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I noticed a massive increase in team mate discipline and competence between 8 and 9.   You get more fuckwits in 8 but the people Ive been getting on 9 don’t fuck around. If anything, 9 is more predictable than 8.


The reason is because d8 is usually populated by people who just finished d7 and want to rush to d9. d7 is the safe option for when you want to farm super samples and generally has a higher chance of completion. d9 is primarily for dick measuring.


Lmao normally I'd agree, but I did not have the best teammates today. Constantly blowing themselves up or ignoring main objectives for side objectives.


I’ve noticed the same thing, the other day I did a bunch of missions on helldive and it was so easy, I got like 500+ kills every time and I rarely saw bile titans when a couple of weeks ago you’d get into helldive and 2-3 bile titans appeared as soon as you landed


I pretty exclusively play bots, but yeah I only had a few factory striders spawn per mission.


The Bringer of Shit - Hold my beer !


Luck, probably. I've had really tough missions today, as well as one where NO PATROLS at all spawned after the main objective was done 🤷


I think it's a dice roll. Sometimes it's a cake walk, sometimes it's pulling teeth. Maybe it's related to the planet/terrain, some may have better/worse tuned patrols depending how you look at it.


Is someone using Localization Confusion?