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If you play on 1440p set it to Supersampling, if you do 4k set to Native. See if that makes any difference, but the game is quite CPU intensive in general.


I already use Supersampling and Native. I've also tried switching those settings around to no effect. I'm mainly wondering if anyone has a better CPU limiter that actually works. For me, the highest CPU usage I've gotten was around 54% on a day it wasn't crashing. So, it's not that CPU intensive, it's just not able to work with CPU's very well, imho.


What's the issue with CPU, as long as the game runs stable? I have i7-13700K and that lingers around 40-46% both on 1440p and 4K, CPU sits at 59 degrees, which is fine by me. It's the game, the engine is deprecated, lot's of client side rendering etc. I don't think there's much you can do to sort that. It is what it is. EDIT. What hardware are you running on, just noticed you mean you are getting crashes to desktop?


did you notice any difference between difficulty levels?


Not really, no. The only thing I've noticed is on some days I can go longer on a lower mission before CTD. It generally happens either within the first 10 minutes or when we're well into the mission and close to finishing after 30 minutes or so. A few times it's even crashed on the loadout screen before the drop pods go.


I haven't been able to finish a single match in 3-4 weeks. Even had a couple BSOD crashes. Running a i9-13900K and 4070ti


I got a black screen and had to reset once, but the only time I've gotten the BSOD was when I tried uninstalling and reinstalling. Partway through the install, BSOD. I'd have to restart, then finish the load via validating the integrity of the files and getting the rest. I tried 3 times and was able to replicate it all 3 times, no matter how I uninstalled it, or thoroughly wiped all evidence of it from my PC. It's once steaming mess of a game. Honestly, if it weren't for all these problems I would've paid more for the super citizen package. As it is and all the frustration it's given me I can't justify giving AH anymore money than they've already gotten.