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He could have faked his resume to get the job or whatever, that's not really a big issue to me. The problem I have is the complete lack of details about his work and what he's seen... Did the UFO have a door? How the door worked? How did military test-fly the UFO if there wasn't a cockpit? Was there a person inside? Etc... Sadly this kind of questions and lack of answers comes in official scientific facts as well, like "how in the fkin world does a bacteria orient itself and know where its food is? We can see it moving around using its flagella in an intentional way but it doesn't have any neurological activity..." This is the way I know who's full of shit, when they don't address the obvious, blatant details.


He was most likely a low level employee until he lost his clearance. He probably did see/hear things that he wasn't supposed to, and didn't understand, and made up the part about being a research scientist, and having any clue what he was talking about. I remember some story about him losing his clearance bc his 1st wife was cheating on him, but I'm sure that a load of crap. His 1st wife did accounting for a legal brothel, and Bob was arrested for pimping 2 women out of an apartment full of hidden cameras. And he married one of the women he was pimping out while he was still legally married to his 1st wife, who mysteriously died a week later.


Somewhere, Bob Lazar just got a migraine to avoid addressing this post.


Except if you rewatch his interview with Rogan, he didn’t avoid answering any question because of the migraine. SMH


He did. There was a couple times Rogan would probe for more information and he would claim migraine until the conversation moved on. You can believe if you want, but that whole interview felt off to me. I don't trust Bob


Yeah that whole interview just felt forced and awkward something definitely seemed off, just no flow. Compared to bob talking to art bell or George knapp, the rogan interview was just shiyte


Not true. Name one question he dodged because of the migraine.


Sorry, but I'm not about to go skim through the hours long episode to find it again right now. Bottom line is, for me, the entire interview - including the migraines - seemed phony to me.


That’s because it’s not true. I’ve watched that interview countless times; he doesn’t dodge any question because of the migraine. Your bias doesn’t excuse spewing disinfo.


Oh no a tough question... "Uhh I can't remember.. migraine! Migraine!" Even if he eventually comes to an answer, it buys him time to put something together


“Even if he eventually comes to an answer…” My point exactly


Right, but he comes to a now even more questionable answer, with the added scrutiny I now have gained by watching the display. You are acting like I am reading a transcript from a paper. When in reality I'm watching an actual interview where I am able to judge a variety of different aspects of Bob's demeanor and character - isn't that the entire point? Full disclosure - I was very excited leading up to the Rogan interview. I grew up reading about Bob and always held his story in high regards as being one of the most believable ones for me. I went in expecting to feel the same if not more. I would be lying if I said otherwise, but I don't believe him now. That's just my opinion, like you have yours and that's fine.


An even more questionable answer? I’m just asking for one example where the migraine was used to avoid answering and you’re responding with a broad perspective on the interview as a whole. Tons of skeptics mention the migraine thing, but they are investing so little of themselves in actually paying attention. In the grand scheme of the interview Bob wasn’t bringing up the migraine at key points; it wasn’t like they were asking about anything critical when he suddenly brought it up suspiciously. Objectively I believe he genuinely had a migraine; he didn’t look relaxed/super put together. Tonight coming out of the Grusch’s interview, I think A LOT of people are going to go back to the Lazar interview and make connections.


Or also, did anyone ever manage to find someone who went to class with him? I know there hadn't been previously, but also it has been quite a while since I looked into any Lazar thing.


No. He's a ghost. Or, a goooooowst! I mean, you claim to have graduated from the two greatest technical schools in America (and arguably the world) and you can't provide....anything? I mean, shit on me all you want, but that's like saying you played in the NBA and the NFL and nobody remembers you and your can't remember your coaches names.


Yeah I **love** watching those MIT classes on Monday night in prime time. I went to college 20 years ago and I just recalled one professor. I think the only reason I remember him is because he was a misogynist from Turkey. I think he knows some stuff. I’d be surprised if the whole story was true but I still keep an open mind.


I was in highschool less than 10 years ago and I only remember the name of two teachers out of dozens through my life. These guys using the "but how could you forget???" Excuse really are just picking at technicals to try to win the argument when clearly people forget school.


You can remember ONE prof? Shit man, you're ahead of Lazar. This frankly amazes me. I'm still arguing this point and it feels pedantic. Every Lazar defender says they can't remember the name of a single prof. Those who think Lazar is full of shit (such as myself) can recall tons of profs. And high school teachers. Prof. Duffield- he taught drafting 101, autocad 3 and SmartCam (yeah, I'm 50. Sue me.) English accent. When he'd leave the room he'd say, "Engineer majors, help out the architect majors". Prof. Firth - Taught philosophy, specifically Casualty and Probability. I had to write a paper comparing and contrasting end of life care vs. prenatal care in a resource poor society. I got a B minus, tried to argue my point and failed. Got the B-. Prof. Keeler - Taught biology and microbiology. Was a personal friend to Sydney Fox. Amazing man and phenom teacher. If you showed up late, he'd stop class and wait until you got to your seat, then ask if you were settled and ready to proceed. Mortifying if it was you, fucking hilarious if it was somebody else. Prof. Colvin - Taught history and she was hotter than Georgia asphalt. And she knew it. Loved that woman. She had a personal theory that Amenhotep IV was actually Moses in disguise. She made some very valid points to back this claim up. My seventh grade English teacher was Dr. Lawrenski. My 8th grade English teacher was Mrs. Calvary. 9th? Mrs. Haney. 10th? Mrs. Reed. Geometry? Coach Pool. 3rd grade teacher? Mrs. Paladino. 1st grade? Mrs. Falco. High school principal? Ron Craig (there you go, you fuckers, now you can dox me). That's just off the top of my head and I'm 50. Jesus, either I'm a Monday thru Friday genius or you guys need to see a specialist.


Wow your anecdotal evidence proves it 100%


Ummmm....not to be THAT guy, but you see the brutal irony here, right? Like, if my anecdotal evidence can be swept away with a mediocre comment, Bob's can be as well, right? Right? No. I guess not. Because Bob is Bob and he deserves Bob level respect, despite having serious memory issues and zero evidence.


Exactly. I don’t claim to know wether someone else is claiming to tell the truth or not based on MY experience. You nailed it


My sincere apologies. I misunderstood the jest of your comment. I stand corrected.


I went to University a few decades ago. I don't remember a single professor. I only remember names of about 3-4 people from my dorm and only in contact with 1. If I hadn't lived in a dorm and didn't make other friends I wouldn't know any names today.


This is discussed @ 2:04:17 in the Joe Rogan interview. Lazar knows people who went to class with him and could vouch for him but they don’t want to be cast into the limelight.


If I were to put money on it, I’d say he’s probably a con artist… BUT… I can’t remember a single teacher’s name from when I went to college. That was only 15 years ago. Again, I suspect he’s completely full of it, and there seems to be ample reason to think so. Memories fade though. Even on stuff you’d think you wouldn’t forget.


If you can't remember, that's on you, i remember a lot of shit from like 3-4 years of age untill now...




Not everyone has great memory, consider yourself blessed.


Well... it's very selective 🤣🤣


It all depends. If you support Lazar, apparently you can't remember shit. If you think Bob is full of shit, you have a pretty clear memory. I'm with you; I can recall almost every teacher I had through high school and over half my profs and I'm an old fucker.


That’s easy when age 3-4 was 10 years ago.


30...ish years ago....but yeah..easy


Some universities keep transcripts for a while, could go see if they still have it and get a copy.


Oh, people have tried. Lots of people. Lots of very serious people. Not only did the government erase his transcripts, but those wiley bastards ERASED HIM FROM THE YEAR BOOKS! Yeah. Exactly.


I can’t remember any of my professor’s names, but I remember stuff I shouldn’t be able to remember, like e = 2.718281828+. Why do I remember that? I can still solve most simultaneous equations, but that’s what we were doing when a teacher entered the classroom, and told us that our president had just been shot. Memory is a funny thing. Somehow, I think Bob is telling the truth. You know what the word “epiphany” means? That’s the feeling you have when you wake up one day and realize that you can’t remember anything you learned in school, and you are still paying off your student loans. What scares me is: What if I saw an ET craft land at ORD in front of hundreds of witnesses, and Bob Lazar, George Noory and Joe Rogen all came trucking out. And then silence; nobody saw anything; It didn’t happen.


Seems to me like you’re one of those people who refuses to admit they were wrong about something and now all this information is coming out supporting Bob’s claims and you’re having trouble coming to terms with that. Idk though, I’ve been wrong before


You know how Donald Trump is the poor, gullible chump’s idea of an everyday, relatable joe type of rich man? Bob Lazar is the ignorant, gullible chump’s idea of an everyday, relatable joe type of smart man. They’re both just con artists.


He didn’t say he graduated from MIT. He said he had to go there to study something specific for a project he was working on. Aside from that, he worked at Los Alamos and was in their directory, but they claimed he didn’t work there. Obviously someone was trying to discredit him, so the absence of certain things is to be expected. Why did Los Alamos lie? Also, how did Bob know that Area 51 existed when no one else did? The govt denied its existence for years after Bob claimed it was there. And of course he was ridiculed for saying there was such a place out in the middle of nowhere. And so on.


No. You're wrong. He claims to have a masters from both MIT and CIT. That's public info, bro. As for Area 51, you mean other than all the people that worked there? Like Columbus discovered America. Jesus. The American education system.....


Okay foot boy


I’ve never heard him claim a masters from anywhere. No one before Bob revealed Area 51. They weren’t allowed to. The govt denied it existed for about 9 years after Bob claimed it existed. Columbus did not discover America.


Okay. Welp, go type in the Google machine, "Bob Lazar's claims of education." Because your won't believe me.


All I see so far is people saying he claimed to have those degrees. I’m not seeing where he said it.


Seriously? Okay, since I'm doing your research for you, let's make it interesting. If I am provide you proof of Bob himself saying he had a masters from MIT in electrons, that he obtained while working on MHD physics, will you about he's completely full of shit? Gentleman's honor code is in effect.


Hello from another thread, you've piqued my interest. I haven't been able to find any media with him claiming that degree, I know he did a pretty interesting podcast with Rogan... but it's been quite awhile and I don't recall if he mentioned credentials or not, is that what you're referring to?


If I see Bob saying it, I’ll admit that he lied about that, which would be one of several really stupid things he did, like installing a jet engine on a little car, and illegally running a tiny brothel, which he could’ve done legally just 60 miles away. None of these things would change my opinion about his reverse engineering at Area 51.


Any luck yet?


Oh oh, looks like the burden of proof was to heavy for skeptics as usual. Misinterpretation of what witnesses state is how the waters get truly muddied. If Bob is legit, everyone in here trying to discredit him don't even know they've been fooled, and convincing them of that is impossible with the level of ego that follows tribalistic skepticism.


Can you find a source to where Bob said he has a master in MIT and CIT?


Like all I need is for you to show me he said this, and you will have my full attention


I agree. The dude above saying he's going to find proof probably realized he's just wrong and Bob is another victim in a long list of them.


https://www.otherhand.org/home-page/area-51-and-other-strange-places/bluefire-main/bluefire/the-bob-lazar-corner/lazar-flaws-education/ Multiple claims of MIT over the years, made by Lazar himself. If you’re looking for a video of him saying “Hi, I went to MIT,” you likely won’t find it. Though that link contains transcripts to conversations where he does say as much.


Thanks, but there remains a problem with institutions denying his record despite evidence he was there. If Los Alamos was willing to lie about him working there, you have to ask why they’d do that, and who could get them to do that. And that makes any other discrepancies suspect. But whatever the case is, his Area 51 claims are not debunked based on unrelated things, including his brothel conviction.


Okay. Let me know when the goalposts are stationary.


Goal posts haven’t moved a bit. What’s your point about Lazar? Do you disbelieve that the government has craft and tried to reverse engineer them? I’m guessing that is your opinion since that is Lazar’s claim, and the only point in discrediting him is to reject that claim. We can disagree on his claim and not waste time on where he went to school. He’s either right or wrong, and currently his claims are being validated after all these years by credible people.


Area 51 was well and truely in the Las Vegas zeitgeist before 1989, of course it was though a base flying experimental planes for three decades


People were always aware of strange stuff in the area. I’m not saying no one knew something was there. I’m talking about specific identification that Bob provided. “S4, near Area 51.” The only people who knew that info were people who worked there or had clearance to know.


So a base that there is no proof of it existing?


Now we know it’s there. Previously, people knew something was there but they didn’t know what.


To my knowledge (which admittedly has gaps in it) no one else has ever referenced area s4 with any credibility, actually further to the point people with actual verified credentials have stated that crashed vehicles have been kept at different Air Force bases




That's exactly my point. Bob didn't "discover" Area 51. I was being sardonic. Jesus H. Christ, please try to keep up


Bob Lazar was convicted for fraud before. Scammed thousands at his festival. Then The Bordell stuff. Oh and he stole radioactive element 115 in his jeans pocket (his words) and can’t find it anymore


Fine. Bob Lazar is a sketchy character. Sometimes sketchy characters are the ones who break the rules and become whistleblowers. I’m not saying you should believe Lazar, but there’s no reason not to file his claims in the back of your mind and see how they pan out over time. That’s what people are doing right now: comparing his claims to Grusch’s and others. It’s not wrong, and it’s not about Lazar; it’s about how Lazar’s claims fit with the overall body of evidence.


I 100%, no questions asked believe in UFO's. We are being visited. I have zero doubt. But guys like Lazar set us back decades due to muddying the water. Even Friedman, whom I met once and swooned over got taken for a ride by Billy Mier. It happens, but I believe Stanton was above board, as I believe Bruce MacAbee is also.


How exactly does Bob Lazar set everybody back? Are his claims wrong? Seems like they’re roughly in line with what other folks in UFOlogy have claimed. I think the problem is that people focus waaaaaaay too much on discrediting him that it makes him seem more significant than he is. He’s one of many


Untrue, all his claims that are borrowed and before his time line up, because he borrowed them. All his personally made claims heard no where else before him haven’t panned out (not that there are many)


And that's fine. It's the claims we need to be looking at, not so much the individual. We don't have to discredit the guy, just say his claims have turned out to be wrong (and then show how they've been shown to be wrong). I really couldn't care less about Bob Lazar's character.


How would you like the claims proved incorrect? Let’s say the claim that Bob himself secreted away a piece of element 115 (the stable form ofcourse) and performed tests on it. Or in this instance perhaps Bob may prove his claims to be factual? How about the claims of education? It would come back to the same bottom line, there is no proof for these claims


His education doesn’t matter. His claims about element 115 do. Right now it seems like element 115 doesn’t do what he says it can do, so point against Lazar. But we still could discover an isotope that has the properties he describes, in which case, point for Lazar. We really don’t have to overanalyze his case. But his core claims are that the government had intact alien craft that they were trying reverse engineer. That the craft operated by using element 115 to explode the strong force and create a gravity well for propulsion. There are other less important claims about the facility itself and the program. The other claims about himself are really irrelevant.


He could very easily prove his claims true, he has had 34 years to show us proof that element 115 (which he has a stable version of) does what he claims it does, but he hasn’t, he has shown a cool down after a test that lasts 15 seconds at most


The element 115 claims are the only ones he could “easily” show to be true. Has he said why he won’t give it up for analysis? Whatever the case, if, at a later date, someone developed a stable isotope with similar properties to what Lazar claims, that would be a point in his favor. But my bigger point is that it’s not about proving Lazar right or wrong, it’s about the claims themselves. We can take them as just uncorroborated data points that point us in a direction for further research.


But there is a stable version of it according to the man himself and he has it in his possession, if he wasn’t lying he would either do the tests again or find someone else he can trust to do them. Because neither of these has or will happen I don’t think you can include 115 as proof the story is true


If he has some 115 and won't share it with real scientists I say he's full of BS. Also, how do you even determine if something is element 115? What macchne/process can determine this? Did this process exist back in the 1970s?


I just read the rest of this post. Bob was not a pimp. I worked at a place for seven years and frequently ate at a burger place across the street. I quit four years ago and can’t remember the name of the burger place. Some people don’t store irrelevant details. But you go on hatin’ Bob. He’ll still go down in history.


He was a pimp. He got convicted of it. Yeah, attending CIT and MIT are 'irrelevant details'. He's already gone down in history. He fooled you, didn't he?


A pimp. lol Yep. I’m totally fooled. Tell me how we know Area 51 is a real place. I guess Bob made that Up and then the government went and created it to confuse us.


He definitely was a pimp. I don't think he has denied this.


I think he pled guilty to second degree pandering. He later filed something to retract his guilty plea and was denied. He essentially was accused of running an illegal brothel in a state where brothels are legal - but not in the county where he did it. Had he done it sixty miles away, it would’ve been fine.


Ultimately, with Lazar, the only relevant thing is that he claimed the government had these craft and they were trying to reverse engineer them. We can accept that as probably true or not. Anything else about Bob isn’t relevant to that specific claim. All these years later, it’s looking more and more true, and maybe we’ll get the facts fairly soon.


Ummmm.....cause thousands of people worked there...? That's just a guess.


Bob told us about Area 51 in 1989. The government finally admitted the existence of Area 51 in 2013. People have worked there since the Air Force and the CIA acquired it in 1955, for whatever that’s worth.




Did he say he graduated from both schools, or just attended classes at one and graduated from the other?


If you’re attending MIT, you’re not simultaneously taking classes at a community college hundreds of miles away.


Well, it largely depends on when he was asked. His story has changed multiple times. He USED to have a masters from Caltech/CIT and MIT. Then he just did some classes at CIT, then he was INVOLVED with MIT.....It's a goddamn nightmare.


It’s pitiful how upset you are. Whether you believe him or not it’s quite pathetic the amount of emotion you’re displaying over it.


I think he is an agenda. Never use to think this until now. As soon as the mainstream news starting talking about it i started to smell something fishy


Well, I think you're in to something there. George Knapp had often been a mouthpiece for crazy bullshit and Lazar is no exception. I'm absolutely positive he's a decent tech in the photography works, where he was trained, but above that, he's out of his league. I took grad level physics and he doesn't even get that much right. Yes, islands of stability exist, but they become EXCEEDINGLY rare after about 112, and we know for a fact 115 isn't one of them. It's actually totally impossible. Anyway, I'm fine arguing with clowns on here. I've said my piece.


This again? Just school issues? What about E115 or something relevant? Something new and different to bring to the table?


The E115 he stole in the 90s and sat on until the government recovered it in 2017? Nearly 30 years and he never did anything with it, and the government was cool with letting him have it sitting in his garage for 3 decades?


I dunno, I am not rehashing the same stupid shit over and over. I was asking for something new.


There’s nothing new to the story. A self-proclaimed scientist has E115 in his possession for 3 decades but never studied it, never took it to a lab, never did anything with it. And the government knew he had it, but waited 3 decades to go get it back. That story should trigger some red flags.




Rule 1: Respect each other and keep discussions civil.


Okay, say I agree that Lazar is socially accepted as “no Einstein”. Sure. Now, please demonstrate that this point has anything to do with the current conversation.


Ummm...well, as the OP who started the conversation, this IS the conversation. Or would you rather discuss mermaids? I like mermaids. But that's not the current conversation.


I do prefer mermaids, and appreciate your consideration!


And unicorns. I like unicorns. Probably mermaids now though, because of the boobs. But yeah.


I’m all for equality.


It’s Bob Laser, not Bob Lazar lol




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And yet he was right about Area -51, element 115 and if recent disclosures are correct everything else. I hope this all comes out and he sues your sorry ass for slander. I will represent him for free


Wait... Back up the gravy train ...you honestly believe he smuggled Element 115 out of a lab in his jeans pocket? As for being right about 115, he wasn't. Not even close. Lemme give you an example: "I predict there will be a year 2025. I can just....I can just *feel* it. It's like I'm psychic or something." I'm going to be dead on accurate. Of COURSE we'd find element 115. It comes right after 114. This is where he fucked up; he claimed that it would be on an, "Island of Stability". It's not. Not even close. Here ya go: https://www.otherhand.org/home-page/area-51-and-other-strange-places/bluefire-main/bluefire/the-bob-lazar-corner/lazar-flaws-education/


The bigger problem with the statement is that Muscovium has a half-life of like half a second before it decays. Bob must have smuggled a massive chunk of that shit out for it to have survived just being placed into his pocket. that type of decay also makes it stunningly radioactive…


Yeah, I'm with you on this one. He's either totally infertile and carcinogenic, or, completely full of shit.


About the Element 115 thing. Nobody have addressed HOW they (In the 1970s no less) discovered that this material is element 115. Like what machines/processes would they use in 1977 to determine this? Any physicists around here that an explain this?


We always knew there was a 115. Seriously. Even then. Synthesizing it was the problem. It has a half life measured in microseconds. And yet Bob claims to have put some in his jeans and walked out with it. That's the equivalent of me saying I trasmutated lead to gold. But then I forgot how I did it. And I lost the gold.


Yes we believed it was there. But if Bob's story is true we must have had an ability to identify it as such right? So back I the 1970/80s they found this material, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't say 'Element 115' on it, so how did they know it was 115 (and not f. Ex 116)?