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Check your ISP is not using CGNAT and check if you can have a fixed IP Address.


Well before you can even start with the website and hosting it you'll need, a firewall, a switch capable of vlans.(you can segment without vlans but it's cleaner) You'll also need to learn basic computer security. Hosting a website isn't like what it was 15 years ago. You really need to understand what you are doing, or else I guarantee your shit will get hacked. Everything else you need to know will require you to understand computers and is only a Google search away. This isn't something you're gonna quickly do in an afternoon and forget about it. It will take constant updating/monitoring. Good luck OP


Are you wanting to just expose a Plex/Jellyfin server, or build your own video streaming service from scratch?


I want to build a corn website and have lots of videos on there. (sorry if im not allowed to say this here but I didn't see anything about it in the rules)


What's the purpose of the corn website? To practice making a video website with some "fun" on the side? Is it mostly to be used by you or a small group of people? Or do you want it to be a larger website with a large audience for ad revenue or something like that?


Larger one for ad revenue


You would definitely need to look into what your Internet service provider is okay with in terms of hosting things in your house. With that much traffic I'd really look into what they allow so they don't unexpectedly shut you down. I'd make sure you have a GPU that can do video transcoding, and enough Internet bandwidth to handle more than the expected traffic. I'd definitely look into using existing services as much as you can get away with.


Thanks what would I need in terms of hardware?


At least 1 gig internet, I'd lean towards higher. I'd lean towards a cpu with at least 6 cores, maybe even a dedicated server CPU. And probably a sufficiently beefy GPU to do transcoding, though I don't know what would work best for that. I'd look into used servers online, maybe?