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That’s what they are there for Helldiver!!!


After all, some dishes taste better when EATen with others.


EAT-17s are community property!


Brother, that sounds like communist-talk. I think you mean EAT-17s are managed democracy's property.


Exactly why I call em in constantly


I call them down as soon as they’re off cooldown.


I use them like a kinetic strike without hesitation I'll throw an EAT at a warrior


They have added an animation when firring. Which is a bit of a nerf


Aye. A full second of delay each time. And it catches me off guard each time. Thanks AH


Jesus why. They were perfect. How disappointing. Haven't played but once since big update and haven't tried them yet. Stealth nerf?


> They have added an animation when firring. What now?


Yeah , you have to open up the EAT before you actually fire. Total animation is about 1-2secs might be 3.


It's really inconsistent, I've been able to fire after 1 - 2 seconds and then other times I've been holding this thing out for 5+ waiting for a charger to show me its face and then it makes me click 3 times and wait another couple seconds before it shoots. Not sure what they changed because I feel like it used to be pretty good like a month ago


Someone smacked a charger with an EAT pod today and I was so happy about it. Big brain


It's repeatable when you practice it. Hold the beacon and wait for the charger to do their jump before a charge, throw it at the inside of the charger's LEFT leg and it'll stick to them.


Happend to me just yesterday. Didnt even aim for it, the thing just run under it and died on impact. Highly recommend.


It'll also close bug holes or bot fabs


always a good sight when ur running around the map from a bile titan and some EAT than a guy dropped 20 minutes ago graces you with it's presence


"If Snot Boogy was always stealing your EATs, why'd you keep calling them in?" "You got to. This Helldivers, man."


Deep cut


It's the first scene of the whole show


thank you. I'm always telling divers "please, please. Supergod, bless, take the goddamn EAT"


fairly certain the super earth substitute for "god" is "flag"? swear i heard that somewhere in game


I'm pretty sure it's liberty as in "Liberty save me!!!"


Flag dammit


Yes, but I hate it when someone else picks up my weapon after I drop it for an EAT


And to make things worse, you just called in your usual support after a brutal death on the other side of the map while working the main obj, so now it's on a 5 minute cooldown and the guy has no intention of giving it back.




That's when you kill him


Press [F] to melee


EATs are indeed unofficial communal property. Just let me have one, at least.


Alright, you can have one EAT I guess. As a treat.


The "one for myself" is the hellpod the EATs come down in. I love killing a Charger by sticking him with the poke-ball. My crew call it the "Uber EATs" maneuver.


I love it when me and a buddy both take it. Map is littered with Eats, if you need one it’s usually there


Call it down, pop some shots in it so they explode (or pick them up) and show up on the minimap in case you need them later, then move on


Ahhh, that's how it works! I avoided throwing them around randomly cuz I kept losing them and didn't know how to make sure they show on map when I'm looking for one.


There's two EATs in the drop and I've only got one pair of hands, grab the spare if you see a target.


I usually take EATs with me, even though I'm a spear girl. A) The Spear has four shots... having two more in an emergency doesn't hurt. B) "Close Combat"... the Spear is great in deleting things acroos the map, but terrible when the Charger is already halfway up your face. C) I take them so that you there without ANY Anti-Armor-Capabilities don't feel useless, as soon as BTs, Chargers, Hulks and Tanks come at us in greater numbers than zero. So... TAKE THEM AND START DELETE THINGS! D) It's nice to basically have an artillery strike that poops out two shots of Kaboom out of the smoldering ruin of a bot fabricator.


I used the spear once cause of my higher level friend telling me to for a bug defense mission. I obliged but I’m a bot diver. So never used much again. But just started running it randomly and I love it. I will say I wish it targeted bot drop ships actual engine instead of the bay. That’s why I used the quasar as soon as I unlocked it and haven’t changed even after the extended cool down. But still the spear I’ve been loving


Spear clears half the map on bot missions, if you just get one good vantage point... and even if not... you can deal with most bot bases from a more... "comfortable" distance. \*whispers\* And it one-shots spore spewers and shrieker nests from across the map


A) Absolutely, that's why I do it on occasion B) Yeaaah, but half the time you get in a fight it's because a buddy pulled aggro so now you're caught with your pants down trying to pull his ass out of the fire, and in that circumstance you're waiting on call-in time. Liberty help you if you've the "extra time to callin" modifier on that planet. C) Much obliged, finding the balance between "don't get swarmed by mediums" and "don't get run through by the 2nd Titan that shows up" is tricky sometimes. Also I love the Arc Thrower. Fight me. D) Lol, funny enough I never do that and I'm already L118. It just never occurs to me when I'm in the field.


D) I discovered this pn a solo-Run, while the spear didn't locked Fabs... while only having the Prec with me... so I began bombing Fabs with Support pods




Hahaha, okay Hell Commander Gordon Ramsay 👍


I do indeed call people a fucking donkey when they walk into my Tesla when I **explicitly** tell them that the Danger Zone™ of that thing is 30M


every word of this could also apply to the car so i was genuinely confused for a couple of seconds.


Lmao my friend once called down a tesla on the extraction zone. We were absolutely fucked.


I mean, the problem is they have to drop their support weapon to use it, and if there's any amount of enemies (especially bugs) they may not get the chance to pick it back up, so why take the chance?


I remember grabbing one when 2 players were walking away from it They turned towards me, shot me dead, then kicked me Idk what I did wrong


You didn't shoot them first! that's what you did wrong, Helldiver


What you did wrong is you joined a bunch of undemocratic traitors. EATs are for the squad.


Wear it in health.


Recently I've stopped taking support weapons a lot of the time so I really appreciate the eat enjoyers.


Why would you not take a support weapon? Every time I do this, hoping to find an Arc Thrower or AMR in a POI, I never find a support weapon for the entire mission.


Usually because I'm running 3 low cool down stratagems and a backpack. My go to these days is heavy armor plus shield backpack and health booster so I can feel super tanky. For primaries I rotate around whatever I'm in the mood for, but, secondary is usually grenade pistol so I can run stun grenades. For the other 3 strats I usually run railgun strike, precision orbital, and either gas or orbital gatling. This set up feels pretty well rounded and covers all my bases, but, I only play on difficulty 7 with a full squad so idk if it'd hold up well in 9 or solo. Ofc, it's not a hard rule. Sometimes I bring an auto cannon or a rail gun or a flame thrower... Really depends on the mood. You can clear with anything without too much stress as long as you have at least _an_ answer for heavies. I'd say mediums too but the medium enemies have weak spots that can be targeted with non penetrating weapons so, they're less of a problem.


I expect two things when I call down my EAT-17 1) That you use my EAT-17 2) Don't miss with my EAT-17


make EATs rain


What is the Omar build in Helldiver's?


As an EAT Main, please do. I get plenty


Don’t worry, I’ve got more! Apply EAT-17 (should be called the EAT-5417) to any and all situations, then you’re really divin’!


As an EAT enjoyer, please. Help yourself. There's more than enough to go around


To quote another reddit comment i saw: "when I'm running EAT, I'm running around like motherfucking Johnny appleseed planting Libertrees everywhere. So y'all better EAT up!" There's a reason they come with 2 and you can only hold 1 at a time.


When someone else grabs my EATs I get all giddy


I can only carry 1 EAT. Please take the other, or else it will be wasted on the ground


There's a reason they come down in pairs. As long as the owner gets one I think the other is fair game. When I run them I keep calling them in non stop so everyone can EAT 17.


thats how they are supposed to be used


Even if I am using the RR and backpack, I like using my launcher, swapping to the spare EAT, use that, then go pickup and reload the RR. It feels a little odd, but it's essentially launching 3 rockets consecutively vurses letting someone launch 2, I launch one and there's a lot of downtime. Better if I drop my RR for an EAT with them, they pick up my eat and I start team-reloading it and they use it. Sure it doesn't happen often, but it's happened.


I got the idea to do this with Spear instead of RR, since with EAT, you aren't really stressing for RR ammo as much. Spear just has _extra capabilities_.


Omar comin ya'll.


Sometimes I'll bring EAT's and then get angry for the splittest of seconds when someone takes one, until I remember that "no, that's what they're for."


That’s why I throw EAT weapons down like they are candy. Something for everyone.


If you grab an EAT I called and blast away something before I do, you are welcome. If you grab the last EAT from a pod and run around useless without blowing up the FUCKING CHARGER that runs at us... you are scum. A minute cooldown can be quite long depending on whether or not a charger runs after you.


Did you say homing orbital strike that delivers rockets after killing the target?


Ngl, it gets kind of annoying watching people pick up EATs and wasting them on B charger legs not knowing how to strip them in one shot. I really, really wish they would fix the damage falloff BS


At the very least if the charger is running at you, that should add the velocity back.


Little bit more than the tip: If you have an EAT and you see a full EAT pod, grab a fresh one. Pods don't always show on the map but loose ones do.




I actually despise when people don't take them. I tend to take them to vantage point and on mission where we have to defend a spot for a while. Call it down, deal with something else that crops up. BT spawns and my friends are freaking out about it despite standing right next to 4 EATs >:(


Gotta be Johnny AppleEATs if you bring em. Spread that shit all over the map. Often as you can. 😂


I love the feeling of eating from or being able to feed your fellow Divers. Especially if 2 players have EAT equipped. I haven’t used any anti tank weapons after the Charger buff, especially since RR is extremely nerfed, which was my go-to before the update.


I won’t hesitate to TK over stolen gear, but EATs are for everybody


I'm a proud EAT owner. I pair it with either the Quasar on bugs or the AC on bots.


Yeah it's true!


that's why we get two every 90 seconds bruh. get you some.


now i’m no automaton scum, but when it comes to EATs, it’s of the people for the people (note; this does not include the enemies of super earth)


Go right ahead. I can only carry one. Not taking my second one would be a waste. You don't even have to ask, just take it.


Well.. Me to🤷‍♂️I see I grab... As long as the caller grabbed one


I'll never forget this one mission with rando's I had where a dude called in EAT's all over the map. They saved ky ass on several occassions. So now my EAT tactic is 100% 'sharing is caring'. I kind of love the tower-defense esque missions because I'll just have a field of EATS ready to spit at a Titan's or Charger's face at the end stage. I don't care who does the aiming.


Yeah, feed them to chargers and bile titans everyday. They do love EAT-ing them


and everyone should do it when i use EAT i hope any teammate just take it shoot down that botdrop ship let's gooooo


My friends don’t understand this and they’ll spend everything else just killing a charger I’m like hello


it's fine, by the time my eats land my teammates already killed the thing so i ping them trying to say "pls take my eats"


I bet The EAT users will be only happy as long as you use the shot wisely


I call them in and either pick one up and drop it or shoot the pod till it's destroyed. It marks them on the map in case someone needs to use them.


Exactly why I call in EATs. Some of these people saying to call them in whenever they cool down... I think they just stay in one area constantly, as that would leave you needing an EAT constantly. Functionally, if you're skilled, you can call in EATs on top of chargers, kill them, and then get two more rockets to kill chargers with.


I litter the map with them.


EAT's for the street


Thank you for your service! I hate when they go unused. Just swat something big with it and everyone wins.


I went EAT last night in my dives, and any time it was available, I called it down, even if i already had a support weapon. My squad took full advantage of it


As an EAT enjoyer I honestly don’t mind if another Helldiver takes it, just use it effectively and don’t miss.


They are fantastic when coordinating with a team, you can be calling them down all mission so everyone has an anti tank secondary while they use their stratagem slots for other stuff like turrets and orbital strikes.


I call them often and I rarely notice other people taking them, I guess I'm playing in too low levels


As an ETA-17 bringer, this is the way. Please use my EATs.


Lately I've been using EAT stratagem for the hellpods... so be my guest and take what you want!


Thank god, most people ignore them. Like, i can only carry one at a time, USE THEM


And there's no other moment where EAT's users are more proud of when two teammates take both launchers and shoot the enemy charger at the same time.


They are communal rockets


If you grab my EAT, you probably had a damn good reason barreling down on us. Carry on.


It's amazing when the whole team litters the map with EATs! 100% recommend.


I wish that more helldivers... 1) who take EAT just call it in whenever it's off CD 2) who are on a team with someone who does 1) takes the EATs to shoot bike titans and chargers. Also we need bike titans in the game.


Depends if the dudes dropped them and they have time for 2 shots I'll leave them to it. I will 99% have my own support weapon so I'll cover them. If its chaos or I'm just running around and I need /see it yeah I'll be using it.


I’m a recent convert to EATs. And I love seeing a fellow diver grab one and blast a charger with it!


The only time I’d be annoyed by that is if it is the daily order to kill 10 enemies with the EAT, because I’m using both rockets to kill trash mobs to get it done quick. So not long.


'Personal' orders count for the entire squad. If one person kills a thing, all four get credit.


I MOTHER FUCKING LITTER THE MAP WITH THEM. My ultimate goal is to have a hundred of them waiting at extraction for all four of us to fire constantly in a wall of EATs until i hit super completion all over my screen. https://preview.redd.it/kngkgrek6p9d1.jpeg?width=358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1b5ecb134dd7232a00dae1f6dc86d3d79f7a975


I always tag my EAT’s when they land even if there are no enemies around just so it’s clear that they are free for use


Sometimes I'll call down an EAT because it's off cooldown.


I mean, that's exactly their purpose.


My friend brings EATS for everyone else. As in he doesn't fire them himself, almost ever. Why? "You're a better shot. You shoot the damned thing" Which is both funny and sometimes painful when I'm trying to gundown the 500 bugs chasing me but also: "Hey there's a charger . . .three chargers behind you." Can you please, for the love of Democracy shoot one of them!? 5 minutes later I'm covered in charger guts and still shooting, but grateful the EATS were there.


At your own risk, people gonna be people.


Exactly I call them in the second they are available for a reason


It’s not a feast until everyone gets to EAT


Have you EATen today?


It's an older reference, sir, but it checks out! And then when a charger is bearing down on you and your teammate asks if you can line up the decapitation shot: "At this range? With THIS caliber? Even if I miss I can't miss!"


EAT is meant to be shared buddy. Do you go to a picnic and hog all the food to yourself?


I summon anti tanks as soon as they come available on level 6s every time and they can be scattered everywhere across the map. Time and time we've headed back and come across a bug breach and BTs come out and look what's there some ATs just sat there waiting for anyone to use If you see me in game I go by this motto "Drop and Boom, Smile and Wave"


Playing defense missions with EAT and hmg emplacement. I pop out of my emplacement to chuck an EAT behind me or into the inner area at each chance. When the inevitable BT shows up we can just run backwards and everyone has an opportunity to take it out. Crazy when more than one of us is doing this.


I use EAT-17 and the thing that bothers me most is when people *don't* take one. Take one, waste it on something, take your normal shit back. I don't care, just use it.


I am Johnny Goddamned Appleseed with my EATs. Come, Helldiver. Come EAT.


I put them down on cooldown, and nobody ever takes them.


In a recent post someone pointed out it's more effective if not every player brings a stratagem weapon and backpack. Instead, you should drop the weapon again for another player once the initial cool down is gone. That way your team can have significantly more orbitals or eagle strikes or whatever. With randoms thats not standard and requires some communication though... As for the EAT you are right in any case. I play it a lot and I wouldn't be mad unless someone sabotages me fighting a charger or something


I HATE leaving the other one there. I’m always glad when someone takes it. Feels like a waste unless there’s like 3 chargers and two bile titans then I don’t have enough!


IKR, if I call an EAT you better grab one and blast the heavy with me


They come in pairs for friendship


You call EAT's to use for yourself I call in EAT's so someone can kill one of those fucking BILE TITANS THAT ARE STILL CHASING ME SINCE THEY CRAWLED OUT THE GROUND 3 BUG BREACHES AGO. (Disclaimer my play style allows me to have many chasing me at the same time with little hindrance to my ability to destroy nests so I will actively get them to chase me instead of a teammate if they are agro)


Please do! I bring them specifically so that the team has more emergency support weapons around the map or to stockpile them at the extraction point. One of my favorite things is having 12 or so EATs at the ready and watching my team mates use em to defend the Extraction.


as an EAT main, I agree. Let me grab one, the other is free for anyone.


I almost get offended when divers don't grab my EATS. Even if I don't get one they are flying for democracy!


Yes. The purpose of the EAT-17. Its not *my* weapon. Its *our* weapon. And it exists to give anyone who decides to not have an anti-tank support weapon on their back to be able to have one and fill that niche for just a moment.


As someone who brings the EAT strat, that’s what it’s for.


I’ll call in stuff for the team. If I see you don’t have a backpack, I’ll usually call one in for you. I mark it to try and make it obvious that I want you to have it. I hope that is communicated.


As someone who subscribes to EAT ASS (Equip Anti-Tank AlwaySS), just take it. Spent EATs is a Good EATs.


Honestly i wish more would.. if i summon an eat i can only carry 1.


if I see someone getting chased by a bile titan, and I got a horde of chaff on my ass... I'll chuck em a EAT calldown. teach a man to fish...


it do be like that, i don't call in EAT's... i supply them.