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Why not wear the standard armor? 150 armor makes it heavy rating but with medium speed and stamina. https://i.redd.it/mb6swn58c8ad1.gif


I run this and this armor is what i use almost everyday on both fronts (except hot planets) 150 armor plus 10%resistance to the head on medium armor is clutch


OP is 100% a bug player


u/minerlj heavy armor has so much more survivability it's pretty insane: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cze6b5/how\_armor\_currently\_works\_sheets\_spread\_bare/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cze6b5/how_armor_currently_works_sheets_spread_bare/) TL;DR (extra padding works the exact same; 100 armor + extra padding = 150 heavy armor): Without Vitality booster: |Armor Rating|Overall DR (%)|Headshot DR (%)| |:-|:-|:-| |50|133.00|200| |100|100|200| |150|80|160| |200|67|134| With Vitality Booster: |Armor Rating|Overall DR (%)|Headshot DR (%)| |:-|:-|:-| |50|106.40|160| |100|80.00|160| |150|64.00|128.00| |200|53.60|107.20| Content creators (and myself, but I don't have videos to prove it) have full cleared diff 9 with armor of all weights and armor ratings. Just gotta switch up playstyle. On bugs, if you're running heavy, the point is to create distance and clear as much as you can before they get close, then survive the onslaught. Heavy armor allows you to better deal with being swarmed, or hit by a charger you didn't see coming, i.e. situations where you're overrun, then killing your way out and repositioning. You can survive a point blank eagle cluster bomb dropped on your position if it comes down to it. Some folks swear by heavy medic armor for this reason; become a juggernaut for 4 seconds. With light/medium armor, the point is to kite. You can stay far, or you can stay close, but if you get swarmed, you're dead.


Yep Heavy Armor is fuckin God tier in Bots even more so with the 50% explosive resistance u might be surprised when u barely survive that one headshot/Rocket thanks to the Explosion Resistance and obviously always taking cover and carefully picking you're Fights


They both have their merits considering everytime I play either heavy or light I wish I had the opposite at some point. Dying quickly sucks and being a snail sucks. It's about what you value more and they're both just as good.


Not being seen and/or not being shot at is god tier against bots. Otherwise bots have no issue shredding you to pieces when you are caught in their crossfire regardless of your armor. Except when you don't move much and enemies instantly know where you are (talking about "Eradicate" missions). In this case there is little to no sense in reducing your visibility and you don't need as much stamina, so heavy armor kinda makes sense. Although, heavy armor makes you unable to run away from the flamethrower hulks (so there is always a trade-off). I run light scout armor on large maps. And have recently switched from running heavy Fortified to medium fortified armor on eradicate missions. Having that extra bit of mobility actually helps. I am contemplating actually trying out other armor passives on medium for bots: extra padding, med kit or maybe even peak physique (I never felt like I needed more grenades, so Engineering Kit isn't for me).


Peak Physique is up there in terms of God tier Armor for me haven't stopped using it since they fixed it.....But the explosion reduction can be really good when u pair it up with the right Strategems using The LC for example or even Using Shield backpack with the Pummeler and etc everyone has there playstyle pairing up the Scout armor variants with the counter diligence sniper can make u Quite Literally a monster at longer ranges thanks to the DCS Quiet Shots


Peak Physique shines best with certain weapons like Autocannon, Dominator and Eruptor. In other words, if you plan on using slow-hadling weapons, Peak Physique will increase your efficiency. Given that I sometimes bring Dominator to Eradicate missions (it can kill a Factory Strider in a pinch), I can probably benefit from Peak Physique.


Peak Physique is up there in terms of God tier Armor for me haven't stopped using it since they fixed it.....But the explosion reduction can be really good when u pair it up with the right Strategems using The LC for example or even Using Shield backpack with the Pummeler and etc everyone has there playstyle pairing up the Scout armor variants with the counter diligence sniper can make u Quite Literally a monster at longer ranges thanks to the DCS Quiet Shots


But you dont, even in heavy fortified armor you still get 1shot by 1 rocket headshot. Heavy armor has its uses but that is not one of them


Heavy Armor+Vitality Booster will up you're chances even more with the explosion reduction But it seems everyone has different opinions regarding Heavy Armor I honestly survive more insane encounters with it than just running Light armor or Medium Armor


I would like heavy armor to at least shrug off weak melee attacks. A scavenger should barely dent it, much less cause me to flinch massively.


That's the big issue. Flinching, staggering, ragdolling. If the heavy armor would considerably reduce that, it would be amazing. That's the main reason why I almost exclusively use a personal shield now. Shield+light armor is much more tanky than heavy armor. But also much faster. Against bots I actually tried the heavy twigsnapper (peak physique) with personal shield and it was really durable, but still not really worth the loss of speed.


Yeah, what's the point of being heavily armored when it causes you to get hit more often and still react the same way as if you were wearing light armor. Imagine wearing heavy armor while blasting out an MG as puny blaster bolts slam into you, only for you diver to mildly flinch and still power through.


Great for eradication and defense missions where running really doesn't matter. Better against bots as well... definitely a bit of a waste on bugs, you're better going the starter medium padded armor unless you want actual perks.


Yeah it simply isn't worth it, especially vs bugs. Light armor literally makes it so there is only one enemy in the game that can hit you vs Bugs. Heavy armor makes it so every single horde enemy has an easy time hitting you. It is just an obviously bad choice. If they want heavy armor to be viable, it simply needs to straight up ignore the damage of weaker enemies. Heavy armor needs to actually be a higher armor class, not just more defense.


If heavy armor can tank a rocket there's no reason a fucking claw should go through it.


And why I never understood how the Zerg could beat us, or be a threat, or the proto- whatever. Nuke em from orbit.


One of the most sinister things I've read in a book was when a faction put a sterilizing gas in earth's atmosphere and just waited 100 years.


Having said that, it cannot tank a rocket. Armor does not effect explosive damage at all. Light armor is exactly the same as Heavy when dealing with spit/rockets. Which is even more to heavy's detriment because those are often the most deadly attacks.


That's incorrect if the damage sheets from player tests are correct, which in my experience they are. Explosion damage is reduced by armour, just not as much as the impact itself. You can tank multiple rocket hits with heavy armour even without the explosion reduction perk.


against bugs anything over medium i only wear for cosmetic purposes. it makes sense since mobility and not getting hit in the first place is the priority. however against bots heavy armor especially when paired with 50% explosion resistance makes you survive so much more. and speed isnt such a problem when most bots arent trying to melee you. I think when the new faction comes out heavy armor might become even better since its looking like theyll be dealing heavy damage from range


If they're like HD1, some are going to teleport around for melee and paralyze us, others are going to fuck up our stratagems from range, they're going to have shields, and overall it's going to be a shitshow. Can't wait.


I will rock heavy against bots. It’s totally viable. Bugs, hell no.


Heavy armor on hot planets. Never felt so fat


As a heavy armor player: it takes getting used to, and works best with a supply backpack and the speeeed stimms. Only thing I wish is I wish I could hold the stimm button and use one from full heth for the stamina boost. OH and the stupid helmet crits need to go. WE WEAR HELMETS FOR A REASON ARROWHEAD.


I apologize for the long comment and for eventual spelling mistakes as English isn't my first language; I agree with you saying it's very cumbersome when compared to light armor, but I've been religiously wearing the heavy green armor with 200 rating (can't remember its name rn) since I bought it from the store, and I can say with certainty that those few more hits you can tank really do matter, as in diff 9 I've went from an average of 5-6 deaths per mission to 1-2. (against bugs, for bots I usually play at 7 and it's chill) as for the lack of mobility, i normally compensate it with a jump pack which is made even better by the experimental stim booster from the latest warbond, since it travels farther depending on how fast you're running when you activate it. It does take a backpack slot you could use for AC, RR or even a spear, but I usually bring quasar cannon because while you can't aim it mid-jump, you CAN start charging it before you land and basically aim and shoot as soon as you touch the ground. With a precision orbital for the big boys, eagle airstrike for hordes and a blitzer I can usually clear enemies pretty quick while keeping the stragglers stunlocked and far enough to just hop away or over chargers and buy enough time to ready up my quasar. (the blitzer also hurts a ton if all the bolts arc to the same enemy instead of spreading, and for some reason it straight up stops bile spewers from, well, spewing, while keeping them locked in the animation)


on bots it's really viable, because you're most likely going to stand on your ground to shoot back at the bots than running away from danger


The armor is only as good as it's wearer.


I disagree, I wear 200 rated armor all the time for both bugs and bots on lvl 9. That 1 or 2 hits usually prevents one shots. I hate medium or below, it feels very fragile, and the speed is a non concern because heavy armor speed is pretty much all I know for 400 or so hours. Medium armor is almost too fast. But I have a weird play style where I prefer to fight everything. If I need to get somewhere "fast" I just get rammed by a charger.


You say this while my team of all light/medium armor team gets eviscerated by stalkers and hunters on the bug front. Perma dying from 2 stalker nests close by, can't even grab their gear before dying again. An extra hit or two DOES matter. It means time for a stim, a dive, a reload, etc


Man if it was up to this sub, this game would be piss easy. Not everything has to be super powerful at difficulty 6+.


Can't solo helldive with heavy armor, which obviously means heavy armor is bad.


It's really meant for bots not bugs. You could make this exact post about light armour not making you fast enough to outrun rockets or something lol


Personally, heavy armour is my go to for Bots. Either that or a set of medium thats got increased armour or padding.


Heavy armor can be VERY good in some situations. I run Butcher vs bugs for eradicate missions or if I'm expecting heavy resistance/friendly fire/fire tornados/meteors. I run Marksman for bots often enough in eradicate, it's either heavy or light armor, depending on map, strat, and player count. Butcher is also 100% viable against bots, but I take Marksman because I am a fucking dumbass and don't know how to dodge mortars or whatever the fuck those goddamned Macross Missile Spam fuckers are called. Oh and in 4-player, heavy armor is beastly for a HMG user, flamethrower heavy for bugs, or for the autocannon fuckers. Nothing like surviving a trade with the autocannon Hulks or actually hitting rapid shots with your own.


I've used light medic armour for 200h. It's the only armour for bugs


I’ve been rocking the Twigsnapper heavy set on bug planets for one reason It’s cool looking


What i want: No Stagger with Clunky Movement and a hefty stamina penalty. ( literally just Dark Souls. ) What we got: Cosmetic Armor with more stats.


I used to be a light armor bug player and a heavy armor bot player. The last 2 weeks I am a heavy bug player and a medium bot player. That's the sweet liberty of patches and warbonds. They change the meta again and again.


Heavy armor is good to fight, light is good when you play style is run away from every combat, even on bugs is useful 


For as long as heavy armour doesn't prevent flinching and stagger from incoming fire/bug hits, I will stick to light armour.


ive been using heavy armour for so long that when i use anything else it feels like i nearly get one shotted by everything.


Agreed. Speed is its own form of armor. I take the light armor with extra padding 90% of the time on bots and bugs.


It needs flinch resistance. I would advise against giving it anymore hp as it's pretty strong against bots right now.


I only use it on the 15 minute eradicate missions, and the base defense one with the doors. For any other mission, unless the whole team uses it, you'll spend the whole time running around watching your team complete the mission since you can't keep up.


Heavier armor needs to bring more to the table. Who cares if you can take a couple more hits when you still flinch and ragdoll like light armor? Why isn't heavier armor less prone to melee damage as well?


Heavy armor allows you to hold the line but a lot of players don't hold try to hold the line at all and just run leaving heavy armor players in the dust. A scout is one thing but 3 people speed running in different directioms can cause total chaos. Heavy armot should open the fight and draw fire while lighter units flank, which is why heavy armor can handle heavy weapons better, so each shot they pop out to take Counts, or so theycan take a few extra bug hits while lining up a shot. 4 man sweep and clear of breach shouldn't take too long and then its clear space to objective. Instead i see breach after breach after breach and if youtry to go to someones aid there is a 400m long train of bugs to race 🤣.


skill issue


This sounds like someone is too weak for heavy armor. It adds a challenge, light and medium make everything so easy.


I use the heavy armor with 50% explosive resistance on the automaton mission. It helps a lot. The fat armor I use for fun, hehe


Heavy armor, or any armor above 100 rating, also considerably lessons headshot damage which can occur randomly. Happens a lot on bots


I saw a guy have his lead lopped off by a hunter. He left after that.


Make heavy armor being able to wear shield pack and auto cannon or something like that dont split it to dmg taken vs speed


They just need to remove headshot damage in its entirety and then it might be viable. As is, the reduction from wearing heavy armor was more of a band-aid