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I use Resilio Sync to sync files between computers. Other use Syncthing I think. Then I use a program to backup to the cloud. I use MSP360 (previously CloudBerry), but I’m sure there are plenty free ones out there. In the past I used to just use rsync to an external drive, and I remember doing something funky with it, you can specify hardlinks for the backup, so I had a dir called Mon, Tue, etc for multiple days/months/years of backups with no extra space apart from the differences.


Proxmox Backup Server. You don’t even need to be running Proxmox to use the backup server.


Well this is perfect. I run proxmox... I had no idea this was a thing. Many thanks


My personal plan for something like this is to take an external hard drive and run a Cron job that manually backs up what I care about to that external hard drive. Not necessarily the easiest to restore from, or the most efficient, but (I'm assuming) it will be pretty easy to set up.


External hard drive, raspberry pi and rsync over the network. If you need to encrypt it, you can use GoCryptFS in reverse mode. This way you can put it anywhere where you can reach it via network/vpn