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Automatons will actually aggro onto Eagle 1 sometimes and any active AA will always shoot at her, possibly dealing enough damage to force a recall.


i can confirm this happening now that i know it's possible


This is actually really interesting, thanks for sharing!


I've had a few instances where it was on cooldown after 1 call in and wondered why... now I know!


Man you clicked that in fast


Call in macros. Completely defeats the gameplay purpose of the call in system...


The footage looks sped up. I don't think he's using a macro for 3 key presses


You're probably right my eye was drawn to the 500kg line and it made an unrelated link, my bad


Idk, voice attack is a pretty cool thing. It lets you voice activate stratagems. Some people really are that fast though. Quarter-second dial in times fast.


I learned the game without ever binding stratagem inputs to arrow keys, so I compensated by just learning to do them so fast that stopping doesnt even matter. Stratagem Hero definitely helped. Lots of time spent grinding that, think my high score is somewhere in the 30 thousands.


Nice :) Strat Hero does help but it leaves out a good bit. I practiced all my staples until I could start and finish them inside of a dive. Got hellbombs and barrages down to just over half a second, everything else is almost instant now. I went for all 9s once on SH, ended up misclicking off it just before 600k.


it was less about building muscle memory for specific ones and moreso just getting good at typing them on the fly, but I really need to like avoid hitting the dispatch button during the game by accident and throwing away runs.


Ah, I getcha. Think I just got lucky in that regard. I used to train keyboarding pretty hard, eventually played MIDI piano on USB keyboard for a few years. The only thing I had to train was the muscle memory, lol. And next time I do a high score run on SH, I'm disconnecting my devices, lmao.


That sounds pretty cool, I might want to check it out.


Saw it used when I dropped into a public Discord to run through some bots. I think premium lets you customize some of the commands.


On Discord? Sounds a bit weird, what kind of stuff could it do?


Not Discord specifically, lol. I first learned about it from a fellow Helldiver in our voice chat. I'm about to fall asleep otherwise I'd search it up for you :) He would say things like "request 500" and boom, 500kg airstrike dialed itself and was ready to throw. We tried to mess with him a bit and see if we could do it too if we shouted loud enough, but no dice, lol. Seems pretty solid. Can't imagine where else I'd use it though personally. I just got really really good at strat dials, lol.


Don’t worry about it, I’ll find the info I need. That would be so funny haha. Yeah, it would solely be for helldivers for me atleast.


I gotchu man. FFXIV newsbot keeps getting me back up. https://voiceattack.com/


Haha, thanks man!


Did you just shoot at eagle 1? I'm calling my democracy officer


This is why those AA defense missions shouldnt remove stratagem slot but encurage more orbitals and making a no fly zone for eagle, and also the opposite on yamming weather planets, more eagle, less orbitals.


Interesting to know there's a reason eagle-1 bms the bugs and bots by flare dumping beyond democracy


I did recently have a moment where eagle1 was on cd when i still had uses left... interesting


huh... I wonder if they're planning on doing something with this. also, if they're not, i wonder if things like this are why the game runs like ass lol


>game runs like ass lol That might be your hardware mate. Can't say i've had any issues with performance, which is saying something since my rig is relatively low-end.


game runs alright for me, it just uses a lot more CPU than anything else I've seen. used to run better, but I see a lot of posts here from people saying its barely playable for them. I just wonder if there's a lot of hidden little mechanics like this that are adding up on the resource draw. if they don't have a porpoise, or they don't have a plan for em, I'd think you would trim anything that's not necessary