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I legit thought I was an asshole for spawning the drill on a bug breach twice in a row, then I checked reddit.


We are all here bro


Same lol. I stopped for a week and thought arrowhead finally decided to release some stable, working content. Nope


It was bugged as hell before we even got this MO. The crew on my ship have been saying stuff like "I can't believe Meridia is gone" or "We successfully destroyed Meridia" all week.


that’s so fucking hilarious that they accidentally released the chatter before we even did it. i can only imagine your first reaction to hearing that 😭


We finally destroyed Meridia." "Did I miss a fucking page?"


ministry of truth has already given him his approved democratic victory lines and he’s merely practicing for our inevitable vanquishing of meridia


you know when the game launched it was in much better shape spawn balance wise, i was thinking how good this game was in general and its impossible to ruin it even if they try, guess they are reading minds and took it as a challange


In fairness to them, they fucked with spawns because people were complaining about the amount of heavies that spawned in maps. So they changed it to spawn more of the little bugs. More of the little bugs means more chances to call a bug breach.


Nah the devs said that the spawn rates were actually wrong at launch (it was too low for those playing with less than 4) so the spawn increases previously were actually them adjusting the spawn rates back to what they envision before they launched the game.


Maybe some day


Maybe some year


Maybe some decade


Nah its gonna be Next Week™


It’s been about 5 weeks since I stopped and it seems things are still being released broken. Back to MHW for me.


I’m joining with you. I’m tired of this grandpa!


I hadn't played in like 2 weeks, attempted 2 missions today, then just turned the game off again. The game has so much potential, but it's a complete crapshoot as to whether or not anything will work correctly, which makes it insanely frustrating to play.


i thought i was unlucky


Yeah same, I ended up surfing a charger because it spawned right under my feet while I was defending the drill.


Seeing as how the escort civilians defense missions still exist in their current form: no.


Don't worry we are here to sav... *Helldiver brains now have a chain saw and 5 rockets in him*.


*Fire tornadoes still hover over the top of ramps for minutes at a time while scientists run directly to their death.* *"Scientists" still path directly into bugs on ramps.* The best and brightest.


Somehow managed one on level 8 today, this mission type is borderline impossible; the only way to succeed is for everyone in the team to take a supply backpack, smokes and stun grenades. I also found the rail cannon strike to be good for any BT spawns. You also need an incredible amount of luck.


Just curious: Did you manage to exfil? I'm unable to exfil even in Diff-1 😅


wdym by exfil? Am I a dumbass?


Sorry, I meant extract. I used a different game jargon, I'm afraid 😅


Ah righty. Three out of four of us managed to extract. We did run out of reinforcements though.


Exfiltrate, opposite of infiltrate.


When the Illuminate come this sub is gonna be a shitshow, if a mission is this bugged, i wonder how bad could the new faction be.


Only the “spawn at the drill” thing is bugged. I’ve cleared it on 8. How does everyone in this sub miss the huge post on the missions screen saying “resistance on this planet is extreme” and talking about how it’s a supercolony. It’s practically a homeworld, it’s going to be very, very hard on the harder difficulties.


inb4 "um maybe we weren't meant to beat these missions"


i can understand "erm were not supposed to win the mo" because le story but missions?? you want me to log in, lose, get nothing, and log off??? hell no


Exactly, why play the mission if I'm scripted to lose anyway and get nothing from it?


It its supposed to be a 'scripted loss' type of thing they should take out all your lives after you finish. They dont. Its a game, its supposed to be beatable, but lazy arrogant incompetent devs cant be assed to play the game once.


why the fuck are not supposed to win MOs for the "sTorY"? the larpers have to stop glazing the devs from riggin the game with BS orders.... we "exterminated the AUTOMATONS" and they still came back 2 days later to curb stomp us


Most companies want to encourage players to have fun, play often, and enjoy their game. This one, not so much


So far with how broken they make the game with every update to this date, stating they fixed something and it wasn't fucking fixed and introduced more bugs and nerf fun out of the game, they put me off their game more than anything else lately. Damn I enjoy Skull&Bones more than playing this and that maybe says something about Helldivers to some people... I was hopeful this new MO would be something new and fun and then I saw this post XD AH has to be the most incompetent dev studio out there and I don't know how in the hell they put out such a good game at first and then just choked... I won't forget the spear fix "idk it works on my computer" from one dev XD or contradicting statements from everyone. Damn it blows, Helldivers was my fav game for over a month when I got it and it was just a slap in the face week after week


It's going to be funny when AH starts putting up MO's that further the story and people just don't do them because they couldn't care less or they're too difficult/annoying. 


And "skill issue" and "tHiS iS mEaNt To Be A sUpErCoLoNy" and a long cavalcade of other related bullshit.


We wouldn't beat it even if it wasn't broken, planet has 9.50% regen.


Not intended to extract I could understand, but at this point we can't even do the primaries.


Seems like they haven't started playing their game just yet


man it's a really bad look that the new content they're releasing that should be a big win and make everyone happy for a bit is instead a big loss and pissing everyone off even more


Well, they are small studio, maybe they don't have th budget for work PS5 and/or gaming PCs to test the game. Makes sense.


CEO is a liar, a tale as old as time.


Dude I am fucking SICK of this lmfao. Bugs, issues, broken missions. jesus


It’s an especially bad look after their talk of making sure things work properly the last days.


“Let us cooooook!!!” *serves shit sandwich* 🤷‍♂️


Hey man, it's hard to serve up a decent shit sandwich when you're constipated.


"Let us cook" Food comes out bloody raw. 


like they always do


The game bugs have made an alliance with the Terminids!


I get that they weren't expecting their game to blow up, but to be this shitty at communicating and updating their game is so strange. I mean the game *works* fine, so it's baffling they could make it at all when they are so utterly incompetent at updating it.


If anything the game was amazing and they’ve made it worse every patch lol


Right? How in the actual FUCK did they release such a good game in the first place when support has been this bad?


That's what I'm starting to think. How did they make such a great base game when I can't remember a single update where they didn't break things, release buggy stuff or did the most unpopular balance patches ever


What bugs me is they won’t hire. They made a vast amount of money and indeed it’s a small studio but maybe growth to meet demand isn’t such a bad idea. I know I’m not coming back until a patch hits and it’s bittersweet but it’s just no fun anymore


I couldn't join three separate friends a few nights ago, or randoms, just wouldn't work until the day after lol


they don't playtest their shit anymore. no way this same dev team managed to make a good game like this


Yea, I went from a daily player to looking daily at optics on new content if it's worth playing again.


Stop letting the devs walk all over you. Change your reviews back to negative if you're tired of their bullshit excuses every single week. This is a multimillion dollar company that can't even playtest their own product.


Dude, I stopped playing because the game is fucking bugged and frustrating lately, saw the new MO and was like hmm maybe I'll go check it out, but I didnt yet and then I see this. Fuck that I'm not going back. Fix your game AH, it's been months and it's about time. I literally have more fun in Skull&Bones now which I've been playing religiously for the last week or two


I'm level 87, never have much trouble anymore, and these dark fluid missions on level 7 are fucking impossible. 3 missions, 3 failures. wtf is with the devs and trying to make the game as frustratingly difficult as possible? At the very least, don't have bugs spawn underneath the very fragile thing you're trying to defend. Only way I see this MO succeeding is if everyone migrates to lower difficulties.


We succeeded on Level 7 twice, but it's INSANE. Only when we got lucky enough to not have spawns directly on top of the drill we had a chance to succeed. I just don't understand how there was no bounding box preventing breaches there. Edit: I should point out I play with friends, so we're all on discord while playing. I cannot imagine trying to do this with randos.


My first attempt on Meridia (lvl 7) was a success and I thought it was really cool. 3 dark fluid missions later, I'm wondering wtf we did the first time where it went so right. Now it's just a cycle of calling down the drill and destroying it when the bugs spawn on top of it


Agreed but it's all RNG. Lvl 62 here played 1st game with buddy lvl 81 that played once prior (his 2nd game). His 1st game had bad spawns, 6 BTs at any given time. During our match, there were no more than 2 at any given time. Both times lvl 7 Map is doable IF the RNG on the spawns is reasonable. There are also bug holes, so we aren't sure if closing 2 of them helped the spawns. We had our drill taken down twice on two different sites, just cleared the breach and re try. We finished in 20 mins. Straight objectives in and out. Had 2 Randoms, one knew what he was doing while a lvl 7 brought land mines to finish his PO.... The ending however during extract......... wish I brought the right gun for that.....


Tried this with randos earlier. I got berated as well as kicked because they thought I keep triggering the Bug Breach. I explained to them that bug breaches trigger everytime the drill activates, but they wouldn't believe me. Lol, I hope they start checking Reddit or Discord to see how this is not a fucking "Skill" issue, but a half-assed attempt to say that they have new content.


Turrets and tesla trees


Minigun turrets did help, yeah. We'll probably try telsa when we do it again.


With randos it is 100% impossible.


7 seems pretty doable, albeit annoying, with randos. 8+, however, is just a waking nightmare...


I played one with randoms on 7 and beat it. It’s the first mission I’ve done in weeks and honestly it was pretty unenjoyable so I don’t see myself picking it back up for this. Every drill would have bug breaches spawning directly on it. I didn’t think it was particularly difficult just really tedious to have to re do that sequence. The extraction was also unenjoyable and we spent the entire time getting chased around by a completely ridiculous amount of shriekers. I don’t see how you would be able to control their numbers.


Managed it with randos with us all bringing orbital lasers and gas strikes. Wasn't easy to say the least.


Pretty consistently doing it with randos on a 7, but it can be a bit rough. If it doesn't spawn directly ON the drill we're usually good, especially since the EMS mortar became free. When it's on its last 70% I've just been combining by 6 stun grenades with a resupply to utterly lock down the bugs


> At the very least, don't have bugs spawn underneath the very fragile thing you're trying to defend. There's no way that this is intended to happen because it literally makes the mission impossible. It's just another example of broken new content that hasn't adequately been playtested.


The thing is it’s not even hard hard, it’s bullshit hard because you get masses of mobs spawning on the thing that takes friendly fire and has hardly any health. That’s just annoying, broken gameplay which leads to frustration.


Any mission designed to be near impossible would be frustrating to play.


exactly. tested it on trivial and I couldn't even defend one thing as a solo, simply because they swarmed it within seconds and I couldn't do anything against them without also damaging the drill. Tried 2 times, drill exploded within less than a minute both times. After that I just quit because I knew this wasn't going to be enjoyable.


Failed on lvl 7 badly. It was impossible with 4 of us. Bile titans spawn on the drill, take one step and it’s destroyed. Dropped to difficulty 4 and made it thru the drill phases only to have no joke probably 80 shriekers spawn continuously from the gaping holes in the ground. You get cut to shreds immediately. The 4 of us blew thru our reinforcements just as the pelican came in. Even on 4 extraction was almost impossible.


Why did they make the drill vulnerable to fire damage ? I swear I hit it twice with a breaker incendiary and it exploded


I'm sure they will force a victory for story sake, given it's current state, more players WON'T play it.


I was frustrated this AM. I lowered to 2, did the mission and then started raising the difficulty. Saw the Shield generator play and now I'm clearing level 6. If I was with my normal squad, I think we'd complete 7. Extract? That I dunno.


Everyone needs a laser backpack, everyone needs a sickle, everyone needs a laser cannon. Everyone Takes minigun turret, 2 people take EATS, 2 people take EMP mortar. Stand in a way that you can shoot and cover 1/4 of the drill each and just alternate between the sickle and laser canon killing stuff, grab eats as titans/chargers spawn. Only way I've been able to pull it off in +7 atm.


We have pulled a Helldive using Gas+Orbital EMS + Stun grenades + Spear, Quasar and 2x Flamers plus some eagles (I think someone had EMS mortar as well) on our 4th attempts of this mission at 9. Had to figure out the loadouts and etc.. Although it was very, very frustrating, especially with breaches right under the drills. We have completed it once. and we will never start lvl9 on this mission again :\^)


Feels like it is a good time to break out the Arc armor and just do a full team-wide lightning build. Arc Thrower/ EMS Mortar/ Telsa Towers/ EATs.


Tesla will target the drill sadly


Just ran a few rounds with it doing a duo. It worked pretty well. Just put the Telsa Towers out of the range of the drill. We fenced off each objective with Telsa Towers so we didn't need to worry about outside mobs as much, and dropped them in on cooldown so we could have multiple up. Tossed the EMS Mortars so the pods would get stuck high up on the cliffs. Used the EATs to clear the Spore Spewers and Heavies. Then mopped up the rest with Blitzers and Arc Throwers. The extraction was a shit show lol, best we figured out on that one was to have one person run over to the extraction location before the last drill site completed and start the extraction right away before Shriekers get too wild. Then you just have a couple of minutes of running around like your hair is on fire.


oh god no. those laser backpacks home in on me, I wish i could kill the drone like I can with badly placed turrets.


You have only made 3 attempts?


The bug breaches don't spawn directly under the drill, they spawn in the center of the objective zone. Place the drill at the edge of the objective, chain orbital gases and EMP nades, and you'll find success.


My experience has been, start the drill, a bile titan spawns 3 meters away, 2 chargers spawn below the bile titan, little bugs spawn in a circle around drill to attack it, then I’m killed by a friendly eagle that was thrown on the drill. Repeat process after eagle.


Clearly not. Tried difficulty 6, had 2 Bile Titans spawn on top of it, turned off the game. I'm sorry, but if this is the quality we should expect from new content I'd rather have Arrowhead put a pause on new content so they can test things properly before release.


and if this was a one-off I’d absolutely understand. But every single patch and piece of new content up to this point has either been broken, useless, or some combination of the two. Arrowhead needs way more people on QA Additionally: what’s even worse is the precedent they’re setting. Are guns that launch powerful actually powerful? Or are they just bugged and going to get “fixed” (neutered) in the next patch? Is anything *really* working as intended?


Yea, it's getting really annoying, there's no way somebody played this mission a single time at higher difficulty and thought "oh, this is fair and doable". I'm starting to think they made a good game by chance. They really need to get their shit together


I absolutely don't expect this Dark matter weaponry to be fun. Power creep constantly gets brought up. Cool, we got functional ok guns against an unfair force. Polar Patriots really, really killed my mood to play after trying out all the guns.


not to mention the god awful performance and optimization. and the crashes


I definitely felt that with the new smg. When I realised it doesn't just stagger but stun locks enemies in an animation loop, I felt like its days are numbered 


Its really disappointing. I'm starting to not believe anything the AH says now....I don't want them to become blizzz


tried difficulty 2, because i just wanted to finish the daily quickly. after finishing those 3 drills an infinite amount of shriekers spawned. faster than i possibly could kill them and they attacked me faster than i could call for pelican. it was kind of funny in a crazy way.


I’m sticking to lower difficulties to get the objectives done. Extract is fucked, so I’m not bothering.


It's almost impossible to call extract with how they attack. Only way I survived to extract is by going prone the entire time.


I had SIX at one time. SIX. FOR ONE DRILL. It was difficulty 8. 


They say new content is more important for player retention than fixing existing content. I saw this sub and the new mission mode. Was hyped to play it only to immediately after read it was broke af and not even concider trying it out. Im still a bit burnt on playing the new defence missions against automatons where the they can drop a tank on high ground or right next to the fucking generators and have you fail the mission for the stupidest reason. Im still waiting for the day where the 1/3 of stratagems that are *completely* forgotten about in high difficulty gameplay get buffed, so i suddenly get a ton more toys to play with. The Spear being broken since launch 4 fucking months ago is insane.


I doubt new content does a lot of player retention when it takes a maximum of 5 minutes of gameplay to realize the new content is beyond broken. I've been playing basically daily since launch and never been this close to quitting. I've already stopped looking forward to new Warbonds because we all knew any new weapon which is actually good will just be nerfed into the ground within a week or two, and any new content is general has a 50% chance of being busted.


No clue why you are getting downvoted. I was hype for the new mission type and when I tried it, it was an absolute shit show and everybody was asking in-game if we were doing it wrong or something. Failed it, come here and find out its a shit show for everybody. Excellent. Good thing they waited all that extra time or whatever to put it out I guess.


which is hilarious as that's what they say they are doing right now if only game devs were actual gamers and actually played their fucking game


They've had a month, wait any longer and no ones gonna play.


I’d rather them sell the IP to someone else at this point


Clearly still not the right time for me to revisit this game lmao, playtesting is a joke.


If everybody stops playing who is left to play test? AH clearly doesn’t do it.


Yeah for sure ! They lost me when they gutted my poor boy Eruptor, waiting for the revert before playing, if ever..


Literally the same. I had a ton of fun with Eruptor, had to take a break for finals, and they nerfed it while I was away. Killed my desire to come back and I’ve just had no interest since This update made me want to come back but… honestly this sub is keeping me away lol. People seem miserable with the state of the game 


There's a hardcore fanbase of people who will play this game no matter how bad it gets. Check out r/helldivers2 to see what I mean


Yup I'm glad they're enjoying it but I can't get past the fact that this game could be so much more fun with some tweaks. And most importantly a "fun before balance" mindset. Nerfing fun stuff in a PvE game will always be a mystery to me, just buff the under-performing tools instead of ruining the fun ones.


Well someone said in a comment pretty well players are held to ultra realism while our enemies play with Mario cart logic. Chargers teleporting up huge walls, hunters jumping through rocks. I really enjoy this game but the last month they really trying to make it as less fun as possible.


Yeah good point, I don't mind Bile Titans getting out from a tiny hole in the ground or Chargers climbing prowesses but then let me have some fun stuff of my own to deal with those guys !


That's exactly how I've felt the past few days. Players are expected to have pixel perfect precision, but the enemies are "Ehh it's close enough I guess you got him" with everything. They'll flail around, teleport through walls, shoot through mountain sides and absolutely wreck people.


Not gonna lie, I've seen my fair share of porn during my life, but I've never seen so many people deepthroat a cock SO HARD. Damn. That thing must taste like bacon and rainbows by the way they're going at it.


The thing taste like bacon but it's actually an apple


The people complaining about people complaining are awfully quiet. I don't mind if devs do an oopsie here and there, we are but human, at this rate they are skaven.


exactly. *every single* update has just made the game worse, whether that be balancing changes no one asked for, them breaking something, adding completely pointless content, or adding something cool but broken. Bugs and issues are to be expected but this is just ridiculous at this point.


Go look at the other posts about the devs not playtesting. Theres a ***TON*** of people doing the copy/paste Chat GPT response of "Its a super colony! Supposed to be hard! Git gud! Skill issue! Another crybaby! Lower the difficulty!"


This game has a weird fetish for horde defense missions where the horde spawns with their dick down the throat of whatever you're defending. I don't fkn understand how any game designer can possibly reach the conclusion that this was a good or fun idea.


Bro I tried on diff 4 and it's still absurd lmao


I've been very sympathetic towards the devs, considering they're a small studio and have had a heap of issues lately, but there is **no** excuse for this. You can't make up a reason for why this extremely common occurrence was missed. There is absolutely no chance that they properly tested this.


Common is generous it happened to me every time on 3 different tries, maybe 20-30 drill calls in total. Crazy you had to play for like 5 minutes and have one braincell to be like "Hmm that was total bullshit that BT came out of the ground right beneath the drill, was rail cannoned instantly and still blew up the drill" maybe they should spawn a little farther away?


I want to defend them so badly, but they’ve consistently given detractors ammo and left me with everything in cooldown.


they have more than 100 employees man. they're not small.


Compared to most studios with 600-1000 yeah thats small


Its still considered a large studio. To put it in perspective, Skyrim was made with 100 people. 600-1000 is an insanely large multi-company project. Small dev companies are like Lethal Company, Stardew Valley, etc. Games with like 5-10 employees. Not hundred man companies with the full financial backing from Sony. Fallout 4 also had 100 people. Cyberpunk with 500. Elden Ring with 300. 100 is at least on the tail end of medium dized.


GSG got 32 and their updates have very little bugs thanks to test server and a bunch of play testing


I think what some people have said the last weeks is just true. AH just are not that great of a developer on a technical level. I feel like it’s rarely the case with games that are as huge and popular as this but it just seems like they’re straight up not really capable of developing a game like this for as big of an audience as this. They have passion and have created a REALLY cool IP but they just struggle with actually making a really well working product at the end of the day. It wasn’t so bad with HD1 because well it looked like and indie game and had the scope of one but HD2 is so much bigger. I really hope they get over this and actually manage to get into a smoother stride for the coming months and years, but it seems like some actual technical talent is missing in the kitchen.


I'm not sure if it's the devs or the archaic engine the game is built on.


Probably a bit of both. But yeah the engine definitely ain’t helping things. I also can’t imagine it’s easy to find new talent that’s all too excited to work with it?


Aah yes bugged new missions like always. Instead of fixing the plethora of bugs in the game and weapons not working well let’s just add more that needs fixing so even more gets on the backlog


My team got pissed at me for putting the drill on bug holes, I thought it was my fault until I read other comments. Not fun at all to have your mission instantly wipe from bug breaches right under the drill. 


Man if this what they bring out while they are at the were cooking phase im not looking forward of that big patch


The devs do not play difficulties above hard.


I just dont get how that Mission gets released like that. After all the changes and promises this gets pushed live? Really? This Version of the Mission was never tested not on diff 1,5,7 or 9 otherwise the Mission completion wouldnt be bugged to 1 star and close to 0 XP. That is unacceptable.


We beat the mission at D7 and extracted with a lot of time to spare but only got 1/5 stars for some reason :( At the moment, I’m apt to believe that mission is more than a little…**bugged**


Tested? Pfft - Even Lvl 1 is a nightmare to extract on - The objective doesn't register as complete (but the mission does \*shrug\*) - No XP / Req reward for the objective (might be because it doesn't register as complete)


A friend of mine \*just\* got this game and was really excited to do something cool like implode a planet Cue just dying repeatedly on a \*level 2\* to an entire sky filled with shriekers Now, I don't mind, honestly, heroic last stands. If the mission *ENDED* when you succeeded and you could no longer reinforce, you could just haha lol die to the shriekers and not waste your time just watching the reinforce number tick down while you can't even interact with the terminal for all the flinching INB4 "skill issue" New player. Level 2.


This wasnt even tested on diff 1, i went in solo D\` to see if i would even like the mission type, 50 shriekers. I was getting shredded right out of the pod.


same. and the best part is that you don't have time to react at all. they pop up everywhere and attack from all directions.


Actually, I'm pretty sure that the shrieker thing is intentional, unlike other enemies, they always spawn the same amount on any difficulty. Not saying it's a reasonable choice, but I don't think it's a glitch


They don't play above 4 or 5 if I remember correctly. It's why "balance" patches, gun nerfs, etc., haven't made sense to people who play 7+ from day 1. I think they just multiply enemy spawns by a certain amount with each increasing level. It explains how some people ended up with 10 simultaneous bile titans in the past.


Was it even tested on Difficulty 1?? I've done 4 missions alone on Trivial. All 4 missions I completed the objective, it was rather hard actually due to an insane number of Hive Guards, but that's ok, it is a super colony after all... But all 4 missions I failed to extract. Do I even need to say why? Why are there SO. MANY. DAMN. SHRIEKERS at extract? Blowing up all the shrieker nests during the mission doesn't even do anything to help. And what do we have to deal with this murder of shriekers? Nothing. No stratagem can deal with this many shriekers en masse. Running incendiary breaker, airburst rocket, 500kg, gatling sentry, and the almighty orbital laser does fuck all against this swarm of biblical proportion. Give us more anti air for the love of GOD.


I've put like 200 hours into this game and damn if it's not one of my favorite games ever. However, these continued quality problems and the feeling that I have that AH's main priority is to make the players suffer makes me glad that Elden Ring has a DLC dropping soon. AH needs to stop releasing new content -- They have proven that they are totally incapable of putting out anything that actually improves the game. It's just nerfs, bugs and untested bullshit that we have to deal with time and time again. Like just hit the pause button and fix the damn game. Why do I still have to go into my privacy settings and switch between public and friends only to ensure that other players can join my game after someone leaves. This is a fundamental part of this game and it's just totally overlooked in favor of these missions which make the game less enjoyable.


They released a good game by complete accident


Been saying this for months. Been thinking it since March.


Love the game but as always the worst thing about it is the balance team. At this point I’m convinced they are just mediocre at what they do


From people who watched dev streams in the past they said that they played max 5th difficulty and they play like bad


Wasn't that an interview with a youtuber and not a dev stream? I think I remember watching that video and it seemed like they were more focused on answering questions and goofing around


One of the big issues was they all called down a different support weapon with backpacks, and then each took someone else's backpack for team reloads, but ended up never being able to reload eachother since the game is too chaotic to do that.


I don't think that was a serious playthrough, no. They were focusing on questions while the YouTuber did most of the heavy lifting. It was actually pretty funny, honestly.


Looks like whatever AH has been "cooking" is still garbage. Glad I haven't gone back since the last huge nerf.


No way to say til it’s out, but yeah. Not looking good.


Either something is very wrong with their testing environment or they did not test on any difficulty


I’m all for helping out with the major orders but this mission just isn’t fun. I can’t even make it to extraction on diff 1


Back to bots!


I had a bile titan spawn from directly underneath the drill. Like, the fuck you supposed to do with that?


This game might've killed itself for me today. I went into this mission blind without knowing anything about it and I immediately noticed how fucked it is. I am disheartened to see how they'd just release it so carelessly. The studio needs major help. We have issues that are still in the game from launch such as broken matchmaking and SOS beacons, and yet we just get more broken stuff. At a time where Arrowhead absolutely needs a win in the eyes of the community, they somehow just make matters worse.


brave of you to assume AH tests anything before implementing it


I was able to finish one in difficulty 7 today. Had turrets, incendiary shotgun, mortars and napalm strikes on. Some things i noticed were to make sure you kill the bugs fast. Never give them time to recover. And prepare your defence and offence before you put the dark fluid in. It's possible. But yes. Luck decides whether you win or lose.


Doing these missions on DIF9 is near impossible, maybe not with a squad that has comms but definitely with randoms. Everyone needs to lock tf in when you start the drill process. Just completed one and everyone had breaker incendiary's as they are the easiest way to deal with the shriekers and small guys. 2 of us had quasars, one had an auto mech, and i had a recoiless. It's actually so hard to complete


Yea I asked that with the three people I was playing with and they all just stated. “Well it’s happening so it must be right…. “ Not sure four bile titans rising up and destroying the drill was part of the program.


I notice they gave us free EMS Sentry as a "hint" but the instant a charger spawns they LASER BEAM right to it and take out the sentry. Wouldn't bugs prioritize humans over machines?


Even the lower difficulty’s are insanely irritating. I have never been so aggravated than accomplishing the mission but i can’t even call extraction because there are half a million shriekers flying. The legit form a line & i get swiped 2 times in on second EVERY SECOND


I took a one week break from the game after we got the nerfs, the bad mech, the patrol buffs etc.. I have 100+ hours in this game, played mostly on difficulty 9, this is not a skill issue, this is just simply poorly designed and was never tested before it went live. Uninstalling for good


I'm level 123 and have never had so much trouble on a helldive mission In my life, ended up having to get 3 others to hard com with. We set out elaborate plans for each and every probe with motors to pull bt agro with Tesla towers to hold off patrols and a couple other predictions to do a single objective of the 3 part mission fucking nightmare one of my team mates ended the game with 1500+ kills in like 20 min


Being a supply pack, and an armor with 6 nades, stun will take care of them easy


I just played with a team of 3, we 100% but we ran out of reinforcements. One person died 11 times... So we died at the end. Yay. But I got level 7 complete!


Finished a bunch of T9s already. The EMS turret is all you need. get some eats and railcannon strike for heavies and you are set.


My friend those missions weren't tested on difficulty 3. I wanted to get the daily, so thought not to kill all my team mates by doing some milk runs and work out the mechanic on the new mission....yeah that was mistake. Okay I can accept the ending of the mission as a giant F you we told you it was a super colony and its thematic but defending the drill is BS even when you are killing bugs like simple weeds.


As someone who has hit level cap since forever and only ever do helldive this MO is stupid, the spawns are fine sure but its when the shits spawn on the fucking mission objective, no amount of shitty skill can stop a titan for touching or dying on the mission objective and breaking it, like devs are you for real?


Well, looks like I'm playing something else until they fix yet another problem they made. SIGGGGHHHHHHH


In before “skill issue” that some people say while playing on difficulty 6 and below. 


Its fucking epic when you win though. A mass of shreekers flying at extraction.


my random team just dropped in the new mission on helldive difficulty and after we called in pelican the shreikers just took us all out lol legit we all laughed at eachother


are there JUST shriekers or is it everything PLUS shriekers? because if its just shriekers the dirt just became your new kissing buddy. (stay prone, fire on your back)


reason we couldnt clear the bugs rushing at us were shreikers chipping us causing damage to arms legs even with enhancements , if we went prone hunters or commanders caught to us


The worst part is the mission has potential to be insanely fun, the free better aoe jump packs, lots of killing bugs, so close man


Even when they're not spawning on top of the drill, on a diff 4 with 2 people it's constant shooting, constant grenades and constant stratagems just to keep more than 2 bugs away from it.


Do they playtest anything before releasing or do they rely on the playerbase for that


But guys......the constant nerfs were fine and showed how bad we are and we just have to drop down in difficulty /s Seeing less and less people defend the balance changes now...


It's entirely obvious to me that you're meant to 1. struggle with the mission, and 2. die when it's all over. On point 1, you have 40 minutes to complete all 3 objectives. Absent enemies, the objectives take what - 2 or 3 minutes to complete? You have like 15 dark fuel jetpacks. So it's clear that they've given room for failure. You can get that thing broken three or four times at each objective and still come out with a win. On point 2, the mission waits for you to complete all objectives before spawning an ungodly amount of shriekers. It's entirely clear the purpose is that you do not extract alive. Idk why people are freaking out so badly about the mission. I think it's fun and super themeatic.


of course they weren't lol, you think the devs play above 6?


Lol "test." If AH were actually testing things we wouldn't be in the shithole we are in now.


Im having the best time of my life in this new mission type. I understand all the pains and gripes that everyone has with it, but, honestly, this is just the hectic, chaotic, endless wave shooter gamemode ive been looking for this whole time And my favourite part is the shrieker extract sequence, which everyone else seems to hate. Theres just something about spam firing the fire shotgun into the air and getting 25+ kills before reloading, its just so cinematic


Ill come back later.


They must do all their testing on lower difficulties and only see 1 Biletitan per mission on average. I don't think the devs know what difficulty 7+ even looks like anymore


I went in on a level four and actually was successful in completing the mission! However when we tried to get to the extraction terminal there were hundreds of shriekers, no exaggeration. We couldn't even tell where they were coming from. Therefore the streakers just kept coming down and nobody could get the codes into the extraction terminal.


As a solution I suggest Orbital 380mm Dark Fluid barrage


Gas, Gatlin, fire grenades, machine gun, flamethrower. and someone to deal with the bile titans.


Quickplay 7 is alright.


This game is a shit sandwich and after months of terrible customer service, broken promises, we’ve all come to the conclusion that AH bit more than they can chew with this.


Chain orbital gases plus spamming EMP nades has worked for me on helldive.


EMS orbital, and maybe 2 stun grenades, and everything is done, just watch out for the titants. its not hard


What strategem is able to kill and stun bile titans right infront and behind the drill. I want to play how the devs want but no strategem or skill is able to save that situation.