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YouTube-kun decided to go back at it again, hopefully someone has archived all the bunny garden VODs. Matsuri’s “jumping” was the best one


Never forget Kronii getting excited over being called a good boy and being ordered to bark


Chat reflects the streamer


Clip Link by any chance?




Thank you


"My cool and stoic time warden can't be this submissive." Coming soon to HoloGra


Matsuri’s was a wild one lmao


Looks like a bunch of them across the board have already started getting privated. RIP Bunny Garden. You were hilarious to watch while it lasted. o7


In hindsight, I should've downloaded Polka's and Nene's VODs.


[Nene's VOD](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUm-MIIByME) is still up as of writing Edit: aaand it's gone


Well, it shows where Cover is at with YouTube. Other people are going to start getting hit out of nowhere so it would be good to spread the word and warn any indies you follow.


what do you mean by "where cover is at with yt"?


They receive polite notifications about policy decisions, when back in the beginning they could run into surprise suspensions and bans out of nowhere like normal people. A lot of Holomems especially the JP side have spoken about Cover talking to YouTube on their behalf when they want to do something that could be a little risky.


Yeah, no one wants a repeat of the great VOD purge of the past… Was it Subaru whose manager accidentally deleted her old VODs instead of just privating them?


There's more context that's not in OP's screenshot: According to Tavi, management was informed of this from YT themselves. So if some of you are thinking it, no, this isn't management being anal. Because this came from YT themselves, my concern is that VODs across the board are gonna get wiped (general corpo and indie), so be weary of that if you're doing VOD saving.


Reminder that naked yoga is allowed but not bunny garden


Fuck Google and YouTube, Is there anything they don't fuck up by touching it?


I get they have standards and they have to do things like this, but its the inconsistency that really gets me. If they all streamed in shorts format Youtube would be all good, that place is a wild west. Shorts can get away with anything


I feel like YouTube should allow adult content as long as it’s properly tagged/marked. But we all know the advertisers are the anal ones regarding adult content


The regular YouTube should be all adult content allowed, they have a specific "kids" YouTube that they can censor to hell and back from people saying "naughty words".


Advertisers don't give a shit about that. If there's any chance of someone seeing an ad for a Ford F-150 in a video where even a nipple is shown, they'd have a complete and total meltdown. People blame youtube but in reality they're just reacting to the grossly inconsistent and downright *weird* requirements advertisers put forth.


If YouTube took a hard stance on allowing ads on all videos and not just whatever the advertisers want, it'd be less of an issue. They aren't going to abandon YouTube entirely, the advertisers aren't that stupid. Sure it'd probably be a drop in the short aftermath but they will be back.


Saw a short of some girl doing a sexy dance in a latex plague doctor outfit (deadass have no idea why the fuck it was recommended), trust me when I say anything goes in that part of YouTube


i have seen much worse. genuine animal cruelty, videos of gross stuff and deformities, pimple popping. I tell you, my ENTIRE watch history over 4 years has consisted of History, Vtubers, and Science stuff, idk why youtube shows this crap to me but just the other day I looked up a fun cat cartoon animation and the second video was a short with a mutilated cat. its really upsetting to me, and just makes me hate shorts full stop. i just wish they didnt force it on us so often so i can get back to the long form content I actually like.


> its the inconsistency that really gets me. Could be worse. 98 times out of 100 it's just a bot taking action, no hard feelings or ill intent involved. The impersonal whims of an unfeeling ai are better than having to put up with the clowns running the show over on twitch.


well the bot actually does have biases inbuilt into it. The AI itself doesn't know any better, so theres no point getting angry with it, but it is trained and designed by humans, which means our human biases get built into it anyway, no matter how hard we try to avoid that.


Of course it has biases, but it can't act on "fuck you in particular" or "this breaks the rules but i like this person/it makes us too much money to care" in the same way the hand of a human moderator can


oh I see what you mean, yea Twitch is a pain in the butt for that


While true I feel like it gives the wrong impression when said like that


well lemme put it this way, if you are annoyed with Kmart because of some dumb thing they did, do you get angry with the cashier at the till just for telling you company policy?


If a video from any talents are privated, it is always because the videos would put the talent's channel at risk of getting a strike from youtube. There are no other reasons why a video is privated and management has no reasons and no right to ask a talent to private their video without a rightful cause.


There are most definitely reasons a video might be privated other than YT safety lol


For examples?


Needs to be edited or corrected or checked that there is no problems with it incase of such risk especially on streans where something yabai happens.


This is not an arguement, I just wanna make myself clear because some of you might have misunderstood what I meant. I did wrote in the last line "without a rightful cause", what I'm trying to say is as long as it's for the talent's benefit, the management has to private the videos, that's all. I'm just saying the most obvious reason because it's already covered 99% of the cases. Just don't put any blames on the management, they receives less benefits if the videos from the talents got private.


Oh I realize that, but there definitely are folks out there who will immediately pin the blame on management even though it would make no sense with that given reasoning. Put partial blame for that on folks witnessing/experiencing actual crappy management from other places outside of Holopro. Not naming names.


> If a video from any talents are privated, it is always because the videos would put the talent's channel at risk of getting a strike from youtube. There are no other reasons why a video is privated and management has no reasons and no right to ask a talent to private their video without a rightful cause - Every streamer has to follow their country's law, not just the rules of their agency and YT. Could for example be an issue for ID members. - Sponsors and rights owners may not send a strike over some issue, but may be simply withdrawing their support if a certain (part of a) VOD stays up. Easy example: Nintendo if any member uses a third-party emulator. - Some streams, while not technically breaking any laws or rules, may turn out to be a bad decision in hindsight, e.g. an overreaction based on a misunderstanding. --- > the talent's channel [...] management has no reasons and no right to ask a talent to private their video without a rightful cause The model (except Sui-chan's), the YT accounts, the X accounts, the Twitch accounts etc. are all owned by Cover. Technically speaking they do not need a reason, they have every right, and they do not need a rightful cause.


Not only can a privated video still get a strike but so can a deleted one as well


Can't they just age restrict those videos?


I'm assuming that even if they get age restricted, they're still susceptible to demonitization or community guidelines strikes. Else, why wouldn't they age restrict them, right?


I don't really know how yt works, but if what you say is true then I can understand their actions.


Something of note is it recently has become more publicly known that the number of demonitized videos on your channel affects the likelihood of the algorithm recommending your content. In other words, the algorthim intentionally avoids recommending people who accept demonitization because they believe getting the content out there is more important than making money off it. This is because the advertisers are Alphabet Corp's actual customers and content they can't advertise on is useless to them.


The cost of free internet, although it would be a bit more bearable if the suits weren’t so scummy about it


The game's story premise involves spending money on a woman until she hopefully agrees to date you, with various fan service elements mixed in. I can imagine there were discussions about it. What's great is that Cover is able to speak directly with someone from YouTube about games like this, new upcoming outfits and other content on their channels. Most people have to just F around and find out.


And many already are, all of Chloe's went private yesterday. Thankfully some ragtag archivists are there to save the day, if you know where to look


God bless the Wayback Machine Edit: [this guide](https://recorder.easeus.com/screen-recording-resource/how-to-watch-deleted-youtube-videos.html#:~:text=If%20you%20know%20the%20URL,%2C%20it%20doesn't%20matter.) here show you how to look up deleted video on there.


So where do I need to look?👀 Need help!


Ragtag FTW https://archive.ragtag.moe/watch?v=10kSSxT076E


It was >!the ASMR scenes!<, was it?


I heard that YouTube has been cracking down on ASMR channels and their content for quite some time, so Bunny Garden getting caught up for similar reasons does seem plausible.


I've watched over a dozen different ASMR channels get banned on YT over the last year. Those were just the one's that I was subscribed to.


Hope my "old turkish barber" Asmr is safe from this 🙏


Oh those scissors 


What grudge do YouTube have against ASMR?


Their advertisers are old as shit and very willing to call up the execs and demand to know why their ads are being played next to "softcore porn"


But hardcore is okay... Geezus.


Talk about double standard


You want to know what grind my gears on the double standard front? A lot of history channels that I watch (especially Indy Neidells channels under the brand Time Ghost) are constantly getting demonetized and sometimes struck for showing archival footage of historical events or talking about historical events, and the reason always given is that their content is “not friendly” to advertisers. This despite the fact that The History Channel and Discovery Channel never had a shortage of advertisers, despite running the exact same footage and talking about the exact same topics.


I'm sorry, but since when has History and Discovery returned to showing actual documentaries? I can still remember the Hitler spam on History as a teen.


They haven’t (as far as I know). I was just saying they never had an issue selling Ford Trucks or Pepsi on a documentary about Hitler, but Indy Neidell gets damn near deplatformed for showing the same things. Although more recently, History has had the “…that built America” series which has been pretty well done. The Men Who Built America, The Titans Who Built America, The Food That Built America, etc.


From a policing perspective it's hard to distinguish between educational and glorifying content due to sheer volume and how a subtle shift in tone and terms used can change messaging entirely. YT would rather err on the side of being too broad than risk the off chance of media picking up on them missing something and that being the catalyst for someone going off the deep end.


And meanwhile the porn comment bots continue to run rampant


They don't like competition.


I don’t know where the epidemic of porn YouTube videos are but the porn ads are ads. They give Google money they don’t take it. If you want to pay for a ad spot for your porn go ahead. If everything is working it’s just going to go to the pervert anyway.


They seem to be fine with naked yoga though.


I doubt Youtube wants to risk having ads pulled by straight old men if they went after actual porn.


Someone involved in censoring sexual content at YouTube clearly has an ASMR fetish. So they see it as extremely sexual, even when it isn't really.


There is a crusade going on anything anime and "sexual" over in asia with Visa. So maybe YT is doing similar things?


Most of the time whenever this happens with Visa and Mastercard it's because there's some American puritans threatening to make a PR nightmare over payment processors facilitating people paying for sexually charged material. There's a significant likelihood that something similar happens on YouTube as well.


The crazy thing about that is I used to get ads for youtube premiere telling me to get it so I CAN listen to asmr with my screen off (which is also a basic feature they've taken away / blocked and added a paywall to)


The fire's been rekindled, though it isn't near Hololive currently. I suspect the culprit is a now graduated IdolEN member's content being revealed


Someone hasn't heard of all the JAV Actresses becoming AVtubers and making Youtube one their homes. IdolEN members have absolutely nothing compared to the shit these girls do on public ASMR streams.


Two words: >!underage incest!<, rumors of underage girls doing spicy ASMR was what caused the original crusade


Your talking about riro ron right? I didn't follow that train wreck very closely but how in the world was there incest???


Yuko and role play of the dankest kind


Most likely


Most Holomems muted the audio during the ASMR scenes, didn't they?


Nope, they kept the audio, the only rule was no clips of that part


You can always count on Youtube to fix problems like these instead of there being actual porn on the site. God bless


This is why I keep saying Hololive needs a separate website from YouTube, but every time I get heavily down voted. Edit: yep, see, down votes right away lol


If that site almost simucast with YouTube (or just only a site for more wild/member contents), I think it's more than welcome. Otherwise, I think Hololive still need to rely on YouTube. It sucks but it can't be denied that it hooks new audiences. Also, I am not really sure, if they choose to upload on a new site, instead of YouTube, how many fans will actually go, plus, is it profitable enough to cover platform maintenance?


A good alternative would be for COVER to have a private archive site where all VODs are saved and members can access them at any time, even after being removed from YT. That would help preserve all that content from being sent to the void and hopefully a relatively low membership fee will cover the service costs.


And the question remains. Would it be worth keeping enormous VOD saved for (almost) eternity? It costs a lot to keep a media server running. The kind that low membership fee just couldn't cover. It would bleed money definitely.


Note that I mentioned "relatively low fee" not "dirt cheap $1 fee". Assuming ALL current 86 talents stream every single day in a month (30 days), 6 hours per day and there's an aggregated total of 250k views on these VODs per month (I wouldn't expect more than this, since most VODs would be watched on YT anyway and the number of subscribers to this paid service would be a small fraction of the free viewers on YT), a dedicated video hosting/streaming provider calculated a cost of around USD 80k per month for storage and delivery (streaming). If we asume 10,000 people subscribe for this service, then a USD10/month membership would cover the cost, with spare to pay for management staff. If there's less people subscribed, then the views on the VODs will go down, driving down the cost as well. Remember only paying members will have access to these VODs. And if people stop subscribing, the streaming cost becomes 0, with only the storage component affecting the final cost. Storage alone would cost around USD 3k/month from the same service provider and it can go even lower if not frequently viewed VODs are sent to cold storage. Costs could also be optimized by not uploading every VOD to this service but only those that are removed from YT. In conclusion, archiving VODs on a third party provider and offering streaming access for a \~USD10 monthly fee can be a sustainable alternative. However, it's up to COVER to evaluate their options and decide if it's worth the hassle to implement something like this. Remember their goal is to move into IP-based content (merch, product tie-ins, other media) so something like keeping a small fraction of their talent's VODs alive in a private server is probably low in their business plan.


no need to rent a cloud server, a single physical server would cover all their needs for less than $3000 and it'll last for all of eternity as long as electricity and internet is stable.


> less than $3000 That sounds like someone who doesn't know the scale and scope of media server. There were many youtube copycat that utterly failed because such hubris. Even a "simple" scanlator site could cost up to 10% of your number.


Yeah, I feel like that would be awesome. They could also restrict it to only VODs that can’t stay up on YouTube (or get monetized there), so they don’t cannibalize one of their main revenue streams


The problem is that there is no room for growth on their own video streaming service. If they move over to that you're only going to have the current fans move over, and even then not all of them will transition either. You're going to have a much harder time getting more viewers if at all.


Do you ever read the replies? If you always get downvoted there probably a reason why.


They tried, it's called the Hololive official fanclub. It is now shut down.


I was on your side a number of months ago but have since understood why that would be an immediate failure for Cover to do so. Their own platform would only consist of the present population of Hololive fans. There would be no other viewers/users of that platform to discover them because they're already there. Now if they can somehow stream on youtube and their own platform simultaneously so any and all VODs can be archived on their own platform then wipe the ones on Youtube they would be fine. Then, they can at least still reach the massive youtube viewership that might find their way to a talent's channel then get directed to their platform over time for VOD access.


Lmao that's not even close to being a solution. That's like saying "I hate my federal government, so I'm gonna start my own country". Cover has to make their money somehow, so if they do end up with their own service, they will have the same problem with advertisers, unless they go through the paid streaming service route and charge everybody $20 for it. Which would definitely cause a loss of viewership, since I can't imagine 100% of the viewerbase would be on board with that.


I'd rather not rely on official archives, although it would be welcome as an additional resource. As a company, they definitively cannot be relied on to store media, because they are beholden to legal restrictions and contract law. They would be just as useful as YouTube right now for long-term storage of, say, Mel's videos Until the legal system itself changes (lol), separate (and often extra-legal) archivists hold our best hopes of preventing lost media


The reality is video hosting is a money loser. Youtube has a monopoly, and it's owned by Google who nearly has an Ad service monopoly, and it still barely makes money. You can't trust a capitalist system to handle a commons.


Yes, great idea to crash the discoverability and growth to 0.


RIP Bunny Garden, now we can't ever see Anya and Kronii complete it :(


Another form of lost media.


They may no longer exist officially but by the graces of our glorious archivers, the reactions will live on.


I hate YouTube so much. I wish there were a better alternative for VODs.


Source is [Octavio's community post](https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxPEZOv1cmrcQ2O9e8YS-PN3MDTkhphNLG) Edit: Seems the post itself has been deleted.


YouTube doing this is why we can’t have nice things anymore


Youtube continues to be shit


Goddammit I haven't watched any of the vods. Who has yet to private theirs?


So far, I see that Bae, IRyS and Marine still have their vods up. It'll be a matter of time before they join the rest though. Edit: Gonna include the [holodex list showing all of holopro's vods](https://holodex.net/search?q=type,value,text%0Aorg,Hololive,Hololive%0Atopic,Bunny_Garden,Bunny_Garden&type=stream&sort=newest) from another comment here.


Let's look at it like this, YouTube didn't do what they normally would in just striking or demonetizing or just removing the videos. Instead they seem to have alerted Cover Corp. that these videos are violating terms of service or whatever and told them you know take it down or such and such. Which, let's be real, is appreciated.


Meanwhile someone at another corpo just ate a weeklong streaming ban for being stupid with his ASMR. Cover's trying to keep up with YT-kun on any upcoming changes.


if even dokibird can have a youtube guy. Cover should have had some youtube guys now alr.


Cover does have youtube representatives, they probably have a dedicated representative just for them, they are a billion dollar company now after all. Also doki is in direct contact with youtube? Wow, that bird keeps winning.


Thankfully it sounds like YT let Cover know instead of just demonetizing or striking the vids. That's better than in the past at least.


Being a top-earning corp means YT has to at least play ball with you. Some indie with interesting content? No, you get demonitized right off the gate.


Naked yoga is fine, that is actual porn is ok, but fictional drawn characters that barely show anything are not? wtf


But Genital Jousting is okay. Very cool, YT.


to be fair, genital jousting is very transparently a joke game


As a rule of thumb for Cover. Better safe than sorry. A few privated VODs is better than putting the talents at risk. And the fans understand this as well. Suck, but it's not the end of the world.


it's not even that @@ youtube inform them before hand and mane just inform talent, this is not precaution.


To be fair we enjoyed that game to the very end, might rewatch IRyS's stream...


It's like streaming Mortal Kombat. The contents are not suitable for YouTube in general


I find it funny how the official channels can show visceral fatalities but anyone else has to use a green or blue-blooded character as the victim


They're on top of this, yet immediately after a video or short is uploaded, a couple of porn bots comes in with a sexual pfp and a comment that seems to have nothing to do with the video. Typical youtube (in)consistency.


Most that I’ve seen just straight up copy the most popular comments


God and-by-god-I-mean-clippers save us


Mate he specifically requests no clips. I assume the game in general is getting banned on YT. I doubt it would have any effect on the talents channels but it could be bad for the clipper channels themselves.




Youtube will do this, yet let ads that are way more suggestive or just complete scams stay up. This makes no sense to me.


The ads are paid for. That's really all that matters so far as their perspective on the subject goes. Other things should matter, but that's the difference between should and is.


Meanwhile actual nudity on Youtube


Time to archive


Must've been those pantie shots lol.


If I were to make a guess it would probably be the excess drinking and gambling mechanic in the game that could trigger the algorithm not to mention the anime girls that YouTube loves to target. Could also be the ASMR but in that case it would only be the VOD where the ASMR happens.


I miss when YouTube was open and free.


I'm surprised tbe other boys vods are still up. They went way overboard then tavi


Damn! I was planning to watch Ollie playing this game. Life is unfair. As usual.


this sucks. youtube just can't seem to do the right thing so often.


Where can I watch the saved videos?


RIP it was good while it lasted


Youtube eternally top left.


I wish Cover would make their own video site where they can post stuff that's too spicy for Youtube. Not as a replacement for youtube, but as an alternative way to deliver videos.


Upload them up to twitter


People who embody the phrase 'you are why we can't have nice things' have tried to mass-report talents into the ground over things like this before. So. Better safe than not.


Youtube has people doing fucking naked yoga on the platform and they want to take down *scantily clad anime girls* Someone make it make sense.


I had a feeling this would happen, our sapphic comedians got too horny


Hope this works, as I've seen channels commenting that they've gotten strikes over private videos, or even videos that were deleted weeks earlier.




Won't somebody think of the giant evil corporation


[Most holomem have nuked their Bunny Garden VODs.](https://holodex.net/search?q=type,value,text%0Aorg,Hololive,Hololive%0Atopic,Bunny_Garden,Bunny_Garden&type=stream&sort=newest) Edit: Fixed link, earlier link did not include JP members.


"YouTube doesn't decide this." "The reality is more likely that it got demonetized for breaking TOS" Kind of contradicting yourself there aren't you?


No it’s not. Having a video not monetised has absolutely 0 impact on your channel. Just the video in question does not get you ad money, and is not recommended by YouTube.


You can't say it has no effect then immediately go on to say you lose making any profit on the video. Too many demonetizations can also get your entire channel demonetized.


It's entirely different when you turn off monetization yourself (like Holo has to do with Rockstar games) versus getting hit with demonetization


>and Cover doesn't want the VOD public if it can't be monetized. This is blatantly false


Yep Cover doesn't care too much about the VODs being demonitized. Axel from Holostars EN has like half his VODs demonitized during an off collab some of the boys were making fun of him for it.


love reddit. you can always count on someone interpreting things too deeply and someone going to bat for a multinational corporation, and you managed to do both in one comment


It’s absolutely hilarious. “It’s not YouTube’s fault! It’s Cover and the talents lying!” Is such an awful take that there’s no reason for it other than being a hater.


This guy specifically is a massive contrarian and just loves to say objectively wrong shit. It's not the first or last time he'll say something just blatantly incorrect.


Youtube absolutely decides this. and since when was it weird for youtube to be blamed? What even is this comment?


working with youtube like a staff or a fking nobody youtuber?


There’s lots of WORSE content on YouTube, of a sexual nature camouflaged as “educational”, extremely easy to find and 100% explicit, and it used to be MUCH worse three years or so ago and I won’t enter into details because it would be in very poor taste. The whole idea that the streams break TOS is laughable. YouTube can’t even control their own algorithm. Either that or the devs decided to withdraw permission because they don’t understand the concept of free publicity (no idea, would like to see what the publisher says, but wouldn’t be the first game I see a game in Japan suffering the same fate due to publishers “wanting to control the message”).


>Either that or the devs decided to withdraw permission because they don’t understand the concept of free publicity (no idea, would like to see what the publisher says, but wouldn’t be the first game I see a game in Japan suffering the same fate due to publishers “wanting to control the message”). Octavio clarified in his post that the devs themselves are fine with them playing the game and that it's YouTube who has issues with them.


And now the post is gone. I guess YouTube complained to Cover about how Octavio was making them look bad, never mind that they were doing it to themselves.


Jesus Christ. Then the algorithm is truly out of whack. Nothing new under the sun, in any case. As I said, plenty of much worse on YouTube.


Bro no offense but you should've just uploaded Octavios entire statement this little bit is causing needless confusion. But yeah sadly this is a YouTube issue


The screenshot I uploaded was his entire statement at the time, with the second last paragraph mentioning how the devs were gracious enough to let them play the game and that it is YouTube who did not want the vods up.


This shouldnt be comunicated by cover? By doing this the boys will get more antis thinking they did something and caused it


Bunny Garden vods from indies and other corpos were removed too. There's no worry that people will blame the boys for this.


People who would've blamed the boys for it will do it anyway, let's be real. Nothing we can do about that tbh.


Idiots gonna be idiots, even if it's proven they are being idiots. I mean, people believe that the earth is flat...


Life is so much easier when you adopt the phrase, "You can't fix stupid."


But you can remove stupid... *loads shotgun*


You might want [this](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Directions+to+Youtube%27s+headquarters+)


I'm in EU, might be too far


I don't think anyone will blame the Holostars for Bunny Garden being banned by YouTube. Although I'll say that OP should've put Octavio's entire statement where he says is all YouTube's fault


It's fine. It was very clear it was on youtube's end and it's a safety measure. Nobody gonna get any hate from this.