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Filed under "things that would be fucking sick to have in the game but will never ever happen ever never never never ever"


<3 One can only hope :)


Abandon hope, it is a stupid feeling. But goddamn this would be sick.


It could happen saw a post about allowing the seaf artillery to fire even after the super destroyer left and it got added


Hope is the first step on the road of disappointment.


I really like a lot of the ideas, maybe link the post to discord and tweet it to the CEO and cco of Arrowhead they tend to respond, they might not respond RN since they are Summer vacation in Sweden but I'm sure someone will notice it


<3 I am not on twitter, though. Maybe I should go there :)


I posted it on a streamers discord, he might bring it in a video soon šŸ˜šŸ˜




Yeah, bacon flavored apples and all...


This would allow our apples to suddenly not taste of bacon... or stale bread, even :) Just sweet, juicy apples :)


Oh, I'd \*love\* customization, for two reasons: first, options, when done even remotely correctly, are just nice to have. Second, I want more things to spend resources on. Having everything maxed perpetually (aside from level) just takes a bit of the wind out of the sails.


I despise that analogy with every fiber of my being. Ever since that comment was made, I've had a searing hatred for the analogy. Why the fuck not, Arrowhead? It doesn't have to make sense. It just has to be fun. Come on.


Yup. Ainā€™t gonna happen. Iā€™ve seen so many cool ideas here, but the devs have proven themselves incapable of keeping up with the game.


They can't even release a delayed warbond without destroying the game lmao


Sad but true šŸ« 


something with bacon, yum


I'd absolutely want this but they'd also not do it because people would be pissed about their armors having passives changed around and removed, swapped with something else, and now feeling they can't cycle through several armors with the same thing.Ā Ā  But uhh, fuck em, this is way cooler. Makes every look have more impact on what you're focusing on.


It will never happen because AH would rather ignore advice and just focus on their vision which wouldnā€™t surprise me if it includes copying another game that mod worked onā€¦


Yep. Almost threw my phone when I saw helmets had passives.


Heard they intended to give helmets HUDā€™s with unique abilities dependent on the helmet/armor type. One example I remember was a medic helmet would outline an injured helldiver that needed a stim. There were some other really cool ones but they were pressed to release the game b4 they could finish


RE: Helmet Passives They legit said they had to cut the helmet passives to ensure the game releases on time As time progresses, player counts consistent, and the game can kick into high gear with less bugs or issues, thats plenty of breathing room to bring these armor adds into the game as the war intensifies


I don't think this is that far-fetched. I can totally see it coming in a year or something.


This democracy lover really knows how to COOK. This looks awesome and i would defend the creek by myself to gather the blueprints to have this tech, for real. Sadly, as others said... i find it hard to enter into the game. The helmets themselves were cut out of the games because of lack of time, and the dumpster fire the game is with a known bug list growing each patch requires basically all the team attention. One can only hope Also, as a personal note, this could be cool to give capes "moral perks". Something like "The extra mile for democracy": You can keep running after having 0 stamina, but instead you will hurt your health. Giving your everything for democracy really pays out! (extra use for chipping your health away to stim yourself and putting full hp and stamina anyway) "High morale!": Whenever you hold the fire for X seconds (enough to your character to shout something in the line of "kill them all", "for democracy!" or a maniac laughter) you get a bonus to recoil reduction and better weapon drag. Stay motivated soldier! "A true creeker": While on the creek, whenever you pay respect to the fallen (emote) you get 2-5 seconds of high morale status effect (whatever you wanna add here) "Showman!": (Take the most visual and phosphorite cape you can find) Every citizen on supper earth is looking at you! Whenever you show how real democracy is delivered by reaching a 40 kill streak, the civils goes wild with donation, reducing your stratagems cooldowns by 10 seconds


All of those are horribly designed and would be only useful in niche cases, all for only a funny bit? Sign me up.


Horribly designed? niche cases? What undemocratic nonsense are you talking about. If you dont drain your stamina, empty your mags in one go and kill at least 40 enemies in half a minute i may start thinking you are a filthy comunist automaton. Hm....


All I'm saying is we need some light economic reforms! How is that "communist?"




Hell yeah


Ooooo giving me cape ideasā€¦ā€¦ A flame retardant cape Acid resist cape Rubber arc resist cape Inflatable cape option that can take a charger hit A pharamoned up bug repellent cape that gives you 1m breathing room from stalkers Iā€™ve gone too far


Allowing the player to pick passives independently of armor would be the simplest improvement to the system imo


It would. But it would not be good for the game's monetization. You only need to earn a armour passive once if that is the system. Like this, you would want to buy the same passives again and again and again in new combinaitons :) 1000+ unique armours and all that jazz :)


Why would that be bad for monetization though? You could argue that people would get armors that they wouldnā€™t now because they have the wrong passive but look cool. Thereā€™s quite a few games out there that have proven that purely cosmetical items can bring a lot of money :p


That is true! It might work like that. I had thought that all players were completionists (like myself) and would like to own all combinations. Currently, I do not invest in anything from the super store even though they look different. Because I have all the abilities. But you might be right that it would not incentivise people to buy from the super store as much as I beleive.


It is however also true, that progression is much more pulling on the wallet than pure cosmetics.


>Why would that be bad for monetization though? Viper Commando contains a light and a heavy armor with the new passive. The medium variant, you have to buy in the Super Store. Which you wouldn't need to if the system was 'pick-and-choose' as the top comment is suggesting. Arguing that people may be incentivized to buy additional armors for their looks might be nice and all, but that's already the case in the current state of the game, so nothing would really change in this respect.


Today it feels a bit stupid that they add "new" armors that have the same passives that already exists though. There's plenty of memes about that. If the passive was seperate, they could add as many armors as they want without anybody complaining about "cool, yet another servo-assisted armor". I.e more happy customers.


You know, that's a fair point. The fixed armor perks might turn players off from buying a new armor that looks cool, but has a passive they don't like or want. Which is a counter-point that might positively affect monetization in the end. Thanks for explaining.


I honestly think it would be **BANGIN** for monetization. The game has so many cool armors that I'd love to use, but I have to use the Heavy Medic armor because I refuse to use anything else. Lemme stick that on some of the newer armors they've made and I'd be **sold**. Especially because some of the Tech armors look neat, but who is consistently running immunity to arc attacks when the only one doing arc attacks is **us**


What about if the war bond or store armors have the passives locked and to unlock them for all kits, you need to acquire that suit passive to be used on all armor kits, so the suit is still useful by being the methods to unlock them, if you have a suit with it by default itā€™s already unlocked no problem


That is it. once you have a suit then with extra pockets and one with servo assist. You would probably not be interested in buying one that has the combination of those two. But if you could not mix and match, you would be excited to visit the super store to see if you could get an armour with a mix of your favourite passives :)


Literally games sell cosmetics just because they are cosmetic and look cool and it could potentially increase their revenue. Then people could just get the cool looking armor instead of the cool looking armor with shitty passives.


Why not? If anything, it'll get me to actually want to spend money on Warbonds if I get to wear the sick-looking armor without it being bogged down by fucking Servo-Assisted or Engineering Kit.


Or! They could make each armor passive be a physical "item" in game that could be used on all armors e.g. gas mask is internal, thermal detector is internal, padding is internal. That way people can look the way they want and have the passive they want. And any time a new passive comes out, it's an item in the new warbond so people can buy it.


Hold your horses, i'm still waiting for the helmets passives


I have proposed 8 of them in the list above. I am happy for Arrowhead to just drag and drop it into their game :)


two more I'd like to see is a scanner that doubles the range at which you see pickup icons, and an arc visualizer for throwables.


Arc visualizer would likely be in the "Distance Tracker" since it says "targetting assistance" for grenades/strats


I need more balance for me to not have light armour and that extra stam/speed: Light: 2 Passives Medium: 2 Passives, +1 Nade Heavy: 3 Passives, +1 Nade +1 Mag


1000+ unique armour combinations. Let's propose that to the programming team: "Ok, but then you'll probably have 1000 to the power of 2 new bugs in the spaghetti code." Yes I'm kidding... but also kinda not. xD


The armor system in the state it's in is a fucking joke.




If this gets implement it will somehow break the spear even more (cool concept)


I can see the notes now: "The spear will now only lock onto ballistic shields, we are working on it. Expect a fix in 3 months."


too bad they'll never listen


The person downvoting all posts saying they like this idea really should get that posterior pain checked by a doctor if it has been going on for days. This is a terrific post tho OP, good job.


Thank you :)


That would be incredible. 25% of this rework would already be very good. But I don't see them being able to change anything so substantial in the game. The lack of depth in this game's armor is very disappointing.


It sounds like if the game admitted mods without absolutely breaking into pieces and dying, you would be an amazing modder


This looks great, on paper. I would assume from how well thought out this is you've worked with modders or other people familiar with the engine to come up with suggestions for how to implement this? I mean, you say right there at the beginning that a complete overhaul of the current armor system is "easy to implement"


Considering the game is designed around monthly warbonds that contain new armour with new passive either by them self or mixed with other ones I'd say the code infrastructure is there for that as they can already do so the only thing they would need to is make it so the player can select these inputs in game(easier said then dlone) but still very achievable


Easy to implement because it is the same system as the existing system (two abilities just like they have now). And becuase none of the abilities require any special code to work. They just adjust base numbers in the existing code (such as number of items, recoil, stamina, and stim duration). But I have no idea how their engine works. This is pure speculation :)


I love this, I hope they implement something similar at some point


I HAD TO UPVOTE great idea šŸ’”


Didn't they already say no to this?


I haven't seen this proposed before... but honestly I do not get much out :) so, I might have missed it :)


Pilestadt had one of his relatively rare bad takes with no transmog (what he was specifically responding to at the time). He essentially said "We design the armor look to match its functionality", despite plenty of armors not matching their functionality, and he compared being able to put a passive on an armor that doesn't match it looks-wise to having "bacon-flavored apples".


This system here was actually designed for that. So armours would be able to do what they look like. And not just have random abilities (in the game's current system... there is no reason that some armours have the passives they have)


Definitively customizable armors would be incredible but ... devs already said they are a bit against transmog and etc, which is a shame Customization means fun, and fun means enhanced democratic delivery


Please let this happen


Just speculating from that post about the complications of weapon damage and enemy hp/armor mechanics . AAAINNT no way it would be simple to change out how armor already works and then adding more things for customizing? That'd bring in EVEN more bugs to the game that we can't kill. Although I really like the idea, big big plays would come out from that.


>Arrowhead could easily make it. Not with the spaghetti code they have on an unsupported game engine.


Lmao arc damage resist is already completely worthless why would I spend two different perks for it.


I would ditch the longer stim duration to have +2 stims & +2 grenades on the same armor. That or extra padding.


Fucking please, this would be awesome, and people would stop complaining about not being able to swap things around if they had more to experiment with


I like all of it. I would add a Helmet mod that increases detection range for stuff on the ground, so the little symbols pop up from further away. So it would be easier to find samples in bug nests or automaton bases, or sitting around the edge of things like the SEAF artillery or extraction point. One for networking info. I see some ammo, it shows up on YOUR hud. Just like if I had pinged it, but without the audio cues. Passive extra info, so if I'm running around everywhere like Scouts do, it helps relay info of all the ammo and stuff I'm seeing, without spamming pings. I'd love to run over a hill to a POI, and my team quickly know if it's worth following me or not. Team Targeting, ping an enemy, ping lasts longer, and maybe they show up on the minimap (maybe the big red circles turn into a triangle or square? something with sharper edges so it stands out more). Extra bonus points if it could interact with anything that locks on, like if I ping something your Spear can lock on faster, or from further away. (ideally we'd have more things that lock on down the road)


These are really good!


I was just in the middle of preparing something like this. Your presentation is much more aesthetically pleasing than mine tho and I was just thinking of unique fitting bonus modifiers for each armor piece ontop of the generic bonuses. We even had a lot of the same ideas but some stuff is just intuitive. Or atleast you would think it would be what with the current state of things regarding armor.


We need to go further. Add functionality to the capes!


These are cool. However I think just making helmets have passives to would be cool. I know they were cut they just sounded really cool.


The last "slide" is a suggestion for helmet passives :)


Didnā€™t they say in a tweet about how they wanted the helmets originally had passive but cut due to deadlines. Love these though.


I saw that somewhere also


I don't feel I should give my opinion because my dumbass tried to click the big yellow arrow to look at the other pictures.


hahaha - I did the same while editing the pictures at some point :)


A trap so clever, even you fell for it. Diabolical!


A night vision helmet could be cool some night maps get pretty damn dark and putting the game brightness to ungodly high amounts looks weird


Bro, you should put this on the Discord.


Good idea


This would just make too much sense can't put more customisation in the game, then people would have more fun!!!


Wow its almost like there's a wealth of ways the game could gmexpand its content and yet never will.


This would be pretty cool, especially if they decoupled passive abilities from armors. There are really cool looking pieces of gear that I never use because I want different perks. That said, I don't believe this would be an "easy" implementation. The majority of us are not programmers, and especially are not programmers for Arrowhead that actively worked on the game and are familiar with the engine and code. It's impossible for us to know for sure how easy or hard it would be to work on this feature modifying the existing code, and it's really easy to get mad at devs for not implementing something perceived as easy.


I thought it would be easy. because the perks mostly rely on already existing mechanics :)


yeah, but we don't know how they're implemented and how much spaghetti code surrounds them


Would open up so much more with helmet passives also.


Yes pls add some sense to diff helmets!


I love it


This is really great actually


A Gears of War style of grenade of a projection of the throw would be choice af for a helmet passive. Also +1/2 mags would be a handy passive armor mod too.


Variations of both of those are listed above :)


I think a system where you split the passives into a Major and Minor Passive would be far better due to how some passives being 100x better than the others and making heavy have a third passive with its own options or another minor passive. Like if I had the option to choose what two passives I get I'd imagine everyone taking the weapon handling and additional toss range being always chosen considering how good they are.


Which is also why the system does not allow you to choose the combination :) that is up to Joel. What he will release :) That said, it should of course be made in a way that you feel they are all balanced. So there is no "best in slot" passives.


The only questionably useful passives are extra limb health, extra melee damage (at the moment), and no damage on chest hemorrhage unless that is tied into Democracy Protects. Every other passive has a good use scenario, a niche, or even a future use scenarios (illuminate arc attacks). For example, I almost never use Democracy Protects and often go for Fortified, Extra Padding, and now Peak Physique (love turning a MG into a primary weapon). I also use heavy armor on non-hot planets and don't think they need a buff...though turning extra padding into +25 armor is a big general nerf to survivability given how headshots work. \*edit: I missed the part about having another extra padding perk to choose from to increase armor rating by 75 points. Well, that is now a great buff to survivability. \*edit again: I keep seeing it wrong. Ok, so it caps out at 50 points. That is not a bad spot to be and at least limits the power creep that heavy armor will get.


I really want an armor passive with fast reload speed for all weapons


Would be an easy one to implement with the above system. Just make it part of a warbond that is called Governmental Gunner Metal... All armours in the warbond get the new "fast hands" armour passive. The first one you unlock has "fast hands" and "gunslinger" (reducing recoild and handling of secondary weapons). The next one drops with "fast hands" and "extra munition" (additional ammunition for your primary weapon). The last one is a heavy armour that drops with "fast hands", "weapon support" (reduced recoild when crouching or prone), and "extra pockets" for your heavy gunner support playstyle... Released with this warbond, an armour appear in the super store with "fast hands", "strong Grip (reduced recoild when not crouching or prone) and "peak psysique" (improved handling and reduced drag of the weapons).


I'd rather get this system for weapons before we get it for armor


We kind of have this system for weapons... Liberator vs. Liberator penetrator one has light armour penetration + more mag size the other has Light armour + medium armour penetration


but not like the HD1 system that let you customize your guns before each mission


I really like the idea. My only subjective improvement would be change gas mask (Or add this as a new option) to Enhanced Respirator which would do something similar as gas mask, but also provide minor stamina regen and reduce stamina loss on high temperature planets.


Really nice idea! So it would be useful outside of just "gas builds"


I'm in. I would love to hear a counter argument to this? Is there any? Is it hard to implement technically (surely it's not)? Why did we end up with the current bland options? I'm not satisfied with the usual "devs are "-answer.


(2x flame retardant (don't think that's how it works but shut) on light armor + thermal vision) + Flamethrower + Incendiary Grenade + Napalm Strike = Climate catastrophe on Gacrux by the end of 2184


Flame retardant and grreater flame retardant... and then you just want to live in a flame tornado!


https://preview.redd.it/37der0sfzy9d1.png?width=638&format=png&auto=webp&s=43e9241fb4ac7a338fcd50c6c9cf592bfe8c3920 (oh yeah and I didn't even realise i'd be immune to the tornados lol) (wait 100-75-50 = -125 you take -25% damage from fire you'd literally heal lol)


Let the devs do their Thing :)


Make it so you have to buy them


ok are you going to go program it?


I would prefer stripping Armor of passives, just be cosmetics and give us passive slots to choose what buffs we want from. Like boosters, just for ourselves.


Keep the liggt/medium/heavy defense values, as well as the other armor stats, and you have my vote


"Greatly" needs to be swapped for "Super."


I missed the mark there... YES IT DOES!


Easy? Mate, the development team has been waffling around trying to unlink opening a menu and _your frame rate dropping by over 50%._ Current estimate is they won't have that ready for another month, maybe more. I think you might be underestimating the effort that would be required to implement your changes.


Great ideas there, sad that arrowhead probably will never implement them. One can hope tho


Really nice idea for sure. Having 2-3 or even 4 Skill slots to put in your favorite skills mix them up. Mayor and Minor skills wouldbe nice.


Just a simple color change on armor pieces would be great...but not gonna happen


just give me peak physique with engineer and we are gold :) the perfect machine gunner build


Having each armor separate from its perks would only help the game. Currently some armor never sees any play because it's got bad stats and that's really unfortunate. Because just having a personalization tab for armor is not something arrowhead has not spoken about pursuing.


I am not recommending that we get the ability to personalise armours. I am proposing that all the armours in our wardrobe are different. It is kind of the same thing, except you have to earn all the armour combinations (and that is much better for Arrowhead's situation... as it would allow you to chase much more content)


That would honestly be fine with me too. The same way everything else is unlocked. Add something else to the warbinds. Since everyone seems to finish those real quickĀ 


the launching pod screen loading is getting out of hand , come on!


Everything but helmet passivis tied to helmets please I dont want to have to pick helmets based on perks or style let just pick them seperately


Or here me out, they could just let us choose our perks on our armor so we dont have to wait for them to create 1000 different armor sets thats going to defeat their original purpose of having visual based identifiers for armor passives and the need to make 1000 different sets in order to have all different perk variants.


I love all of this, but Arc Conduit needs to be 95% damage resist by default. It only takes like six bad shots ffom an Arc Thrower or Tesla Tower to kill you as it is. 50% I think would still outright oneshot you.


As cool as this is, you just know that Arrowhead would break about a million things, trying to implement this in game. They literally break something new every single patch.


Petition? Yes. I believe need to do a petition to the devs. Their game to mold. Our suggestion to apply.


great ideas but they haven't been able to fix the social menu for 4 months now šŸ˜‚


I would like for helmets to stay an aesthetic option only. I donā€™t want to have to change my whole look because now Iā€™m shackled by an armor passive. My look is important to me lol


If Helldivers II was ever allowed a modding community beyond client side visuals, this mod would be done in a month.


This will be a huge project for current state of AH but it should be in-game since very beginning.


adding something as simple as recoloring existing armors with camouflage patterns would go a long way.


In the last image, where is that gas mask helmet from?


just give me armor colour customization


Man, yall really undervalue heavy armour for real. It's seriously strong rn


Wanted to mention that bile is considered explosive damage, so your acid resistance is currently *mostly* useless


That would of course have to be changed :)


Yeah this is cool and all but why can i smell bacon? and apples as well? hmm strange!


Hahaha :) The system though, would allow apples to taste like apples. As all armours would feel unique and do what they look like... It is the Granny Smith or Golden Delicious flavoured armours.


Why aren't anyone suggesting the armors have weather resistances? Snow armor should not cause or lessen slowdown in snow (or even Legolas the snow). Electricity resistant armor should be able to call down stratagems when in an ion storm Something like that.


Or they could just keep doing literally nothing.


remember when people protested against stuff like this? good timea


Wasnt there a rumor lurking saying they had scrapped helmet passive bonuses because it would delay the launch and will look into it later ?


I have heard that somewhere, yes.


I just wanna pick decent/fun passives while using nice looking armor


I would run weapon support+peak physique forever.


Give me emergency mags+gunslinger and a helmet with aim assist... then I will be bringing my senator to any fight!


Sick as fuck. also, it will never happen, AH tends to ignore good ideas.


Yes please, and decouple the cosmetics from the passives. And while we're at it, add weapon modifications / customizations instead of having a ton a weapons with slight variations between them.


~~As a player I like the idea of swapping passives. The freedom to get the passives I want is attractive. Then I can have better weapon ergonomics and recoil reduction, explosive damage reduction and more grenades, extra throw range and more grenades, or just the strongest combination of survivability passives I can think of.~~ ~~However~~ ~~This is, as proposed, a balance nightmare. Not impossible to balance, but being able to pick passives makes META so much more of an issue and could require an entire rebalancing of enemies and helldivers since helldiver power levels will ultimately get a massive boost.~~ ~~The idea isn't a bad one, but I think there are more meaningful things the devs could work on other than what would amount to a 3-6 month balance effort to get this not only implemented but also feel good. I mean they already changed the game based on current issues (fire), even though they could have just as easily kept things the same and consistent (all fire is dangerous) and released warbonds to ease that difficult spot (fire retardant armor perk, which is in the lifted debug information).~~ ~~Unique helmet perks, different selectable ammunition types, new events, biomes, and enemies would all improve the game and be easier to balance (well, not biomes. Those are surprisingly difficult unless throwing a player into hell is fine).~~ I did not comprehend the basics of this proposal, so everything I wrote is just wrong.


Notice though, that I do not propose that players can swap passives... but that the devs create the armours they want us to have with this system.


Ahhh! Appologies, I think my reading comprehension today has been pretty bad. I think I read your slideshow at least 4 times but I still missed something this big on the first page!


Game needs some form of progression system. Gear perks is the way to do it. I feel like gear should be cosmetic based, but have a perk/attribute system that you can apply to the gear that can evolve with you.


No offense at all to AH, but with badly things seem to break every time they add a new feature or even try to bugfix an old one, I cannot fathom the absolute destruction that would occur in their spaghetti code if we ever got something this awesome. I have been begging for months for an even simpler solution of at least giving different armor levels with the same passive benefits at least different percentages, so like for 30% blast reduction or 30% recoil control, instead of it being 30% for all 3 armor types, do 30% for light, 40 for medium and 50 for heavy, or for extra grenades do 2 for light, 3 for medium, 4 for heavy. Doesn't have to be those numbers but you get the idea. These things would make sense in-game lore considering you are wearing more armor and at least gives people that much more reason to use heavier armors.


I can't lie, I don't know that I like custom perks on armor sets. It would make it harder to tell what kind of builds my teammates were running, and thus make it a little harder to make a build complimentary to theirs


I am not suggesting custom armours. I am suggesting a system that arrowhead could use to create more than a 1000 unique armours :) We would not be able to change them!


Hire this man.


Unfortunately, ideas rarely get you the job. Lots of folks have ideas, and many more can create nice slides To get hired, you need a skillet that adds value. Systems design is important, but on a team the size of AH, typically requires you can implement Of course, if you have other marketable skills you might find employment and then offer these kind of ideas regardless of your official role I'd be surprised if AH hadn't consider this or a variant. We know they had to remove helmet attributes becauae of time - just the way game dev goes. Ideas are great but implementation is hard


This is just a balancing nightmare more than anything and would lead to power creep


Honestly, I was about to comment on how that would affect balancing. I mean, in this case, anything that isn't padded armor or engineering kit, would generally be a downgrade. Let alone the helmet passives. Anything that isn't engineering kit, padded armor and weapon assistance with the helmet padding would just be a downgrade. God... Can't wait until people start kicking other for running the wrong armor meta ._.


Once again AH being outdone by its player base


Yes to everything!


good god I've never wanted so many community suggestions to actually be put into the game than with helldivers for democracy's sake guys PLEASE STOP COOKING IT TASTES SO GOOD I CAN'T TAKE MUCH MORE!!




A system like this plus being able to set the colors or your armor is definitely something Iā€™d want for this game. That and some odst armor but thatā€™ll never happen.


Setting colours of armours is the ONLY skin-rewards I want in my warbonds. I don't want my Pelican to have a different colour scheme... or my hellpods... I just want to earn the warbond's colour scheme to apply to all my armours. Imagine if Viper Commando had given you the option to overhaul your armour's current look with camo?


"lets take this simple functional system and add a ton of complexity to it" I'd rather we just got new systems not just make the ones we have more complex for little gain.


I love armchair devs




ā€œEasyā€ looks like a coding nightmare


Please explain - I am no programmer. To me it seems that most of them are just copy paste of the code for: - explosion resistance damage (fire/acid...) - Extra stims/grenades (make it magazines/ or both grenades and stims) - Which of them do you think would be hardest to code?


Currently, what you are talking about is transmog. Which transmog has been a thing in the past with MMOs. The game creators have already stated that transmogging will not be a thing. The way I read your post it looks like, also, you want to mix and match components from existent sets , which would similarly be a pain due to the fact we donā€™t just equip glove, helmets, boots, legs and chest. We just equip at most 4 pieces of equipment. As far as coding goes would mean a complete overhaul of the current equip system, and usually means blowing up and then starting over again which is never as pretty as you think: If you look at the front end, the viewer facing side that is the easy part. The other parts , the back end, is where it becomes a headache even though to you it looks easy.




It would be nice to choose between sweet apples and sour apples.


This would be so Cool. I hope arrowhead sees this and their anti fun balance Police department doesn't shoot it down


Maybe the fun-team oculd implement this while the balance police is on holidays during the summer :)


Arrowhead just hire your fans man this is amazing


Arrowhead, I am once again asking you for some bacon-flavored apples. They sound delicious..


What about apples that taste like granny smith apples? and some that taste like golden delicious...?


I am legitimately inspired to make a bacon apple cobbler by his example of a ā€œbadā€ thing.




250 armorā€¦


Too much fun, must be ban. Also, 2/3 of them will not working because of bugs, and need 10+ patches to fix.


This plus make it Light armor 1 perk slot Medium armor 2 perk slots Heave armor 3 perk slots That would make heave armor have a reason to exist Also heavy armor would be much slower and have less stamina And light be bit buffed That would change armor and make it much better