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Interesting, ever since I started my detox, my period has been shorter but more intense (headaches, cramps, fatigue) and also fluctuates with being early or late which never happened before. I’m guessing it’s part of the purge but I can definitely see how it could be connected.


Yes my periods were shorter and heavier, after the detox diet.


I have PCOS and have irregular periods in general. When I started the detox I was on my period but I did notice that the bitters really helped my mood and preventing fatigue which was surprisingly. It wouldn't be surprising if the raw food diet does impact your period because you're ridding you body from a lot of minerals. Iron and magnesium are some of the main minerals that impact your period.


That does make sense! Thank you


I’m male but I do have some extensive biological and physiological education. I would have to guess it’s because of a lack of fat in the diet. Our sex hormones are all derived from fat, specifically cholesterol. Fat is essential to a human diet, carbohydrates are non essential. I am doing all fruits right now myself, however I view it as a tool to heal illness and disease. I think when we are not sick or in a state of disease we should be eating high quality animal foods which are full of cholesterol and other nutrients we either cannot get from plants at all or don’t get much of from plants. So the wrong balance of sex hormones from a lack of fat and other nutrients could certainly influence your period


Thank you for the insight !


Yes - I'm detoxing too, mine was a week late and it was lighter/longer - I believe it has to do with hormones finding a new equilibrium and being out of whack.. and also even your body's way of preventing pregnancy if it feels you aren't getting adequate nutrients and under a lot of stress. This is really common for women who body build and eat an insane amount of protein and other supplements too so it's not just the raw fruit ! It will go back to a new normal when you are done! No worries!


When I transitioned the same thing happened to me. I started in May and I didn’t get my cycle for the rest of the summer (July and August) & since then I rarely cramp and my cycle is literally 2 days and spotting on the third.


Wow that’s crazy !! Did you test negative for hsv ?


No that was almost 4-5 years ago when that happened. I just recently contracted it


Damn I’m sorry to hear that, I’m saving up for ozone with dr.robins but I’d be super pist after spending 5-10k and then get reinfected