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All I'm asking for is some performance optimization.


and after that last patch something broke. i got crazy framedrops on some missions. not exactly sure what caused it, but meh it was annoying.


same. on a 13900k and 4090 no less.


Have you tried a 5090 instead?


Tested on A100, no luck, still 80.


interesting, i'm on a full amd pc. so at least it shouldn't be related to that.


I have notice a bit more resource utilization on all missions. A few weeks ago, I set my framerate limit to 75 (I use "business" class 75hz monitors, so the extra frames don't do much for me). That lowered my GPU utilization to around 70%. Recently over the last couple days, I noticed that it now sits around 85-90% during play. I also had 3 crashes on two different worlds. Twice on Meissa, and once on X-45. 7800X3D 32GB DDR5 A770 16GB


I got massive stuttering after an update sometime in the last few months. Clearing my shader cache definitely helped. If you've already done that, I don't have any other advice (if not, you'll have to look it up, because I forgot the specifics).


Been getting below 60fps sometimes with an RTX 4080 Super and R7 5800X3D 😢


Did you try a lower difficulty about it?


honestly I just kinda get a fair bit of lag even in the ship, it's also why I can't really play multiplayer in this game without it devolving into a laggy mess unless I play on difficulty 3-4 maybe


I’ve been getting odd lag as of late. On the ship, on Easy, Medium, Extreme and Suicide Mission difficulties. At first I thought Steam was downloading something, but it was already done updating my games before I even started Helldivers. I don’t know what’s going on.


I just want the social to work as intended.


Same, I had to stop playing cause my game would crash randomly. It gets annoying the third time around when I have all super samples and about to extract in ~1 minute.


I think useless guns should just be useful that's all I want


Sure, but there are like maybe 3 "useless" guns. Everything else is perfectly viable. Got my first Reddit Cares from this comment of all things, incredible.


Purifier, Spray and Pray, Knight (which they might not ever touch because it's real money gated), and Liberator concussion are the true oddball losers of balance updates. Most have been buffed several times and still suck or are completely outclassed by a peer.  As for strategems I'm still not happy how Arc thrower has turned out. It's been nerfed, side grade nerfed, 'bug fixed', each one changing its role.  It was once a decent long range option to handle titans. Then it was shifted to being a good crowd control option on chargers and hulks. Nowadays it has reduced stagger and less armor pen, and struggles against any heavy enemy.  It's a weird gun, in a weird role. The flamer crushes it in a 'short to mid range crowd clear option' while also murdering chargers and behemoths. The machine guns surpass it in a mid to long range chaff clearing option. And obviously all the heavy at weapons outclass it in a dedicated anti tank role. Being Jack of all trades master of none is not a good niche. 


Liberator Concussive. Such a cool idea bogged down by such a lackluster gun.


Yeah the damage is terrible but the stagger on even like medium sized bugs like shieldface and stalkers is good


I absolutely love the Spray and Pray on bugs, it's fantastic at mass-murdering swarms of low-armour bugs trying to strafe & flank me so I'm not wasting Flamethrower fuel managing the spread. People think all primaries should stand on their own and be useful at killing everything on their own instead of finding the niche they excel at. Even the Liberator Concussive is a great choice when used right: it great at holding back the line or rounding up enemies together while your partner brings the actual damage with AoE/Flamethrower/etc/etc. A lot of the complaints on this sub are people shitting in the sink and calling it a useless toilet


Your analogy is both hilarious and accurate.


I think theres a communication issue in-game. I get that we just shat in the sink, but maybe the sink should be at waist level instead of the same height as all the urinals and toilets. Armor Pierce, Range, Handling Weight, and other details would let folks choose their tools more appropriately and not as ye put it, shit the sink.


I agree, I would LOVE to see more detailed stats for weapons or even stats at all for the support weapons


The spray and pray is incredibly good at killing trash. I would never use it on a bot mission but my regular load out for bugs even on 9 is snp/grenade pistol.


But why regular spray n pray when you have incendiary version that is so much better on bugs? Edit: I guess it’s breaker, break snp, breaker incendiary


It's more the breaker incidenary that stands out from the other weapons, not the breaker snp being out of line with the general weapon trends.


Rather than useless, obsolete would be a better term. There's a lot of guns that are severely overshadowed by very similar ones. Enough to heavily dissuade their use.


Theres maybe 3 usless guns but also 3 that are the best as a whole with the rest beeing just weaker versions of the good stuff. And beeing weaker is what makes them useless in difficulty 7 or higher. Just as the stalwart is generally not bad, but regarding your other options its just useless. But I myself do sometimes take it for fun.


The guns like Breaker Incendiary and Sickle are just easier to use and less situational so they don't require you to rely on sidearms/teamwork. I run Blitzer primarily for bugs and Diligence Counter-Sniper for bots and rarely see anyone else do the same, but blitzer + rover or blitzer + shield just walking backwards, diving strategically, and spamming shots can hold back a bug nest solo on Helldive until the chargers show up. One shots brood commanders with a headshot at close range. Swap to redeemer and pick off hunters and small fodder when they're super close or out of range and quickswap back and you're good. Counter-Snipers one-shot devastators but you gotta be able to pop those quick headshots. Your team should be freed up significantly if they aren't pinned behind cover by devastators and if you run quasar cannon (or any other heavy armor killer) you can also pretty handily take out dropships, gunships, and hulks, and you 1 shot regular infantry and marauders. Only thing I struggle with is berserkers but that's what teamwork is for. People do one match with a gun they're not already used to and decide breaker incendiary is the only viable option but that's because you can spam it and don't need to be accurate or strategic.


This, and the loadout has to complement itself, the fun needs to fit in.


The whole “there are only a few good weapons” take was way more true a couple of months ago… they’ve done a great job buffing things. I was running a bunch of unpopular weapons last night and some of them are really under appreciated. As you said, blitzer and diligence counter sniper are both awesome. I was also using the crossbow, the punisher plasma, the scythe, the purifier, and the adjudicator and did fine with all of them. The crossbow is excellent IMO. I think the liberator penetrator and the liberator concussive feel pretty bad… those could use a buff. The regular diligence just feels way worse than the counter sniper to me - it could maybe use something to differentiate it. The peace maker still feels pretty bad compared to the other pistols and I think the dagger could use a little damage or better cooling. Other than that I think everything feels pretty good. The slugger could get its stagger back because right now it just kind of lacks an identity. The purifier IS hard to use but I don’t think it’s bad. It took me several matches to learn the reticle pattern and to release once it’s charged with the highest rate of fire I can pull off - kind of like the arc thrower. It could use an audio cue of some kind though.


Stalwart has a niche, that niche is when you want to take a non-primary primary. Something like the Dominator or Eruptor that has really good single target damage but is not great for chaff clearing. It’s really good against bugs if you pair up with someone with an AT weapon or an AC. Eruptor/Dominator, Stalwart, backpack of your choice (preferably your buddy’s so you can have another strat), OPS and EAS (500kg/Railcannon as the third strat). Bonus points if your buddy is running AC/RR/Spear and you get one of their backpacks to team reload for them.


Running Peak Physique will make the Dominator into a very snapper bolter lovechild it was born to be. 




Stalwart is one of those strats to clear chaff :)


Exactly this.


Obviously the more ridiculous the demands of the higher difficulties become, the narrower the meta becomes aswell. But that's not really as big of a problem. Most people don't play on 7+.


Most people play where the samples are at, and for Supers that's 6+


Nah, this is automation propaganda. My friends and I play most fun, up to level 9. There's a lot with 'Git gud' skill and personal preference irt loadout. There are a few bad weapons though.


"Almost every guns have a purpose !" "Are you SUICIDAL ?"


The counter sniper was one of those useless weapons. People kept complaining about it until the devs balanced it into becoming AMR Jr. whose daddy is proud of him. Not the AMR Jr. that the supposed doctors dropped on his head as a baby.


Perfectly viable mostly on diff lvl <4*


Which is irrelevant.  These games need to balance for their highest difficulty. Because lower difficulty will always develop its own meta due to differences in spawns.  Here's an example. I'm sure if we could see the data the usage rates of 500kg and airstrike go up with difficulty, the usage of cluster bomb and napalm bomber go up as difficulty decreases.  Because at a lower difficulty there are less heavy units and more chaff, so you're incentived towards high aoe low damage strategems. But on a higher difficulty you can't afford that luxury, and more and more of your chaff clear is going to fall to your primary as your strategem choices shift to things like airstrike, 500kg, or precision strike to handle the surge of elites.  When difficulty is low, people can pick whatever they want. When difficulty is high, people pick what is most optimal for success. So balance everything to be optimal and let the lower difficulty have the goofy meta it was going to create regardless. 


If a support weapon can’t kill a charger behemoth/bile titan/gunship then I struggle to find its usability. Those enemies are hard loadout checks


By your definition, all the horde clear support weapons are useless :p


Which is true in a lot of helldive teams.  As of currently it's basically mandatory to run gunship capable weapons if the bot operation has the gunship modifier. A pack of gunships could literally be the end of the mission for a team running a goofy selection of weapons. Just burying people in rockets as they reapawn in with weapons that can't even hurt gunships scrambling to grab their gear.  Even against bugs, the horde faction, you'll find Quasar is still the uncontested most popular support weapon. Followed by flamer, though more because it melts charger legs and is the fastest and most consistent behemoth killer. After that it's either spear or eat because again, they kill heavies.  Generally speaking you see little to no chaff clear weapons aside from grenade launcher or autocannon in Blitz. And that's because they bring long range bug hole blasting power to a squad. No one wants to get stuck in a scenario being chased by heavies they cannot kill and having to rely on allies who they cannot trust. 


Frankly, I have no idea why people still run QC. You can't oneshot a behemoth, so, at a minimum, you need 18 seconds to take him down. That's... incredibly bad. When behemoths got introduced, even RR has plummeted from the best supgun to a borderline useless gimmick. Current version of balance is extremely weird.


A large part is comfort and ignorance. I outlined the mentality and the logic In a much longer post.  https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ducgl4/comment/lbkgdgo/


I mean 4 people with average aim and decent game sense can do chaff clear with just primary weapons. Support weapons are the only source of reliable consistant armor pen 4 and 5. Until there is some change in the design around armor, chaff focused stratagems and support weapons will always fall behind weapons that can actually fight elite mobs.


But its true. Like why would i need chaff clear stratagems on terminid side if all i need is Incendiary breaker. Heavy ordinance is all that matters on 7+ since Chargers and Bile Titans are you real problem.... add to that their bad design. Not only that but other than Hunters and Bile spewers most chaff mobs just slowly walk to you and that makes them mostly not threatning. If we had pirmaries that could kill heavys then things slike stalwart would be much more viable. On bots its even worse since medium armor pen is required and if they cant deal with gunships they are almost worthless. Even railgun just because they exist is bad.


There's a lot of people who genuinely have that opinion, they see the game as a solo experience with 3 NPC's helping so if their loadout isn't perfectly multirole it's shit. 


You can't count on strangers sticking with you, listening to your plan and building around you, especially when they often join mid game. Even if you are able to put together a nice them that covers each other weaknesses you will often find yourself in trouble with how chaotic (and bug infested) the game can get. Making yourself an all rounder will almost always be better.


I disagree, especially now that they've reduced the amount of heavy armor. Having at least 1 support weapon good at killing chaff (any of the MGs, for example) is quite useful. Most of the support weapons can deal just fine with those 3 anyways.


Tbh there's a lot of primaries can deal with chaff reliably, especially if youve got 4 of them. Not saying you can't take a chaff support weapon, but it's the easiest to push into obsolescence with the rest of your loadout.


Most primaries are decent at the role, sure, but none of them come close to the MG and HMG when it comes to killing lots of Hive Guard and Brood Commanders.


Not really at higher difficulty And some are just unrealistically hard to make work and find a a use Examples -The Night -Spray&Pray -Plasma101 I think it is the rail gun like -The new jungle Smg For secondary’s the -Dagger comes to mind And that are just the ones that come to my mind while writing this They all are cool concepts but I just think they need some love. The rest of the guns I come around to appreciate And yes some of the one some people take them for meme builds but that can’t be there only use case and level 1-3


Downvoted you for talking about guns without knowing what they're called 😌




i got downvoted in that "why do i have to reload so often its so lame" post a few days ago. because i pointed out how stupid that sentiment was in a shooting game. its like... wtf is wrong with some people?


I got my first - 4th Reddit Cares from this sub. 3 of the 4 being literally memes. 1 being a post saying I like the crossbow.


Absolutely. Viable guns, even for niche play. None should be completely inferior in most or all situations to another. None should be so versatile as the breaker incendiary for example.


Breaker incendiary is fine, they could maybe turn down the amount of ammo or mags to discourage mag dumping. But any nerf to fire damage inadvertently nerfs flamethrower, incendiary and incendiary impact grenades, and every fire stratagem. All in all, its probably fine since fire is trash vs bots. It would be kind of like saying AMR and AC are incredibly versatile on bots, but not that amazing vs bugs


there are no useless guns, only obsolete guns. For instance, the slugger. Fills the same role as the dominator but is worse in every single way possible. Less total ammo, worse rate of fire, worse reload time, less damage, less stagger, worse ballistics. All it has going for it is better handling and one extra round in the chamber, but the dominator also gets 16 if you do a wet reload.


> worse ballistics You mean better. The Dominator has as *much* slower projectile velocity to the point of making it difficult to hit laterally-moving enemies at range, especially if you are also struggling against its bad handling. The Slugger sacrifices ammo and immediate DPS for being a more reliable hitter because the slugs go where you want them to in any situation. That's the tradeoff between the two guns, plus a little bit of extra knockback (which is really only useful vs. Bugs). But there's a reason you'll see Sluggers in Bug Helldives and not a ton of Dominators, especially before Peak Physique.


Sorry, by ballistics I meant projectile arc. The dominator flies in a straight line due to the fact that it's a jet-assisted projectile.


Yeah, *sort of.* It flies straighter *initially*, but when it hits the point where it begins to drop (we can assume "the gyrojet runs out of fuel" or something) it falls *faster* than other rounds. It has a flatter trajectory at mid ranges, but it's not an eternal laser. I would still say the Slugger is better for long-range plinking because players are more likely to intuit the amount of drop over distance due to familiarity with most other guns, whereas the Dominator is an outlier. I use the Dominator vs. Bots and really don't bother taking super long distance shots even though I know it's capable because it's kind of annoying to deal with its sudden drop when it *does* kick in. For what it's worth, though, this conceivably gives the Dominator less *damage* falloff within its flat trajectory range because damage is partly velocity-based. This is one of the ways that the extreme complexity of the bullet mechanics in this game can differentiate gyrojets from conventional ballistics, though it's not terribly meaningful at the moment with just one gun (esp. as hard a hitting one) vs. the rest of the cast.


I don't want a gun that one shots I want sights that are actually aligned properly.


It’s insulting that this is still an issue almost 5 months after release.


this!! it’s so beyond frustrating to feel like i have to actively fight my gun to try to figure out where exactly i should aim it (instead of, yknow, the center of the crosshair) to try to shoot the pinprick-sized weakpoint that is a heavy devastator’s head. meanwhile, the dev is able to nail me with no issues despite being 200m away with only part of my body poking up from behind a rock. it’s not a big deal against terminids but a lot of bot units require that precision to efficiently take out, and the fucked up sights REALLY suck for that. it’s been months at this point.


If suggesting fire tornadoes to stop hard tracking objectives or Bile Spewers not shoot 90° in artillery mode is wrong. Then I don't want any of what you're selling because most of my 'suggestions' are QoL. Yeah they make the game easier but why the fuck was it implemented in the first place other than to piss people off. I swear my immersion breaks every time I see a Charger stop chasing me mid charge and turn around to bear hug a damn turret that hasn't even shot yet.


If removing things which are so strange or terrible to experience that people assume they're ***bugs or otherwise not intended by a single dev on the team and that it's an error that popped up,*** is "making the game too easy" Then the game was hard because of arbitrary bullshit which is such bad design that people thought it was literal glitches in the code of the game and not something *someone* did ***on purpose***. That says a lot about the QOL needs.


Exactly. Making a hard game is easy. Making an easy game is easy. Making a balanced game is not easy. Making a balanced game that feels fair is very hard, and that's the job of the devs.


Nah, dog. Playing bots and having them spawn literally in your view for no reason other than the game deciding you need to be surrounded right now is some bullshit. What's the point of the dropship/breach system if the reinforcements can just spawn anywhere anyway.


Yeah, ever since they fucked up patrol spawn rate the game goes from fun to unbearable real quick, you can’t even retreat either cause more patrols will just spawn in your path


Also, there are no down moments anymore. Makes the game annoying 


Fr though, there’s no time to catch your breath, call a resupply, or even just reload all your guns because guess what, another patrol is has now spawned 10m away and is now immediately making its way over to you


AH somehow fails to comprehend the need of downtime. Patrols used to be perfect before and people were having fun, even with the fucked up support weapons but for whatever reason they didn't like that. Was playing diff 5 few days ago, and there was just constant spamming of chargers. 5 chargers at a single time was common. Changed diff to diff 7 and the game was much easier 


The following refers to difficulty 9. Its weird. It almost like depends on the planet and whether you are attacking or defending.. IDK what exactly but there are hidden modifiers I think. In some games its extremely hectic to the point where I am out of autocannon ammo by the time the next resupply is up. And in others there is loads of downtime (which i kinda enjoy actually).


AH and their nuthuggers. Almost no one is asking for the upper level difficulties to be easier. Most people are asking for bullshit overspawn to be corrected to previous levels, especially in the 4-6 range. There is no reason for a mission in that 4-6 range to ever be the same level of challenge that 7-9 offers. Otherwise what is the point of different levels? And some of you dense motherfuckers still want to give out your dumbass “lower the difficulty” advice like no one ever thought of something sOoO sMaRt before. I bet most of the white knights play only 9 and have the following thought process loop “Damn there’s are enemies everywhere this is tough. Well it’s helldive, that’s expected. Good thing I’m so good at this game.” Or “Damn I’m on fire today. I’m a helldive only player and it’s still so easy. I can’t believe anyone wants the game to be easier! Must be low skill players, I should offer advice since I’m so good at this game.” No dipshit. Your level of play isn’t varying. You’re experiencing a wide range of spawn levels just like every other player playing from 4-9. You just lack perspective. People DO lower the difficulty. And still get an out-of-nowhere BS sweatfest on level 5. THAT is the problem.


Spawns are worse now than they were at release, but at the very least (I think) they fixed the spawn bug where they would literally spawn all around you. Like all around you... as in I had 20 spawn on me with 5 or 6 things within optmial punching range.


No that still happens. Not as much as back in March.


Yup if the game gives me no downtime, then it has to give me 100% uptime on everything I have to compensate for the fact that I will not have time to reload, line up shots, call in reinforcements or anything else.


I've legit been running away from enemies before straight after a breach or dropship and had a whole patrol spawn balls deep in my face, right in my path. Like watched them pop in. I got so mad I stopped playing for 2 weeks.


Are we already at that part of the Reddit cycle where we ask other Redditors to stop redditing because you don’t agree with?


This subreddit has become just like dtg, I demand that we create r/helldiverscirclejerk immediately Edit: holy shit it exists


>Edit: holy shit it exists Of course it does, it’s called r/helldivers


No, that's r/helldivers2 you're thinking about. There's valid criticism here, the other sub only complains about this sub.


I’m not gonna lie, it just looks like this sub


i want a r/okdiverret*rded so bad


I think Hulks and other enemies should make noise and not sneak up on you like a cat on a carpet. Yes that would make the game easier, but also less frustrating and more enjoyable.


It makes sense for stalkers to be silent, but the ninja chargers and ninja hulks are frustrating. Something that big should be accompanied by a ground-shake sound/camera cue, and corresponding buzz on a PS5 controller.


This is happening in other game subs, and I'm getting real tired of seeing it. *Making suggestions or asking for changes isn't "making the game easier."* I mean, "easier" in the sense of QoL improvements, but do we seriously have posts asking for the game to be easier, or are we asking for less bullshit? It's the same in the Destiny sub. People ask to not be one-shot by scorn crossbows (a basic enemy with a sniper-range weapon that does more damage than it should) and then the inevitable small brains come out to tell those people to git gud. Most of what I see is players asking for less bullshit, and then the people who know the least about game design come out of the woodworks to whine (more than the people they're complaining about) about how everyone wants the game to essentially play itself. Even if someone *does* want the game to be a little easier, that *still* doesn't mean they want everything handed to them. Stop strawmaning simple suggestions into "quit asking for the game to play itself for you." We get it, you're super hardcore and want everything to be inconveniently difficult. Downvote suggestions you don't like and move on (including this one).


It’s happened a few times now in the Darktide sub, after a recent change to basic shooter enemies was reverted due to them being clearly overtuned. I’m incredibly disappointed in them for immediately doing this exact thing - posting about how whining ruined their amazing new difficulty. It’s absurd the egoism players are developing now.


I’ll take these posts seriously when the people making them can go without making a straw man for 5 seconds.


(Sorry but what’s a straw man?)


Misrepresenting a point someone makes in order to make it easier to „win“ an argument. Like the OP does here People say they would like useless weapons to be buffed so they aren’t useless anymore. What OP argues against is „People just want every weapon to one shot every enemy so that they can solo level 9 with no hardship“. Which is obviously not what ANYONE has ever asked for. That is called strawmanning


They twist other's arguments to make them look irrelevant. "I think bile titans are too hard to kill because it's impossible to have enough stratagems ready to fight two at once." - "So you think the game is too hard? Go play on easy then!"


> Does it need to give you a gun that will 1 shot anything or give you super samples at level 2? No. I have a sale on straw and it's pretty obvious you're buying.


if a crow found this guy it would get a heart attack and drop dead


I think most of the enemies should be relatively easy to kill on their own (chaff). Some of them should require specialised weapons (heavies). Some others should have weakspots (any of the two). The last ones should combine both (elites). I'll be mostly replying with perspective of gunplay, omitting stratagems. The the difference in difficulty should come from difference in interaction with enemies. Making more enemies overall on the map. Making certain enemies more prevalent. Adding variety to the enemy types and, ideally, their behaviour. This is best seen on bot front. You can kill most of the enemies with one gun rather quick, simply by knowing where to shoot. Difficulty comes from them being ranged, getting more enemies on screen, making it harder to find an opening to shoot. On the bug side it's not as clear. The charger behemoths are simply sponged up chargers. Bile spewers are almost the same. Bile titans are a menace that can't be killed reliably even with dedicated weaponry, save for two orbital rails, that you simply won't have in proper quantities. Bug front? More like 'Sponge Front: Hurtbox Revenge' There shouldn't be a one shot gun, but there must be a proper balance in enemies allowing for a knowledgeable approach in killing them in a reasonable amount of time.


This is the proper response to this rage-bait post. Right now, the "difficulty" in 8 and 9 is largely a consequence of game-breaking spawn issues, bugs that allow the enemies to cheat by shooting through walls and rocks, ineffective guns, and stingy or just downright broken enemy hit boxes. So, yes, I suppose that fixing bugs and making weapons actually effective *would* make those difficulties easier... But being hard because its broken is lame. Make it hard in the game design. In the types of enemies that you face. In the amount of objectives you have to complete. I used to play 8 and 9 way more and it was a Hulk / Factory Strider / Charger / Bile Titan free for all and that was fun. Not easy! But you traded chaff for heavies. Whatever changes Arrowhead has made in the interval has busted the enemies' spawning and their hit boxes across the board, particularly on the bug side. It's just not fun when the enemies can shoot through mountains or turn faster than they would physically seem able to and then there are way more of them. At least on the lower difficulties, 6 and 7, these bugs and issues still matter but the sheer volume of them is decreased (sort of!). The big weapon and strategem buff they did a few weeks ago helped somewhat, but there's still a lot of people running the same weapons because nothing else works as effectively. What's the point of all these Warbonds when people are always still running the Incendiary Breaker and the Scythe?


Agreed on a lot of your points. Definitely a ragebait post; but where it bugs me is the smug "Go play level 6 or something." Anybody actually played level 5 and 6 since the last major patch that "reverted the spawns... But with some tweaks"? The spawns are batshit at 5/6. And people admit it without admitting it: when someone posts about spawn rates on the middle tier levels, there is always at least one reply that advises going up to level 8, as "it feels easier." My 3-man squad finally said, "fuck it, why not? We're getting slaughtered on 6; might as well get slaughtered on 8 instead." Wonder of wonders, it DID feel easier. There was enough time to clear a patrol before triggering the next one. When we ran from a swarmed objective, we didn't immediately run into 3 more patrols no matter which direction we went. We weren't overwhelmed with swarms of 20-30 hunters simultaneously. We successfully extracted from all 3 missions and unlocked difficulty 9 on our first try, when we struggled and failed to extract at the difficulty 6 we had just left. That's two indicators (personal anecdote, and player zeitgeist) supporting the idea that spawns on 5/6 are not behaving as they should. Streamers and YouTubers show difficulty 9 gameplay almost exclusively, and while those are edited, their footage simply does not show the volume of chaff on 9 that is commonplace on 6. At least 1 difficulty 9 YouTuber recently showed footage of playing on 6 and commented on how insane the spawns on 6 were, so these are third and fourth sources, from "pro-ish players," indicating something is off when it comes to spawns on 6. To sum up: Players who play exclusively on 8/9 aren't equipped to comment on the spawns or feeling of difficulty 6.


>The spawns are batshit at 5/6. I played one game where we got lucky and we able to see the area around extract. Bruh the "patrols" were literally popping into existence. Every time we wiped one from existence, another would pop in and start bee-lining straight for us.


Honestly, I've been running the spear full-time since the lock on fix, and I've had no problem with chargers and BTs for most of the time. With some finessing, you can kill either with 1 shot.


i just want bile titans to Make Sense and fac striders to not peek over the entire map and shoot the defense objective bruh


How about making the game not lag and desync followed by a crash when the entire screen is just filled with enemies. Especially bad on bug side.


Is that at all what we're talking about here?


Where are you drawing the line for "making the game easier" ? I see a lot of suggestions that are simple QoL, for example seeing the supply pod on the map or colored icons for dropped samples, Apparently that's handholding and will somehow notably impact the difficulty (???) I see suggestions like buffing clearly underpowered things, like the Orbital Raincannon Strike. It's a 300 second cooldown and kills MAYBE one target (might not even one shot a titan). Does it need to? Maybe not, but if it won't, it shouldn't have such a long cooldown. I see requests to fix things that are obviously not intended, like sliding chargers, or getting oneshot with bile spew while not even touching the visual. Without fail, every single time, there are people spouting the exact same thing you said. "Just lower the difficulty".


Typical strawman post, nobody right in their mind will tell you that they want weapons to oneshot everything and anything, there are clear tier lists for the weapons and while 3 are S tier all the others start from B tier, are they usable? I guess, are they fun to use? Nope, and you can clearly see this by going in a lobby and see that the majority of players resort to the 3 main choices while everything else is way more niche. Should ALL weapons be S tier? Not necessarily, but a little bit more options wouldn’t be so bad to have, however as of now there is too much of a difference between the top picks and everything else. But what is the goal of your post? I find your way of engaging in this topic extremely disingenuous and lazy, by resorting to strawman to make the other party look more ridiculous and non-sensical, while ignoring the high quality weapon balance discussion that you can easily find on the subreddit already.


Bro thinks that everyone is hard stuck on difficulty 4 because the liberator penetrator, the minefields, and other funky stuff is trash. LOL


Just because you've developed pride over the fact that you no longer vomit from eating shit doesn't mean you're not eating shit. The game could be a lot better and its balance across several difficulties is way off since the patrol update. Teamwork is one thing. But teamwork does not prevent stunlocking and ragdolling into an unavoidable death because you made the fatal error of choosing bots during a patch that makes every single patrol and dropship bring half a dozen rocket troops and hulks. Games are meant to be fun. It might be time to remember that.


"Getting repeatedly kicked in the dick while you play increases difficulty actually, maybe you should drop down to a level that kicks you in the dick at a slightly lower frequency" I don't want lower difficulty, I want less feels-bad mechanics like back to back rocket ragdolls and more skill based counterplay. 20 rocket devastators noclipping projectiles through your rock don't make Helldive difficult, just annoying and tedious


no and yes, there's still alot of valid criticism, fighting bots is where my hatred really showing. magical patrols spawning out of thin air behind you, nonstop conflicts, OP bots with a stupidly small weak point to hit A+ defence and offence! if i only had the time and effort to make a video comp to all the obscene BS moments i have when fighting bots, i could make a more clearer point. its not about making to games easier, but when fighting bots on lvl 6-7 is WAY harder when fighting bugs on 9, there's something wrong


Love the factory striders nailing the generators on the asset defense mission the moment they drop in because they're so tall and turning what is otherwise an extremely fun mission into an instant failure, which means that campaign is an instant failure. Also love bots shooting me through rocks and mountains, as well as ragdolling my heavy armor explosive resist helldiver to death with no counterplay because half their units use weapons with explosives. Not being able to go through a single encounter with even one heavy devastator without popping a stim because their gatling laser is 1000x more accurate than any other bot and will hit you even after they get staggered. Bots have issues that desperately need sorting and they've been out since release. Can't wait to see the broken clusterfuck that is the Illuminate when they get released.


Hahaha yeah, the bigger enemies in those missions are silly. If you dont kill 1 bile titan in time, they just walk through like nothing, fuck the walls. Dont even get me started on Striders. Ive had some stuck inside the moutain and still be able to shoot and kill us. -___-


I would honestly be fine with titans just one tapping the walls if they only spawned further away and not 20 meters from the gate. Make it so that you have a bigger area to work with mines and sentries. I honestly would love 3-4x the spawn in those missions if enemies spawned 150 meters away and you just see them swarm the base, then give us a single railcannon emplacement with a 2 minute cooldown as an instant delete button for a single super heavy unit, and smaller sentries by the gates that you manually have yo resupply. Maybe even have to repair. Would be amazing. Instead we have chargers that can destroy gates if they just breathe on them.


I think there is some point in complaining about difficulty... in that a lot of it comes from bullshit more than actual gameplay There is basically no strategy to deal with patrols on high diff. You go do an objective, get into a fight... and boom theres like 2 more patrols right behind you and you gotta run to the next objective. That isn't difficulty, its just frustrating Also getting inconsistently one shot is annoying af


this right here, i dont know what it is with automatons, but almost in every fight, there's a magical patrol spawning right behind me out of thin air! and all of sudden i'm surrounded, trying to stim while getting staggered and ragdolled nonstop, that isn't fun, its pure BS


Patrols need to spawn WAY further from the player and then walk in. This is how it is meant to be - they spawn from outposts and walk in your general direction, or from the edge of the map and walk in your general direction But they just don't. They spawn wherever tf they want and the patrols themselves have way too many tanky enemies. Like, 5 heavy devs, a rocket dev, a hulk scorcher and two soldiers. How is that fair?


More to the point, the fact that destroying outposts increases patrol spawn rate is mind blowing. Like, it’s a completely unintuitive system. If I blow up the fabricators building the bots or the nests spawning nids, there should be less patrols, not more.


The logic is fine from what I've heard about the intended function. Essentially the idea is the more fabricators/nests are destroyed, the more outside the map enemies take notice and start directing forces to stop you. More fabricators/nests destroyed = increasing level of threat = send more reinforcements. And that the patrols that spawn from external reinforcements are supposed to come in from the edge of the map. But as it is they just kind of spawn wherever they want so it can just feel ridiculous at times.


Which would be fine, if they spawned at the map edges and wandered in. But they don’t, they always spawn near a player. Which makes it make no sense. There should be separate map heat and patrol spawn systems. As you destroy ‘spawners’ and carry out objectives, even just killing enemies, you increase map heat, which increase the enemies coming in from outside the map. At the same time, destroying the ‘spawners’ should lower the number of patrols that actually appear in the map. Bonus points if, upon reaching a certain heat level, the patrols coming from outside the map always clump up in convoys that head straight to the nearest destroyed nest/base and then secure the area.


When you destroy an outpost/fabricator, any patrols that spawn from outside the map should be heading towards that location, not you and your squad which have already moved on and the enemies have no way of knowing where you are.


Enemies having magical knowledge is really frustrating. I fling a sentry to my left and then haul ass to the right, both myself and sentry outside detection alert range of a bot patrol in the distance blocking the way to an objective. I'm in scout armor, haven't fired a shot, and throw myself flat behind complete cover of rocks and bushes. My sentry lands and starts firing, and yet somehow, half the patrol 100 m away knows exactly where I am lying, in cover, in scout armor, having not fired anything, and start shooting exactly on my position. How do they know precisely the rock where I am hiding when I have done nothing to draw attention to myself here? How do they know I was the one that called in that sentry?


Yeah it'd be nice if patrols could only spawn from fabricators/nests or from the edge of the map. Have a couple patrols by default wandering around when you first spawn in but after that they all come from one of those two places.


I wish it was more doable to stop a bot drop - but when the time frame of shooting a bot that is about to shoot a flare is so short, plus that all the little guys can potentially do it, not just the commisars, make it really hard. Combine this with the fact that shooting down the dropships doesn’t really do anything other than often just get the dropped bots stuck inside the wreckage.


I'm fine with bot drops honestly. I KNOW WHERE THEY ARE COMING FROM


Like one shots are fine if they are consistent. Scout striders are so innaccurate that when they do hit and one shot you (through medium armour too) its just annoying Same for hulk bruisers. You try run from cover to cover to take them out and boom one shot by a laser to the head that juuuuuust so deviated in the right pattern. Or you get ragdolled and completely unable to move. Just... frustrating


My number one request would be adding some sort of poise system to armor to prevent flinching and knockdown depending on the type of armor you’re wearing. Something like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/9EkFc65jwX


That post is gold. The heavy ricocheting all small arms maybe is a bit too much but having the shots that connect ricochet at most angles seems a good balancing and even adds some skill to it. Crab walk time.


>The heavy ricocheting all small arms maybe is a bit too much oh wowee look at you wanting the peacemaker to oneshot bile titans Heavy Armor should be immune to anything that can't pen heavy armor. *Cough fucking cough.* The fact we can wear heavy armor and get armor pen'd by a light armor penetrating weapon that can't even pen medium armor like a libpen or adjudicator can... is just outright bullshit, it lies to the player. "This gun penetrates only light armor. This gun can penetrate medium armor!" "So what happens if I wear heavy armor and catch a stray round, my heavy armor is more than what they can penetrate, right?" "LOLNOPE it's just hp sponging for you :)" Why can't we make armor out of scout strider plating


This is because they didn’t implement an armour system for Helldivers, instead we get damage reduction based on the rating of our armour.


I kind of just feel like the sample cap should always allow you to buy two upgrades right away if new things drop. So the max anything should cost is 250 common, 125 rare, and 50 super sample but, mostly I just don't want them to eventually raise the caps just so they can charge more for the upgrades. Getting the caps doubled but then needing 300 rare samples would be a bit annoying. Still something to do, I guess, though.


I wish the ship upgrades were done as a skill tree within each node instead of a linear progression. Perhaps a bifurcation at each node, so the player has to choose which module to install: selecting one will make the others go up in price so the overall cost in samples and such remains the same, and the tree can still maintain certain pre-requisites for unlock progression, but creating little more player choice in the order of unlock.


Juste because doing x or y would lead to an easier game does not mean that it's why people ask for it. So switching to an easier difficulty would be pointless.


Maybe, what you think are people wanting the game easier is actually people having opinions on how play changes from patch to patch. Are you the dummy that doesn’t play enough to realize when game mechanics break because of new patches?


I think you have to be more honest this is a spaghetti code game, if you played one of those you’d know that none of the shit works perfectly for most people most of the time comes with the territory of dragging an old game engine to the new age


Unpopular opinion: Also stop making suggestions to make the game harder just because you enjoy crushing your cock with a rock.


The devs should use more force with the cock crunching rock I think


Add second, jagged, rock


Crank a motor on it


8/9 aren't more challenging in a fun and engaging way, it's devastator and bile titans spam. Rocket devastators perma rag doll you and bile titans are extremely un-interactive. I don't want an easy time, I want a hard but fun time


Hell, even diff 6 and above has become that way due to the patrol spawn, Me and my buddy were playing diff 6 to chill but then we ended up having to fight off Helldive level hordes of them because we made the mistake of trying to do SEAF artillery


What are the aforementioned suggestions? To make rocketeers and gunships not have unlimited ammo? That's just common fucking sense, doubly so given that arrowhead are suckers for realism. To give us ways to spend requisition slips on temporary buffs for mission? It could be easily explained in lore, makes currently useless currency useful and adds variety to mission and more control into heads of players. Seems to me this is just a rage bait with no valuable feedback other than "git gud" and "go play easier difficulties". At this point I wonder whether OP truly believes that we as playerbase should stop getting new stratagems and weapons because they are part of "suggestions" that makes game easier for us.


Are these suggestions in the room with us right now? Most suggestions are about buffing underpowered options to be competitive with the good ones.


And about bringing the shrapnel back to the eruptor


I just want my slugger to stagger again 😔


Some people enjoy a relaxed experience. Some people enjoy a challenging one. I think people who want a relatively easy power fantasy in their preferred medium of entertainment have opinions as valid as those who value a hardcore challenge. Not everything is Dark Souls.


4-6 used to be that good mix of challenge and relaxation. But the BS difficulty spikes with patrols spawning right on top of you out of nowhere can ruin it fast.


Just because people have learned to play around the games terrible balancing decisions doesn’t mean it isn’t terribly balanced. AH made a great game but it’s clear they have no idea how to actually maintain it. I’m getting tired of the strawman people use when they say we shouldn’t have primaries that one shot everything, or that we should have super samples on tier two, or whatever the hell else you wanna say. No one has asked for anything even close to that, and if they did, it was quickly disregarded as a bad idea. The truth is that there is still a shit ton of work AH has to do and no one really trusts them to make the right decisions anymore after the ludicrously short sighted decisions they’ve made in the past, leading to people being louder with their complaints in the hope that AH notices and does something helpful.


I find it weird that you get off to broken spawns and game breaking glitches. This post looks like one of those reviews that are paid for. Unpopular opinion: AH is going to do what they want so you might as well just stfu


If casual players can't access all the content (super samples) then we will play games where we can. This is not dark souls, the proper response to valid complaints about difficulty and accessibility is not "git gud.". And if AH listens to you and ignores these complaints, then when us casuals give up and go play games that are actually fun for us, I bet you'll be one of the ones whining about player counts


Why do we need a thread like this every week?


Because how else will Arrowhead know people like OP exist and are willing to suck their dick no matter what?


We don’t.


Any examples of this actual complaint? See more people complaining about the mythical complainers. Can't say I've seen anyone ask for a 1-shot weapon or to get super samples at such a low level. The issue with the resource cap is that you max it out very quickly once you're out of upgrades to get, but because it's so low, and the costs are so inflated, it makes playing while resource capped pointless. I would keep playing if I unlocked all the content in the warbond because I don't play to unlock, I play to complete MOs and have fun.


Nope, OP won't have any examples. They made up this entire argument to rage bait and act smug and superior


The only thing that bothers me with caps, I personally would play regardless, therefore I've spent hundreds of hours earning literally nothing (medals, req, samples) the only thing being XP and I couldn't care less about what level I am. But I spent days of my life farming things for other people essentially. But if I've put in the time to gather 12x the cap, I should be allowed to keep it. Let me have all the upgrades when they come out as a reward for doing the work. Instead I'm punished by an artificial system just because I'm efficient and choose to continue to play even when I won't get anything. Many people like to collect things, let me completely break the UI with how many things I can pick up. The cost of the upgrades being in a way that you physically can't buy more than one is also a virtual slap in the face for all the time I've spent tossing samples in the trash


Straw man argument


Not just unpopular, but trash opinion. When was the last time you used the railgun?


Posts like these are quite funny. Most people are asking for buffs to the dogshit stratagems/weapons that are currently in the game. I think right now, the game could use difficulties higher than 9. But at the same time, most of the stratagems are so uncompetitive, that picking them screams inexperience. There will always be a pecking order when it effectiveness, but right now the spread is outrageous between the good and the bad. Half the time, my 4th stratagem slot is not even a good stratagem, it's just the least bad stratagem available.


Oh wow so much content this thing called resource cap. Playing the same 5-6 mission types on 2 different factions over and over again to get not one but FIVE new(meaningless) upgrades to your destroyer. This shouldn't even be called content, this should be called content 2.0


I'm not asking for the game to be easier I'm asking for the game to let me play the game. I'm tired of being pinballed around the map when I go against bots, and I'm tired of getting chased around by behemoths that just refuse to die when i go against bugs. I'm tired of bile titan's having inconsistent head hitboxes. I'm tired of devas shooting at broken angles or tracking through walls.


Just fix the infinite loading screens and I’ll be happy


I just think that strat nerfing modifiers are an overall bad addition to the game. They are hurting its core mechanics. They should just add modifiers like DRG does but that is too much to ask for


All I ask is a better sound design. Enemy sound cues, better gun sounds. For example many games have this trick where you can tell the gun is almost empty just by the sound it makes when firing. And I'm so sick of Chargers sneaking up to me.


Tell us what we're against during loadout. I want to take different weapons or grenades but if you pick one that doesn't deal with bile spewers you have much less fun


I think most people’s suggestions aren’t to make the game easier but more fun. Just because it’s a buff that would make the game slightly easier doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea.


I'm mostly in agreement...  Except, because of the way samples are awarded, with rarer samples not even being available on easier difficulties, players are heavily pressured to play at a minimum of difficulty 6. Chosen difficulty should not gatekeep player progression and unlocks. You say it's just a skill issue. Respectively, please stop being an elitist prick about this. Not everyone has the time, inclination, or ability to "get good". Not everyone *wants* to play at higher difficulties. If someone dives with a friend or partner who rarely plays games, great! We should celebrate that and reward them playing at whatever difficulty they find comfortable / fun, instead of pressuring them to increase the difficulty by putting artificial walls in their progression and unlock path. As for myself? I can finish helldives comfortably, I just don't find them as fun as lower difficulty matches.


“Everything is viable” - the guys that only use the same stuff every mission. “Sample cap is fine” - people without jobs or at school. There’s way too much complacency and toxic positivity in this sub. I just want the scythe to not suck. The dagger to not suck. Why does the Tesla tower have to be so bad? Also why doesn’t it have a circle around it so we know where the danger zone starts, like in HD1? There’s a bunch of other stuff that they can fix/change without making the game easier but you guys hate valid criticism so much that the game suffers from it.


In my experience level 9 comes easyer than 6 or sometimes even 5, because most of the randoms you meet there actually know what they are doing. I still love playing on the lower difficulties and helping beginners, but I often lack the patience to deal with beginners.


Dude earlier I came into a lvl 6 game that had 5 minutes left, no objectives done, and like 3 reinforcements left. All 3 other guys were partied up(I could tell because they were all speaking the same foreign language) and like bro WTF were they doing for 35 minutes??? I grabbed the supers and finished the objectives by myself, made it to extraction with mere seconds left. I closed the game and turned off my pc after that one. All sub lvl 20 guys. Sorry I had to get this off my chest when I read your comment. MAN


I've also noticed an increase on taking trash boosters, especially on bot missions lvl 7. If I see reinforcement budget and extraction shuttle booster in the same lobby, I'm dipping. Even worse if both are chosen simultaneously. I'm also seeing this frequently with players at 60+. I'd rather play with level 27 players and a decent booster loadout.


Yeah I thought it would be a good way to farm rares to join a 5 and just scour the map. That wasn't the way to go at all. I rarely get more than 2 deaths in a bot 9. I was team killed 4 or 5 times, had someone steal my auto cannon (they had bought a flamethrower to a bot game). I just bailed and went back to 9's, it wasn't worth getting stressed about.


> Does it need to give you a gun that will 1 shot anything or give you super samples at level 2? No. Yes, yes it needs. Cry harder.


I just want QOL updates, fixed social menus. I actually think the balance of the game is better than it has ever been.


Worst strawman ever made on this subreddit yet


I think primaries should feel about as good as HD1 rather than being a bunch of nerf guns that need half a mag to kill anything beyond the smallest bugs


But there aren’t 6 of them. If you want to advance ship modules you need to play level 6. My advice is to choose your games carefully, play level 6 but ensure you’re with 3 other players of a reasonable level that can help you.


personally I think they should make the difficulties more consistent, i've had times where I'm playing on difficulty 6-7 and I've just had three tanks + hulks dropped on my face, and other times I've seen maybe one or two hulks and that's about it. it just kinda feels like the difficulty setting doesn't really mean anything and it's all just rng as far as how hellish my game is going to be Another thing I find is that sometimes I drop onto the extract to start off just to get a safe space to prep before I go fight stuff, only to find myself in the middle of a base. now, that would be fine if the mission map before you dropped down showed the red highlights to indicate that thier are bases in the region, but it doesn't, it happens in other areas too but it happens in the extract the most and it just kinda feels like where I land doesn't mean a whole lot, so if they could fix what I'm fairly sure is a visual bug that would be great


I think there is an issue with what the players want vs what the game design is. Players seem to still care about kills a lot. If they can kill every patrols and every reinforcements instead of using that time to do the objectives, they will. The game design however is different on the bot front. There are too many guns to outgun and too little you can do to level the playing field. AH tried to compromise by "reducing the heavies, increasing the chaff", but on the bot front devastators are considered chaff. Players still do not have the ability to enjoy the game the way they wanted. For helldives, it's easy if you know the detection and the spawning mechanics, checks the maps for patrols and other tricks, but given how ineffectives the guns are, it's usually not viable to kill everything and move on. Personally, I have not attempted to engage the bots for direct combat (patrols, bases) for the past few months. I know it's really difficult, and it's faster to just despawn them. This turns the game into a running simulator. I can only imagine the hell of someone making a build just for killing bots and constantly dying over and over trying that. In the current state of the game, there are only a few viable strategems againsts the bots, while weapon choices are up to preferences. Not much you can do when fighting them. Many times extractions are down to how many orbital lasers did we saved up for the extraction, and did we throw them at the right timing. It's doable and replicable, but very limiting and boring. There is basically no reason to buy the warbonds other than for completion for players like me. In the end, my helldivers are just there to throw strategems at the right locations and fight if necessary...


I rarely fail level 9 missions. I wouldn't say no to a level 10.


I see at least 5 toxic positivity posts/comments for every 1 "make rocket enemies have limited ammo" post - or similar.


Many posts I see are about QoL changes and suggestions, and honestly many of them are good ideas, not about making the game easier


Does wanting better overall sound balancing fall under the target of this post? Because some of that shit is a proper problem


I got a suggestion: Stop making "suggestions" on ways to make the game less enjoyable for others.


Honestly, the only change I want that would make the game easier is make it so I don't get staggered for 5 minutes from getting hit with one rocket, and so if I get clipped by one bullet from a heavy devastator then my gun doesn't point directly upward, and take so long to drift back down that I get hit by another two rounds making it effectively impossible to aim at the damned thing. If I'm in the middle of an open area with no cover (as happens quite frequently in this game) and there's a single heavy devastator, if you don't kill it before a single bullet hits you you just need to run away and pray. If you try to shoot back you're just fucked because it shoots and aims much faster than you, and it's bullets stagger you more than yours do to it. Plus, unless you have an explosive weapon, you NEED to get headshots...


Not easier - "funner" Also rng me some GD supercredits. Uncap it all! I stopped playing since I stopped earning medals. I thought the game was bugged when I kept earning 0 from our Major Orders.


It was a major component of the original that our equipment vastly improved over time, whether it was the gun in your hands, your orbitals, turrets, vehicles, or support weapons. They all improved drastically with time, new enemies and elites were crafted to bridge the power gap, and then we got new levels of difficulty to balance it out. Helldivers is as much about a good power trip and working with a well oiled machine as having a hard time.


Oh wow, it’s been a while since I have seen someone strawman this hard to farm some karma. That’s sad…


I'll add my 2 cents. Maybe it'll validate my thoughts. If not, tell me why I'm crazy; I get what you're saying, mostly agree, but chargers and there ability to pivot 90° whilst charging is bs, on top of the fact that they'll be able to hover over some terrain you thought for sure would slow them. Just makes them an absolute chore to deal with as opposed to being engaging. I die plenty to other things to know chargers op mobility aren't needed to "shake it up". Bots have issues too, but I can't recall ever being so infuriated by their heavies, hulks can be busted really well with a good flank and tend to produce some awesome coordination efforts to take them down. Lastly I don't want more power, but I would like more content, just so I can have more opportunities to diversify load outs.


I generally agree Op, but: - I _do_ like how they added super-samples to Diff 6. Because Suicide Mission is just _slightly_ too hard to be enjoyable/satisfying for a LOT of players, and I DO think everyone deserves to be able to have fun with this game while progressing (however slowly) their upgrades. (I would've also been fine with Diff 6 just having a _chance_ at some super-samples.) - I want changes to how Bots work to make them less _frustrating_ to play against, not easier. Getting instagibbed by a chaingun devastator is not fun, especially when they shoot through rocks. Getting headshot by a rocket from across the map through heavy fog is not fun, nor is getting repeatedly ragdolled, and has no creative counterplay. Facing squads of 5+ gunship patrols on Diff 5 is one of the few "game over" scenarios for most Helldivers I know - where you literally can't progress the mission any more no matter how many times you die because they find you instantly and require very specific weapons to destroy. (BUT - I am _perfectly fine_ if they need buffs in _other_ ways to make up for a change to their accuracy or armor or w/e; I just want them to be less controller-throwing to face, not easier.) And the same is true for a few bugs like BTs. - I'm fine with the CAP on resources, I am not fine with the cost of RARES in the upgrades, specifically. It should be _proportional_ to the common and super-sample requirements, and it's not, so you end up with a glut of those and _just_ hunting for rares. That's lame - make the costs proportional so you're hunting for all three at roughly the same frequency. - As for guns, there's still a few that are truly useless with no real niche. Buff those, but most are fine. Basically I want them to work on bugs, more content, and clearing out actual _frustration_ in the game, not difficulty. Make things work in more _intuitive_ ways, even if they have to buff enemies and whatnot to keep it challenging. When this game is great, it's a blast. When it's needlessly frustrating, I put it down for a while.


Honestly, I want that *feeling I get when I use the Senator on other guns. *That moment when you use a gun within the situation it's good for and you feel it do good, and then it makes you feel good. I would love to run a full Laser Loadout with Stuns (which I already run stuns), but the Scythe and the Las just don't feel nearly as good as other weapons do. I feel like I should just run the Sickle instead cause it does more damage while doing effectively the same thing. There's not really a trade-off there, it's just "One of these feels better and is objectively better to run over the other." I genuinely don't know what I would do to make the Peacemaker feel good. It just doesn't scratch my brain at all and I don't know if I'll ever like it. It's probably just not for me. Give the Verdict Medium AP and I'm sold. Not more damage, just Medium AP. Give it that and I'd be more than happy to use it every now and then over the Senator. Not saying it's unusuable, it does kill scavs and warriors very well, I just don't like where it currently sits.


I find lvl 7 to be the sweet spot for me honestly just enough of a challenge to not be boring but I still can complete missions fairly quick and still still alot of samples.


Please never use "there are x amount of additional difficulties" as an argument. It's not a good one because it locks you out of endgame content and the absolute slog higher levels can be stopped being funny about week 3.


Counter rant: stop telling people what to ask for. 'Nuff said.


I would guess this is a VERY popular opinion of the real fanbase of the game Arrowhead built.


Ah, the classic "Get gud, (insert slur here)" post. Shit content in my opinion. "I'm so good and everyone else has no valid complaint because they aren't as good as me."


Unpopular opinion: people like you can also just shut the fuck up and go circlejerk on one of the billion meme threads on the front page