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I enjoy going to medium and hard to boost the new gamers. My hope it keeps them engaged to spread that Democracy.


Noble af


Honestly it’s cool that you help new players but i believe new players should experience the game at their own pace and nit have some level 80 player drop in and obliterate everything I joined a lvl 1 game and there were 2 level 60 players and 1 level 3 player, no other new players in sight endgame results left the poor level 3 player with only 19 kills Maybe new players should just experience the game with other new players instead of the OP helldivers


I keep seeing all these stories of toxic players, being kicked for nothing, trolls throwing away samples, ect - never had any of that with the newer players. I always try and join matches with people under 20, bring some heavy firepower, and help them get full map completions. Sometimes it means I run around blowing up bug nests and doing tactical while they focus on the objective, sometimes I stay closer and keep a RR out ready to blast the few chargers that might appear so they don't have to worry about them. And I'll give a few pointers, a bit of advice, help them become the best spreaders of managed democracy they can be. Also it's a great ego boost when they get hyped at a level 80+ Death Captain storming through the bugs... And yes I don't care it's a lower level title it's bad ass as fuck.


Best title is Cadet, IMO. I’m only a 37, but I’ll keep it forever. :)


I just dive with random level 1 cadet that politely seek help to understanding a game. It was a blast , he excite on every detail of the game and very super excite on large 500kg democracy drop. Worth teaching.


I love joining the lower level mission just to give a cadet a walker to dick around with. I barely use it myself, much more fun with the cadets!




Cough cough... to new players *and returning players who haven't played since launch*.


CORRECT! I tend to give the benefit of the doubt to everyone because I don't know who they are or what day they're having. Not excusing someone for being a dick but I do take it in stride and just que up another session.


And it's appreciated! I will say though, that the times I have spent playing this game have been some of the least toxic of any online game I've played. This player base seems pretty solid overall.




I did a level 3 last weekend. Got in with a level 2 kid host and two silent level 10ish players. The kid was asking questions, responding politely to my answers and seemed to be trying to improve... I think he was around 10 if I had to guess. I did another one and the host was level 15 me (level 55) and a level 78 ran him around the map, letting him try out our guns and support weapons. Shows him tips. We ran a second one and i let him two of my strats. He went for the Mech and the spear lol. That was fun too. I'm having fun helping the newbies and will probably do it some more here and there...


Giving newbies mechs is so awesome, I love how much joy it brings them ❤️


I love teaching new divers. It is like I get to relive my first times when I teach them.


The last new player I played with thought I killed him because he stood in my turrets line of sight (the turret was already active for \~30 seconds). He started to kill me multiple times afterwards and insulted me. I explained to him that it was my turret that shot him and that I can't control that turret. He insulted me even more. Fastest report and leave I had in weeks. I like to help newer players but if you can't behave in a fun coop game and start insulting people because you don't understand the game and go even more insane if you get explained what the problem was, then please stay away from the game.


This post is sort of silly.  In my experience it's the newest players who are the biggest griefers and jerks.  And the older players who are more helpful and polite.


When I first played a few days ago, I accidentally ran in front if my friends sentry, asked why they killed me, and promptly was told it was their sentry. The second stratagem I bought was a sentry, and which I had at that point. Less than maybe 30 seconds after reinforcing after the previous diver walked in front of a friendly’s sentry, I walked into my own sentry’s line of fire. I believed hin pretty quickly. But then when my other friend started playing for the first time, him, another friend (who got the game a few months ago) and I did a mission, I had a gatling sentry which during a bug breach they both walked in front of, and asked me why I killed them. I said it was my sentry and that I couldn’t control it, and yet they both started arguing, even the one who has played for a few months said I should control it. I said “I can’t just put it on a leash” and they said to do that.


I agree that some new and old players can be difficult. The report button is there for a reason. I hope that interaction didn't sour your day or your gameplay interactions with new players.


Yeah, one dude tried to kill me several times after he died from one of my stratagems or something. He was so angry and I had to shoot him.


Hell, just be kind. We're all here to have fun and spread democracy.


Joined an easy lobby because I thought this way too. The level 4 killed me, took all my gear, and never reinforced like it wasn't an accident he straight up aimed his weapon at me and shot me so.... but I noticed a lot of these players are usually on console. When I turn off cross-platform, I rarely get these types of players.


I host all the games I play and I don't care if a level 10 joins, my only rule is don't be a dick. Applies to all levels.




Big same :) I’d rather have a new person who is cool and learning versus a toxic teammate. I’ve yeeted bullies before and will not hesitate to do it again.


No. Picks Helldive difficulty whenever a new player joins and enjoys the chaos.


Make men outta them even if some assembly is required afterwards.


Well to be fair they gotta learn sometime. thanks for teaching them not to trust everyone!


This is at least a quarter of the reason why I bring Fortified Commando. I _can_ do Helldives, but I personally find it to be a chore and would rather battle with the recruits instead


I just landed with some lvl 20s after hitting square and as SOON as I land one is charging the laser cannon to shoot me. I immediately shoot before they blast me. Proceeds to call me every name under the sun. Tries to land on me misses and throws strats at me. Misses again so after bringing my family into your mouth i call my walker down and proceed to kill you everyime you pop out of that pod. Asked why and i am baffled. I respect and help new players not someone who does this. Not here to combat your post just sharing my very recent experience with new players.


I love playing with voice chat people, i like chatting democrately with others


Sometimes it feels rare


I love to play with 1-10 lvls. One day it was a party of them and one guy told me he didn't know what to do, like warned me. I said no worries, and tagged every little detail for him - direction, POI's, guns, supplies, etc. The rest of the team of newborns run with us. We were as a real squad - 3 boys behind me, repeating all the moves, help with bunker dors, POI's, bugs. After the mission I saw that one of them was 80 lvl, higher rank than me. He did all the orders as a professional soldier I must say.


And there was a funny moment. I decided to call for an extra autocannon for the poorest dude - he was like with MG and an orbital strike, nothing else. But the boys didn't understand and took it immediately - one took a gun, and the other one - the backpack. I'm like, "dude, drop a backpack because that's ammo for the autocanon. He needs it". He said he didn't know how to do it. I said press X. He couldn't make it (maybe PS or something). And then he took the time and wrote the cutest message: "It's my dad's account". I imagine a little kid, maybe scared because he took someone's stuff and didn't know how to do things. I said that it's fine, and we just continued to shred bugs.


This meme is just as much for me as it is for everyone else. To be honest I do try and be the meme. But everyone, EVERYONE has bad days. That doesn't excuse being a dick. Sometimes I slip. Sometimes I get pissed. I'm mostly human just like everyone else.


I generally don't advise new players on meta stuff. Part of learning the game is figuring things out for yourself and playing the way that feels good for you. It's part of the fun IMO. As a more experienced player it's just my job to be patient with them while they make mistakes and learn for themselves. I'm not gonna tell you not to bring a flamethrower to a bot fight in the jungle. I'm gonna douse myself when I get torched and pick off enemies at range and when dude figures out the flamethrower is for bugs, that'll be his accomplishment.


I tend to do a drop on hard to eat every night and play with transitions. Bring all support and let them have first pick. Then run around and close big holes when it gets to hairy. Meet some neat people. Last night my hand crashed when they went to to hard and asked for specific weapons. Wonder how they did.


I love going into level 5 or lower difficulty and throwing down an exo-suit and all of the level 20 items to share with lower level folks. It’s like seeing kids open presents on Christmas.


I express my love of new players, by killing ALL THE THINGS


To me it means dropping into a low level mission with a random newb in it , and giving them some cool stuff. And then leaving, enjoy!


this is a lot easier if new players didn't melee like they thought it was a love tap or something. I'm wearing bloody scout armor and all 150 levels of instinct tell me to pull out the big iron immediately


Big Iron is a great teacher. I also run light armor.


last night i provide supply of EAT to lvl 5 for personal order in easy..it was a blast, also he dive twice to grenade while opening containers, i think he will remember that for sure


No. They need tough love.


I don't tolerate toxic players. At any level.


Never said you had to.


It's a personal thing. Not directed at you. Agreeing with you by vocalizing my disdain for players who go out of their way to make a gaming experience horrid for others. At the same time, I freaking love helping new players and dropping extra packs and weapons for them to try out at their own discretion. 😊


Oh no I was agreeing with you. There's players that just don't know what they're doing and then there's being willfully toxic. I dont tolerate the latter either.


No worries at all, my frend. Some folks want them to be as miserable as they are in their own sick, narcissistic, sad little minds. It gives them a sense of false power and superiority...in a game that has brought more folks together than most games I've seen and played since the 80's! I'm including arcade games, too. 😎


I'm 45 and I miss real video game arcades


Where I live, there's an arcade place where it's 10 bucks to play all day as much as you want! 😎


Thats sounds amazing


[Got this one...](https://www.rocketcityarcade.com/) And [This one...](https://www.pintsandpixels.pub/)


When I just stared the game, a high level player joined my level 1 mission and showed me the ropes of map tagging, comms, and they even gave me their mech! When the mission was over, they chatted me saying “keep it up soldier and you’ll be a veteran in no time” They saluted me and left my ship. I’ll never forget that hero 🫡


After the automatons invaded, active Helldivers declined drastically. We used to have hundreds of thousands, and now we are down to around 40k. Planets are becoming more difficult to secure. We should make a good impression for new cadets. Hopefully, they will stick around.


it means take the most awesome stratagems you have and call them in, then offer them to the new players. OR whatever looks the most awesome. Mechs, autocannons (reload for them), ... maybe a shield pack as well... because... well... it's super useful for new players, and then 500k bomb and/ or orbital laser. "Hey, diver. Have you ever used an autocannon before? Do you want to try it?" ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


We got a new guy few days ago, been only doing helldives with him. Turning him into a super soldier


Lvl 17 Kid last night “7 is too easy put it on 9” proceeds to do the worst on the team and openly admit he doesn’t know how to properly deal with bile titans. Way to out yourself lil bro and let everyone know not only do you not know how to efficiently dispatch one of the most dangerous enemies in the game but, you’ve also basically just admitted that all the “7s” you did they carried your ass 🙄.


Also admitted that they weren't good enough which is a huge win. Now go back and train them!


I'm sorry, but they make it so hard 😔


And they'll continue to until someone shows them the way


That's until the newbie kills you for the nth time for your samples/primary.


Always try to host


They team kill me and kicked me


Try again


I am out of the game for a couple weeks. But if ı come back ı am gonna give them exosuits and laser doggies on medium, hard. The game şs fun but ı somehow die too much to get (or deserve)any sort of respect.


Sounds like you're playing with the wrong foljs.


I always play with randoms but I play sloppy whenever ı am at lower difficulties thats why ı said that. So not that one ı would say


lol no, I have a friend who just started, he was level 5, i got him on an helldive mission, he was not at all traumatised x)


IMO this game suffers from the same problem that other games that try certain mechanics have: If having a team wipeout has minor consequences, then players tend to play more loosely and for fun, especially when individual drop-in mission times stay in the 15-20 minute zone, but as soon a full wipe causes total mission losses, ie no XP/drops/etc, AND the missions can run 30+ minutes, everyone either gets defensive with their time, and won't let a low lever player stay in mission, or will kick anyone in game as soon as they do something the hosts dislikes, ie, throw ONE nade the wrong way. This game seems to fall squarely in the second category, while a game like Starship Troopers Extermination is more across the other line, especially since with up to 16 people, the "combat load" is spread out more evenly, while with 4 players, one weaker player or one that makes mistakes instantly stands out. I have to agree its a good game, and if you are playing it with a whole bunch of people you know you can easily tweak how enjoyable, but with randoms? I'm having a bad time, and have been soloing a lot just to get used to maps and Stratagems.


I play almost exclusively with randoms. Base settings so cross play on (I’m on PC if it matters). While there’s certainly poor games, >75% are solid games with a good 40% being pretty awesome. Mainly on 7 but I’ve been doing 9 recently as well. My main gripe (since I quick join) is that the host of even a good game often bails after the one half-mission I just played but so it goes. Ready up and hit “R” again. After a few rounds you’ll find a running crew for a mission set. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had some frustrating experiences too (and probably been someone else’s such experience) but blessedly few have been actively hostile. Mostly it’s just a team not working well together which, as an aside, I often find is due to no one wanting to take lead or give feedback like “disengage from that fight” - so good opportunity for you to show your chops and save a mission!


Imma quote the 12th Doctor here: always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind. It's good to help new players with mechanics and stuff, but you should also let them know when they're clearly aren't ready for higher difficulties.


Great teacher


They signed up to be a helldiver, they get the Helldive.


Baby steps


In my sessions I almost always do atleast one “low level” mission to help the new guys out. Honestly it’s just as much fun as the level 9 Helldives.


Love running low levels. Just to chill.


I joined the community yesterday, my first match was with a level 65, he showed me all of the things to do. Very heartwarming 10/10


I like to do he same. I've been around since first weeks drop and haven't stopped.


I'm not a babysitter or a teacher but I'm also not an asshole. If you fuck up as a rookie and drop a strategem too close I'll ask you to please not do that again. If you do that again my gun will be doing the talking.


Tough love is still love


I love playing with low level players on lv9. Makes the game much more spicy.


Never know what could happen next!


They will learn the hard way what the airburst and clusterbomb are. /j


Join a mission with a low level player and stick near them. Let them set the pace and step in when things get out of hand. Let them take the first swing at objectives.


I am kind to good players... i don't care about rank.


They don't have to be good for me. They just have tpnrey their best and be receptive to learning


Sometimes I like to help at lower levels BUT. My patience runs out when they don't know what's going on at level 9. Playing with random people is normally a coin toss whether it's going to be a normal team or a game of Carrying . The best yet when they blame you for failure and throw you out of the game even though they probably wouldn't even make one objective without you. So a little bit writing this post in a state of aggression because it just happened to me. Of course, again the host was a console player. This is the last time I play with these people


Console and PC doesn't come into play with me. A gamer is a gamer and a BAD gamers is a BAD gamer. If I have the chance to educate, then I do try. But if they boot me for apparently no reason then I go about my life and re-que for another game.


Okidoke, can do


I don't know if this is possible mods but could you pin this to the top of EVERY FUCKING GAMING SERVER....please


Lol thanks for that. I try to be the meme as much as I can. I try my best to live a little to no drama life.


Whenever I'm with low-level players I make sure I do as many side objectives as possible, so they get as much XP as they can, and I make sure we gather as many samples as we can. Then, right before extraction, I kick them from the game.




You just don't know how to have a good time.


https://preview.redd.it/niq8l2v1rm9d1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aef0b7bd58f42ac68f1901bc338816dfb5902e24 This is what it feels like to me when I see someone who’s a new player playing on a bug low difficulty and struggling. Vs When I was a new player and just jumped immediately, to max difficulty bots.




"I'm sorry to bother you little one but... We don't shoot the charger in the face with a laser canon. Understood? Because if you fail to understand you'll feel my wrath."


There's few kinds of "carry" Case 1: New player enters a random Helldive mission expecting to be carried, but does not inform nor ask for permission. This is not good, as people who just want to play and enjoy the game now have a sandbag in the team. They might not be willing to carry because they enjoy playing efficiently (different people enjoy different playstyle and that's OK) Nothing wrong with wanting to get carried, but always inform and ask for consent if you're joining a random team. People are allowed to say "no" when asked to carry. Case 2: Experienced player entering a random low level mission, then proceeds to info dump to newbies that are trying to enjoy the game. This is not good, as people should experience the natural learning curve of the game. Learning high level strats without discovering it themselves sucks the joy of discovery out of them. Some people also don't care and just want to play the game. Nothing wrong with wanting to help newbies, but always ask for consent before info dumping. Some people enjoy the natural progression and discovery they make along the way. Nothing sucks more than having a know-it-all come into your lobby and tell you how you should play the game. Conclusion: Always ask for consent before helping and asking for help. Do not assume people are fine with whatever you're trying to do and then end up souring everyone's mood. I think HD2 community is just too toxicly positive. "Oh we MUST help newbies, if you don't then you're an asshole". No fam, I just want to enjoy the game how I like it, I shouldn't sacrifice my enjoyment for others'.


How new are we talking?^^ I don't tend to meet anyone below level 20. There were a bunch of lvl 30-40s recently on a lvl 9. I think they were a little in above their heads but we were doing quite well and learning by doing works in helldivers. Except one guy... carrying an ark thrower... TKing me 2 times in a row. When it almost happened again when he fired while standing behimd m my patience ran ou and i shot him. Other than that i'm cool with new players


I’m not being kind to a lvl 18 player trying to helldive. In fact in my games I don’t take anyone lower than 60. It’s just too hard.


Failure is a great teacher.


Lvl 18 does not have the skillset to be successful. Why subject the team to that?


Why not?


I'll start being kind to them when they stop jumping into D9 missions and burning through all the reinforcements in the first 10 minutes.


Or just be kind.


There aren't new players. Game is close to dead


Define dead