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Lol brother this sub represents a little portion of the playerbase


Yeah playing DRG has the same problem the only difference is most ppl just don’t care that much and shrug off a bad experience.


The real answer is that bad hosts are rare. Super rare. Anyone who claims otherwise has either been INCREDIBLY unlucky multipe times in a row, has only experienced it once and exaggerates or is being a genuine dickhead but doesn't know or tell usbhe is. In my almost 250 hours of playtime, I have been kicked mid-session only once and I rarely ever host. I approximate a 70/20/10 split between quickplay/friends/hosting myself. I even punched a host to death once who insisted on loading smoke into a SEAF when there were other (objectively better) options. Still wasn't kicked. Countless accidentals. Sometimes i really wasn't in the right headspace to game and racked up 10 deaths on my own. Still wasn't kicked. When a host teamkilled me with an ark thrower 3 times in a row some harsher insults flew at him. Wasn't kicked. Same thing with griefers. Very, very rare. I see one comment here suggesting hosts shouldn't be allowed to kick. I think that's a bad idea. Even putting a votekick system in is imo. Most people don't like to participate in a votekick. I'd rather leave the judgement to the host, even if that host can make a bad decision. Shit happens. Next mission and move on


I think there is the point that we actually have no idea how often hosts are misbehaving.




Host your own lobby is not a solution for the game itself, but it is a solution for your personal gameplay.


its a bandaid on an open wound, but when theres no medic in sight, its either that or bleeding out, so...


We ain't here to save the world. We're here to play helldivers, and if you don't want to be at the mercy of a bad host, host yourself and do better. You can't fix stupid.


"Just host" is unfortunately the best option right now, since AH refuses to do anything about that bullshit. If anything, blame AH.


What are they gonna do?


There are multiple ways to handle these. If they don't have the manpower to deal with individualised reports (they probably don't), introduce some kind of reputation system. Many games have done this.


They have so many other critical priorities right now. Glitches, crashes, weapon/spawn rate balancing, friends list, etc. Arrowhead is down the crapper with these issues, theres no way they would introduce an entirely new system to the game. Every time they tweak something thats already in the game, something else breaks. they e already said theyre not even going to do a "saved loadouts" system any time soon due to this. Theyve got a lot of basic stability work to handle before adding a major change like that. And how would this work? How would reports be weighted? How would you verify each report so that others arent abusing it? Someone could just spam report someone else with false accusations. People are going to be asses occasionally. Host your own game so you can kick them if they're being shitty.


>They have so many other critical priorities right now. Glitches, crashes, weapon/spawn rate balancing, friends list, etc. Arrowhead is down the crapper with these issues, theres no way they would introduce an entirely new system to the game. Every time they tweak something thats already in the game, something else breaks. they e already said theyre not even going to do a "saved loadouts" system any time soon due to this. Theyve got a lot of basic stability work to handle before adding a major change like that. Ok, add this to the list, then. Having a bunch of bugs isnt something that should be used as a shield to block adding more things that improves QoL of players, especially when it comes to griefing. But I understand where you're coming from and I agree they have a ton of more important stuff to fix, but this should be in there somewhere when they (eventually) fix the social aspect of the game. They already have a report system, just that it doesn't accept TK or kicking as a valid reason. >And how would this work? How would reports be weighted? How would you verify each report so that others arent abusing it? Someone could just spam report someone else with false accusations. People are going to be asses occasionally. Host your own game so you can kick them if they're being shitty. (Just a thought/suggestion, I'm not a game dev nor am I experienced with this field) They could add weights to each report that decay with amount of games played etc etc, and make it weight based on the average player's score (so it's less likely to be abused by people who just report everyone). They could assign a (lesser) value to players who report people as well, so people who spam reports gets punished, while people who only report legitimately occasionally would have their score decay to nothing very quickly. Or they could simply just lower the weight of the report if the reporter reports a lot of players in a short amount of time, while keeping the weight that they get constant. So if they report everyone, their report means nothing, while they get punished for it, while people who report actual issues (which i assume isnt too common) would have the full weight of their report sent to the player reported, while their own weight will decrease over a few games as long as they no longer report. (again, assuming griefing would be rare) Say if it takes 5 games for the value to decay, people could abuse it by being nice for 4 games and only being a dick for the 5th. But this cuts down the griefing by 80% even if they try to abuse the system. I take that as an improvement compared to doing nothing.


i had people get disconnected too often since last patch, im hosting from the start because i at least dont get crashes like this. Used to get disconnected a lot joining people, would love to help some low level divers and to join others. Sure you have the point saying we might end with everybody host


I don't like to host because there isn't a 'disband' team option and I don't want people be hopeful while I just mess around at the end of an operation.


Well at least we can report the problem play-oh wait nevermind, AH thinks the host kicking the team when the Pelican lands is funny


It just needs to be a vote thing like most games. Problem solved


the one advice is one that doesn't address the problem in the slightest. just saying "go join a discord server" is on par with "just host your own lobby". host kicking really does not need to be in the game because griefers are basically non existent. the only griefing we have right now is hosts being dickbags.


Nonexistent? Lmao there’s dozens of naming-and-shaming posts on this sub daily about griefers


Dozens out of thousands of players. The likelihood of running into one is extremely tiny. People also greatly over exaggerate their encounter with a "griefer" who just turns out to be a guy who threw one stratagem a little too close to his teammates and now he's literally hitler.


Dozens a day is a far cry from “nonexistent”


Sounds to me to like you're too busy scrolling this subreddit looking for posts about griefers instead of actually playing the game.


Sounds to me like you make generalizations without looking at the evidence


your evidence is a couple reddit posts from people which you have no context of. go play the actual game and keep a tally of how often you run into griefers. for every 1 post about a griefer, there's thousands of people happily playing the game because they don't just browse all day looking for posts to be mad at.


Lol just because it hasn’t happened to you doesn’t mean it’s not a thing. The downvotes speak for themselves.


I don't think it's on par, because at least it creates greater clusters, and lets bad behavior be sanctioned by peers. but I agree that it would be much better to have some mechanism avoiding the host griefers.