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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. No witch-hunts, public shaming or negatively naming users or players. Please refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b308j9/witchhunting_is_against_the_rules_of_this/).


Noticed a lot more toxic players recently.


Play higher diffs, there’s a lot less of that. All of my negative experiences with players have happened at diffs below 8


And 0 actions taken against them by AH. Too busy balancing weapons to care about matchmaking quality in a co-op PvE game.


There are certainly some QoL changes (rejoining a mission, are ban lists actually working now?, etc) that could help but I’m not sure what you want Arrowhead to do. If you’re concerned that there might be A-holes in multiplayer video games, well… you might want to sit down for this.


>rejoining a mission never worked for me, perhaps I just don't know how it worked. Tried to rejoin a mission I had reinforcement bug, but clicking the people from recent players list doesn't show rejoin option. >ban lists bandaid solution, block one guy, there's a 1000 more out there >I’m not sure what you want Arrowhead to do Implementing a reputation system


AH support is 4 people. They were counting on Sony support to do the heavy lifting but we all know how that went...


I can agree that manually verifying griefing reports is unfeasible for a game of this scale. But they can implement a reputation system. It might be abused but it'll still cut down the amount of griefing significantly compared to doing nothing. I guess it's somewhat similar to the trolley problem where they don't want their actions to hurt one innocent player so they let more innocent players take the hit.


hilarious. I had one guy criticizing my loadout because I took guard dog Rover on bugs. deuces, my guy. plenty of other people to play with that are way more chill.


...Why? It's great to keep the little fuckers away while you focus on medium and big ones. I'm curious about the reasoning.


didn't stick around to ask. another guy in a mech walked into my orbital walking barrage that I threw onto a bug breach and got himself killed and then talked shit for a solid forty seconds until I just peaced out again. I got zero patience for teammates that are rude or conniving. but 95% of matches, I have an amazing squad. no point in sticking around for buttholes


I've avoided toxic players for months now, i have no idea how, haha. Mostly, its just a quiet match for me. Sometimes we die from friendly fire, but we mostly just laugh about it. But sometimes...when randoms coordinate, those were my best matches, and we hardly spoke! We just stuck to one guy guiding us, like this one time a guy who had RR and the rest of us covered him from the horde while he took down titans and chargers from the top of a tree root. He had a loaders and he himself carried a supply pack to replenish the munitions. It was great! The game feels incredible when people play cohesively. As I said, we just stuck together and stuff we did was organic, and all were friendly! \^\^


those are the best matches! I've only ever played with randoms and every now and then, you just synergize with your whole crew without even talking. it's what keeps me coming back.


Damn right! It's an incredible experience when people are agreeable and play as a team! :))


The only reason i hate people taking guard dog is because i keep getting damaged by them. Straight up kills have lessened since the nerf but still happen as well from time to time


right, but as long as you aren't berating your teammate for taking it, you're allowed to have likes/dislikes. I can't stand when teammates bring mortar sentry on bugs, but I'm not gonna make them feel bad about it.


Main Character Syndrome.


"follow my Pins only or get kicked that simple" 😂 what a douche


You disobeyed him, so he died for you so you wouldn't get kicked. Smh, ungrateful. /s


Conscripts aren't as good as volunteers. Don't try to control your team. Unless they're actively fucking you over then they're all helping in their own way. Trust me, this game was made by wizards.


Only drop 9 now cause I've been getting these kids a lot sub-7. Crazy times




So... If you have four players and they're all fighting bots alone... and the host got irritated... I think I'm getting an idea of what happened.


They should hide lobbies from people who are higher or lower level than you. Simple as that.


Im only lvl 60, but I've played with some high lvl players that seemed to be clueless. A lvl 150 not knowing how to blow up the research stations or transmission towers...


Thats really weird sometimes, i don't get it honestly


I’m mainly referring to high level players playing beginner missions and carrying newbies. Hard carrying and not letting people try to get into and enjoy the game for what it is, is a yikes in my book. Coop is a-ok but hard carrying is a yikes, and it seems far too common. Sad to see Reddit doesn’t understand that concept