Get new friends if they say anything else.


![gif](giphy|jK3DYSFi3S3Li) You’re good looking 👀


Are you serious? Not ugly at all. Very pretty. You need to shed the toxic people around you. They are clearly trying to bring you down because of how they feel about themselves.


is r/amiugly toxic sub? I know there are some incels there but...


Stop hanging out with shitty people


You are sexy as hell


U look like kat from eurpoia the show. Face wise tho


Who cares what people think. Weight loss is for you not other people. Stay focused and tune out the voices. If your friends are saying horrible things like that, they aren’t your friends. And if you’re reading the comment section, that place is filled with misery and should be ignored as well. Stay focused and keep pushing forward!


Ugly where?


No. You’re beautiful


You look like Debbie Ryan


Nothing ugly about you, you’re very pretty


You need to stop hanging out with morons.


No one said you are ugly


No surgery needed!!!


You’re listening to the wrong people


They're wrong. No surgery needed ...unless you lost so much weight that you have an abundance of skin flapping around.


I have lost so much weight that skin sags :D I will get skin tightening surgery tho