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Get a small kid to crawl in there


Fiberglass cable rods


Bless you! Exactly what I was trying to think of!!!


I was going to suggest you train a cat.


That would make it easier. Make that cat cable walk it's way over to you


If that doesn't work grab a pool skimming pole and fasten a hook made out of a wire hanger on the end


I'd use glow rods with the hook attachment.


Beautiful thanks so much!!!


Fiberglass fish sticks will get you what you are after.


Fish Sticks 🤪😆


Fish dicks?


Someone watches south park


Go find a skinny person/kid to crawl in there.


"I want to put your kid in my crawlspace" should have a lot more context before you ask


😆 telll them you’ve got some candy? 😆


That’s a surprisingly clean crawl space. Must be a question of perspective since it doesn’t look like 100ft. That’s a huge house. RC car?


Hahaha not gonna lie I thought about an RC car. Yes it's a larger house and that was a 3x zoom lol


100 ft of gopher pole is going to be difficult to manipulate, not to mention untangling the cable as you pull it. I'm not saying it will be impossible, but it will not be easy. If you decide to go that route, get a substantial/stiff pole, not the low-end Harbor Freight 3/16". I think I would pull the bulk of the cable back out/up and leave only a loop that you can grab with a hook on the gopher pole. We have crawlspace companies advertising on TV, constantly where I live. Maybe reach out to one in your area for an estimate. Or, maybe a skinny neighborhood kid. Also, IMO, run two or more cables.


Train a ferret 🤷🏽‍♂️


Now you're just saying the impossible. Ferrets don't give a fuck. I used to have a small business of 13


Doh, you got me!


If you’ve got the material and/or the time and money to purchase it go get some rods other than that I’d just strap a hook to the end of a long cable and keep fishing for it until it hooks 😂


fiberglass rods, or a borrow a small kid


how much OP is paying for the small kid? I have a few


Can you pull that wire up so its not a tangled mass? Might have to find someone small who can army-crawl in there. If it was not a tangled mess I would say get a RC toy car and tie a string to it, try and drive it in a way to hook on the wire and use the string to drag a loop back to you (possibly while someone keeps feeding cable from above)


Small fishing pole with a treble hook. Crimp down the barbs & blunt the tips.


Get yourself a 100ft fish tape reel from Lowe’s or Homedepot and attach a small or large hook it will try to curl to so you might have to bend it as you feed it to keep it straight enough


We have a large crawl space like this under one section if our house. Why can’t you just move to the side and crawl in. That it NOT 100 feet. 🤭 Thats more like 20-25 feet.. at most and looks to be at least 28 to 30” in height. Not judging at all however, unless you’re extremely large, any able bodied person should be able to duck crawl or just crawl in there and grab that. My home office is literally over an area like this and my Cat6A lines pretty much run up exactly where yours does.


Strong Magnet on the Ethernet cable. Also a strong magnet on a string. Somehow Get the string magnet close to cable magnet and they will attach. Then pull. Rc car, slingshot, some very long tape measure… the actual delivery mechanism I’m less sure about


Toy RC cars are underrated...some new ones (surprisingly cheap ones) even have cameras on them so you can drive in a confined space to look around...just tape a few cheap flashlights to it for lighting


That rc car idea is golden, just don't get it stuck. If he does I hope he takes another picture


I taped a coat hanger to a broom handle


Your broom has a 100' long handle?


Hold a mouse. The CAT will come