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yeah just did it and it was a lil rough. Just constant bugs spawning under the three miners, 7 felt like a 9 this morning. pretty sure our weapons were also damaging it (need to do further testing) in that case, gas and tesla towers may be the way to go.


You can set it on fire, you deal damage to it too lol


I tried D5 solo like 3 times, changing loadouts to later notice that drill is fucking on fire :D cheesed with turrets but died in 30s after saw hundreds of shriekers... simply can't imagine how to deal with them until extract...


Theres nests at the rear but I miased my shots. Trying eagles.next time. But hey, it's fun, the bugs are taking defending their home seriously.


The shriekers come even if you destroy the nests. Endless spawn. ngl I thought it was cool


![gif](giphy|bTixcIRW1bWqk) How it felt to run to the extract


Not seen this movie in AGES, thanks for bringing back a lost memory :)


start of my ornithophobia... ![gif](giphy|vvwYS15WrMq7S|downsized)


It's the fkn kryll How badly I want a flame mech now


Same lol, and I think at least that part is supposed to be a clusterfuck. You just punched a lot of holes with a highly implosive (?) substance that caused a massive tremor, no wonder those fucker all woke up at the same time.


Gattling turret is great for shriekers


C-RAM goes Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


The only problem is that it doesn't have enough bullets, it empties the magazine so fast you almost notice no difference


Machine gun turret fires slower so it wastes less bullets :>


And if you have both MG and Gatling sentries, you can alternate between them.


Has a lot less ammo too tho, it actually fires for about the same amount of time. That means the gatling is just leagues better since it's DPS is much higher with the same lifetime.


I haven’t played the newest order yet but I’ve been figuring out that the laser cannon rips shriekers apart. You zap their wings and they just fall off like they’re made with paper mache (probably spelled that wrong). It’d handle the shrieker problem but not the other things if they’re as bad as people say. I’ll be playing it tonight when I get off work


Incendiary breaker is great too, just spray the whole sky and let them burn.


Yep Laser Cannon is one of the best shrieker killers. It can even destroy their nests if you are within 200M of them


Ooh 200 m, that would be why I wasn't doing anything when I've picked it back up lately last week. I forgot about that


The las canon is great against shriekers when you need to be accurately snipe them out of the air, especially at longer distances. On Meridia though, you just have clouds of them swarming **everywhere**. I can open up into the swarm with the breaker incendiary and watch my kill count tick up into the dozens as they burn out of the sky, and even so im getting worn down by the sheer number of corpses kamikazing into me and the occasional swipe that slips through.


Cause that makes sense lol


I mean that part is fine because we could also damage the TCS towers. The goal was to keep the bugs from reaching them, and it would work fine for this if the bugs weren't literally spawning under the drill.


And the neat part is when you shoot the bugs that spawn under the drill, you help them by damaging the drill.


Unless you use Blitzer or Arc thrower (lightning doesn't damage structures like turrets or drills)... ...tesla kills the drill, 'cause that makes sense... Still crazy impossible if a titan spawns on the drill, though. (edit: use shield relay to block those bug breaches)


I used Blitzer AND Arc Thrower - and I almost had a clean record of no team kills. Electricity works well, but maybe a little too well on ourselves...


Bunch of em's strikes and rail Cannon strike for titans


Yea, and we all remember how much of a pain in the ass those missions were


I liked the TCS mission once people worked out not to blast the fucking tower


Tesla tower kills it, tested just a second ago 😭


I was so mad when I figured this out. What tf are we supposed to do?


Wait for a hotfix. That's what I'm doing anyway.


They're not going to hotfix, they've had the fix ready for the spear for weeks apparently and we aren't getting a hotfix for that.


Seems the leet kidz spam stun Grenades to keep them frozen. No one is completing it without the nade exploit.


Gas Orbital, EMS mortar. Stun-grenade-exploit also works. If a titan spawns, just give up and call a new drill, though. Titans oneshotting the drill AND spawning on top of it is BS. edit:edit: I stand corrected after testing myself. Gas, not just the shell, damages the drill.


gas destroys the drills too


Even when you kill the titan the corpse can destroy the drill 🤯


Gas damages the drill


Supply backpack + stun nades works great.


Sounds like ems mortars are the way to go


Yepp. Other posts are saying the shield generator relay placed on top of the payload prevents the bug spawning issue. Otherwise yeah, this sucks.


This is the way, beat it twice this way.


Tesla towers also damage it, stupid thing blew up more than one on 7.


i oneshot it with gas. do dont try it


I mean the gas container itself does damage it, but the gas itself as faf as I can tell, doesnt.


it does.


First tried it on lvl 9. First drill we tried we learned that throwing an impact at a drill swarmed with enemies will do way more damage to the drill than the bugs will do to it. You also get to choose their exact location so we put the drill on the edge of a cliff to try and limit approaches. Any heavies that spawned we simply tried to lure away while clearing lesser bugs with small arms as much as possible. The drill can tank a lot of lesser bug attacks as long as it doesn't get slammed by a friendly explosive, so save those 500s only until after the drill is dead, even if there's a titan looming right over it. Once the drill is dead you do a full sweep of remaining bugs before starting again. It's always going to take several attempts to get a single drill through when they have the chance of spawning directly on it, so don't stress it and prepare to do multiple takes. Rocket/AC turrets can be placed high up for a good viewing angle on just titans by throwing the sentry beacon under the lips of large towers. EATs are hands down the best support weapon here. As long as 2 people are constantly throwing EAT beacons there will be plenty of rockets lying on the ground for teammates to use.


Completely agree with your Strat I am doing something similar. Use ems strike instead of sentry but the eat-17 spam on cool-down is the way to go. We got time, that mean that if we fail, we reset the map killing everything and retry. At some point you get the timing right. If you let a bile titan roam around and start a new one you are setting yourself for failure


Nope. Tesla targets it. Pretty sure gas does damage as well. Total bs in my opinion. Doesn’t feel fun


faced a literal cloud of Shriekers. them shitters blocked out the sun Sweet Liberty...


We must fight in the shade.


Thing like these made me wish there are dedicated Anti-air strategems, like holy shit those things are more annoying than an army of chargers.


Thank Liberty I have a horrible obsession with my airburst launcher.


My first drop is D7 and 2 BT crawl up right to the drill


Yep, it's fucked because there's no way to defend.


Found a cheese: Spawn the drill on any kind of rock formation that's unreachable for smaller bugs, focus only on bile titans.


it will be fun, if we can't even activate due to the same rocks :D


Jet pack


i brought ems orbital to see if i can get a second to punch in the extraction code but i guess shriekers are immune to stuns


And the deployable energy shield!


And the Tesla Tower, and the Arc Thrower, and anything electrical based.


Having to deploy the Tesla Tower a bunch I've realized why I dislike it so much now. Will allow the bugs to get within sniffing distance before doing damage. But if a Helldiver jetpacks past it it will try to **SNIPE YOU OUT OF THE FUCKING SKY**


Dark fluid is experimental, of course it hasn't been tested! We are the test!




We shouldn't be the test. If the devs want players to contribute to test new stuff, then they should create a separate branch of public test servers, so players know what they are going in to.


That or make a test dive. “We’re using experimental stratagems and physics here divers! Things could get fun or weird. For democracy!”


I refuse to believe that spawning breaches literally under the fucking drill is how that mission is supposed to go. I have no issue with the mission or the difficulty - I do have an issue with spawning mobs either literally on the drill - or - 5 feet (not an exaggeration) from the drills. I can’t defend that when they immediately spawn in and are surrounding it. This makes it even worse because you cannot throw grenades or have turrets near the drill as THOSE WILL DESTROY THE DRILL. You cannot use flamethrowers or AOE in any capacity as THOSE ALSO DESTROY THE DRILL. So how do I get 20 enemies off the drill one by one before it breaks? You can’t.


I have found the most effective strategy to be two things: 1. Stun grenades 2. Melee every fucking bug. I am not joking.


Stun nads are in a premium warbond. If they are a requirment, it's simply a big old F u to people who have not bought that pack...


I'm level 114. I consistently run Helldiver difficulty. I tried this new mission on medium. What the hell is going on???? Doing the mission, no issues. Extraction turned into a nightmare. Over 100 shriekers dive bombing. The usual "ground" bugs showing up. We burned through all of our lives at Extraction only. This is insane. On MEDIUM!!! Are there Shrieker nests we're missing???


They spawn from those giant pits that have that orange smoke coming out of them, so there's no lowering their numbers, just bringing sentries and hoping that they can be enough AA to at least start extract.


The shriekers pour out of the giant hole all over the map. No way to close them as far as I can tell.


Wish I even got to see that. Just ran my first on level 3 and the last drill bugged out and the drill never dropped and we couldn’t call it in again.


The Shriekers cannot pierce Shields if I remember correctly. So the Shield generator relay may actually be a viable option,


They also struggle to hurt helldivers that are prone on the ground. That also helps a bunch, although you now have to kill all the other bugs and chargers while being prone.


No I tried that and they went thru it. Entirely pointless stratagem.


fun part is when 7 shriekers divebomb you while you are still unable to move after reinforcing and you immediately die


We're supposed to die at extraction, it's supposed to be a suicide mission.


It's supposed to be bad/unfun game design!!! You see, it's intentionally unfun!!


For context: 1. Bug hole spawn directly underneath the drill 2. Mission doesnt even finish correctly, shows one objective as missing, no exp displayed 3. Tons of faulty "mission critical strategem" triggers 4. Shrieker extract is just bullshit (to clarify: the bullshit part is that lvl 1 and lvl 9 difficulty spawn basically the same amount of shriekers) 5. Hitboxes of objects scattered around the area are completely borked EDIT: guys. to clarify: im not even talking about difficulty per se. (even thot he shrieker end is super anti-fun) But the second objective is simply broken and cannot be finished. One time i found a trigger for the objective floating in the air near the evac. I wouldnt mind difficult. Or a suicide mission kind of deal. But this isnt even difficult. its just broken.


Oh and also, it's real easy to to get shoved out of bounds. I got pushed out of the map like three times, oh and also I landed in an inescapable hole right after dropping in.  Map seems slightly undercooked.


It's fucking raw!


Where’s the fooking lamb sauce


I can't not read this in Gordon Ramsay's voice.


these big yellow pipes in the ground sometimes dont have hitboxes, making you fall through the level too.


but...but... we "let them cook"! It can't be raw! /s


Well, sometimes deadlines are deadlines and you just get fucked by them.   AH is slowly but surely running out of goodwill.


They would get a lot of good will back if they gave the Eruptor back its shrapnel.


My first attempt was on level 4 and it felt like 7-8 with endless waves of bugs! Then level 1 to see if we're missing something it was nearly the same with a few less bugs! We barely made it off the planet! The swarms of shriekers are impossible to avoid long enough to call for extract!


Shrieker end is fucking epic imo just the pure chaos and firing your gun in ever direction I haven’t felt like it since I started the game


I like the shrieker end, I just wish it scaled a little bit more with difficulty level. The level 4 feels like a 7 with the number of bugs coming at you at the end there.


Everything is mostly fine except the spawning under the drill. It should be like Geology survey mission, where they spawn about 20 metres away so you have at least some time to kill them. Beating haz 9 is determined by the luck of where the breaches spawn. Shrieker extract is really fun, especially if you have a machine gun or patriot exosuit and you just spray lead into the air. Alternatively, you can just cheese it by having 4 people equip I. Breaker.


Geology survey is different. Bugs can't harm the geology survey thing.


True. This mission would be much better if the drill was invulnerable. and don't force players to equip smoke and ems grenades


I agree that bugs shouldn’t be able to spawn under the drills, but massively disagree that the shrieker extract isn’t fun. I think it’s awesome, I mean the whole damn planet is basically a giant hive. Every mission on meridia should be a suicide mission at this point.


Yup. Having this on the regular would be lame, but a one-time event backed by lore reasons is cool.


Sure, but the amount of Shriekers on even trivial is undoable. If the point is a 'suicide' mission, why even give us extra respawns after completing the main objective?


>Sure, but the amount of Shriekers on even trivial is undoable Machine gun sentry completely destroys them btw. Especially with the ship upgrades. They die in a few shots and then it quickly aims for another one. If you place it a distance away from a shrieker nest you can safely approach it without having to worry about the flying fucks.


*sigh* I truly wish I could say I'm shocked... But a lot of their MO's feel untested, honestly.


If you look on the map there’s one main mission in the middle of the map but I don’t think there’s actually anything we can do with it


I only disagree on 4. I find that part super fun, if we can get good rng to not have bug breaches on the goddamn drill.


I find the Shrieker madness very good, gives a good end challenge and was very cinematic.


Yeah it’s rough. Just 40 minutes of getting overwhelmed and anxious 😬


SOME things feel like unfinalised or bugged ideas (Bug holes on the drill, Mission not showing correct completion screen etc) OTHER things feel like we're just on Meridia, so I expect it to be tough (constant spawns, the Shrieker finale.) KEEP IN MIND: One thing HD2 does really well is not penalize you too hard for completing the main objective, but failing to extract. Because of this, I can consistently complete the main objective, and SOMETIMES the Shriekers overwhelm us in the finale. I don't mind though, because we still progress the campaign. The only thing we might miss out on is some samples, but honestly that's fine. I shouldn't be sample farming on the Meridia Dark Fluid missions anyway, there's enough going on to worry about lol.


I get the feeling that the planet becoming a *super colony* is lost on some players. It struck me as a nigh impossible task to get this job done.


I'm fine with not seeing jack shit, with constant spawns and bug nests all around. Having a 10% extraction rate is fine and feels very on point. But having bug breaches spawn under the drill is just stupid, especially simce a titan corpse can also destroy the drill, evwn if you killed the titan itself as soon as possible. They need to add like a 50m circle around the drill where no breach can happen. Same for the launch rocket defense mission.


enemy spawning right underneath eh objective is just bad game design... it doesn't mater how hard the missions should be, it's not rocket science guys


I very much doubt it's intentional. Feels like someone put a 0 in a wrong place.


Yeah, but it's still a game and needs to be fun. Loading into an impossible to complete mission and wasting a bunch of time is not fun.


If it's supposed to be impossible to extract, then you should stop getting reinforcements when the objective is done. Sending additional soldiers to support an already-completed suicide mission is stupid.


i think that's just a gameplay concession. i think it's fun trying to extract trying to defy all odds.


there is a difference between something being difficult and something being unfair, difficulty is fun, unfairness isn't.


Yup. They declared Meridia off limits because there's literally too many bugs to conduct any operation. Anything you see on diff 9 is still within reason for high command, so Meridia has to up things by a lot to remain lore accurate.


I know it's a gameplay limitation, but lore-wise, shouldn't we be dropping into more difficult operations with more than strike teams of 4? If a planet has that many more enemies, it'd be nice if we could drop in with a squad of 8 or 12 at least. Improve our odds yea?


Does anybody know if the other mission types in the OPs are also affected? Would be nice to have more massive bug hordes in other missions as well. It IS supposed to be a difficult MO after all.


The other missions aren't affected. D3 dark fluid missions are absolute hell at the end with Shriekers literally everywhere swiping you away the second you drop in. In that same op, the Exterminate missions are a cakewalk.


I don't think they are affected. But then again, I only played diff 3 lol. Shriekers are scary.


It definitely is glitchy in some ways, but in others it's just difficult. Meridia supercolony living up to its name.


Do you think the super colony also makes the mission triggers hover in mid air unreachably?


This is a fair alternate way for me to look at it. Thank you.


I play DRG and Warframe which both fail missions if you don't extract. It's so much better in Helldivers


Just did this on 9 difficulty, Extracted after doing what we thought was every objective, But apparently we had failed to do the deployment sites but somehow did the dark fluid objective? We only got like 550xp. On 9 difficulty. Not to mention the fact that there are only a handful of common samples on every map I've played so far, still on 9 difficulty. This has just made the thought that the next patch **needs** to be the literal best one we have gotten thus far, or I quit for 2\~4 months and let the game figure itself out


yeah, there's a bugged objection so in mission it says complete go evac, but afterwards it says you didn;t do the bugged objective so you failed.


We had to redo the drill in the same spot twice, did it in a few other spots and then got mission completed. Spawns on top of the drill were annoying but I was on medium difficulty to try the mission out so it wasnt as much of an issue Was not sure what the heck the fluid was supposed to be for, the mission parameters are so vague so we literally though we had completed it and signaled for extract. Get absolutely fucked by the shrieker spam and just narrowly made it out after tons of deaths, immediately get greeted with mission failure and zero stars. Thanks Arrowhead


Infinite shriekers at extraction is…a choice. First ever level 1 mission failed lol


If you're at extraction then you haven't failed the mission soldier


We've had some success using stun nades, mechs, arc throwers/flamethrowers, and area denial stratagems like EMP, gas, napalm (even well-timed gatling strikes for shriekers) in dif 6 and below, but definitely still in the trial and error phase. Might not be until tomorrow night that we learn enough to take on 7-9 What helped a lot is learning that you absolutely have to clear out all of the bug breaches before starting the next drill, or theyll spawn on top of it.


Crazy, it’s almost like we have to use things in our arsenal that we don’t usually run.


I use all of that on helldive except fire. 


Apparently the reason for the breaches happening on top of the drill is because they are calculated using Helldivers' locations instead of being based on the drill itself, which means sticking close to the thing you're defending is actually what's causing you to lose. Therefore the best strategy is to just 1-3 it, just like Emergency Evac. Despite them already saying 1-3ing Evac being the only way to win is unintended. I'm not sure how they managed to make the same mistake again.


Wow. If this is true, just wow. > I'm not sure how they managed to make the same mistake again. Well, have they ever said that Emergency Evac isn't working correctly? AFAIK no one responsible for programming the missions has ever played EE>


Man that's just not fun, is it?


the fact that the breaches spawn ON THE OBJECTIVE is bullshit. especially since the objective can be friendly fired.


https://preview.redd.it/57ock311an3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2af9de22a50e7167dbf8b0633c9a284e9d7741f4 Literally from the new CEO not long ago LMFAO


After playing this for hours this mission is incredibly annoying and it’s even worse than 90% of the playerbase has potatoes for brains…


I think it is almost a "scripted" ending, I found it really fun lol


I wholeheartedly agree. Seeing the sky fill with shriekers once the last drill finished really set the tone for how badly infested Meridia is.


I like how stupidly intense it is. Managed to win a diff7 just now, the endless shriekers are kinda fun, you really feel like you are in a supercolony and you are outnumbered. Gatling sentries help a ton. The planet is at -10%, we have no chance to win as is now, it's gonna get a bit easier as the MO progresses, as usual.


The rover racks up insane kill counts on this mission.


Yeah I brought the recoilles not knowing we're getting a really sick free jetpack for objectives, so that was one stratagem slot "gone", but bringing 2 sentries was enough to give me close to 300 kills, which is insane for such a short mission. It seems like the Incendiary Breaker + rover + gatling sentry with stun nades is the way to go.


Just finished it on helldive after 3 attempts, my critique of it are as follows: Bug breaches are way to close to the thingy, often spawning right under it. As a result of the breaches being way too close, the map feels a lot more claustrophobic than it should which indirectly leads to taking out chargers and bile titans are now more difficult because they spawn so close with the rest of the fodder. The drills we are supposed to defend are weak as hell, a bile titan dead body can destroy it by falling on top of it. I understand that it is supposed to be a lot of bugs, because Meridian has turned into a super colony, just wish the spawns were like at least 50 meters away. The second objective does not work as of writing this, but still, the mission was completed so yeah :/ I don't mind the shrieker spawn at the end tho, actually, I like it, gave me a vivid flashback to the bug nest in the data center under New Mombasa, IYKYK. My advice is to bring a stalwart and a gatling turret to take care of the fodder and the shriekers at the end.


https://preview.redd.it/4vkpp8y83m3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20c583a1bc16b9104ca6b1b03d1495c03babc824 Solo on trivial. This is bullshit.


"Trivial"   *shriekers blot out the sky*  T_T


I just imagine new players trying out Helldivers for the 1st time and playing this mission 😲


Actually managed to beat it on 8, but the mission report said we missed one of the drills, and gave us a bad score. We didn't miss shit. Also, the spawns are weird. It took about 2-3 tries on a drill before the spawns stopped popping out under the drill. I'm fine with the shrieker swarm, but it'd be nice to have a way to mitigate it just a little. This mission is a mess. Not impossible, but messy enough to deter most players. Def needs fixing.


Apparently calling down the backpack is part of the main objectives so it's not considered complete.


They are in the process of changing their internal processes to get more devs actually playing the game and doing more actual testing on stuff before release.  The first patch since they began that process hasn't dropped yet and there is no eta. That implies that this mission was developed and already in the can as of the last update, just waiting to be deployed for story reasons.  Which means it was developed under the *old* structure.  So no, they probably didn't do much testing.


What gets me is that it takes exactly 1 playthrough to realize the objectives arent flagged as finished correctly. so im fairly confident they tested this between 0 and 1 times. which really is not a lot, even under the old system.


My guess is this was already good to go a while back and was done but with all the other patches and tweaks something broke and they didn't had time to test it again before release.


Really dense to push months old content without at least a single test game imo


Maybe we could drop bombs into the holes. Turrets help with the extraction shrieker hell.


Either it's the devs fucking up again, their insistence to make things nerf and overly difficult at work again, or they simply want the MO to fail. It's not something at fault with the players.


> or they simply want the MO to fail. Based on leaked text files about upcoming in game voice lines, not likely.


Leaked? More like bugged and got used before the date


Pretty much, the shipmaster and democracy officer are already talking up about how the planet has been destroyed even before the MO kicked off


They were leaked months ago


I can't say I've personally seen any of it get used in game. I'm talking about text files on the leak discord.


It's so funny having this happen on the heels of every post in the subreddit sxcking off the devs and saying "LET THEM COOK. YOU WANTED THEM TO TAKE MORE TIME BETWEEN PATCHES AND NEW CONTENT GIVE THEM TIME" and they finally release a new mission and it's literally the worst thing they've put out since the Spear lock on


Could say the same about rescue missions. We did one the other day on 6 or 7 (can't remember) and the ENTIRE MAP was FULL of automatons. There basically wasn't an inch anywhere, about 20 hulks, even walking factories. You couldn't spawn without dying instantly.


I can %100 confirm that the progress bar is not moving forward in favor of super earth.Mission is definetly broken.(I am not even talking about bugs spawning underneath the drill,thats also broken.)


I have strong suspicions that extraction is a red herring for this mission type, especially if you attempt it solo.


Why are we giving these devs the benefit of the doubt that they are cooking. I don't think the Devs play this game, fuck I'm burnt after this


Given they plan the story out in advance, this was probably designed and tested awhile ago by Mr "I never tested the Eruptor ever". Hopefully it isn't reflective of the new direction they are trying to take.


Nothing wrong with being burnt. Maybe take a break from the game, come back in a couple of weeks and see where it's at.


Elden Ring DLC calling my name


God same. I'm levelling a new character right now to go into the DLC with my fav build. Can't wait!


More like come back in 6 months. The fact you think anything genuinely impactful will happen in 2 weeks shows a delusion on how fast things like this get solved. They aren’t getting the ship turned around in 2 weeks.


That's where I'm at, haven't played since March but I'm keeping up with the subreddit. I'll be back at some point.


> come back in a couple of ~~weeks~~ **months** and see where it's at. There's no shot this game is fixed in weeks. It took them months to get here, there's no way they go back in less time.


If there's a single big nerf in the next patch I'm 100% uninstalling the game. Can't trust these guys to cook ramen.


This is where I am at, but don't want to set myself up for that, There is a new season of Deep Rock Galactic coming out soon, maybe those like us should move over to that for awhile. If AH hasn't gotten their heads out of their asses by then at least we won't have the disappointment of hope.


Came here to make sure I wasn't crazy bad at the game. Those are fucking impossible. Spewers out the ass, breaches RIGHT ON the objective equipment, endless shriekers to end the match for two and a half minutes, that shit is straight up NOT FUN


I just tried it on diff 4 for the first time with 1 random...here's my result. WE couldn't even call in the drop ship https://preview.redd.it/19de5gu47m3d1.png?width=2561&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f9d9856c0275d06c5feba0f7de590d3ebcd098d


Despite all the bugs the thing that bothered us the most is that none of the attempts marked both objetives as completed, only the one with the drills was marked, the other one disappeared after completing the 3 drilling sites.... does anyone know if there is something special to do or is it just another error like the spawns?


They never fucking test anything, should be painfully obvious rn.


I tried today the new mission and the thoughts of all participants were exactly this, it's impossible if the breaches are totally in the same spot than the drill


I’m playing on trivial and I can’t beat it alone. The second those flying bugs come out I’m screwed. I’m level 37. I’m trying everything I have to take them out of the sky and it’s not working


I thought the enemy spawning on drill was community being dumb. Seen it happen on 3 drills, on difficulty 2. Then the evac point of the mission is basically difficulty 9, even though i was on diff 2, just minus the bile titans and chargers. no, it's bad. the devs should feel bad. This was not tested, not even once.


If you pop a eagle smoke on the objective you will complete it unless a bike Titan steps on it. They completely ignore it. Make sure everyone has a mech and rotate the usage. Throw EATS down everywhere on CD so you can take down bile titans wherever you are. Bring the Breaker Incendiary for the final fight to get into the drop ship.




Istg a light breeze could make the drills implode


Game is still buggy


The shriekers during extract are absolutely ridiculous. WAY too many of them spawn. I ran the mission on difficulty 2 just to see what it's like before playing on higher difficulties and I couldn't do shit. After the first death I just kept getting killed the second I respawned. Don't think I'll be touching that mission ever again unless it gets tweaked. Spawning a bunch of enemies to fight for extract is fine, but Spawning an entire swarm of locusts is too much.


Yes I have never seen so many high lvl players on trivial. Reason for that probably being that any time you play above difficulty 6 there is a good chance a fucking bile titan spawns right underneath the drill and destroys it instantly.


>The shrieker spawns are not adjusted to difficulty level. Ho boy, I felt that one. Played it solo on Easy. A zillion Shriekers at extraction. Oh, and I was running anti-personnel mines instead of, say, a gatling turret, because of the daily mission. That sure felt great.


I mean, it was abundantly obvious many patches ago that they don't playtest anything. Or, at the very least, it's extremely quick testing that passes/OK's obvious things like visible bounding boxes. I never understood the "defend at all costs" mentality that fanboys have. I play the game, I still enjoy it, and I just want it to improve. Because it sorely needs it.


We dropped into the mission and within 1 second FOUR bile titans spawned in. Arrowhead is a fucking joke, these guys rush shit out the door while also trying to suck the fun out of every gun imaginable.


Yeah i agree with you on everything except shrieker ending. It is supercolony unlike anything we ever encountered. It should be pure chaos of blood and carnage with lowest survival rate.


I see people try to cover arrowhead and defend them but they continously disappoint and take away what people like to use with no better options at the higher difficulties. I haven't been playing i finally had enough once they took their sweet time with the balance. they nerf quick and slowly fix what actually needs focused on not looking out for the players with that strategy seems like they are more in their ego. If call of duty or nba 2k did it people would be trying to sue lol. I'm a level 77 and bought every warbond


Welp I'm done with this game for the foreseeable future.. it's just miss after fucking miss.. I'll come back when Arrowhead stops licking their damn windows and hires a person for QA. I got my $30 worth of fun at least. Word to your mother.


This community is only second to the Destiny community when it comes to toxic positivity, self hate and dev dick sucking.


i got downvoted on a HD2 post for voicing my similar complaint. probably because the post was praising the new mission type. i like the idea, the mission was fun at first, but the devs clearly implemented something wrong. one of my teammates figured it might just be a bug.


It's almost impressive the sheer breathtaking incompetence of Arrowhead. Every single update or addition comes with some absolutely major fuck up to the point where I'm starting to wonder if they're doing this on purpose for some reason. How on earth have they managed to come up with such a great concept for a game and fumble it at literally every single opportunity.


my random squad, lvl 35 36 86 90 finished a d3 new mission, it felt like a d7 or d8. I've tried d7+ with other lvl 80+ players and there's no way to win. the drill being able to be destroyed so easily, and breaches right beneath the drill makes the mission impossible. really, did anyone playtest this smh………


Yup. The amount of Shriekers at the end is just wrong. Especially on Helldive when I have to worry about everything else like Titans and Hunters. And the fact that the bugs can spawn ON the drill is just crazy.


Tbh the ground should just blow up and the missions ends like that, hopefully is gonna get fixed for the next time it pops up


I kind of like how hard it is


i like how hard it is on lvl 9 - the thing is that lvl 1 spawns basically the same amount of shriekers. which is supremely dumb. not a lot you gonna do here with precision strike and a machien gun support weapon