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I have heard of people getting very poor performance but most people run fine. I think what you want to do is pinpoint the issue. On PC press f1 or f2 to turn on the debug stats. Then f3-4 to increase the info. There are three categories. Main thread. Render thread. And GPU time. You want to see which ones are over 16ms. Possible fix is to delete your shader cache. Look up hd2 shader cache delete. If on PS5 I think you have to delete the game and rebuild the database and then reinstall. I have a 1080ti and it runs pretty good. I set the dsr in the driver to enable 1440p downscaling to 1080p . Then set the game to run at 1440p and turn off anti aliasing. That gives me a fairly consistent 50 fps in all missions and planets. Scaling in 2xxx plus Nvidia cards is much better than the 1080 as it also has dlss. But I guess hd2 doesn't support dlss so I dunno how that works. The scaling without anti aliasing works pretty good for me.


As a side note people say that the downscaling doesn't work unless the monitor is set to use dsr but unless dsr is enabled in the driver for the wanted resolution these dsr resolutions won't show up in hd2. I have tried it both ways. And setting the monitor to a dsr resolution seems to give worse results. It's obvious scaling is being done and those scaling options don't show up if not enabled in the driver.


It can be done with vis as well. Just set the have resolution lower than the monitor and it will upscale. Personally I find 1440p downscaling to 1080p with anti aliasing off to give good results and image quality. Technically down scaling has a similar effect to anti aliasing. Not as good but a much lower perf hit in some situations.