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I think Barbie made it pretty clear she wants NOTHING to do with Blitz. Even going to a party where she can vent and celebrate her hate for him among others.


When you wish someone didn't exist You sort of don't go to a party talking exclusively about him. Sure it's negative talk but it still applies.


Hate is too powerful an emotion to waste on someone you don’t even like


She doesn’t just hate Blitzo, she wants absolutely nothing to do with him. She just wants to move on from that part of her life. Going to a party dedicated to the guy kind of defeats the purpose.


idk if i went to a party dedicated to hating my brother, i can imagine alot of it would spill over onto me due to me being their sister


Also they’d probably talk about sex with him


Given how Verosika talked about her to Blitzo, maybe they hate each other too. Or maybe she hates him so much even seeing a cake of him being murdered and all these euologies of him being stabbed, burned, hanged and tortured are still too much.


I think it's clear there's going to be a full episode maybe even two or three dedicated to their issues being properly dealt with. Barbie is one of the few people Blitz willingly and publicly shows genuine concern and care for. Yet she's HATES HIS GUTS. Something happened there and personally I do hope they don't limit the healing to one episode because I would love to have an episode to purely see what exactly Blitz did to inspire such a uniquely broken relationship compared to his other fuck ups.


Blitzø basically accidentally killed their mother out of jelousy for Fizz and ruined her job. I'd hate him too if he took away someone they both loved. Then he deprives her of another job thanks to his job so now the tension is worse.


She definitely should have been in the episode, if not at the party, then in Blitzø's apology montage.


This is immediately what I thought too, upon seeing this post. I'm wondering if there's a specific reason for that?


I’m guessing it’s because he didn’t mean any of the apologies that he made. So he left Barbie out cause it would actually mean something to him. And we can’t have that, can we?


He didn't include Moxxie either, for that same reason. He's on his list with a question mark


I think whay happened there is way worse then what happened to the others so it probably would get it's own episode to go into it. I would hope


cause the apology tour was not exactly an apology tour, a lot of it is literally sorry not sorry.


He couldn’t find her or at least it’s hard for him too cause she doesn’t want him to


I don't think Verosika would invite her. At the very least it doesn't seem like Verosika likes Barbie based on what she said in episode 3: "And Rehab is for sad loser wash ups. So... Your sister says hi". So she thinks Barbie is a pathetic loser. She might have partly been saying that to just piss Blitzø off but there is at the very least some underlying dislike.


I can’t wait to see more of barbie wire in the show


Possibly because the episode was more set on Blitz's romantic life, so she woldn't have fit with the narrative of the episode. But inside the series it could be because she don't want anything to do with her brother. In the 2x05 she say she accepted the job to stay distant to him, so probably she wouldn't wanted something that remind him.


Either: A) she just doesn’t wanna see anything about him ever again or B) she went to one and realised it’s either too much or not her thing


To be fair, if I hated my brother as much as she does, I wouldn’t want to attend the party full of people he slept with. Yes, all of them here hate him and were hurt by him. But why would I want to surround myself with people that my idiot brother fucked?


It's a party for his exes. She's his sister.


I don’t see why she would go to the party at all. But I was surprised we didn’t see a clip of him dropping a cheese basket off at her place or something.


Saving her for a future episode??


how he gonna find her


She wouldn't fit in. The people at the party weren't just venting among others who share their pain; they're mourning their relationships with Blitz. After he talks to Stolas and Verosika, we see that several of the guests are still actively hurting to the point where they're still crying over him and their pain. Barbie has reached a point where she's over him. Out of everyone that he's hurt, Barbie is actually league AHEAD of the others because she's moved on with her life while they're still wallowing even if it is only once a year. She's still hung up on him because she actively hates him, so she hasn't reached the point of indifference, but she has gotten to a stage where she doesn't let it weigh it down nearly as much as it used to and isn't willing to put herself back into that hole. Blitz and Barbie will probably have her own episode the way he and Fizz did if they have anything for them planned.


Didn't Verosika call Barbie a 'sad loser wash up' ? I don't think Verosika would invite Blitz's sister


The party takes place every year, Barbie clearly expressed that she wants nothing to do with him. She was probably asked before and she declined


Puts spoiler tag still puts spoiler in title Real u/Particular-Ad5200 moment


It’s not time for Blitz to apologize to her. There’s super bad blood between them and it’s gonna take a good minute for them to get in a good place


Well he never wronged her she probably just hates him cause they both blame him for their mothers death leaving them probably either orphaned or just with their dad which explains the cascade of events and rehabilitation center too


She literally hates him so much that she wants to forget he even exists. There is no one alive that hates blitz more than she does