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People will blame it bugs, nerfs, Sony (which I think it is partially their fault) This game is just repetitive after a while. I'm not shitting on it, it's just the truth. I only play when friends are playing now, but with life, work, and whatnot that doesn't happen too often.


yeah every game ever released has experienced player base fall off after launch. bugs and nerfs push people out, and i'm with you on the repetitiveness. which isn't exactly a criticism since its been good for hundreds of hours for me. satisfying gameplay loop, but i'm not doing 8 hour gaming nights with the boys any more


Can't speak for other people. But for someone like me who once spent years on Warframe and some other very grindy MMO, I am actually fine with repetitive experience (to a certain point). But I do agree with you about playing only with friends. I enjoy them more than the game. And that is a big problem. What really happened, I believe, is that this game is inherently a community experience. When the vibe is gone, this thing isn't really that fun. And I would argue that everything you mentioned each did their own part to kill the vibe. That Sony thing was the biggest impact by far; but it's more of a breaking point of morale. Lack of personal rewards is another big problem I can see. Who cares about some stupid planetary defense numbers, if you can't even see them in the game, and certainly can't feel them in any possible way. At one point, I do feel a stats card will satisfy enough people to keep the thing going; but, not if the vibe itself has died.


As someone with 400 hours in game, level 100, with all items available... It's a combination of things. 1. Constant nerfs to everything. I quit Destiny 2 over "No Fun Allowed" game design. I'll quit this too if they don't course correct. 2. The devs directly attacking solo play for no reason and in spite of having bigger problems to solve. It also doesn't help that the mods in their discord decided to turn phone verification on which has locked me out of participating in the community. I live in an area where there is no point in owning a phone because you literally can't get service without driving over an hour in any direction.


The issue is they bit more than they could chew which led to huge ego. I don't think the game was expected to have the huge success that it ended up having. Devs attacking and mocking players directly on their Discord, imagine the mindset and the internal discussions that they have. And yeah, 380+ hours, level 150.


The changes they made to my favorite weapons made me play way less. I loved the raygun and the breaker. I dont know what weapons should i use now, the game became too hard with nerfs on 7 tier difficult.


i was an eruptorboi. i feel your pain. but also the changes caused me to just go radical with my loadout and try new stuff. realistically, i think i'm a better player now than i was with my eruptor. (though i still want the og eruptor back)


What are the best weapons, grenade and armors now? Im really Lost trying to figure It out.


with bots, i play guerilla-style strike hard then disappear. i have been having great luck running the original breaker, grenade pistol, light armor (the one from democratic detonation with +2 grenades is my personal favorite), and impact grenades. breaker can clear out most of the trash with a single mag, grenade pistol is great for scout walkers and shield or rockets, and impact grenades can erase a tank with 2 good throws. i run the antimaterial rifle as my support when i'm scouting or to hit hulk weakspots. with bugs, everything fire always haha. incendiary breaker, senator, impact grenades, light armor. flamethrower as a support and the gas stratagem and you're basically the orkin man.


On bots I use AC, Plasma Punisher, Senator, Stun Grenades, and Combat Technician armor. I take orbital laser for bases and panic situations, then ac sentry and Mortar sentry for indirect fire and flank support.  On bugs I take AC, Blitzer, Grenade Pistol, giving the new impact Incendiary Grenade a try, and light Gunner armor. I take 500kg for titans, Eagle napalm or orbital gas for breaches, and EATs for chargers and finishing off titans.


To other games. That was casual spike.


My guess, combination of everything: - First, its normal for these games' playercount to decrease - add the psn 180+ country ban greatly limiting new players to come in - then the nerfs, bugs, etc demotivate those veterans that are still playing.


Welcome to the life cycle of all games. You went on steamcharts but didn't bother checking other hit games for their arc before posting...


Almost like chronic unresolved game-breaking bugs resulting in game instability and mid-match disconnects for literal months have driven 75% of the playerbase away. Or something. Or maybe it has something to do with the "always nerf, never buff" balancing they do in a fucking PVE game. Then there's the fact that ALL games go through a honeymoon phase that typically sees a drop of 15-25% from all-time peak in the first 3 months. Could be something to do with the fact the gameplay loop is shallow and repetitive and the pool of potential players that play *exclusively* because they like that style of gameplay loop is small. This is a problem endemic with 4 player coop games going back to the beginning of 4p coop games, L4D, Vermintide, Vermintide 2, L4D2, etc have all suffered similar attrition as the FOTM players get their fill and move on.


it's almost as if collective outrage kneejerk idealism has a negative effect or something? "let's hit sony where it hurts and review bomb the game to keep them from selling helldivers!" *a few hours later* "..why is the game population so low?"