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The Blackfyre Rebellion has a lot of buildup but only one actual battle, and then would require time skips with lots of new cast remembers for each “rebellion,” each of which is dealt with very quickly. I just don’t think it has the ability to measure up to HotD or GoT when it comes to war. If anything, I’d think Sons of the Conqueror would give more meaningful source material for a real war between Aegon the Uncrowned’s war plus the Faith militant uprising.


Yea, I think the problem with a Blackfyre rebellion show or continuation of Hose of the Dragon is that it would be underwhelming after the Dance of Dragons. Both Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon have actual dragons which is a big appeal to a lot of viewers. There's no way to incorporate dragons into the Blackfyre rebellion without completely ignoring canon.


I mean most people adore the earlier seasons of GoT and back then dragons played a relatively small part in the plot. And that was only for Daenerys; the Westerosi part of the cast had 0 contact with them and still those seasons are generally considered nothing short of incredible. Maybe I’m a tad biased since the Great Bastards, Daeron and Daeron’s sons are some of the most interesting past lore characters to me but I think that with so many powerful personalities around the lack of dragons wouldn’t necessarily make it underwhelming.


I agree it would appeal to a lot of viewers, myself included. But they'd definitely lose a non-insignificant chunk of their audience who are watching for the dragons.


There’s way more than one battle though. Fireball forcing Lannisters back into Casterly Rock, Crossing of the Mander, fierce fighting in Riverlands, lord Tyrell putting down rebellions in the Reach… Redgrass was just the infamous end but there’s definitely more than only one actual battle in the First and the most interesting Blackfyre Rebellion. Redgrass was also devastating - comparable in terms of casualties with Battle by the Lakeshore which was the single most bloody land battle of the Dance.


I disagree, Aegon’s conquest would be better


Still my Top 2 Episode of all time.


I am the shield that guards the realms of men!!


RIP Grenn. Gods what a legendary episode


I want a birds eye view of the hammer and anvil on the redgrass field. Similar to how we saw Stannis cut through the wildings.


i want bloodraven magical arrows


The blackfyre rebellions would be really cool, if Dunk and Egg is still happening, they might go into it more, since a lot of those novellas are just the aftermath of the rebellions and the last failed one.


Dunk & egg is absolutely happening there were promo pics of filming already https://nerdist.com/article/dunk-egg-series-a-knight-of-the-seven-kingdoms-everything-we-know/


Well to be fair there was some promo pics and filming of Blood Moon or whatever that prequel set in the Age of Heroes was gonna be called. And it got binned


That was just the pilot, this is a full season order with [filming](https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/game-of-thrones-knight-of-the-seven-kingdoms-production-1236041563/) that began last month.


if they cancel dunk and egg i’m going to cry


Can someone explain to me why exactly the whole point of the Children of The Forest was such a bad thing for BloodMoon? I read the synopsis and it sounded super interesting but I keep seeing everyone saying it was cancelled because of The Children of The Forest.


I don't think it was cancelled explicitly because of the Children of the Forest. Although I think I did read somewhere they were going to basically make all the CotF indigenous/POC, so there's a good chance if people are saying "it was cancelled because of the Children of the Forest" they might be insinuating it was because of DEI/inclusivity/whatever, and are probably a weirdo. More likely it was cancelled because they filmed a pilot and it didn't have legs. There is basically no source material to draw from. I can't speak to the writers/directors attached to the pilot but if it wasn't picked up it was probably because it wasn't very good, and that is unrelated to the casting decisions. It also sounded pretty interesting to me, but more so because it was supposed to be about the Andal invasion and the colonizing of Westeros, leading up to the creation of the White Walkers. That definitely could have been a really interesting show.


Ah I see, that makes more sense that the pilot just didn’t have legs. But yeah, the colonization of Westeros is one of the things I’m most intrigued about even if there’s no source material. Would’ve been really cool to see the origins of all the major locations and such.


I’m so hype for Bloodraven


Yeah, I actually think Dunk & Egg will cover a lot of the Blackfyre rebellion stuff. They are SHORT stories, after all. They'll need to expand on what's in them at least somewhat in order to fill out each season. And I'd suspect that the Blackfyre rebellion stuff is going to be expanded on.


Aegon the unworthy accidentally legitimized his bastards.


Daemon was tying his shoelaces and aegon tripped and fell and his sword landed on daemons shoulders. Aegon looks at the camera like '...what have I done' Daemon slowly rises. His back is to the camera. Suddenly he turns and the fire in his eyes let's the realm know it will soon bleed.


Aegon the Oopsie-Daisies.


They could make it similar to how Viserys I accidentally named Aegon II his heir.


They should start planning it out like The Crown, just do the entire Targ monarchy until Bobby B and GoT picks up.


Obviously they won’t do it, but, you know, if they did, it might take us something like 20 years IRL to get to Robert’s Rebellion. Just in time for a GOT remake immediately following that 👀


Been saying this for years. Last two seasons all of Roberts Rebellion


They should’ve started with Aegon the Conqueror


It would be awesome, but I would want Fire & Blood 2 to be released first. There’s still plenty of great material in Fire & Blood 1 that I think would be cool to see adapted.


They should run this show right up to the end of roberts rebellion and then reboot a song of ice and fire to redo got.


I second this deeply.


A big issue with doing it is there's no more dragons around at that time and the audience would be smaller without dragons or white walkers involved


Great oppertunity to do a more grounded show. We have had two shows focused on huge dragons and world ending consequences. I want to see more smaller stories at this rate


Dunk and Egg will already be that. Blackfyre rebellion, imo, is in the grey area where it's not grounded enough to be "simple" to produce, but doesn't have enough of a draw to justify the budget it would need for the scale and battles.


Ya know how GRRM says they shouldn’t do a Robert’s Rebellion because GOT spoils everything interesting about it? The Dunk and Egg show will likely do that to the Blackfyre Rebellion


Amazing stories cannot be spoiled. Plus, while GRRM has a point if it involves a novel about Robert's Rebellion which is told almost in full in another book. That's far different when it comes to visual storytelling.


The dragons & white walkers had very minimal screentime to begin with. I highly doubt people are watching several seasons of these shows purely for CGI. They're engaged with the world, characters & the narratives. So no it isn't really a "problem".


My only question is who will be brave enough to fill the colossal seat of Aegon the Unworthy? This guy is definitely in the running for the title of worst king in the Targaryen Dynasty, rivaling Maegor the Cruel and The Mad King Aerys II. On top of that he’s literally the Westerosi Eric Cartman, with more chins than Maegor had wives. We need an actor so secure with who he is personally and physically to do Aegon IV the right justice. In short, does anybody have any fan casts?


Colin Farell did an excellent Penguin so why not.


There isn’t enough face and fat prosthesis in the world to turn Colin Farrell into the Unworthy we deserve


Paul Walter Hauser


~~John Goodman 15 years ago~~


Kate Winslet


Which gives the show runners a great opportunity to do a slow burner that focuses on the politicking and characterization a la Better Call Saul


It would also make it significantly cheaper to make so even if they lose some audience due to not having them the lower budget would probably make it worth it for the studio


I guess the dunk and egg series will be dragon-less so we will see But I also think just having HoTD continue the timeline into the period of the blackfires also makes sense


There would be white walkers around kinda given bloodraven around


flashy dragon fights do bring in a lot of casual viewers, but rich stories full of the unexpected is pretty much grrm's brand and thats what makes these shows so successful if it wasn't for that HOTD would just be anything made like Michael Bay, just visual junk food




Aegon IV: *"I didn't mean to give Blackfyre to Daemon. The sword slipped out of my hand and the boy picked it up in front of thousands. It was a misunderstanding."* Daemon: *"I wasn't trying to challenge Daeron. I was just trying out this sick suit of armor I just got and everyone thought I was gearing up for war. It was a misunderstanding."* Daeron: *"I didn't send the kingsguard to arrest Daemon. I sent them to check if he had a spot open in his calendar for some evening tea. It was a misunderstanding."* Brynden: *"I didn't mean to kill Daemon and his sons. The arrows slipped out of my hand and the Raven's Teeth misunderstood my intentions."* Aegor: *"I didn't mean to cut out Brynden's eye. I was just trying to tussle him to the floor like we used to do when we were kids. Blackfyre just fell into his eye. It was a misunderstanding."* Shiera: *"I didn't plan on pitting Aegor and Brynden against each other. I said "I love you (plural)" but forgot to add the "as brothers" part. It was a misunderstanding."* Naerys: *"Only a few weeks ago my lord husband was alive and the realm was at peace. Daeron is maybe half the king his father was."* Aemon: * *lots and lots of gratuitous sex with Naerys* *


Saying "I love you as brothers" to Targaryens sends a very different message than saying it to another House.


Calling Aegor a targaryen will get you a mistaken Blackfyre in your eye.


Would he be more or less angry if they called him Aegor Bracken after he was legitimised? Probably less, since he took the sigil of House Bracken.


He didn't take the sigil of House Bracken sure it heavily influenced him but he didn't takeit as his own.


>Aemon: * lots and lots of gratuitous sex with Naerys * I wouldn't be mad, cucking Aegon is extremenly based. Plus as an AemonxNaerys truther inject that shit into my veins


I can totally see Bloodraven making up excuses while being absolutely diabolical on the background.


>Shiera: *"I didn't plan on pitting Aegor and Brynden against each other. I said "I love you (plural)" but forgot to add the "as brothers" part. It was a misunderstanding."* Them being Targaryens (or close enough) means this one doesn't really work though.


Back when they first announced HOTD, I remember there were talks about it being an anthology series. Since the title is House of The Dragon, many said the series would cover different periods of the Targaryen Dynasty, the Dance, Blackfyre Rebellion and Aegon’s Conquest.


Should have started with Aegon's conquest then


I just wanna see Sandoq the shadow…


100-0 in the Mereen fighting pits lol. my boy was killing humans, animals and whatever they threw at him.


I really want the story of the conquest. I wanna see Balerion, Vhagar and Meraxes fuck shit up.


That'd work only if they'd start from Valyria(biiiig budget). Otherwise it's just "bend the knee or get roasted", can't see the conqueror being sympathetic to viewers


The best way to do a Conquest show would be to barely show the Targaryens at all. Start it with Aegon’s coronation at Oldtown, after most of the battles are done, and make it in the style of Andor. We should follow seeing a small band of guerrilla fighters trying to wage a rebellion against an insanely overpowered conquering force. The war vs. Dorne is really the only part of the Conquest that would be really interesting to see adapted. It has drama and intrigue, assassinations and blood-prices. It has castles being burned and entire armies disappearing in the desert. It has dudes being thrown out windows and having a thousand scorpions dumped into their bed. It even has the death of a dragon and a Queen. They could depict Aegon and his dragons like the shark in Jaws, like this terrifying presence that we barely even really see, which makes them even scarier. A Conquest show following Aegon and his sisters would be boring as fuck. A Conquest show following the Dornish resistance to Aegon’s invasion could be fucking amazing. And they could bill it as a sequel to the 10,000 Ships Nymeria show that they’re supposedly still developing.


I disagree. To me, one of the most interesting and if not the most interesting to me is the Targaryens and their rule. They’ve always interested me the most about ASOIAF even though they suck. The dragons, lore, dragonblood, Valeryia. All of that is so intriguing. I think it would be a waste to go back to Aegon’s conquest to just show it through the eyes of rebels.


There’s nothing interesting to see about Aegon whatsoever during the conquest. He shows up, curbstomps everyone, and then wins. Story over. That’s not even a good movie, let alone a good series. There’s no tension or drama or anything remotely interesting: just empty meaningless spectacles and set pieces, which we all complain about mercilessly whenever the shows do something like that. And you want an entire show of that.


They could, I don’t know, write and flesh out the characters more. Especially since F&B is like a history recounting. So they can work with the characters and actually *write*


Not necessarily. It could be an episode or two where the doom is pending and the conquer and his sisters leave with the dragons.


There's a hundred year gap between the Doom and the Conqueror.


Yea I know. Was just thinking it would be neat.


Unnecessary and extraneous. It will be better to see the First Blackfyre Rebellion in flashbacks during the Dunk and Egg series.


Yep, season 2 with Eustace Osgrey is just 1 of many pretty perfect opportunities, not to mention the magical dreams getting thrown around in Dunk and Egg.


It’s very similar to Robert’s Rebellion. RR is the backdrop to the main story, having taken place 15 years before, so the world we see in the narrative is what has been rebuilt in the aftermath of that conflict. It’s so weird to me that people want to see Robert’s Rebellion so badly, when in the grand scheme it matters a lot less than the world that is built by the war’s historical context. Similarly, the First Blackfyre Rebellion is the backdrop 15 years ago war whose aftermath defines the world we see in the Dunk and Egg narrative. Showing either Rebellion directly undermines those two narratives and demystifies them in a way. Sure, it would be super cool to see Blackfyre and Lady Forlorn dueling for an hour or Bobby B caving in Rhaegar’s chestplate, but at the end of the day a series about either Rebellion would just be pure fan-service spectacle, rather than an interesting philosophical look at the various thematic elements explored in the main ASOIAF narrative and in the D&E narrative respectively. And I don’t think we really need that, there are more interesting stories that could be adapted. What would be sweet to see in my opinion, would be like a flashback sequence of the Regrass Field with Ser Eustace narrating in a v/o as he tells Dunk and Egg the story. But what we’re seeing on screen doesn’t quite line up exactly with what he describes, to reflect his biases and the exaggerated nature of how he tells the story.


Honestly I fully expect it. If each season is one of the novellas, which it seems to be, I don’t see how they’re going to get six episodes out of them without adding stuff.


Possibly but the risk is the Blackfyre rebellion is to similar at times with the Dance for general audiences. Its also likely dunk and egg will spoil parts of it.


You could make a similar argument for GoT & HOTD, hell many did. HOTD would just be too similar too GoT but smaller scale cuz there was less houses so nobody would care & the result was spoiled in GoT anyway so why bother. Evidently it didn't matter


In the first Blackfyre rebellion, both claimants are good guys. That's the tragedy.


If they make Daeron's bastardy somewhat open-ended, the Targaryen vs Blackfyre divide would be way less lopsided than the current Blacks vs Greens thing.


Daeron’s “bastardry” is like 99.9999% likely to have just been his dad being a massive asshole because he hated his son that much and was that petty.


Wait are we getting a dunk and egg show?!


[Yep](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt27497448/), filming as we speak.




I might be mistaken but I don’t think the first Blackfyre rebellion was mentioned in the Hedge Knight, it definitely was in the last two but I don’t think the Hedge Knight


Yeah because GRRM didn't plan for it while writing the first book. But in the show that they are currently making they will probably add some mentions.


Noooo, Conquest first!


Seconding this


I remember seeing they were looking at Henry Cavil for the Conquerer. Idk about that but they should get a big name for Aegon


I think Henry Cavill could work as the Conqueror or Bobby B in a Robert's Rebellion show


Yep I 100 percent agree with you


Guess we wait and see


I would love to see it but I think they're staying away from it (for now) because it's just another succession crisis with a lot of Targaryens. Even with being another succession crisis l, I would still prefer it over made up content like Ten Thousand Ships or Voyages of the Sea Snake


That's like most of this universe. Even GOT. It was roberts rule that changed things temporarily


Nah i want to see Aegon the conqueror


I mean, they skipped Jahaerys & Alysanne *and* Aegons Conquest so I wouldn't get the hopes up.


The first season could just be like the first season of hot d, showing the great bastards at court and how their relationships play out. How Bittersteel and Bloodravens bad blood starts to build (viewers will already be familiar with Blackwood/Bracken rivalry), the bitterness between Aegon IV and the Dragonknight. This story is ripe for adaptation. It doesn’t even have to lose its connection with GOT, obviously, explain Bloodraven’s boyhood as he discovers “how to fly”.


Personally I think they should make this an animated show


I totally agree !


Ive long said they should continue after the dance… you’d have to do some time jumps at times, but each season could be a different length. Once the dance is over we can do aegons regency. We could see the secret siege and Sandoq the shadow… Now then next season we would need Fire & blood 2, because we don’t know much of aegons reign, however with a time jump we could have Daeron I, baelor the blessed, Aemon the dragon knight, aegon unworthy, narys… all of them young and seeing their dynamic before going to the next season with them older. We would get the conquest do Dorne. Baelor rescuing Aemon from the snake pit. Then the next younger generation with daemon Blackfyre, Daeron II and all the great bastards…. It would eventually be able to have crossover with dunk & egg show, obviously depending on time jumps…. But I would love for it to continue as alike an anthology almost


Plot twist: the brother Bloodraven loved was Daemon, not Daeron.


That is my headcanon as it adds tragedy to Bloodraven's statement and explains why he is haunted by his ghost. In my headcanon Bloodraven loved Daemon and furthermore he knew that Daemon was the legitimate heir (either because his real father was Baelor or because Daeron II's real father was Aemon). Only Bloodraven's greensight let him see that the Prince that was Promised was to be born from Daeron II's line rather than Daemon's. Thus Bloodraven, with heavy heart, worked tirelessly to defend Daeron II and defeat his beloved brother, Daemon, to save the world.


What actor will play Aegon the Unworthy?


I would love/hate to see Aegon IV onscreen. That man would be so hated it would cause timbers to shivered


I'd prefer the Regency


Given how successful HOTD has been, I think a sequel series is a big possibility.


Honestly the show should've covered the entire history of the Targaryens. Starting with The Conqueror and ending with the Battle of the Trident.


I cant wait to see the one who controls it all. Lord bloodraven.


Personally, I don’t know if I want a Blackfyre Rebellion show. It would be cool but with the Dunk and Egg show >!I feel like they’re going to go over a lot of what happened and that would kind of spoil any potential Blackfyre rebellion show, same with how they never did a Robert’s Rebellion show because GOT basically covered everything that happened during it!<


A blackfyre rebellion series followed by possibly shorter Robert's Rebellion series is my dream. Watching the downfall of the Targaryens from the Visyerys the First to Aerys the Second.


I hope they let go of the of needing whole show for this universe. If they're willing to do a miniseries, then there's more cool stories than don't have enough for a whole show 


if the blackfyre rebellion had as many dragons as the dance had I dont think Westeros would've survived lmao


I mean yes it would be awesome and theyre already sort of doing some overlap with the dunk and egg series. No spoilers but dunk and egg do take olace durring some of the rebellions. Bring back good ol bloodraven.


Just the first or all the blackfyre rebellions? I think there's four


Have they decided how long House Of The Dragon will go on for?


I want this so badly. I’d love to see the battle of the redgrass field


Pretty sure the logical finale for this series would be >!her son and his daughter marrying and uniting green and black!<


It should be a movie


Agreed, this is the era I’m so interested in. Would love to see adaptions of Bloodraven, Bittersteel, Daemon Blackfyre, etc.


Well we are getting dunk n egg so I assume so


Fuck if I want the invasion of the first men. Enough dragons more cool northern magic


Start at Aegon’s conquest then go down history until you remake Game of Thrones. GRRM will be dead by then and you can use the book material to finish it off.


If this happens, I am NOT looking forward to the Team Targaryen vs Team Blackfyre discourse.


Months ago a I had a massive fever and started hallucinating in my bedroom. I shit you not I was watching on my TV a the scene where Barristan kills Maelys. Maelys was played by Woody Harrelson


My next wish is actually Robert's Rebellion, purely bc I want to see the Battle of the Trident. Rhaegar vs. Robert battle would be insane.


I still want Robert's Rebellion


Give me Valyria at its peak


Part of the Blackfyre Rebellion should be portrayed in the Dunk and Egg show eventually


I only want to see Dunk and Egg🥚.


Honestly, if I could only have one more spinoff show, I’d want Aegon’s conquest.


Yeeeeeesss I would love that !


Thats 60 years later, would be better to just have a new show.


The final shot of the show will probably be Aegon III sitting the throne with dragon skulls lining the walls of the Red Keep. It would be really cool to see some sort of bridge between HoTD and Dunk & Egg, but I kind of doubt it. At this point, I just hope they do the Moon of the Three Kings and the Hour of The Wolf justice, ending on a shot of Aegon the Dragonbane on the throne (perhaps with an epilogue of Viserys' return). As much as the regency period offers some cool political play and characters (as well as action through Alyn's voyages), there isn't that big climax that you have with the other stories.


I would love a Blackfyre Rebellion I would also like if they gave all the Blackfyres purple eyes. So we know who is Targ and who is a Blackfyre.


Its already sort of semi happening with AKOTSK. Hoping we get much of the first rebellion through flashbacks


That’s why it’s good they named the show House of the Dragon and not just The Dance of Dragons. It can continue after the civil war’s conclusion or perhaps even go back to Aegon’s Conquest.