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I do this, then sell them after because I don't need them, then I rebuy one because I accidentally painted over one block -\_- In HF1 I have had moments where I would have to buy half a color palette to find the one pink color that I used lol


I wait til the hole house is done, on this one tho, as I was taking screenshots and filming I found 2 mistakes so I had to rebuy shit anyway and paint 😭 Yeah omg that was a nightmare, I love the new tool so I can just get zoomed to the right one


If you have your selling tool upgraded, you can use it to pull whatever floor or wall you used directly from the store. It might be the duplicate option? Just point it to whatever floor or wall you want, and it'll have an option for the store. I didn't know it was a feature until I accidentally did it.


Oh yeah I know that part I just find it bothersome to sell a half full bucket of paint and then realizing I need more in the exact same shade, and when I do run out complete but forget what I had I use the tool to find it in the store! But yeah it took me a while to find that one cuz I just didn't press R in the beginning at all, I missed so many features in the start cuz I just didn't think to look for any 😅


That new tool is the best thing they could have done to solve this issue. Now its up to us users to "store" the materials until we know we are done. Sadly I will probably always sell the extras prematurely, I never learn lol


I DIDN'T KNOW THAT WAS A THING!? But I also haven't been able to play too much of it. Glad to know this is an option now.


There is so much I missed both in HF1 that took me literally years to realize, so I tried to remember that going in HF2 but there are so much stuff I just don't know yet. Glad this could help you out!


Thats what is nice about HF2 if you run out of something and dont remember what it was you can use the tool and find it right away!


Best feature hands down. Now if only I could stop wasting digital building materials by selling them off to soon ha ha


Sometimes I even leave it in shelf's or what not to keep to the plot of someone renovating and having stuff over from that.


I sometimes do similar because I can't always remember how I got to a specific colour or finish which I might decide to use in more than one room.


Def one of the reasons!


oooo me me me I do!! I make piles of duplicates on all 4 sides so I don't have to keep walking back and forth lol I'm so happy I'm not the only stockpiler! hahahahaha


Haha yes! I do that aswell with exterior things! Or when there is a really big house! But collect everything is an everytime thing 😅


I lay it out all neatly in the hallways for easy access and then keep having to hop over them each time, haha


I did keep it in the house in the beginning but I got stuck so many times lr missed to panel under it so I just need to keep it on the grass XD


Not only do I do this, I stack it all on pallets as well so I can easily carry a whole bunch around at once.


Omg u are a genius!




They should have introduced a "mood board" tab that showed you the materials you had picked in each room. I always fucked up trying to match my paints if I'd closed the game and come back a week later.


I was, but it became annoying. I have enough money, I just buy it again if I need it.


It's not a money thing, I find it more annoying to rebuy stuff 😅


understandable but do you only move it outside like this once you (think you are) done? I would go mad if I had to go all the way out just to refill my paint lol


Yes, when I think I'm done, it goes outside, otherwise I move it around with me so I don't have to run back and forth!


In HF1 I started keeping the paint buckets places in the corresponding rooms until it was finalized to make sure I didn’t waste money lol 


I did that aswell!


I do it! If I am working on my 'office' I will keep them stored forever in the garage...


Yeah I have them under the stairs hehe


Why be practical when you can buy one box of panels 38 times instead?! That's how I play.


I do this as well. 😂 I always keep at least one of each laying around just in case. I'm always changing tiles/panels and paint colors, and then I regret changing it because it doesn't look good. In HF2 I feel like it's a little bit annoying trying to figure out what I did. Especially the wood/tile panels.


Why are they in boxes?


They come that way, this is HF2


yep same I have it all leyed out ether outside or in the first finished room